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Scaffolded feedback was tested against three other feedback presentation methods (standard corrective feedback, minimal feedback, and answer-until-correct multiple-choice feedback) over both short- and long-term retention intervals in order to assess which method would produce the most robust gains in error correction. Scaffolded feedback was a method designed to take advantage of the benefits of retrieval practice by providing incremental hints until the correct answer could be self-generated. In Experiments 1 and 3, on an immediate test, final memory for the correct answer was lowest for questions given minimal feedback, moderate for the answer-until-correct condition, and equally high in the scaffolded feedback condition and the standard feedback condition. However, tests of the maintenance of the corrections over a 30-min delay (Experiment 2) and over a 1-day delay (Experiment 3) demonstrated that scaffolded feedback gave rise to the best memory for the correct answers at a delay.  相似文献   

Visual guidance and movement to a stop were used to train subjects to make a simple movement without experiencing error in practice. Movement to a stop led to test performance as accurate as that after training with KR, but visual guidance did not. If a continuous visual cue as well as a stop were present during practice, subjects also performed less accurately, although they did not need to attend to the visual cue. All types of training were better than no training at all. Results are discussed in terms of the role of visual feedback in the development and assessment of programs for movement.  相似文献   

Tracking performance was investigated in children (aged 6-7 and 10-11) and in adult subjects. Target signals, moving unpredictably along a straight line, were tracked with the preferred arm, alternately with and without visual feedback. Qualitative observations indicate that tracking is based on continuous adjustments of the ongoing response to the continuously changing target position. No step-and-hold strategy could be detected in any of the three age groups. Tracking performance was described with four simple parameters, derived from linear systems analysis: (a) the delay between target signal and tracking movement (DL); (b) performance at the low-frequency range (LF), (c) performance at the high-frequency range (HF); and (d) a measure of tracking quality or overall similarity in the shape of target signal and tracking movement (Q). There was a considerable improvement in tracking performance with age, even after the age of 10-11, which was mainly demonstrated by a decrease in DL and increases in HF and Q. Tracking performance decreased only to a small extent when visual feedback was withdrawn. Age-related differences in the contribution of visual feedback to tracking performance could not be demonstrated.  相似文献   

A slow-down in reaction time (RT) after committing an error is a well-known effect. Recently, Notebaert and colleagues (Notebaert et al., 2009; Núñez Castellar, Kuhn, Fias, & Notebaert, 2010) suggested that posterror slowing is a reaction to the infrequent nature of errors. After infrequent errors, posterror slowing was observed but after infrequent correct trials, postcorrect slowing was observed. These data were obtained in a paradigm with trial-by-trial feedback. In this study we tested whether posterror slowing was similar with and without immediate feedback. We manipulated the overall accuracy parametrically per condition (50%, 70%, and 90% accuracy) and predicted an increase in posterror slowing as the accuracy increased. This linear effect was observed with and without immediate feedback. The data are interpreted in terms of an orienting response towards unexpected events.  相似文献   

The effect of saccades on visual localization was tested before, during, and after the eye movements. After saccades, localization errors were much less than the distance that the eyes had moved. It is argued that these results demonstrate that extraretinal feedback affects visual localization. The results also suggest that the feedback is related to acceleration rather than to position. Implications for inflow and outflow theories are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of reduced relative frequency of knowledge of results (KR) on learning to putt in golf. Participants (19 men and 15 women) putted a golf ball, stopping the ball on a line at a distance of 3.5 m from the starting position, which included an uphill portion. After a pretest, participants were assigned as they arrived in balanced order by sex to one of two groups (100% KR, 33% KR) and practiced 60 trials. Those in the 100% KR group performed the task in its natural context, while others assigned to the 33% KR were shown the location of the putted ball after every third trial. All participants then performed a posttest and two retention tests, done 10 min. and 24 hr. after the posttest. Analysis at posttest showed each group had a constant error and an absolute constant error (/CE/) less than those at pretest. Also, in the retention test conducted the following day, the constant error of the 33% KR group was less than that of the 100% KR group. Third, in the posttest and both retention tests, the /CE/ of the 100% KR group was larger than that of the 33% KR group. These results suggest that reduced relative frequency of knowledge of results is effective in learning the accuracy of the golf putt.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to examine the effects of a multicomponent intervention that included discrimination training, real-time visual feedback, and self-monitoring on postural behavior at a computer workstation in a simulated office environment. Using a nonconcurrent multiple baseline design across 8 participants, the study assessed the effects of the intervention across three postural variables. Following an information phase, the intervention started for the lowest stable postural variable. The intervention led to substantial improvements in safety behavior for most targeted postural variables. A reversal to the information phase for 2 participants did not lead to decreases in safety. Postures self-monitored with high accuracy improved to a greater degree than postures self-monitored with low accuracy.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine if movement planning strategies incorporating the use of visual feedback during manual aiming are specific to individual movements. Advance information about target location and visual context was manipulated using precues. Participants exhibited a shorter reaction time and a longer movement time when they were certain of the target location and that vision would be available. The longer movement time was associated with greater time after peak velocity. Under conditions of uncertainty, participants prepared for the worst-case scenario. That is, they spent more time organizing their movements and produced trajectories that would be expected from greater open-loop control. Our results are consistent with hierarchical movement planning in which knowledge of the movement goal is an essential ingredient of visual feedback utilization.  相似文献   

This study investigates the potential interactions among some of the key variables in Valins's (1966) false autonomic feedback paradigm. Subjects were shown mildly pleasant or mildly unpleasant slides of animals while they either paid attention to or ignored a continuous-tone soundtrack that increased in pitch in conjunction with half of the pictures. This soundtrack was described either as feedback of skin conductance level or as a neutral auditory stimulus. Slides associated with increased pitch were generally rated as more affectively potent (in either the positive or negative direction, depending on their initial affective valence). For pleasant slides, this effect was contingent on attention to the soundtrack, such that subjectsignoring the sounds showed a stronger differential rating effect regardless of the meaning ascribed to the sound. For both pleasant and unpleasant slide conditions, the only subject groups showing significant rating effects were those ignoring neutrally described sound. It is argued that this pattern of results poses severe problems for a conventional attributional analysis of the Valins effect.This article is based on research funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (UK) under its Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Scheme. Its contents are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Economic and Social Research Council.We are grateful to Andrew Gregory for producing the computer program used in generating the soundtrack, and to Tony Manstead for his useful advice about an earlier version of this article.  相似文献   

The relationship between language input and the precise way the child makes use of that input is a complex problem. Most research has concentrated on specific forms in the input and their later production by the child. It may be, however, that the child controls more of the acquisition process than previous input studies have assumed. Experience of particular language forms may be all that is required for internal organizational processes to operate. This longitudinal study investigated language growth in children using a structure they had not yet mastered. Experience of this structure at 3-month intervals over the course of 1 year—without any feedback that children were interpreting some instances incorrectly—led to accelerated acquisition as compared with the ages observed in children tested cross-sectionally. It is argued that exposure to a linguistic structure that induces the child to operate on that structure can lead to a reorganization of linguistic knowledge even though no direct feedback has been given as to its correct adult interpretation.  相似文献   

According to the interactive activation framework proposed by McClelland and Rumelhart (1981), activation spreads both forward and backward between some levels of representation during visual word recognition. An important boundary condition, however, is that the spread of activation from lower to higher levels can be prevented (e.g., explicit letter processing during prime processing eliminates the well-documented semantic priming effect). Can the spread of activation from higher to lower levels also be prevented? This question was addressed with a choice task procedure in which subjects read a prime word and then responded to a target, performing either lexical decision or letter search depending on the color of the target. A semantic context effect was observed in lexical decision, providing evidence of semantic-level activation. In contrast, there was no semantic context effect in the letter search task, despite evidence of lexical involvement: Words were searched faster than nonwords. Further evidence of lexical involvement in the letter search task appeared in Experiment 2 in the form of greater identity priming for words than for nonwords. The results of these experiments are consistent with the conclusion that feedback from the semantic level to the lexical level can be blocked. Hence, between-level activation blocks can be instantiated in both bottom-up and top-down directions.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted to determine whether semantic feedback spreads to orthographic and/or phonological representations during visual word recognition and whether such feedback occurs automatically. Three types of prime-target word pairs were used within the mediated-priming paradigm: (1) homophonically mediated (e.g., frog-[toad]-towed), (2) orthographically mediated (e.g., frog-[toad]-told), and (3) associatively related (e.g., frog-toad). Using both brief (53 msec; Experiment 1) and long (413 msec; Experiment 3) prime exposure durations, significant facilitatory-priming effects were found in the response time data with orthographically, but not homophonically, mediated prime-target word pairs. When the prime exposure duration was shortened to 33 msec in Experiment 4, however, facilitatory priming was absent with both orthographically and homophonically mediated word pairs. In addition, with a brief (53-msec) prime exposure duration, direct-priming effects were found with associatively (e.g., frog-toad), orthographically (e.g., toad-told), and homophonically (e.g., toad-towed) related word pairs in Experiment 2. Taken together, these results indicate that following the initial activation of semantic representations, activation automatically feeds back to orthographic, but not phonological, representations during the early stages of word processing. These findings were discussed in the context of current accounts of visual word recognition.  相似文献   

A major line of behavioral support for motor-program theory derives from evidence indicating that feedback does not influence the execution and control of limited duration movements. Since feedback cannot be utilized, the motor-program is assumed to act as the controlling agent. in a classic study, Keele and Posner observed that visual feedback had no effect on the accuracy of 190-msec single-aiming movements. Therefore visual feedback processing time is greater than 190 msec, and, more importantly, limited duration movements are governed by motor programs. In the present paper, we observed that visual feedback can affect the spatial accuracy of movement with durations much less than 190 msec. We hypothesize that visual feedback can aid motor control via processes not associated with intermittent error corrections.  相似文献   

Perl  Caleb  Schroeder  Mark 《Philosophical Studies》2019,176(6):1453-1471
Philosophical Studies - Moral error theory is the doctrine that our first-order moral commitments are pervaded by systematic error. It has been objected that this makes the error theory itself a...  相似文献   

In previous studies subjects who have learned a positioning response with kinesthetic feedback tended to make greater errors when visual feedback was provided during later trials. These subjects have always performed with both kinesthetic and visual feedback available. This study determined whether subjects with only visual feedback would produce errors similar to those who received kinesthetic plus visual feedback. Blindfolded subjects learned to move a handle to a criterion location with knowledge of results following each trial. Subjects then were assigned to one of three experimental groups, with only kinesthetic feedback, with kinesthetic plus visual feedback, or with only visual feedback. Subjects had 9 trials without knowledge of results in these feedback conditions. When visual feedback was available, subjects tended to make longer response errors. This finding replicates previous studies. Also, the similarity of performances from the conditions with visual feedback indicated the dominance of visual information in the condition with kinesthetic plus visual feedback.  相似文献   

Schindler  Larissa 《Human Studies》2021,44(2):283-304
Human Studies - The material interrelations between bodies and objects are a wide, worthwhile and absorbing field, which has not been sufficiently examined yet. Focusing on such...  相似文献   

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