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孟喜为西汉象数易的创建人,其易学后人称之为“卦气”。卦气乃结合“学”与“术”成一结构庞大的思想体系。就学而言,乃承受先秦伏、文、孔三圣的易学精神;就术而言,乃用于当时流行的占断灾异、吉凶及祸福。然而后世易学界受儒学重经思想的影响,多轻视象数,以“术家”视孟喜。作者兹特提出孟氏卦气中对于六十四卦卦序之排列。并详作象敷之解析,以见孟氏易学实具有学术思想之价值。  相似文献   

本文通过对上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书《周易·字》卦卦名与爻辞中之“字”字的考释,证明传世本(周易·需)卦卦名与爻辞中之“需”字的原始意义,同《易传·序卦》所言“物稚不可不养也,故受之以需”较为接近,其要义为怀柔养善;马王堆汉墓帛书《六十四卦》之《襦》卦的“襦”字与马王堆汉墓帛书佚文《易之义》的《襦》卦之“嬬”字,均为“需”的通假字,而“需”字的形与义不是卦画之象所为。  相似文献   

我在《“杂卦”不杂说》一文中曾说,《三坟易》卦序“属早期八组连体”卦序,因内容所限,没有详细论述。在这篇文章中,我想专门谈谈这一问题。《易》卦序包括三《易》的八卦次序和六十四卦的组合排列次序。它关系到《易》的象义和哲学思想。前者如《系辞下》说:“八卦成列,象在其中”。有了八卦之列,才有八卦之象,有了象才有义;后者如《序卦》阐述宇宙发生发展的思想和《杂卦》的对立之义都以六十四卦的排列次序为依据。而排列组合本身在数学上又有重要意义。卦序是一个十分重要的问题,但历来不被重视,本文的目的就是通过《三坟》卦序的探索,抛砖引玉,引起《易》学界的重视和讨论。  相似文献   

今本《周易》六十四卦卦序的基本骨架   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
文章以前人的研究成果为基础,结合《周易》经传与古易,从象数的角度,对今本《周易》六十四卦卦序所体现的主卦统属卦思想,作了一更为完备的阐述。  相似文献   

海昏侯墓竹书《易占》与已知诸种易占文献不同,其将一岁分为十二月与四维,然后将之分配六十四卦以论其吉凶.将一岁分为十六时位与太一式中的十六神相类.诸卦时月吉凶中多配有动物,此与三十六禽相似,也与式占有密切关系.《易占》六十四卦按传本《周易》卦序排列,每卦皆有两种方位.第一种方位总体上是与其吉时所应之方位相当,但也多有特例...  相似文献   

八卦还是七卦、九卦——关于坎、兑二卦的几点初步思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
八卦中,坎为水、兑为泽、也为水。八卦含有两个水,值得深思。兑一卦而兼取两个不同类型之基本象,如从坎兑皆取水象看,则八卦实只有七卦;如兑卦兼取水、卑下二象,则八卦又可以说是九卦。同为水,坎兑又分属阴阳。坎水在六十四卦中为一般之水、抽象之水,兑水却常为具体之水。坎水为川水,具有流动义,能够与天地万物沟通;泽水却不能流动,所以导致壅塞和失败。中华民族是一个治水的民族,各类水给先祖留下了深刻的印象,反映到八卦中,形成了坎、兑二水卦、八卦的方位以及关于卦爻辞的各种说明。  相似文献   

先民信奉的术数有天启与人为之別。天启是消极被动地等待"天垂象,示吉凶",人为则是以卜筮"决嫌疑,定犹豫"。龟卜繁难,筮占简易。殷人尚卜与周人用筮,实为不同民族的稽疑习惯。周人受封于商,殷周始有文化往来,而周人迁岐之后,殷人之龟卜乃行于周邦,但周人仍以筮占为主。周朝开国立基,依其传统的稽疑之法编纂筮书,称之为《易》,其命名之朔,正是着眼于龟卜的繁难与筮占的简易。而《周易》卦爻辞乃旧有之象占、星占及筮占甚至龟卜之辞的鸠合与改编,具有相当程度的加工与润色。六十四卦卦画符号的原初功能就是"纪数"与"检索"。内"贞"外"悔"的爻辞顺序,也是针对六十四卦卦画绝大多数皆可"表里视之,遂成两卦"所作的规定。因此,《易》之所以名"易",一是相对龟卜而言,筮占简单容易;二是筮书编成之后,卦画符号具有方便的检索功能。而各种不同的筮法,皆可视为筮书的不同检索方式。  相似文献   

卦序问题是《周易》象数学的主要问题之一。孔颖达明确提出《周易》经文六十四卦次序以“二二相耦,非覆即变”为基本原则。这一原则直接推动了《周易》上下经卦数不均问题和“观象系辞”问题的研究。上下经互变之卦的数量不均,是导致上下经总卦数不等的直接原因,而之所以如此安排又有其特殊之用意。诸卦“非覆即变”之象是作《易》者名卦和系辞的重要原则,因而较之于马王堆帛书《周易》卦序,传世本《周易》卦序应当是更为原始的卦序。《周易》经文卦序从整体架构到具体组合排布都有一定规则在其中。  相似文献   

《序卦》卦序中的“参伍”“错综”思想   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
今本《周易》六十四卦卦序即《序卦》卦序,是根据一定象数原则有规律地排列出来的,而这种象数原则又体现了当时人的宇宙观及《易》的基本精神。三才、五行及错综变化思想是古人宇宙观的基本内容之一,也是易学的基本内容之一,而在《序卦》卦序建构所运用的诸多象数原则中,就有"参伍"错综"原则。  相似文献   

周文王以其忧患意识于狱中演《易》,重叠八卦成六十四卦,排定次序,给予每卦一个卦名并赋予其意义。文王通过《易经》六十四卦与爻辞所要表现的是如何保护百姓、推翻暴政这一首要问题,其次是在建国政策上重视教育、宗教信仰、司法、礼制,再就是选拔人才制度化。六十四卦与爻辞在人的心理建设方面体现了反复的变化、无心的感应、悦乐的精神、知止而返以及诚谦二德的转化,在方法运用方面体现了解困之道、渐字诀、慎字诀、无字诀等方法。将文王与《易经》连结在一起,是为还原文王与《易经》之本来面目,希冀后继者受文王、孔子精神的感召,为世界和平之理想而向前迈进。  相似文献   

We investigated the role of inhibitory control in young children’s human figure drawing. We used the Bear–Dragon task as a measure of inhibitory control and used the classification system devised by Cox and Parkin to measure the development of human figure drawing. We tested 50 children aged between 40 and 64 months. Regression analysis showed that inhibitory control predicted development in human figure drawing even after the effect of age was excluded. These data suggest that inhibitory control plays a role in the development of children’s drawing and imply a relation between the executive functions and representational change.  相似文献   

Representing the spatial appearance of objects and scenes in drawings is a difficult task for young children in particular. In the present study, the relationship between spatial drawing and cognitive flexibility was investigated. Seven- to 11-year-olds (N = 60) were asked to copy a three-dimensional model in a drawing. The use of depth cues as an indicator of spatial drawing was examined. Furthermore, cognitive flexibility was assessed by three measures: the Wisconsin Card-Sorting Test 64 (reactive flexibility), the Five-Point Test (spontaneous flexibility), and omission/inclusion (representational flexibility). The results revealed significant relationships between all measures of flexibility and the depth cues in children's drawings. However, only spontaneous and representational flexibility turned out to be significant predictors of the spatial drawing score. The results are discussed in light of the specific requirements of spatial representations in drawings.  相似文献   

The young child's representation of depth in drawing: process and product   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two experiments are reported from a series of studies in which plain blocks of various sizes were presented in various spatial orientations to children aged between 3 and 8 years in an attempt to establish how they represent three-dimensional spatial relations pictorially. The major results were that young children represent depth in the array vertically in the picture plane. Two important findings were that even from an early age drawings contain "view-centered" information and that children differentiate between the relative positions of objects in the array by the temporal order of their drawing. These results show the importance of studying the drawing process as well as its product.  相似文献   

Plain phenomenology explains theoretically salient mental or psychological distinctions with an appeal to their first-person applications. But it does not assume (as does heterophenomenology) that warrant for such first-person judgment is derived from an explanatory theory constructed from the third-person perspective. Discussions in historical phenomenology can be treated as plain phenomenology. This is illustrated by a critical consideration of Brentano’s account of consciousness, drawing on some ideas in early Husserl. Dennett’s advocacy of heterophenomenology on the grounds of its supposed “neutrality” does not show it is preferable to plain phenomenology. In fact the latter is more neutral in ways we ought to want, and permits a desirable (and desirably critical) use of first-person reflection that finds no place in the former.  相似文献   

This study provides empirical evidence that the objectification of women by other women can be attenuated by drawing attention to their competence. Primarily European American female undergraduate participants (N?=?154) from the Midwestern part of the United States rated photographs of college-aged female models dressed provocatively a) standing against a plain background (control condition), b) showing athletic competence (standing near a swimming pool holding a trophy), and c) showing academic competence (solving a math problem on a whiteboard). Results showed that compared to the control condition, the models showing competence were rated lower on objectification variables and higher on capability variables regardless of their provocative manner of dress.  相似文献   

黄老之学天道环周与《黄帝内经》营卫运行理论的建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对黄老之学中“天道环周”思想的内涵及其萌芽、发展和成熟的表述,以及《黄帝内经》中有关营卫运行的概括,分析两者在思维方式和理论构建等方面的相似性,“天道环周”对《黄帝内经》中营卫运行理论的形成具有重要影响。  相似文献   

The author, President of the Association for Specialists in Group Work, a counselor trainer, and a consultant on group counseling, reports the questions he is most often asked and frames his responses in plain language so they may be immediately understood and useful. Although mindful of beginning group counselors, the author speaks clearly in this article to practicing group counselors, drawing on his own extensive experience.  相似文献   

论《黄帝内经》的医学哲学思想   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
被历代医学家奉为"医家之宗"的<黄帝内经>,同时也是当之无愧的"医学哲学之宗":其对医学普遍问题的研究、对医学整体思维观念的创立、对临床思维一般方法的阐述和对医学人文品格的揭示,都是中国医学思想史和医学哲学思想史上的开山之作.  相似文献   

This study compares younger and older librarians with regard to how they experience age-related stigma. The purpose was to show how youth, although a culturally valued attribute, can be experienced as stigmatizing (i.e., as a form of positive deviance known as rate-busting). We conducted semi-structured interviews with 26 librarians who ranged in age from 27 to 64. Although both younger and older librarians reported feeling stigmatized because of their age, only younger librarians reported instances of other people drawing unwanted attention to their age. Because librarians are an older demographic, the attention young librarians receive as rate-busters may be due to disconfirming expectations.  相似文献   

Research on the contact hypothesis has highlighted the role of contact in improving intergroup relations. Most of this research has addressed the problem of transforming the prejudices of historically advantaged communities, thereby eroding wider patterns of discrimination and inequality. In the present research, drawing on evidence from a cross‐sectional survey conducted in New Delhi, we explored an alternative process through which contact may promote social change, namely by fostering political solidarity and empowerment amongst the disadvantaged. The results indicated that Muslim students' experiences of contact with other disadvantaged communities were associated with their willingness to participate in joint collective action to reduce shared inequalities. This relationship was mediated by perceptions of collective efficacy and shared historical grievances and moderated by positive experiences of contact with the Hindu majority. Implications for recent debates about the relationship between contact and social change are discussed. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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