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早期依恋对孤独症谱系障碍(Autism Spectrum Disorders,简称ASD)儿童的心理健康、人际关系以及未来的社会融合有重要影响。本研究采用问卷调查法,对从北京、青岛、郑州、武汉、无锡和赤峰市等地28所融合幼儿园中筛选出来的210名ASD儿童及其母亲进行施测,考察母亲的依恋风格对ASD儿童母子依恋的影响,以及母亲教养方式在其中的中介作用。研究发现:(1)总体而言,ASD儿童与母亲之间的依恋关系总体状况良好;轻度ASD儿童的母子依恋水平显著高于中度、重度ASD儿童;(2)母亲依恋回避、依恋焦虑与ASD儿童母子依恋均呈显著负相关;母亲关爱、鼓励自主与ASD儿童母子依恋均呈显著正相关,母亲控制与ASD儿童母子依恋呈显著负相关;母亲依恋回避、依恋焦虑与母亲关爱均呈显著负相关,与母亲控制均呈显著正相关;(3)母亲关爱在母亲依恋回避与ASD儿童母子依恋之间起部分中介作用,母亲关爱、母亲控制在母亲依恋焦虑与ASD儿童母子依恋之间起完全中介作用。  相似文献   

Maternal expressive styles, based on a combination of positive and negative expressive patterns, were identified at two points in time and related to multiple aspects of preschool children's emotional development. Mother–child pairs from 260 families participated when the children were 3 years old, and 240 participated again at aged 4 years. Expressive styles were identified at age 3 using cluster analysis, replicated at age 4 and examined in relation to children's emotional understanding, expressiveness and regulation. Three expressive styles were identified: high positive/low negative, very low positive/average negative and average positive/very high negative. Cluster membership was stable in 63% of families from age 3 to 4 years; no systematic patterns of change were evident in the remaining families. Expressive style was related to aspects of children's emotional expression at 3 years and to emotion expression and regulation at 4 years. Children's expressiveness and regulation at age 3 were also related to changes in mothers' expressive styles over 1 year. Identifying mothers' expressive styles provides a unique way to understand the potential role of the emotional climates in which preschool‐aged children learn to express and regulate their own emotions. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

使用追踪设计,以68对母婴为被试,探讨母亲养育质量、陪伴时间影响儿童共情发展的机制。在婴儿期(9、14个月)评估母亲将心比心并调查母亲每周陪伴婴儿的总时间与母亲参与的互动时间;在儿童5岁时,采用“陌生人假装受伤情境”范式测查儿童共情。结果发现:(1)婴儿期母亲恰当的心理相关评论能够正向预测5岁时儿童的行为共情,而对情绪共情与认知共情的预测则受到婴儿期母亲陪伴总时间的调节:母亲恰当的心理相关评论能够显著正向预测陪伴总时间短的儿童的情绪共情与母亲陪伴总时间长的儿童的认知共情;(2)婴儿期母亲不协同的心理相关评论能够显著正向预测儿童5岁时的认知共情;(3)婴儿期母亲陪伴总时间能够显著正向预测5岁时儿童的情绪共情。  相似文献   

Linguistic style accommodation between conversationalists is associated with positive social outcomes. We examine social power and personality as factors driving the occurrence of linguistic style accommodation, and the social outcomes of accommodation. Social power was manipulated to create 144 face‐to‐face dyadic interactions between individuals of high versus low power and 64 neutral power interactions. Particular configurations of personality traits (high self‐monitoring, Machiavellianism and leadership, and low self‐consciousness, impression management and agreeableness), combined with a low‐power role, led to an increased likelihood of linguistic style accommodation. Further, greater accommodation by low‐power individuals positively influenced perceptions of subjective rapport and attractiveness. We propose individual differences interact with social context to influence the conditions under which nonconscious communication accommodation occurs.  相似文献   

Two studies evaluate the role of self-esteem in the depressive attributional style. In the first study, college students completed four measures of depression, four measures of self-esteem, and the Attributional Style Questionnaire (ASQ). Regression analyses revealed that across measures, self-esteem was a better predictor of attributional style for negative events than was depression. In study two, psychiatric inpatients completed a measure of self-esteem, a measure of depression, and the ASQ. In this clinical sample, self-esteem and depression were highly correlated and both predicted ASQ scores. But when variation in depth of depression and social desirability were removed statistically from the association between self-esteem and attributions for negative outcomes, there remained a significant association between self-esteem and internal, stable, and global attributions for negative outcomes. Controlling for the variation in self-esteem eliminated the relation between depression and depressive attributional style. These findings demonstrate the importance of self-esteem in depressive attributional style in both normal and clinical populations, as well as potential differences in the relations among self-esteem, depression, and attributional style in clinical versus normal samples.  相似文献   

本研究探究了祖辈将心比心、母亲将心比心、母子依恋与婴幼儿认知之间的关系,并提出了一个有调节的中介模型。对37名婴幼儿(平均年龄18.24 ±3.34个月)及其母亲和祖母进行研究,研究工具包括将心比心编码方案、依恋行为Q分类和贝利婴幼儿发展量表(第二版)。结果表明:(1)母亲将心比心与母子依恋、婴幼儿认知呈显著正相关,母子依恋与婴幼儿认知呈显著正相关;(2)母子依恋在母亲将心比心与婴幼儿认知发展之间存在中介效应,且该中介过程的前半路径受到祖辈将心比心的调节。当祖辈将心比心水平较高时,母亲将心比心对母子依恋存在显著的正向预测作用。本文是在中国特殊的社会背景下开展的研究,结果为祖辈共同看护这一普遍现象对婴幼儿发展的影响提供了证据支持。  相似文献   

Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology - Early attachment quality may be a lasting source of vulnerability or protection in children’s development. In this study, we examine whether...  相似文献   

In this study we investigated maternal and child factors in children's autobiographical memory development. Fifty-eight mother-child dyads discussed unique past events when the children were 19, 25, 32, and 40 months old. In addition, children participated in experimenter-child interviews about unique events when they were 25, 32, and 40 months old. The developmental progression to children's independent verbal memory begins with children's early interest in participating in the conversations and maternal reminiscing style, which together elicit children's later shared memory elaborations. Subsequently, children's shared memory elaborations and maternal reminiscing style both contribute to children's later independent memory at approximately 3 1/2 years of age. We address the idea that autobiographical memory development is essentially a collaborative process, with children significantly contributing to the development of their own reminiscing style from its inception.  相似文献   

以540名小学一、三、五年级儿童的母亲为对象,采用回归分析和路径分析技术,考察了母亲元情绪理念及其情绪调节对儿童情绪调节能力发展的预测作用及其机制。结果表明:(1)母亲情绪教导和情绪紊乱理念对儿童情绪稳定性的发展具有直接预测作用,且以其高冲动性为中介对儿童情绪稳定性的发展具有间接预测作用;(2)母亲情绪教导理念对儿童情绪调节性的发展具有直接预测作用,且以其情绪调节策略缺乏为中介对儿童情绪调节性的发展具有间接预测作用。因此,母亲情绪教导理念有助于其不良情绪的控制和更加灵活多样的情绪调节策略,而对自身不良情绪的有效控制和更灵活的情绪应对策略,将有助于促进其孩子情绪调节能力的发展。  相似文献   

Maternal depression may affect children through various mechanisms, including the stressful contexts of the children’s lives and maternal maladaptive affection, behaviors, and cognition, which affect the psychopathological development of children and contribute to disorders. The aims of the present study were to explore how family functioning mediates the relationship between maternal depression and the positive and negative emotions of adolescents. A total of 430 paired questionnaires were collected from junior high school students and their mothers. The mothers completed the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CESD), and the adolescents completed the CESD, Mood and Anxiety Symptom Questionnaire, and Family Function Scale. The results revealed significant correlations among maternal depression, family functioning, and positive and negative emotions in the adolescents. The family functioning subscales of conflict and emotional expression partially mediated the relationship between maternal depression and the positive and negative emotions of the adolescents. Furthermore, the family functioning subscales of cohesion, problem solving, and responsibility fully mediated the relationship between maternal depression and positive moods in the adolescents. Analysis of the results for maternal depression, family functioning, and the emotional adjustment of the adolescents indicated that family functioning is the mediator between maternal depression and the positive and negative emotions of the adolescents. The current results suggest that adequate family functioning can prevent depression being transmitted from mothers to their adolescent children.  相似文献   

为探讨词素意识、同形语素意识和形旁意识等不同层面语素意识对汉语儿童口语词汇、汉字识别和阅读理解能力发展的预测作用,本研究对75名学前儿童进行了一年半的追踪,结果发现:(1)学前儿童的语素意识和言语技能随时间均有显著增长。(2)在控制了因变量的自回归效应后,同形语素意识对一年半后的口语词汇成绩仍有显著的预测作用;词素意识能显著预测一年半后的汉字识别成绩;词素意识和形旁意识是儿童一年半后阅读理解成绩变异的重要解释变量。这表明语素意识对于学前儿童语言技能的发展具有重要的预测作用。  相似文献   

Affective style is an individual difference variable that refers to tendencies for regulating emotions. The emotion research literature has consistently identified three general strategies to handle emotional reactions: some strategies are aimed at re-adjusting affect to adapt successfully to situational demands; other strategies are intended to conceal or suppress affect; and a third approach is to tolerate and accept emotions, including unwanted and aversive reactions. We conducted two studies to develop a self-report measure to assess these affective styles. In the first study (n = 434), a list of 127 items related to this construct was administered. A factor analysis supported three factors: habitual attempts to conceal or suppress affect (Concealing subscale; 8 items), a general ability to manage, adjust, and work with emotions as needed (Adjusting subscale; 7 items), and an accepting and tolerant attitude toward emotions (Tolerating subscale; 5 items). The scale showed satisfactory internal consistency. Furthermore, the respective subscales showed different patterns of relations with existing instruments measuring similar constructs. Findings were cross-validated in an independent sample (n = 495). The factor structure and results of psychometric analyses were replicated. The final 20-item Affective Style Questionnaire is a brief instrument to measure individual differences in emotion regulation.  相似文献   

We studied how gesture use changes with culture, age and increased spoken language competence. A picture-naming task was presented to British (N = 80) and Finnish (N = 41) typically developing children aged 2–5 years. British children were found to gesture more than Finnish children and, in both cultures, gesture production decreased after the age of two. Two-year-olds used more deictic than iconic gestures than older children, and gestured more before the onset of speech, rather than simultaneously or after speech. The British 3- and 5-year-olds gestured significantly more when naming praxic (manipulable) items than non-praxic items. Our results support the view that gesture serves a communicative and intrapersonal function, and the relative function may change with age. Speech and language therapists and psychologists observe the development of children’s gestures and make predictions on the basis of their frequency and type. To prevent drawing erroneous conclusions about children’s linguistic development, it is important to understand developmental and cultural variations in gesture use.  相似文献   

Recent research has found that a strong family allocentrism relates to reduced adolescent depressive symptoms. Besides providing continuous support for this relation, this research extended the scope by exploring whether there was a U-shaped association between family allocentrism and depressive symptoms and testing the mediation effect of identity style among Italian adolescents (N?=?387, 183 boys, 204 girls, Mage?=?16.38 years). Result of hierarchical regression model showed that the association between family allocentrism and depressive symptoms was linear rather than U-shaped. More importantly, this linear relation was mediated by normative and diffuse-avoidant style. In sum, the current findings suggest that adolescents who are allocentric toward family tend to follow family members’ expectations to establish self-identity and deal with identity issues more proactively, and thus they are less likely to experience depressive symptoms. Moreover, there is no significant evidence that too much family allocentrism would lead to elevated depressive symptoms.  相似文献   

近期研究显示,早期亲子触觉经验和个体的社会性发展存在密切联系。关于这种联系产生的原因,已有研究多从神经科学的角度,探讨CT传入神经(C-tactile afferents)及有关环路在其间可能起到的作用。基于已有文献,本文将提出一个综合模型,系统阐述背后涉及的心理机制,着重论证亲子关系、个体探索行为以及与之关联的心理成分在其间扮演的角色,并在此基础上从研究设计的局限、有关变量关系的多元性以及未来可拓展方向对该领域研究进行进一步讨论和展望。  相似文献   

《Cognitive development》1999,14(3):381-399
Past research indicates that parents show distinct differences in style while reminiscing with their preschool children; across families, both fathers and mothers tend to be more elaborative (i.e., provide more contextual support) with daughters than with sons. Further, these differences in style are related to children's performance in such conversations. This study examines within-family similarity in maternal style and the relations between maternal style and child gender and temperament. Mothers from 16 families, each with one male and one female child aged 3 and 5 years, participated individually in memory conversations. Results indicated that mothers showed similar use of elaborations across children but used more repetitions and evaluations in conversations with younger children. Contrary to previous research, maternal style was not related to child gender; however, relations were found between child temperament and maternal style. Results are discussed in relation to the social interaction model of autobiographical memory.  相似文献   

以597个核心家庭的父亲、母亲和青少年为研究对象,通过问卷调查探讨了母亲守门行为与父子依恋的关系以及父亲教养投入在其中的中介作用。结果表明:(1)母亲开门行为正向预测父子依恋,母亲关门行为负向预测父子依恋;(2)母亲开门行为通过正向预测父亲教养投入的部分中介作用间接预测父子依恋,而母亲关门行为通过负向预测父亲教养投入的部分中介作用间接预测父子依恋。研究结果扩展了母亲守门行为的作用效果研究,对家庭教育实践具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Guilt and shame are emotions commonly associated with motherhood. Self-discrepancy theory proposes that guilt and shame result from perceived discrepancies between one’s actual and ideal selves. Fear of negative evaluation by others may enhance the effects of self-discrepancy especially for shame, which involves fear of others’ reproach. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between self discrepancy, guilt, shame, and fear of negative evaluation in a cross-sectional, self report study of mothers. Mothers of children five and under (N = 181) completed an on-line survey measuring guilt, shame, fear of negative evaluation, and maternal self-discrepancies. Guilt and shame were related to maternal self-discrepancy and fear of negative evaluation. In addition, fear of negative evaluation moderated the relationship between maternal self-discrepancy and shame such that mothers who greatly feared negative evaluation had a very strong relationship between these variables. Maternal self-discrepancy and shame were not related among mothers who had low fear of negative evaluation. The results are discussed in terms of the detrimental effects of internalizing idealized standards of perfect motherhood.  相似文献   

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