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王斌  刘翔平  杨双  卢佳 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1266-1268
心算中语音复述和计算加工交替进行,其中任何一方面落后都会导致心算困难。使用视觉心算成绩和听觉心算成绩相减的范式,研究计算能力正常但心算水平落后的儿童的语音复述水平。结果发现,不同年级心算困难儿童呈现不同的困难模式,2、4年级心算困难儿童语音复述水平正常,但由于语音工作记忆容量的落后,导致缺少足够的注意资源进行计算加工。3年级心算困难儿童在语音工作记忆容量和语音复述上都存在落后,导致心算困难,呈现出双重困难模式。  相似文献   


The focus of this article revolves around accuracy and honesty in the mental health field. Integrity, both professional and personal, is the foundation of all mental health professionals' functioning. Honesty, fairness, and respect for others are necessary ingredients to professional behavior. Mental health professionals avoid misleading other individuals with regard to professional training and other areas of expertise. In professional roles, they clarify as early as feasible the nature of the expectations and activities in which they are engaged.  相似文献   

The past decade has witnessed a significant shift toward a more cognitive emphasis in our understanding and treatment of obsessive‐compulsive disorders (OCD). This article discusses the shortcomings in more standard behavioral treatment of OCD, which despite its demonstrated efficacy, led to the recent cognitive‐behavioral approaches to the disorder. Current cognitive behavior therapy for OCD is described and a short critical review of the comparative treatment outcome literature on cognitive behavior therapy vs exposure and response prevention is provided. The article concludes that although the clinical utility of a more cognitive approach to OCD has not been consistently demonstrated, it would be premature to abandon cognitive formulations until some key research questions have been addressed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships among variables identified in research literature as obstacles and benefits to interprofessional collaboration-- academic education, interprofessional education, teamwork and communication skills, and trust---as it relates to the participation of clergypersons in interprofessional collaborative practice. The sample consisted of ordained Christian clergypersons in Florida who voluntarily completed a survey questionnaire. Standard and stepwise multiple regression was applied to analyze the data. The model accounts for 25% of the variation of interprofessional collaborative practice. Results also revealed that the education variables explained significantly 20% of the variance of interprofessional collaborative practice.  相似文献   

This pilot study sought to gather information related to the experience of occupational therapists, using the Kawa Model of practice in a mental health setting. Two therapists utilized the model with one client, each over a six-week period. Through qualitative inquiry, the participants (therapists) revealed that, although initially apprehensive about using a new model, they found that the Kawa Model increased client/therapist interaction and energy levels and challenged them to push the boundaries of therapeutic practice. This research suggests that exploration of new models of practice may be beneficial in terms of facilitating successful partnerships and outcomes with clients in mental health settings.  相似文献   

The paper argues that dualism can explain mental causation and solve the exclusion problem. If dualism is combined with the assumption that the psychophysical laws have a special status, it follows that some physical events counterfactually depend on, and are therefore caused by, mental events. Proponents of this account of mental causation can solve the exclusion problem in either of two ways: they can deny that it follows that the physical effect of a mental event is overdetermined by its mental and physical causes, or they can accept that the physical effect is overdetermined but claim that this is unproblematic because the case is sufficiently dissimilar to prototypical cases of overdetermination.  相似文献   

基于客体的注意对客体工作记忆的复述作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
客体工作记忆对选择性注意具有自动导向作用.本研究采用自然图片为材料考察了基于客体的选择性注意对客体工作记忆积极保持信息表征的复述作用.根据实验中阻止基于注意的复述的方式不同,本研究共进行了两个实验:实验一通过不呈现记忆匹配项来阻止基于注意的复述,实验二通过突显将注意转移至非记忆匹配项来阻止基于注意的复述.实验结果表明,基于客体的选择性注意对客体工作记忆积极保持物体表征起着重要的复述作用.  相似文献   

Leibniz has long faced a challenge about the coherence of the distinction between necessary and contingent truths in his philosophy. In this paper, I propose and examine a new way to save genuine contingency within a Leibnizian framework. I conclude that it succeeds in formally solving the problem, but at unbearable cost. I present Leibniz's challenge by considering God's choice of the best possible world (Sect. 2). God necessarily exists and necessarily chooses to actualize the best possible world. The actual world therefore could not be different, for if it were different it would be a distinct and inferior world and hence would not be created. In Section 3, I defend Leibniz from this challenge. I argue that, while it is necessary for God to choose to create the best possible world, it is not necessary for any world to be the best possible. This is because the criterion for judging perfection can itself be contingent. Different criteria will judge different worlds as the best. Thus it is necessary for God to create the best, but not necessary which is the best. Distinguishing between possible worlds in Leibniz's sense and in the modern sense allows a fuller exposition of this position. There are worries that can arise with the claim that the criterion of perfection is contingent. I consider two of the most pressing (Sect. 4). The first argues that the criterion is in God's understanding and hence is necessary; the second alleges that a contingent criterion of perfection violates Leibniz's cherished Principle of Sufficient Reason. These worries are well grounded, and examining them reveals a deep incompatibility between this solution and Leibniz's metaphysical views. I conclude that there is a real solution available, but that it is unacceptable to Leibniz or a Leibnizian. The search for a genuine solution that is genuinely Leibnizian goes on.  相似文献   

葛守昆 《学海》2011,(3):120-123
通货膨胀首先是货币现象,预示着投入流通的货币量太多。但是在中西方经济学界,却将通货膨胀等同于物价上涨、通货膨胀率等同于物价上涨率。笔者以为这是一种似是而非的认识。通货膨胀与物价上涨既有联系又有区别,治理通货膨胀与控制物价上涨需要采取基本不同的手段。  相似文献   

An overt rehearsal procedure was used to monitor the rehearsal strategies that Alcoholic Korsakoff, Chronic Alcoholic, and Normal Control patients used when learning a 20-item list. It was found that Korsakoff patients spontaneously rehearse only one word at a time, that word being the one currently presented, regardless of the organizational salience of the list of words. Alcholics and Control patients, on the other hand, tended to rehearse several words in addition to the one being currently presented, and they demonstrated increasing ability to rehearse semantically related words together as the organizational salience of the list increased. This ability to rehearse in an enriched manner placed the two control groups at a distinct advantage over the Korsakoff patients at the time of recalling the list.  相似文献   

E. J. Lowe 《Erkenntnis》2006,65(1):5-23
Non-Cartesian substance dualism (NCSD) maintains that persons or selves are distinct from their organic physical bodies and any parts of those bodies. It regards persons as ‘substances’ in their own right, but does not maintain that persons are necessarily separable from their bodies, in the sense of being capable of disembodied existence. In this paper, it is urged that NCSD is better equipped than either Cartesian dualism or standard forms of physicalism to explain the possibility of mental causation. A model of mental causation adopting the NCSD perspective is proposed which, it is argued, is consistent with all that is currently known about the operations of the human central nervous system, including the brain. Physicalism, by contrast, seems ill-equipped to explain the distinctively intentional or teleological character of mental causation, because it effectively reduces all such causation to ‘blind’ physical causation at a neurological level.  相似文献   

医学影像学的飞速发展,带来了一系列伦理问题,如过度检查、放射线辐射损害、医患交流缺乏、不尊重患者知情同意权及不尊重患者隐私等一系列超越医学影像诊断和技术学范畴的伦理问题出现在医学影像工作者面前,亟待医学影像学工作者重视和研究.如何让现代医学影像伦理学与医学影像技术、诊断相融合,让医学影像工作者重视伦理学,是值得深刻思考的.根据患者的病情需要,扬长避短,完善资源配置制度,优化影像检查程序,以最短的时间,最少的费用,获得最切实的医学影像学诊疗效果.  相似文献   

采用词汇联想实验,通过两项实验探讨了翻译训练对大学生心理词汇概念联结的影响。结果表明:①翻译专业大学生的母语心理词汇与二语心理词汇概念联系特性存在显著差异,相对于母语,二语的概念联系较多受语音和字形等非语义联系的影响;②翻译训练和实践可促进大学生英语心理词汇的语义联结,减弱英语词汇语音和字形等语言形式的影响;③翻译训练和实践对大学生心理词汇的主题关联联系意识的促进效应高于对其分类学意识的促进效应。  相似文献   

The effect of mental practice on performance in a dot-location RT task was investigated. Participants (N = 40) were required either to mentally practice, physically practice, or do no practice on an RT task in which the signals appeared in a repeating sequence. Correct mental practice, as opposed to incorrect mental practice and no practice, was predicted to have a positive (enhancing) effect on performance of the RT task. Despite previous evidence that mental rehearsal does enhance performance in many perceptual-motor tasks, neither correct nor incorrect mental rehearsal affected subsequent sequence learning; that is, no mental practice effect was observed. That surprising result is discussed in terms of motivational, psychoneuromuscular, separate memory systems, and transfer-appropriate processing explanations of mental practice.  相似文献   

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