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This article reports an experiment to investigate the idea that time-of-day differences in memory for text are related to type of text processing that is carried out at different times of day. In particular, it was hypothesized that subjects tested in the morning tend to retain more of the exact wording of the text, whereas those tested in the afternoon are more likely to produce a meaning-based representation. The results of a recognition test showed that, in agreement with other studies, immediate text memory is better in the morning than in the afternoon. As predicted, the subjects tested in the morning better remembered the exact wording of the original passages. However, the idea that memory for meaning is better in the afternoon than the morning was not supported by the data. The results suggest that subjects at both times of day produce a meaning-based representation of the text but, in the morning, this representation is supported by good verbatim memory, enabling accurate recall of the text at that time.  相似文献   

The time of day at which material is presented has a differential effect on immediate and delayed retention. It has been suggested that this may be mediated by a shift in the type or level of processing that subjects spontaneously engage in. Three experiments are described that were designed to test this suggestion. Experiment 1 found the acoustic similarity effect on short-term memory to be greater at 1000 h than at 1900 h. Experiment 2 showed the semantic similarity effect on long-term memory to be greater at 1930 h than at 1030 h. Experiment 3 demonstrated that interposing a short-term memory task between the presentation of a list of words and its subsequent recall had a greater detrimental effect on list learning at 1030 h than at 1930 h. It is suggested that, if free to do so, subjects may spontaneously place more reliance on maintenance processing in the morning, but more on elaborative processing in the evening.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to review abstract and episodic models of text repetition effects, describe the research supporting these types of models, and propose a new model called thecontextdependent representation model, which can explain both abstract-like and episodic-like repetition effects. The basic assumptions of the model are that the surface form and textbase are represented in a context-independent manner, and a coherent situation model binds together the surface features and the textbase and leads to context-dependent representation. When the situation model is well developed, it limits repetition benefits to semantically or contextually similar texts. This produces contextdependent repetition effects, which are functionally similar to episodic repetition effects. When the situation model is not well developed or not task relevant, repetition benefits are not limited to contextually similar texts. This produces context-independent repetition effects, which are functionally similar to abstract repetition effects. The context-dependent representation model provides a theoretical basis for explaining past research, and it can serve as a guide for future research aimed at understanding text repetition effects as well as text comprehension and memory.  相似文献   

《Acta psychologica》1985,59(3):271-283
In this study we have attempted to demonstrate the validity of certain hypotheses based on the assumption that in some cases we represent time by means of a linear vector. A verification task in which the subject had to judge the correctness of sentences such as ‘he arrived yesterday’, ‘they will speak tomorrow’ was used to test predictions from a model in which there were the following stages of processing: (a) tense representation, i.e., past, present, and future; (b) adverb representation, i.e., the localization of particular moments; (c) verification of tense-adverb coincidence; (d) response selection and output. The results support the hypothesis that the past has a longer and more detailed representation than the present and the future. Second, the unit of measurement of time appears not to be constant, but to increase as a function of the distance from the present of the moment to be localized. Third, the present and the future tenses seem to have some typical moments: today and tomorrow are most easily localized when paired with present and future tenses, respectively. The model does not entirely accommodate the data, however, and incongruences are discussed.  相似文献   

Consistent effects of time of day have been observed in digit span/sequence performance, and in the immediate memory for information presented in prose. However, studies using syntactically unstructured word lists have yielded inconsistent results. Three experiments were conducted that examined the free recall of 15 word lists. In all three, immediate recall from the pre-recency positions was found to be superior in the morning to the afternoon. This superiority disappeared after a 20-min delay (Experiment 1) and under articulatory suppression (Experiment III), but was unaffected by a manipulation that equated recall order (Experiment II). Immediate recall from the recency positions showed a W-shaped trend over the day (Experiment I) that might account for the inconsistencies previously reported. It is suggested that the changes in recall from the pre-recency positions may reflect a decrease in maintenance, and increase in elaboration, over the day. Such a change in processing strategy could itself reflect an increase in attentional selectivity associated with the changes in basal arousal level commonly held to occur over the day.  相似文献   

Informal reasoning fallacies are arguments that, though they may seem persuasive, are not valid. The psychological aspect of informal reasoning fallacies, specifically the identification of factors that influence students' ability to identify fallacies, has not been the subject of empirical study. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that subjects' ability to identify fallacious arguments is associated with the representation of the argumentative text in the cognitive system. In the first experiment, we tested the hypothesis through a recall task. In the second experiment, we tested the hypothesis through a classification task. The results of the experiments confirm the research hypothesis and point to the role of argumentative structures in argumentation tasks.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we explored how novice and expert athletes represent the everyday and sportspecific objects and actions that they read about. Novice and expert ice hockey players (Experiment 1) and football players (Experiment 2) read sentences describing everyday or sport-specific situations and then judged whether a pictured item (either matching the action implied in the previous sentence or not) was mentioned in the preceding sentence. The sentences in Experiment 1 consisted of everyday and hockey-specific scenarios. The sentences in Experiment 2 depicted football scenarios implying football-specific or non—football-specific actions anyone might perform. Everyone responded most quickly to items that matched the sentence-implied actions for everyday and non—sport-specific actions. Only athletes showed this effect for their respective sport-specific scenarios. Differentiating between the same item in different action orientations is thought to be driven by embodied knowledge containing the sensorimotor characteristics of what one is reading about. We show that possessing this type of representation depends on experience interacting with objects and performing the actions in question.  相似文献   

Participants searched for target letters in a short passage held in memory. In Experiment 1, participants were divided into two groups on the basis of a retrospective report concerning the type of representation used to store the passage in memory, and in Experiment 2, participants were instructed concerning the form of memory representation to use. Only participants using a visual representation missed more targets in the wordthe than in other words. Participants instructed to form a visual representation also made fewer content-word or phrase substitutions when learning the passage than did participants instructed to form an auditory representation. These findings show that choice of memory representation is flexible and that the representation used influences what can be retrieved from memory.  相似文献   

The neuropsychological test scores of 2030 cognitively normal older adults were examined to evaluate performance patterns as they related to time of day (TOD) at which testing was initiated. Multiple regression analyses were used to examine the association of TOD with scores on seven neuropsychological tests used in the clinical evaluation of dementia. Episodic memory performance was significantly related to TOD, while memory span and verbal fluency were not. Best performance occurred during early morning hours and late afternoon; worst performance occurred mid-day (i.e., noon). These findings may have implications for clinical assessment, the design of research on dementia, and the daily functioning of older adults.  相似文献   

We investigated whether circadian arousal affects perceptual priming as a function of whether stimuli were attended or ignored during learning. We tested 160 participants on- and off-peak with regards to their circadian arousal. In the study phase, they were presented with two superimposed pictures in different colours. They had to name the pictures of one colour while ignoring the others. In the test phase, they were presented with the same and randomly intermixed new pictures. Each picture was presented in black colour in a fragment completion task. Priming was measured as the difference in fragmentation level at which the pictures from the study phase were named compared to the new pictures. Priming was stronger for attended than ignored pictures. Time of day affected priming only for ignored pictures, with stronger priming effects off-peak than on-peak. Thus, circadian arousal seems to favour the encoding of unattended materials specifically at off-peak.  相似文献   

The theory that certain skills improve with a night of sleep has received considerable interest in recent years. However, because sleep typically occurs at the same time of day in humans, it is difficult to separate the effects of sleep from those of time of day. By using a version of the Serial Response Time Task, we assessed the role of sleep in implicit sequence learning while controlling for possible time-of-day effects. We replicated the apparent benefit of sleep on human participants. However, our data show that sleep does not affect implicit sequence learning; rather, time of day affects the ability of participants to express what they have learned.  相似文献   

In a study examining the effects of time of day on problem solving, participants solved insight and analytic problems at their optimal or non-optimal time of day. Given the presumed differences in the cognitive processes involved in solving these two types of problems, it was expected that the reduced inhibitory control associated with non-optimal times of the day would differentially impact performance on the two types of problems. In accordance with this expectation, results showed consistently greater insight problem solving performance during non-optimal times of day compared to optimal times of day but no consistent time of day effects on analytic problem solving. The findings indicate that tasks involving creativity might benefit from a non-optimal time of day.  相似文献   

Using data from the time diaries of 164 Hellene 3rd and 4th graders interviewed in their homes in March 2007, individual differences in time-use patterns were investigated. The participants rested for 9 hours 10 minutes, and spent 57.0%, 21.7%, and 5.0% of their waking time on school-related activities (attending school, learning languages, doing homework), leisure activities (such as playing and watching TV), and other activities, respectively. Pupils from rural areas rested longer; more boys engaged in play and sports; more girls and more pupils from higher SES families engaged in dance. Overall, the time spent on school-related activities is higher than the times spent on other activities. Regarding leisure, girls spent the most time watching TV, while boys spent the most time watching TV and playing. In line with previous literature, the time schedule of Hellene pupils is directed towards knowledge acquisition, rather than cognitive or socio-emotional development.  相似文献   

A brief review of the literature, and three experiments, are presented which investigated time of day effects in human performance at simple repetitive tasks (i.e. tasks involving little or no ‘working memory’ load) The goal was to differentiate between a ‘capacity’ based explanation of the effects, concerned with changes in the general rate of information processing, and a ‘strategy’ based one concerned with the amount of information processed at each decision point. The strategy based explanation appeared to be the more suitable, accounting for the surprising heterogeneity in time of day function that was found for such tasks in the literature, and for the results of the three experiments. It would appear that there might be a general tendency for people to become faster but less accurate as the day wears on.  相似文献   

Agnes Bolinska 《Synthese》2013,190(2):219-234
In this paper, I take scientific models to be epistemic representations of their target systems. I define an epistemic representation to be a tool for gaining information about its target system and argue that a vehicle’s capacity to provide specific information about its target system—its informativeness—is an essential feature of this kind of representation. I draw an analogy to our ordinary notion of interpretation to show that a user’s aim of faithfully representing the target system is necessary for securing this feature.  相似文献   

The present study examined how global text cohesion affects persuasion and memory for message arguments presented in expository text. Sixty-nine participants who held a neutral prior attitude towards NATO read a persuasive text about NATO that was either high or low in global cohesion. After reading, participants voted whether Finland should seek NATO membership and filled in an attitude questionnaire. After a 1-week delay they returned for a surprise recall task. The results showed that the high cohesion text was more persuasive than the low cohesion text. Moreover, attitude after reading but not text cohesion predicted later recall of the message arguments. The results show that global text cohesion increases text's persuasive power and that readers who form a positive attitude have better memory of the persuasive arguments after a delay than readers who are less persuaded.  相似文献   

In golden hamsters, the expression of a conditioned place preference (CPP) or avoidance (CPA) is regulated in a circadian pattern such that the preference and avoidance are exhibited strongly at the circadian time of prior training, but not at other circadian times. In the rat, reports are conflicting regarding whether time of day learning is evident. We investigated whether this conflict arises because different strains of rat have been used. In this experiment, Long Evans and Wistar rats were trained at a specific circadian time to discriminate between a context paired with food reward and an unpaired context. Animals were then tested for preference at the same or a different circadian time. Long Evans rats showed preference for the paired context at both times tested, whereas Wistar rats showed preference only when training and testing times matched. The results show that time of day learning can be generalized to rats using the Wistar strain.  相似文献   

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