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Salivary samples from three placement sites and under stimulated and unstimulated flow-rate conditions were collected from 36 participants (18 smokers, 18 nonsmokers) on each of 3 days. These samples were used to determine the best collection methodology for discriminating smokers from nonsmokers, the reliability of salivary thiocyanate (SCN) over days, and the stability of SCN given varying storage treatments. Results showed that SCN levels were significantly higher in smokers than in nonsmokers, in parotid site collections than either sublingual or mixed collections, and in unstimulated collections. Stimulated, mixed samples were reliable across days and were the best discriminator of smokers and nonsmokers. SCN levels did not differ under varying storage treatments. It is recommended that a standard methodology for collecting stimulated, mixed saliva be used when measuring SCN levels.  相似文献   

Individuals have been theorized to develop anaclitic and introjective depression to the extent that they may be characterized as dependent and self-critical, respectively (e.g., Blatt, 1990). Blatt's theory was applied to suicidal behavior to determine if suicidal behavior could also be reliably broken down into two distinctive types, with respect to a number of parameters. Sixty-four undergraduate students who had attempted suicide were interviewed, and the lethality of their attempts was assessed with the Risk-Rescue Rating scale (Weisman & Worden, 1972). Participants were also administered an Intent and Precipitating Events scale, a modified version of the BDI-II, and the Depressive Experiences Questionnaire (DEQ). Self-critical individuals showed greater intent to die and greater lethality in their suicide attempts than did dependents. Self-critics were also more likely to attempt in response to an intrapsychic stressor, with the explicit motivation to escape. In contrast, dependents were more likely to attempt in response to an interpersonal stressor, with the motivation to communicate some form of unhappiness. Implications for suicide prediction and treatment are discussed, with special reference to the importance of identifying different suicidal subtypes.  相似文献   

Phenotypic eye color has been suggested as an indicator of genetic predisposition toward certain behaviors both in humans and in animals. Previous research has yielded mixed results. Phototaxic and ethological behaviors were examined in 14 different strains of Drosophila melanogaster. No significant correlation between phenotypic eye coloration and behavior was found, although significant genotypical behavioral differences were noted even among subjects with similar eye colors. An analysis of cellular defects associated with eye color in D. melanogaster pointed to significant behavioral differences among cell-defect groups, indicating that the cell defect which causes eye color, rather than eye color itself, may serve as a crude indicator of behavior.  相似文献   

Eyeblink activity was examined as a psychophysiological index of cognitive processing during a typical semantic priming task. To examine the expectancy-induced effects, the proportion of semantically related pairs was controlled. 8 undergraduates engaged in a lexical decision task for target words. Each condition differed in target type (Semantically Related with prime vs Unrelated vs Nonword) and proporion of Semantically Related pairs (High vs Low). As a result, the temporal distribution of blinks was clearly influenced by the semantic priming effect. The peak of blink bursts, which is correlated with the end of cognitive processing, occurred the fastest in the semantically Related and High proportion condition. While blink latency showed larger individual differences, the temporal distribution of blinks was suggested as a more efficient index of cognitive processing.  相似文献   

自杀导致人类死亡的人数与日俱增,然而自杀的心理机制却并不清楚。最近研究发现,厌恶情绪是导致自杀的主要情绪因素,个体因为自身厌恶而走向自杀。厌恶情绪是一种对自己和他人排泄物等反感的基本情绪,促进个体远离毒性和疾病,从而产生“免疫行为”。许多心理问题来自于对周围人或事物的厌恶,有自杀行为的个体对自身极其厌恶,说明他们的厌恶情绪出现了问题。如同躯体免疫攻击自身一样,自身厌恶是自杀意念的关键因素,早年创伤是其根源,生活压力和精神疾病也参与厌恶诱发自杀意念。厌恶诱发自杀意念的神经基础与HPA轴和五羟色胺系统有关。未来研究可利用神经影像和电生理等神经科学技术,检验自杀行为的神经机制,探讨厌恶情绪影响自杀行为的心理和神经机制。  相似文献   

Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia, including depression, might complicate the course of the disorder additionally. Dementia is more frequent in older people and suicide rates are higher in later life than in any other age group. To explore the phenomenology of suicidal behavior in patients with dementia, we searched electronic databases and key journals for original research and review articles on suicide in demented patients using the search terms “suicide, suicidal behavior, dementia, Alzheimer disease, and old age”. Although cognitive impairment could result in a diminishing ability to think flexibly and to solve problems or to cope with conflict, in the early stage of dementia such impairments are absent or mild, and suicidal behavior might be expected, especially following diagnosis. In addition, personality changes based on declining cognitive capacity and the neurochemical imbalances described in late-life depression and in dementia may predispose patients to aggressive or impulsive acts, such as suicide attempt. The literature on suicidal behavior and dementia highlights the need for further research in this area.  相似文献   

This is a prospective longitudinal study examining recollections of suicidal content and correlates of accurate and inaccurate recollection. A primarily at-risk group of young adults (N = 78) who were initially assessed for suicidal ideation and behavior in adolescence, were asked to recall whether they had reported sui- cidal ideation or behavior about six years earlier. In recalling the previous inter- view, the majority of the participants provided consistent reports. However, with regard to those who had previously reported suicidal ideation or behavior, 38% failed to recall prior adolescent suicidal reports. Those who provided accurate reports of prior suicidal content were more symptomatic and were functioning more poorly than those who failed to recall past suicidal content. The implications for clinical assessment practices, research, and theory development are discussed.  相似文献   

The total number of different responses, given by a group of subjects to a stimulus word in a single-word, free-association situation ( D ), is a primary determinant of associative response latency (Tecce & Glassco, 1965; Flekkøy, 1981). D has traditionally been assumed to reflect a word's associative potential, and the increased latency to high D words has been explained by response competition. The results of the present experiments indicate, however, that D reflects in an inverse manner semantic autonomy , high D words requiring more contextual information for their semantic specification than low D words. The process of semantic specification requires time, creating the positive D -response latency relationship. Based on a semantic interpretation of D , associative response heterogeneity may be used as an index of a word's semantic autonomy.  相似文献   

Some sexual behaviors are related to child sexual abuse experiences, but none unequivocally. Therefore, professionals might use non-empirical-based criteria and be biased when detecting and reporting victims. To check this hypothesis, we presented 974 Spanish and Latin American professionals from different fields (Psychology, Education, Health, Social Services, Justice, and Police Force) with hypothetical situations of child sexual behavior (varying the sex, age and behavior) by using an experimental vignette method based on Factorial Survey. Participants were asked to indicate whether such behaviors are a sign of abuse and whether they would report them. We also measured demographic, academic, professional and attitude factors. According to the analysis, professionals' suspicion of abuse is more affected by personal factors, whereas their reporting intention depends more on situational factors. The main criterion adopted is the type of sexual behavior, with professionals being more likely to suspect and report in response to aggressive sexual behavior and precocious sexual knowledge. Professionals' attitudes to sexuality seem to generate biases, as those who are erotophobic are more likely to suspect abuse. None of the sexual behaviors was seen as evidence of abuse.  相似文献   

D Stein  E Witztum  D Brom  A K DeNour  A Elizur 《Adolescence》1992,27(108):949-959
The present study examined the relationship between adolescents' attitudes toward suicide and their psychosocial background. It also evaluated the association between attitudes toward suicide and the subjects' own suicidal tendencies. A questionnaire assessing these issues was administered to 525 Israeli adolescents. Results indicated that significantly more females, nonreligious adolescents, those exposed to suicidal behavior, and those with increased suicidal risk held more accepting attitudes. Ethnic origin, socioeconomic status, and living in intact/nonintact families were not associated with adolescents' attitudes toward suicide.  相似文献   

The trajectory of suicidal behavior over time   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Some empirical work on genetic and prenatal factors in suicidality is presented. These factors may represent enduring predispositions that comprise risk for initial as well as later suicidal behavior. The existence of enduring predispositions does not preclude the possibility, however, that initial suicidal behavior sets processes into motion that spur later suicidal behavior. Based on past conceptual and empirical work, I suggest two psychological processes--cognitive sensitization and opponent processes--that may partly explain the link between past and future suicidal behavior.  相似文献   

Psychological research on the pupillary response since 1960 has focused on an arousal interpretation and a cognitive interpretation. Experiment 1 was an attempt to manipulate some arousal factors while controlling the cognitive demands of the task. Pupil size was cinematographically recorded while subjects who had different degrees of reported fear of snakes listened to passages describing imagined interactions with a snake in different proximities. There was also a set of control passages that made no mention of snakes but were otherwise semantically and syntactically identical to the aversive passages. The pupillary response showed no influence of the arousal manipulations, but rating and behavioral data indicated that the arousal variables had been effective. The cognitive demands of the task were clearly indicated by the pupillary response. In Experiment 2 two types of tasks were used: one that employed both arousal (incentive) and cognitive factors and another that had an arousal manipulation (threat of shock) but no explicit cognitive demands. The pupil response was recorded as well as heart rate, skin conductance, and EMG. The pupillary response showed an effect of the arousal manipulations only when cognitive demands were minimal. The results of both experiments are consistent with the view that cognitive demands take priority over arousal factors in affecting the pupillary response. Heart rate did show arousal effects that were not preempted by cognitive demands.  相似文献   

As an alternative to the verbal Semantic Differential (SD) measure of affective meaning systems, a nonverbal instrument-the Graphic Differential (GD)-has been developed for subject populations who have difficulty in verbal ratings. However, the factor structures of the pictographic scales have never been examined in a joint-verbal and nonverbal-semantic space as to whether their structures are equivalent to the affective systems defined by the verbal markers. The present study assessed this issue by reanalyzing the French (1977) data. The results indicated that when verbal SD and nonverbal GD scales were factor-analyzed separately, the three-dimensional structures of Evaluation (E), Potency (P), and Activity (A) were recaptured in both domains. However, when they were analyzed simultaneously in a joint semantic space, only the E and A dimensions were congruent. The GD P scales carried the meanings of denotative Heaviness, rather than the affective Potency. For future investigation, suggestion was made to systematically study both the affective and denotative semantic features within the contexts of nonverbal communciations.The authors made equal contributions toward the completion of the present research.  相似文献   

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