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本文以清末伊斯兰教学者马德新的伦理思想为切入点,讨论了伊斯兰教与儒学在伦理层面的辨异及对话,从而对马德新在伦理层面"伊儒对话"思想的现实意义及价值给予充分肯定。  相似文献   

阿拉伯语言与伊斯兰文化是彼此独立,而又相互联系的,阿拉伯语言是伊斯兰文化的重要组成部分,同时又是伊斯兰文化的载体。培养起伊斯兰文化意识,它可以使我们从字词、句子、语篇等不同层面上分析中阿习惯思维方式的差异,以及在语言上的表现。阿拉伯语言与伊斯兰文化尤如鱼水关系,阿拉伯语言教学如果离开了其特定的伊斯兰文化,意义也就失去了其应有的价值。  相似文献   

中东剧变推助了中东地区伊斯兰力量的此消彼长,"重整和分化"已成为主要的发展态势;原因在于,一是阿拉伯社会民众社会诉求改变的表现、二是伊斯兰文明核心价值观重塑的表现、三是阿拉伯民众欲挣脱阿拉伯"和平与民主"困境的表现;这场复杂的阿拉伯民主运动更使得我国的中东人文外交面临诸多挑战,但却蕴含更多新机遇,当务之急是尽快制定出切实可行的应对之策。  相似文献   

伊斯兰中间主义思潮是后冷战时代阿拉伯伊斯兰世界面对外部的"伊斯兰威胁论"、"文明冲突论"和内部的各种极端主义与恐怖主义,以及全球化浪潮冲击的一种积极反映。它体现了阿拉伯伊斯兰世界人心思变的趋势,并顺应了时代发展。  相似文献   

伊斯兰律法是以伊斯兰教经典《古兰经》和"圣训"为源泉,是《古兰经》和"圣训"所规定的各项法令的总和。位于西亚和北非的二十二个阿拉伯国家,由于受到整个世界政治和经济格局的影响,大部分国家实行政教分离的律法制度。因此,探讨和分析当代阿拉伯国家其宪法、刑法、婚姻家庭法以及遗产继承法的实施与执行状况,能够更深入地了解这些律法的发展、实践和现状。  相似文献   

起步于欧卡兹集市和克尔白神庙的阿拉伯商人,遵奉《古兰经》和圣训的经济理念,在每年的朝觐商贸与海外贸易的实践中逐步形成了阿拉伯民族经商、信教的特有文化传统;清真寺和集市的空间并存,折射出集市上的经济活动要受到清真寺伊玛目所宣传的伊斯兰经济思想的规范和制约的现实存在;目前的伊斯兰经济文化也面临着如何生存与怎样才能更好发展等切实挑战。我们可借助伊斯兰教法创制的自我更新机制,从以下几个方面作努力,推动伊斯兰经济文化的进一步发展:探究利息理论在现实操作中的变通策略及实施办法、寻求寺院经济融入国家经济乃至全球经济一体化的实现路径并调动清真寺在伊斯兰经济文化发展中的积极作用。  相似文献   

泛伊斯兰主义思潮对阿拉伯伊斯兰世界社会、政治、经济、文化和意识形态,乃至国际政治生活产生着重大影响。为使人们全面正确地理解泛伊斯兰主义与中国穆斯林的关系,使西部大开发中的穆斯林各民族更好地维护和促进祖国边疆的安全、稳定和发展,就泛伊斯兰主义的团结精神、新泛伊斯兰主义的要旨、中亚“新瓦哈比”运动与沙特瓦哈比教派对我国穆斯林的影响做分析具有重要意义。  相似文献   

伊斯兰金融与政治有无关联?本文通过分析伊斯兰金融与国内政权合法性的关系、西方对"流氓国家"和"流氓金融家"的制裁,以及"9·11"事件后金融反恐战对伊斯兰金融机构的影响证明伊斯兰金融与政治有着密切的关系。从国内政治来看,伊斯兰金融的发展程度与政府有很大关系,政府越支持,发展越顺利。从国际政治来看,西方国家对伊斯兰金融诟病以及金融反恐战的原因在于"流氓国家"和"流氓金融家"违反了西方主导的世界政治经济新秩序的规则。  相似文献   

伊斯兰教传入我国已有1300多年的历史,在与我国传统文化接触和碰撞的过程中,从阿拉伯传播而来的伊斯兰文化被染上了许多中国传统文化的色彩,从穆斯林心目中最为神圣的清真寺,到宗教语言、宗教礼仪、宗教用品和穆斯林生活习俗、饮食习惯等都融入了中国传统文化的元素,使在中世纪已经名扬世界的阿拉伯伊斯兰文化显得更加具有活力和引人注目。本文仅从中国阿拉伯书法的角度,谈谈我国传统文化与阿拉伯伊斯兰书法艺术之间的关系,借以印证伊斯兰教中国化的命题。  相似文献   

社会伦理是对社会善的判断和要求。邓小平建设有中国特色社会主义,有着明确的伦理目的和要求。本文论述了邓小平完整的社会伦理思想。就社会伦理观而言,邓小平有别于传统伦理观,而是以辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为指导的科学的伦理观。就伦理内容而言,涉及到社会领域各个方面:在经济领域,集中表现在以效率与公平为主要线索的经济伦理思想;在政治领域,集中表现为民主与法制建设并重的政治伦理思想;在文化领域,则着重表现为以人的发展为根本任务目标的文化伦理思想。邓小平伦理思想具有鲜明的时代精神和现实针对性,反映了伦理目的与伦理实践的统一  相似文献   

经济伦理学研究的双重向度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济伦理学研究的向度问题缘起于八十年代的“内引”说与“外灌”说之争,突现于九十年代的道德功能大讨论。经济伦理学研究应当坚持两大向度:一个是目的向度,从人的生活出发,确定经济发展的根本目的,一个工具向度,从经济的内在要求出发,提供经济发展的道德手段。只有将这两大向度结合起来,才能真正确立经济伦理学的社会地位。  相似文献   

揭示乡村经济发展所带来的伦理变迁,探寻伦理文化对乡村经济发展的作用,是伦理视角下的我国乡村经济研究中两个相互联系的方面。本文探讨了若干经典理论在这一研究领域中的资源意义及应用路径,包括:马克思对小农及其伦理特征的论述;韦伯对经济发展中的伦理动因及不同宗教伦理的比较研究;斯科特的农民“生存伦理”理论及费孝通对“乡土中国”伦理特色的分析。  相似文献   

冯兵 《管子学刊》2008,(1):33-36
当前学界对于荀子经济制度伦理思想的研究十分少见。荀子的经济制度及其制度伦理蕴涵源于人性恶的道德起源论,义利辩证统一的义利观、“欲”、“物”“相持而长”的可持续发展观和朴素的分配正义观念是其经济制度伦理思想的主体内涵,它对于当前我国的伦理经济和市场经济体制建设主要在“义利两有”、“以义制利”的制度伦理导向可以促进“经济人”和“道德人”的有效统一,保障市场经济秩序的稳定和谐与可持续性发展,以及树立分配正义观念,促进制度创新,提高制度运作效率等方面有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

The problem studied in respect to politico-economic turmoil in an uneasy world centers around conflicts in the Arab world and between Islam and the West. In this respect, the Arab political economy is deeply embroiled in a quagmire of complex factors that have deepened and are confounded by Western political, strategic, and economic interests in the region. To study the topic of the politico-economic future of the Arab world is to delve into the study of complex factors. The present scenario of war, dissensions, power conflict, and Western belligerence with elitist self interest in the region is an example of a more permanent representation of the complexity of power, Western belligerence, regional interests, and religious conflicts. With respect to the political economy of conflict and conflict resolution concerning the West there is the uneasy alliance that has been unjustifiably established between the Arab world and the West. The conflict in this case rages around the spectre of political power and governance within which the cultural, religious, and economic forces tie in to generate the global political economic disorder. Conflict resolution in this arena requires an understanding based on acceptance of epistemological perspectives that wrap up the diverse oppositional factors into a discursive and consensual learning global social contract. This article studies this case of Arab political economy as a study of conflict and conflict resolution between contending forces and reconstructive politico-economic possibilities between the Arab world and the West and between Islam, the Arab world, and Occidentalism.  相似文献   

This essay explores the current and historical meaning of forgiveness in Arab and Islamic cultural and religious contexts. It also hopes to encourage further empirical research on this understudied topic in both religious and peacebuilding studies. In addition to the perceived meaning of forgiveness in an Arab Islamic context, this essay examines the links between forgiveness and reconciliation. Relying on religious sources including the Qur'an and Hadith, as well as certain events in Islamic history, the essay identifies various ways to conceptualize and explain the meaning of forgiveness. This theoretical and conceptual segment is followed by a section which explores current perceptions of forgiveness among Arab Muslim teachers in five different communities. The empirical data for this analysis is based on a larger comparative regional study that has been completed through surveys and structured interviews with educators from Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, and Palestinians from the West Bank and Israel. Our study concluded that the teachers' perceptions of forgiveness were mainly derived from religious sources and identities and that Islamic religious discourse provided a solid foundation for framing the meaning of forgiveness.  相似文献   

《古兰经》注释学作为阿拉伯-伊斯兰文化体系最早形成的学科,在揭示《古兰经》经义经旨,推动伊斯兰教历史进程,构建和完善阿拉伯-伊斯兰文化体系,引导穆斯林社会发展,规范穆斯林生活,促使阿拉伯-伊斯兰文明与其它文明交流互动中,发挥了无可替代的作用。鉴于此,注释《古兰经》历来受到阿拉伯-伊斯兰文化学术界的重视,并根据经训教义教法和注释学科的总体要求,制定了注释学的学术要求、原则和修养,有效保障了历代穆斯林信经而不僵经,释经而不越经。  相似文献   

For the communities of Arab seafarers who settled at British ports, religion and politics were two domains that remained closely intermeshed throughout the first half of the twentieth century. A number of international Islamic organizations were active among the Arab seafarers during this time. The Islamic Society and the Western Islamic Association were active among these Arab seafaring communities during periods of acute tension and unrest. After the 1919 race riots, the Islamic Society called for reconciliation and understanding rather than resistance, and in 1930 the Western Islamic Association sought to counter the activities of those Arabs who chose resistance and solidarity with the Communist‐led Seamen's Minority Movement. The North African‐based c Alawi tariqa creaud something of a religious revival among the Arab seafarers during the 1930s and 1940s. Its efforts appear to have been welcomed and supported by the British authorities as a useful counter to Communist propaganda.  相似文献   

Three distinct models of political economy are articulated in this article to chart out the possible politico-economic futures of the Arab World. Of these, the present predicaments of the revolutionizing Arab populace are argued to have been caused by the continuance of the wrong social choices. It depended for a long time now on the alienating model of differentiation and alienation of the Arab nations by their rulers, and by their uncritical immersing in the equally debilitating globalization agenda. Two models of the alienating and unfeasible types are formulated as the prevailing ones today. The arguments and empirical study of limited socioeconomic data with the examples of Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen, which are considered as exemplary of the revolutionary Arab World, point out that social factors based on the demand for participation and representation, self-reliant social change, and opportunities are the overwhelming factors of politico-economic change. These factors, as opposed to the purely economic factors, must be embedded in a synergistic way with the rest in a distinctive future model of Arab political economy. Three formal models of possible political economy of the future Arab World with their evolutionary futures are formalized. Necessary social and policy implications are drawn in reference to these three evolutionary Arab futures in political economy.  相似文献   

Mariam al‐Attar 《Zygon》2017,52(1):53-75
This article critiques some Islamic approaches to food ethics and the debate over genetically modified (GM) food. Food ethics is a branch of bioethics, and is an emerging field in Islamic bioethics. The article critically analyzes the arguments of the authors who wrote in favor of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) from an Islamic perspective, and those who wrote against GMOs, also from an Islamic perspective. It reveals the theological and the epistemological foundations of the two main approaches. Moreover, it provides an attempt to critique what is perceived as an exclusivist and legalistic trend adopted by some authors. It argues that an alternative approach that acknowledges the priority of reason in ethics and is at the same time rooted in Islamic tradition would be more inclusive and constructive.  相似文献   

本文从三方面对伊斯兰伦理道德和伊斯兰伦理道德的基本范畴以及基本内容作了较为详细的论述,认为在多元文化并存的当今社会,伊斯兰伦理道德无疑也是建构各文明体系和谐相处的有机组成部分,对文明之间的对话和交流亦有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

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