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Priming effects on the object possibility task, in which participants decide whether line drawings could or could not be possible three-dimensional objects, may be supported by the same processes and representations used in recognizing and identifying objects. Three experiments manipulating objects’ picture-plane orientation provided limited support for this hypothesis. Like old/new recognition performance, possibility priming declined as study-test orientation differences increased from 0° to 60°. However, while significant possibility priming was not observed for larger orientation differences, recognition performance continued to decline following 60°–180° orientation shifts. These results suggest that possibility priming and old/new recognition may rely on common viewpoint-specific representations but that access to these representations in the possibility test occurs only when study and test views are sufficiently similar (i.e., rotated less than 60°).  相似文献   

The purpose of the experiments reported was to examine how novel, three-dimensional shapes are represented in long-term memory and how this might be differentially affected by monocular and binocular viewing. Three experiments were conducted. The first experiment established that slide projections of the novel objects could be recognized readily if seen in the same orientation as seen during learning. The second and third experiments examined generalization to novel depth rotations of the objects. The second experiment used slide projections of the objects. The results indicated that the representation of the objects seen during training was quite viewpoint-specific as recognition of objects in novel orientations was relatively poor. In the third experiment subjects were shown the real objects under monocular or binocular viewing. Overall, the results are consistent with a growing body of recent research showing that, at least under certain conditions, the visual system stores viewpoint-specific representations of objects.  相似文献   

Previous work has found that repeated exposure to ignored rotated objects is insufficient to allow the formation of orientation-invariant representations (Murray, 1995b). In this study, the negative priming paradigm was used to examine whether the identity of ignored rotated objects was encoded. Subjects were briefly presented with a prime followed by a probe display. One of the two overlapping drawings of objects in each display was selected for further processing, and the other was ignored. In one condition, the ignored objects were upright; in another, they were rotated 240°; and in a final condition, subjects repeatedly named the 240° objects prior to experiencing them as ignored objects in the priming task. Naming latency for the attended probe was slower when it was semantically related to the ignored prime in all conditions. The results suggest that unattended rotated objects are processed to a level of representation that is at least categorical.  相似文献   

In 8 experiments college students felt 32 geometric objects and were tested in a signal-detection framework to same or distractor items. Retention intervals and intervening experiences were also manipulated following initial touching. In all instances performance was high, and there was no evidence of a decline in haptic sensitivity over the retention intervals employed. These surprising results were interpreted as consistent with the 1985 contention of Klatzky, Lederman, and Metzger that the haptic modality constitutes an expert system.  相似文献   

The negative priming effect: Inhibitory priming by ignored objects   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
A priming paradigm was employed to investigate the processing of an ignored object during selection of an attended object. Two issues were investigated: the level of internal representation achieved for the ignored object, and the subsequent fate of this representation. In Experiment 1 a prime display containing two superimposed objects was briefly presented. One second later a probe display was presented containing an object to be named. If the ignored object in the prime display was the same as the subsequent probe, naming latencies were impaired. This effect is termed negative priming. It suggests that internal representations of the ignored object may become associated with inhibition during selection. Thus, selection of a subsequent probe object requiring these inhibited representations is delayed. Experiment 2 replicated the negative priming effect with a shorter inter-stimulus interval. Experiment 3 examined the priming effects of both the ignored and the selected objects. The effect of both identity repetition and a categorical relationship between prime and probe stimuli were investigated. The data showed that for a stimulus selected from the prime display, naming of the same object in the probe display was facilitated. When the same stimulus was ignored in the prime display, however, naming of it in the probe display was again impaired (negative priming). That negative priming was also demonstrated with categorically related objects suggests that ignored objects achieve categorical levels of representation, and that the inhibition may be at this level.  相似文献   

Harman KL  Humphrey GK 《Perception》1999,28(5):601-615
When we look at an object as we move or the object moves, our visual system is presented with a sequence of different views of the object. It has been suggested that such regular temporal sequences of views of objects contain information that can aid in the process of representing and recognising objects. We examined whether seeing a series of perspective views of objects in sequence led to more efficient recognition than seeing the same views of objects but presented in a random order. Participants studied images of 20 novel three-dimensional objects rotating in depth under one of two study conditions. In one study condition, participants viewed an ordered sequence of views of objects that was assumed to mimic important aspects of how we normally encounter objects. In the other study condition, participants were presented the same object views, but in a random order. It was expected that studying a regular sequence of views would lead to more efficient recognition than studying a random presentation of object views. Although subsequent recognition accuracy was equal for the two groups, differences in reaction time between the two study groups resulted. Specifically, the random study group responded reliably faster than the sequence study group. Some possible encoding differences between the two groups are discussed.  相似文献   

Action priming by briefly presented objects   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Tucker M  Ellis R 《Acta psychologica》2004,116(2):185-203
Three experiments investigated how visual objects prime the actions they afford. The principal concern was whether such visuomotor priming depends upon a concurrent visual input--as would be expected if it is mediated by on-line dorsal system processes. Experiment 1 showed there to be essentially identical advantages for making afforded over non-afforded responses when these were made to objects still in view and following brief (30 or 50 ms) object exposures that were backward masked. Experiment 2 showed that affordance effects were also unaffected by stimulus degradation. Finally, Experiment 3 showed there to be statistically equal effects from images of objects and their names. The results suggest that an active object representation is sufficient to generate affordance compatibility effects based on associated actions, whether or not the object is concurrently visible.  相似文献   

Using a standard study-test procedure, color priming was examined through effects of color transformation, from correctly colored to incorrectly colored and vice versa, for natural objects with pre-existing color-shape associations, e.g., yellow banana. More specifically these effects were examined at study-test delays of 0, 24, and 48 hr. When deciding whether an object was correctly colored, color transformation eliminated priming. Furthermore, there was evidence that for objects that were not transformed, priming was stronger for correctly as compared with incorrectly colored objects. In addition, the introduction of 24- and 48-hr. delays between the study and the test phase of the task reduced the effects of color transformation on priming. These findings are discussed in terms of the representations that mediate implicit memory performance.  相似文献   

When visual stimuli (letters, words or pictures of objects) are presented sequentially at high rates (8–12 items/s), observers have difficulty in detecting and reporting both occurrences of a repeated item: This is repetition blindness. Two experiments investigated the effects of repetition of novel objects, and whether the representations bound to episodic memory tokens that yield repetition blindness are viewpoint dependent or whether they are object centred. Subjects were shown coloured drawings of simple three‐dimensional novel objects, and rate of presentation (Experiment 1) and rotation in depth (Experiment 2) were manipulated. Repetition blindness occurred only at the higher rate (105 ms/item), and was found even for stimuli differing in orientation. We conclude that object‐centred representations are bound to episodic memory tokens, and that these are constructed prior to object recognition operating on novel as well as known objects. These results are contrasted with those found with written materials, and implications for explanations of repetition blindness are considered.  相似文献   

Z Kourtzi  M Shiffrar 《Acta psychologica》1999,102(2-3):265-292
Depth rotations can reveal new object parts and result in poor recognition of "static" objects (Biederman & Gerhardstein, 1993). Recent studies have suggested that multiple object views can be associated through temporal contiguity and similarity (Edelman & Weinshall, 1991; Lawson, Humphreys & Watson, 1994; Wallis, 1996). Motion may also play an important role in object recognition since observers recognize novel views of objects rotating in the picture plane more readily than novel views of statically re-oriented objects (Kourtzi & Shiffrar, 1997). The series of experiments presented here investigated how different views of a depth-rotated object might be linked together even when these views do not share the same parts. The results suggest that depth rotated object views can be linked more readily with motion than with temporal sequence alone to yield priming of novel views of 3D objects that fall in between "known" views. Motion can also enhance path specific view linkage when visible object parts differ across views. Such results suggest that object representations depend on motion processes.  相似文献   

Two 151.8-cm-diam semicircular parabolic mirrors of optical quality are the essential components of an apparatus that creates highly realistic three-dimensional images of objects. The apparatus is being used to explore the relationship between vision and touch in infancy by creating a discrepancy between what is seen (a tangible-looking object) and what is felt. Previous attempts to study intersensory coordination in this manner have failed due to lack of realistic images. Other uses for the apparatus include the creation of illusory surfaces to study the development of expectations about the tangible surface properties of visible objects.  相似文献   

Infants' ability to represent objects has received significant attention from the developmental research community. With the advent of eye-tracking technology, detailed analysis of infants' looking patterns during object occlusion have revealed much about the nature of infants' representations. The current study continues this research by analyzing infants' looking patterns in a novel manner and by comparing infants' looking at a simple display in which a single three-dimensional (3D) object moves along a continuous trajectory to a more complex display in which two 3D objects undergo trajectories that are interrupted behind an occluder. Six-month-old infants saw an occlusion sequence in which a ball moved along a linear path, disappeared behind a rectangular screen, and then a ball (ball-ball event) or a box (ball-box event) emerged at the other edge. An eye-tracking system recorded infants' eye-movements during the event sequence. Results from examination of infants' attention to the occluder indicate that during the occlusion interval infants looked longer to the side of the occluder behind which the moving occluded object was located, shifting gaze from one side of the occluder to the other as the object(s) moved behind the screen. Furthermore, when events included two objects, infants attended to the spatiotemporal coordinates of the objects longer than when a single object was involved. These results provide clear evidence that infants' visual tracking is different in response to a one-object display than to a two-object display. Furthermore, this finding suggests that infants may require more focused attention to the hidden position of objects in more complex multiple-object displays and provides additional evidence that infants represent the spatial location of moving occluded objects.  相似文献   

It has been theorized that differential cognitive resources may be involved in the processing of information pertaining to natural and man-made categories, commonly referred to as category specificity. The present study used four experiments to assess whether a natural priming advantage exists and, if so, whether color, texture, color diagnosticity, object complexity, and familiarity could account for the categorical difference. To do so, a repetition priming paradigm was used in which masked primes were briefly presented, and targets were categorized as natural or man-made. Across four experiments, a greater degree of priming was observed for natural as opposed to man-made stimuli. Examination of stimulus characteristics that could account for the differences revealed that the natural priming advantage was in part driven by color diagnosticity and familiarity. Results of this study support the notion that different cognitive resources represent and/or are involved in the processing of natural and man-made categories.  相似文献   

Priming effects were tested on the planning of the grasping of common objects under full vision during action performance. Healthy participants took part in four experiments which manipulated the nature of the prime (objects, circular block, rectangular bar) and priming context (blocked vs. mixed). Each experiment relied on four priming conditions: (1) congruent orientation, (2) incongruent orientation, (3) neutral prime, and (4) no prime. Priming was observed to have a facilitating effect on visually guided grasping when the object to be grasped was primed by a congruently oriented identical object. This effect was rather independent of the priming context (experimental set-up). Our data suggest an object's functional identity may contribute to the priming effect, as well as its intrinsic (e.g., shape, size) and extrinsic (orientation) visual characteristics. We showed that the planning of visually guided grasping is influenced by prior visual experience, and thus that grasping is not based exclusively on real-time processing of visual information.  相似文献   

This study tested the influence of orientation priming on grasping decisions. Two groups of 20 healthy participants had to select a preferred grasping orientation (horizontal, vertical) based on drawings of everyday objects, geometric blocks or object names. Three priming conditions were used: congruent, incongruent and neutral. The facilitating effects of priming were observed in the grasping decision task for drawings of objects and blocks but not object names. The visual information about congruent orientation in the prime quickened participants’ responses but had no effect on response accuracy. The results are discussed in the context of the hypothesis that an object automatically potentiates grasping associated with it, and that the on-line visual information is necessary for grasping potentiation to occur. The possibility that the most frequent orientation of familiar objects might be included in object-action representation is also discussed.  相似文献   

The current experiment investigated real three-dimensional (3D) objects with regard to performance on a mental rotation task and whether the appearance of sex differences may be mediated by experiences with spatially related activities. 40 men and 40 women were presented with alternating timed trials consisting of real-3D objects or two-dimensional illustrations of 3D objects. Sex differences in spatially related activities did not significantly influence the finding that men outperformed women on mental rotation of either stimulus type. However, on measures related to spatial activities, self-reported proficiency using maps correlated positively with performance only on trials with illustrations whereas self-reported proficiency using GPS correlated negatively with performance regardless of stimulus dimensionality. Findings may be interpreted as suggesting that rotating real-3D objects utilizes distinct but overlapping spatial skills compared to rotating two-dimensional representations of 3D objects, and real-3D objects can enhance mental rotation performance.  相似文献   

In four experiments, we examined the haptic recognition of 3-D objects. In Experiment 1, blindfolded participants named everyday objects presented haptically in two blocks. There was significant priming of naming, but no cost of an object changing orientation between blocks. However, typical orientations of objects were recognized more quickly than nonstandard orientations. In Experiment 2, participants accurately performed an unannounced test of memory for orientation. The lack of orientation-specific priming in Experiment 1, therefore, was not because participants could not remember the orientation at which they had first felt an object. In Experiment 3, we examined haptic naming of objects that were primed either haptically or visually. Haptic priming was greater than visual priming, although significant cross-modal priming was also observed. In Experiment 4, we tested recognition memory for familiar and unfamiliar objects using an old-new recognition task. Objects were recognized best when they were presented in the same orientation in both blocks, suggesting that haptic object recognition is orientation sensitive. Photographs of the unfamiliar objects may be downloaded from www.psychonomic.org/archive.  相似文献   

The question of how vision and audition interact in natural object identification is currently a matter of debate. We developed a large set of auditory and visual stimuli representing natural objects in order to facilitate research in the field of multisensory processing. Normative data was obtained for 270 brief environmental sounds and 320 visual object stimuli. Each stimulus was named, categorized, and rated with regard to familiarity and emotional valence by N=56 participants (Study 1). This multimodal stimulus set was employed in two subsequent crossmodal priming experiments that used semantically congruent and incongruent stimulus pairs in a S1-S2 paradigm. Task-relevant targets were either auditory (Study 2) or visual stimuli (Study 3). The behavioral data of both experiments expressed a crossmodal priming effect with shorter reaction times for congruent as compared to incongruent stimulus pairs. The observed facilitation effect suggests that object identification in one modality is influenced by input from another modality. This result implicates that congruent visual and auditory stimulus pairs were perceived as the same object and demonstrates a first validation of the multimodal stimulus set.  相似文献   

Researchers interested in face processing have recently debated whether access to the name of a known person occurs in parallel with retrieval of semantic‐biographical codes, rather than in a sequential fashion. Recently, Schweinberger, Burton, and Kelly (2001) took a failure to obtain a semantic context effect in a manual syllable judgment task on names of famous faces as support for this position. In two experiments, we compared the effects of visually presented categorically related prime words with either objects (e.g. prime: animal; target: dog) or faces of celebrities (e.g. prime: actor; target: Bruce Willis) as targets. Targets were either manually categorized with regard to the number of syllables (as in Schweinberger et al.), or they were overtly named. For neither objects nor faces was semantic priming obtained in syllable decisions; crucially, however, priming was obtained when objects and faces were overtly named. These results suggest that both face and object naming are susceptible to semantic context effects.  相似文献   

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