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与宗教信仰相对立,康德试图要在主体自身理性的基础上确立起对道德的信仰.主体自身"纯粹的实践理性"是康德道德信仰的理性基础.但是,"纯粹的实践理性"存在着现代性道德困境,如果不能化解这一悖论,那么"道德"就难以成为理性存在者的普遍信仰.为此,康德试图以制度公正作为现实中的上帝来确保建立"善恶因果联系"的理性法则.因此,康德的道德信仰的理性基础包括个体的道德理性和制度的道德理性两个方面.尽管由于康德的矛盾心态和他所处的社会现实,他的政治与道德一体的实践哲学最终是不彻底的.但康德的意义无疑可以帮助我们把对道德信仰的思考从"纯粹的实践理性"导向更加理性和成熟的"实践的理性".  相似文献   

黑格尔的"理性"概念包含着他在存在论和方法论上的独特主张,是其成熟时期哲学体系的真正基石.雅可比对理性主义哲学的批判及其关于"知性"与"理性"的区分,对黑格尔的理性观产生了重要的影响.在耶拿早期的《差异》一书中,黑格尔表明,包括康德、费希特在内的传统理性主义哲学,将存在的根据和世界的可理解性归根于一种通过否定差异和矛盾...  相似文献   

邹诗鹏 《学海》2001,(2):84-88
传统哲学与现代存在主义哲学都没有合理地理解人的生存与理性的内在关联传统哲学把理性与生存的关系看成是"纯粹理性"对"实存"的逻辑生成;而现代存在主义则把人的生存直接看成了非理性问题.非理性作为"能够自我意识到的本能",本是构成生存理性以及理性地阐释人生存的关键环节.理性对人生存的内在规定性具体体现在第一,理性理解人的生存,理性是人生存的具体的、历史性的表现,它本身就经历了从实存性向生存性的提升.第二,理性作为内蕴于人生存活动中的具有对象性功用的属性,又对人生存起着反省及评价的双重作用.第三,作为对生存性及生存意义的理解,理性必然从总体上引导着人的现实的生存活动.  相似文献   

"理性生态人":人性假设理论的新发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由全球环境危机引发的人们关注生态伦理学的研究,将关注的目光投向人类生态化发展方向的"理性生态人"行为模式的塑造.与之相匹配的管理理论和实践也需要"理性生态人"假设理论的支撑.为了尽快地缩短与发达国家的差距,尽快地使我们科学管理的人性假设理论臻于完善,为我国的现代化服务,我们必须采取有效措施加快人性的自然发展进程.  相似文献   

人们一般把理性(reason)理解为逻辑思维和道德原则,其实,这是对理性概念的简单比.在西方语言中,理性最基本的含义是人的活动的根据,理性观则是从根本意义上对何者为人们活动根据所作的一种概括.如果说人活动的根据就是人区别于动物的根据,而人类区别于动物的根据正是人类本性.亦即人性,据此而论,理性观也就成了从根本上把握何者为人性的一种观点.  相似文献   

威廉斯的内在理由论是关于实践理由的主观理论,它将欲望作为规范性的标准和最终根据.奎恩批评理由的主观理论是对实践理性的工具主义理解,它会取消理由的规范性维度,进而取消规范性本身.作为回应,威廉斯用行动者在理想状态下的欲望取代行动者的现实欲望作为规范性的根据.一方面,该理想状态是规范性的具体标准;另一方面,该理想状态自身的规范性在于行动者的理性本性.威廉斯的理想化方案挽救不了理由的主观理论.首先,威廉斯所设置的理想状态无法保证现实的规范性;其次,威廉斯将规范性奠基于行动者的理性本性将使其对外在理由论的批评失去根据.  相似文献   

王琦 《宗教学研究》2017,(1):229-234
基督论探讨基督的本性和位格的问题。波爱修斯从理性的角度出发,应用基本逻辑学的知识,重新定义本性和位格,以此为基础,通过逻辑推理反驳异端邪说聂斯托利派和尤提克斯派。他阐述了天主教正统的基督论信仰作为中间道路,即基督是一个位格和两种本性。波爱修斯理性解读了基督的神性和人性如何统一为一个位格。这种对神学的理性解读方式为中世纪的理性神学研究开辟了道路。  相似文献   

在理性与信仰的关系问题上,认为克尔凯郭尔主张基督教信仰只关系到主观而与客观无关,其"真理是主体性"、"信仰是荒谬的"等命题是对理性之摒弃的看法是偏狭的。克氏在信仰上对主观真理的强调和对客观真理的质疑建立在承认人的罪性以及因之而人的理性遭到了破坏这一前提上,这一点并不与理性本身相冲突,而毋宁说是人的理性层次的问题;另一方面,在克氏,基督教信仰的主观性就其自身而论也必须以理性客观性为前提,因无正确的客观性作保证就没有克氏要求的那种主观性,其眼中的信仰的主观真理也就不复存在了。  相似文献   

作为现代早期政治思想史的核心概念,"国家理性"与现代早期西方世界的理性化是联系在一起的,它意味着工具理性(国家理性是其重要表现)取代传统的"道德理性"居支配地位.在当代中国学术中,国家理性没有在中文语境下获得恰当的呈现.  相似文献   

罗久 《世界哲学》2023,(6):60-70
康德的批判哲学有着深刻的形而上学动机,而这个形而上学动机又与理性化所导致的虚无主义和人生意义的危机有着密切的关联。理性化意味着一切存在都必须经过理性的反思和解释,其结果是一切存在都被有条件化,不再有什么东西自身就是自身得以被理解的原因,不再有什么东西自身就是自身存在的目的,因而理性化既保证了科学知识的确定性,又因为对无条件者的消解而导致了意义的缺失。康德比雅可比等人更早地意识到理性主义的这一困境,但他坚持从理性自身的原则出发来克服因理性化所导致的虚无主义危机,通过对理性自身的批判,重塑我们的知识观念,将知识限制在显象的领域,又进一步将理性的实践应用与理论应用区分开来,在出于善良意志的道德行动中证成一个具有不朽价值和充满意义的世界的真实存在。  相似文献   


ReasonJean Piaget wrote three short papers shortly before his death in 1980

Paper I: Scientific Report on Work during 1978-1979.Paper II: Reason as Objective of the Understanding.Paper III: Reason: Introduction.Each is probably incomplete, Papers II and III definitely so. These papers were intended as a contribution to his 1979-1980 research project “Reason,” here translated into English for the first time. Their central argument is distinctive. It amounts to Piaget's final statement of his empirical model of normative reason as a mechanism intrinsic to the construction of knowledge during children's cognitive development.  相似文献   

Traditional epistemological reflection on our beliefs about the world attempts to proceed without presupposing or ineliminably depending upon any claims about the world. It has been argued that epistemological externalism fails to engage in the right way with the motivations for this project. I argue, however, that epistemological externalism satisfyingly undermines this project. If we accept the thesis that certain conditions other than the truth of one's belief must obtain in the world outside of one's mind in order for one to have knowledge (or justified belief) about the world, then there is no good intellectual motivation for taking up the traditional project. This results stands even if we accept the traditional theses that knowledge requires justified belief and that justified belief requires the ability to provide good reasons for one's belief.  相似文献   

Hume's Reason     
Book Information Hume's Reason. By D. Owen. Oxford University Press. Oxford. 1999. Pp. x + 234. Hardback, £30.00.  相似文献   

Within Reason     
Philie  Patrice 《Philosophia》2021,49(3):1163-1176
Philosophia - Recently, thinkers not known for their relativist or sceptical tendencies have raised serious doubts about the objectivity of rule-following judgements. While they may not have given...  相似文献   

Reason has regularly been portrayed and understood in terms of images and metaphors that involve the exclusion or denigration of some element—body, passion, nature, instinct—that is cast as “feminine.” Drawing upon philosophical insight into metaphor, I examine the impact of this gendering of reason. I argue that our conceptions of mind, reason, unreason, female, and male have been distorted. The politics of “rational” discourse has been set up in ways that still subtly but powerfully inhibit the voice and agency of women.  相似文献   

The argument for modal collapse is partly responsible for the widespread rejection of the so‐called Principle of Sufficient Reason (PSR) in recent times. This paper discusses the PSR against the background of the recent debate about grounding and develops principled reasons for rejecting the argument from modal collapse.  相似文献   

In this article I show that David Novak's natural law theory precedes his encounter with Judaism. That is to say, the theory is the product of a theological viewpoint consisting of three components—createdness, commandedness, and response—that is then found by Novak in a number of areas of Jewish thought and practice that admit of the same three parts. As a result of this interpretation, I posit that Paul Nahme, who argues for a pragmatic reading of Novak's theory, as well as Martin Kavka and Randi Rashkover, who offer a political understanding of it, do not account for the theological richness and metaphysical basis of Novak's natural law theology.  相似文献   

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