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This article explores the psychoanalytic points of commonality between stand-up comedy shows and fascist rallies, arguing that both are concerned with the creation of a “mass” audience. The article explores the political significance of this analogy by arguing that while stand-up shows are not as regressive as fascist rallies, their “mass” character does run counter to any political aspirations they may have toward the end of critical consciousness raising.  相似文献   


How should we read Foucault's claims, in his late work, for the relevance of ‘aesthetic criteria’ to politics? What is Foucault's implicit understanding of the nature of aesthetics and the autonomy of the aesthetic sphere? Would an ethics which gave a place to the aesthetic legitimize a politics of manipulation, brutality and aggression ‐ in short, a ‘fascist’ politics ‐ as some of Foucault's critics argue? In this paper, I examine key accounts of the fascist ‘aestheticization of politics’ ‐ from Walter Benjamin's classic essay, ‘The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction’ (1936), to Philippe Lacoue‐Labarthe's work on the relation between Heidegger's philosophy and the fascist theme of politics as the plastic art of the state. Through a discussion of Foucault's late work, the paper demonstrates the connection between Foucault's turn to ancient Greek ethical practices and his call for a contemporary renewal of the idea of ethics as an art of living. The aim of the paper is to show in what ways the ethico‐political position which is presented in Foucault's late work, far from contributing to a fascist politics, in fact provides ways of thinking about the relationship between the aesthetic and the political which avoid both mindless radicalism and totalitarian narcissism. In doing so, the key question is, ‘What's aesthetic about Foucault's “aesthetics of existence"?’  相似文献   

We address contemporary concerns with fascism by critically assessing the classic law/gospel relation in Lutheran theology. Karl Holl, founder of the Luther Renaissance in the early twentieth century, develops Luther's experience of the self under the divine wrath in terms that have affinity to what Carl Schmitt calls the “state of exception.” We examine similar non‐dialectical ways of relating law/gospel that nourish fascist tendencies on the right or left in North America.  相似文献   

In history the era of fascism is considered to be the major period of evil per se. Fascism is a ??death ideology?? which lingers behind the facade of strong willpower and conjuration of life. Fascism is marked by an ongoing effective fear of life and vitality. This fear creates the desire to control life in every possible aspect. This can be especially expounded through the example of its association with the arts. Links are created to possible fascist tendencies in the present.  相似文献   

The paper tries to deal with the difficult and at times contradictory decisions that the then leaders of the IPA, S. Freud, A. Freud, E. Jones etc. had to adopt as whether or not to clearly inform the readers of Die Internationale Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse and the International Journal of Psychoanalysis, the official scientific periodicals of the IPA, of the tragic events concerning first the German Psychoanalytic Society and then the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society and the newborn Italian Psychoanalytic Society and other European psychoanalytic societies during the years 1933-1945. Because of the anti-Jewish persecution by the Nazi and fascist regimes the IPA had to face the extremely difficult task of helping its Continental Jewish members to emigrate to the USA, Great Britain and other countries in order to save their lives and to allow psychoanalysis to survive, with enormous radical consequences for the scientific and sociocultural future developments of the discipline.The following notes are dedicated to those non-Aryans and Aryans who could not find a proper rescue and whose graves became the wind which scattered the ashes of their bodies with the smoke coming out of the chimneys of the Nazi gas chambers.  相似文献   

This essay introduces Walter Benjamin’s historical materialism to illuminate how history teachers may invoke a critique of the past and present through democratizing the production of knowledge in the classroom. Historical materialism gives students access to the means of knowledge production and entrusts them with the task of generating a critique of politics though encounters with historical objects. The rise of the alt-right, alternative facts, and fake news sites necessitates social studies methods that intervene into the fascist seductions of narrative in history. A Benjaminian pedagogy emphasizes reading practices that acknowledge the political layers of history inscribed within the objects. This generates space for forms of pessimism and dialectic critiques of barbarism that students may experience with history beyond the teacher’s capacity for understanding. In the name of democracy over fascism, the article adds a political critique to students’ historical and critical thinking skills.  相似文献   

This essay challenges scholarly claims that the German student movement represented the emergence of latent fascist and anti-Semitic tendencies, especially when its target was the US war in Vietnam. Instead, the author argues that Jewish voices were prominent in the German Sixties through the writings of émigré intellectuals such as Max Horkheimer and Herbert Marcuse, as well as the poet Erich Fried, who inspired student activists even as they took disparate positions on the war. Moreover, Jewish Americans who were strongly represented in the American New Left groups served as a model for German student activists. Rather than anti-Semitism, we see cosmopolitanism at work in 1968.  相似文献   

From the 1940s through the 1970s, articles in popular magazines and newspapers presented B. F. Skinner in a wide array of guises, from educational revolutionary and utopian to totalitarian and fascist. Understanding these diverse, and often contradictory, portrayals requires a consideration of the social and political discourses in which they were embedded. In this paper, I suggest that reports of Skinner's work were influenced by a number of cultural categories, from the better living campaign of the 1950s, to the counterculture crusade of the late 1960s. Through this examination, a multifaceted rendering of Skinner's public image that takes into account the nature of his work, the context in which it was produced, and the culture in which it was received is revealed. I propose that the received view of Skinner as maligned behaviorist actually obscures the complexity of his relationship with psychology's public throughout this period.  相似文献   

In this paper the author sheds light on Vanda Shrenger Weiss, a forgotten pioneer of the international psychoanalytic movement. Vanda Shrenger was born into a large Jewish family in Croatia (1892), and her life was thoroughly intertwined with the great tragedies of European history: the First World War, the anti‐Semitic persecution within Eastern Europe, which entailed the decimation of her extended family in Croatia. Finally, the introduction of fascist laws in Italy led to her and her husband – Edoardo Weiss, the founder of the Italian Psychoanalytic Society – seeking refuge in the United States of America. During her time spent in Italy (1919–39), Vanda Shrenger, doctor and paediatrician, dedicated herself to psychoanalysis. She played a crucial part in the reconstruction of the Italian Psychoanalytic Society (SPI), whilst also being a founding member of the Rivista Italiana di Psicoanalisi (Rome, 1932). Vanda was the first woman to be a member of the SPI as well as to present a paper for it. This insightful and extensive analysis relating to this pioneer of the psychoanalytic world, has been meticulously accomplished by use of a combination of original archival materials, along with access to previously unpublished documents and personal details, kindly made available to the author by Marianna, the daughter of Vanda and Edoardo Weiss, who still lives in the United States today.  相似文献   

Five major German psychological journals are examined to determine the changes they manifested upon the advent of National Socialism, and the manner in which they responded to the challenges posed by the new regime's ideology and policies. Two of the journals remained largely unchanged in their content, scientific orientation, and overall tone, revealing predominantly minor forms of accommodation. Two other journals showed a pronounced change in their content, publishing a considerable amount of material of an ideological, racist, or propagandistic nature during the decade starting in 1933. The fifth journal proved an exceptional case. These differences appear to reflect the orientation and values of the editors of the respective journals. Where the editors provided the requisite leadership, scientific publication was maintained essentially free from political interference even under the difficult conditions presented by the fascist state. The article concludes with an examination of the response by postwar German psychology to this period of its history, revealing a disinclination to confront the subject, which was so until very recently. Possible bases for this response are also considered.  相似文献   

Italy is conventionally described as an exceptional nation, virtually free of the anti‐Jewish hatred that existed widely on the rest of the continent. In recent years, historiography has challenged this assumption and, in particular, new research has reconstructed both the long‐term roots of fascist anti ‐Semitism, as well as analysing the thorough and systematic implementation of such norms. To fully understand the impact and consequences of racial persecution in the Italian case it is useful to study the post‐war situation. This paper offers an overall account of the changes in the social, demographic and economic situation of Italian Jews, as well as presenting the shifts in collective identity and in communal life that developed (also) as consequences of the trauma imposed by the official racist campaign begun in 1938.  相似文献   

In a paradoxical manner, Heidegger's work is deeply tainted by his complicity with totalitarian (fascist) oppression, despite the fact that his philosophy, in its basic tenor, was always dedicated to freedom and resistance to totalizing uniformity. While acknowledging his early fascination with power struggles, the essay tries to show how, as a corollary of his turning (Kehre), Heidegger steadily sought to extricate himself from the tentacles of oppressive power (Macht) and manipulative domination (Machenschaft). The focus here is on recently published treatises of the 1930's. The conclusion inserts Heidegger's thought into the contemporary arena of global standardization.  相似文献   


Our essay focuses on major developments of the history of psychoanalysis during the fascist and National Socialist years in Austria and sheds light on the re-establishment of psychoanalysis after World War II. With the consolidation of National Socialism in Germany in 1933 and Austro-fascism in 1934, any psychoanalytical reflection that was critical of political and cultural trends was extinguished. Vienna - once again - became the center of the psychoanalytical movement in Central Europe, taking over the role Berlin had played during the twenties. But, during the Austro-fascist system, psychoanalysis was isolated from an important part of its public. Psychoanalysts reacted by adopting an attitude of political abstinence, accompanied by self-censorship, they concentrated on training and clinical work, or they went into exile. Austria's Anschluß to the National Socialist Third Reich led to the final destruction of psychoanalysis. Nearly all Viennese analysts were affected by the anti-Jewish measures of the National Socialists and almost all of them fled the country. During the war years, a small group of people under the leadership of August Aichhorn tried to continue psychoanalytic training. Its members refounded the Viennese Psychoanalytical Society in early 1946. But, scientific traditions were broken and tendencies of anti-enlightenment, especially clerical and catholic prejudices, had continued from the time of Austrofascism and Nationalsocialism. The last chapter of our essay summarizes the research topics and the main historiographical studies done in the field.  相似文献   

We live in a head-spinning, gut-wrenching time of multiplying crises. At home we face outsourced jobs, crumbling cities, underpaid teachers, unaffordable healthcare, endless wars, political corruption, a co-opted corporate media, skyrocketing inequality, and public “austerity” measures whose main purpose is to make tax-breaks for the rich more affordable. Working-class stagnation is producing widespread anxiety, mounting debt, and “despair deaths” from opioid abuse. Fear is fueling populist outrage, along with extremism, authoritarianism, and the conditions for a fascist takeover. Meanwhile, climate change poses an existential threat to humanity itself. All of these calamities spring from the same root cause: an oligarchic capitalism that puts short-term profit for owners over people and planet. While this system seems immutable, upheavals from Occupy Wall Street to the rise of right-wing populism signal a backlash to a political–economic establishment that treats people and planet as resources to be pillaged and expenses to be minimized. Its failures have also been driving the development of new possibilities in the form of more systemic approaches. Still, while systems thinking has improved approaches in fields from agriculture to medicine, so far none of these reforms have been able to channel public frustration into true transformation because none addresses the root problem: oligarchy. The science of systemic vitality we need is also being born, but so far, its findings are diffuse. This article shows how the science of energy systems can galvanize today’s economic reformation by articulating the common sense rules and rigorous measures of systemic vitality, while anchoring them in an evidence-based vision of humanity as a collaborative learning species. The result is a practical path to building systemic socioeconomic vitality by revitalizing human networks, energizing collective learning, and clarifying why oligarchic capitalism is a distortion of our original democratic free-enterprise dream, which is now careening toward collapse.  相似文献   

In the Anglophone world the Jesuit philosopher and theologian Erich Przywara (1889‐1972) tends to be known almost exclusively to Balthasar and Barth scholars (as an important mentor to the former and a formidable nemesis of the latter). In recent years, however, interest in Przywara has grown beyond these circles, owing in part to the English translation of his magnum opus, Analogia Entis (2014), and a handful of articles and monographs on his thought. Indeed, it is gradually being recognized that Przywara was an important philosopher and theologian in his own right – of no less stature, and arguably profounder, than the most recognized names in modern theology – even if he did not possess the same oratorical gifts. At the same time, however, a shadow has been cast over this recovery effort since an American church historian named Paul Peterson accused Przywara, along with Balthasar and even Barth, of varying degrees of anti‐Semitism and fascist sympathies – charges that, were they true, would make one reluctant to read him or find out why Edith Stein, Balthasar, Rahner, Josef Pieper et al. thought so highly of him. The point of this article, accordingly, is to set the record straight, at least as far as Przywara’s supposed “anti‐Semitism” is concerned (his view of National Socialism will be treated separately). It is understandable, of course, that Peterson is troubled that theologians could have contributed to the conditions that led to the horrors of the Shoah; and this alone justifies the zeal of his investigations. But the unfortunate way he has conducted them has also come with a cost: in this case, the misrepresentation of the intentions and the unjust impugning of the character of an eminent theologian, from whom, according to Rahner and Balthasar – indeed, according to John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Pope Francis – the church still has much to learn. But, as regrettable as this may be, Peterson’s investigations have also done a service for modern theology: not only have they occasioned a closer look at Przywara’s cultural and political views, which was overdue; they have also helped to uncover, however inadvertently, a distinctly Pauline theology of Israel, aspects of which may yet prove fruitful.  相似文献   

The individual is in constant interaction with others from birth onwards. The primary experience evolves from the innate need for bodily touch and connection, which form the foundation for the psychobiological structure of the individual. The body’s anatomy is made to yearn for another, for building a home with the body of another. This makes the body the focal instrument, which is discernible already in the mother–child relationship, as well as later in male–female or husband–wife relationships. The body thus provides the most sacred space, and deep within it carries a natural yearning for another, for having a relationship with another. Relationships are the means through which the body can come to full realization.  相似文献   

The concept of 'vocational maturity' is defined, and the development of methods for assessing it is briefly outlined. The adaptation of one such measure - Super's Career Development Inventory - is described, and some results are reported from a study designed to assess the psychometric adequacy of this adaptation. These showed the measure to be reliable enough for use with groups but not with individuals. Scores were found to be more highly related to concomitant variables than to direct measures of vocational maturity, though this may have been due to the poor quality of some of the latter. The convergent validity of the measure was supported, but the discriminant validity was not. The implications of these results for using the measure, and particularly the need for further development work, are briefly considered. It is suggested that such work will also need to address the utility of the construct itself for Britain in the 1980s.  相似文献   

The connectionist network corresponding to the nonlinear integration dynamical system associated with Kintsch's construction-integration (CI) model is analysed with linear algebra tools. This addresses some theoretical questions raised and left unanswered by Rodenhausen (1992, Psychological Review 99, 547-549). A mathematical characterization for equilibrium points, which allows an a priori enumeration of all possible asymptotic states for the integration dynamical system, given a connectivity matrix, is given. The dynamics of convergence of the integration dynamical system is characterized in some detail as well. This provides a tool for understanding CI simulations and helps in particular to let us know to what extent the outcome will depend on the initial conditions. The criteria also provide a new mathematical analysis which allows for the explicit calculation of asymptotic states of the integration process without requiring computer simulation experiments. The new mathematical analysis should facilitate comparisons of the model's predictions with behavioural data. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.  相似文献   

Several empirical studies have found the Rorschach Depression Index (DEPI) to have questionable diagnostic utility. Studies using adolescent samples suggest that the DEPI has limited sensitivity and fails to differentiate effectively between adolescents with and without depression diagnoses. The present study was conducted to evaluate Viglione, Brager, and Haller's suggestion that the DEPI may have better discriminative ability for individuals with extratensive problem-solving styles, measured by the Rorschach EB (Erlebnistypus) variable, compared to those with introversive and ambitent styles. Comparisons were conducted between adolescents with depression-related diagnoses and adolescents with other diagnoses for each of the three EB groups. The results failed to support the hypothesized greater discriminative power of DEPI for depressed extratensives, and suggest caution in using the DEPI to evaluate adolescent depression.  相似文献   

The Dispositional Hope Scale (DHS; Snyder et al., 1991) is composed of items assessing an individual's perception of his or her agency and pathways. This study examined support for the bifactor structure and relation of the factors in this model with depressive symptoms. It also examined cross-gender measurement invariance for the bifactor model. A community sample of 413 women and 257 men completed the DHS. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated more support for the bifactor model than the 1- and 2-factor models. Results also indicated full measurement invariance across gender for the bifactor and the 2-factor models. The general and the specific agency factors, but not the specific pathways factor, correlated with depressive symptoms. The better support for the bifactor model suggests that ideally hope has to be measured and examined by factors reflecting high covariance for agency and pathways, and also factors reflecting unique variances for agency and pathways. The support for full cross-gender measurement invariance indicated that there are no differences in measurement and scaling properties for the DHS across ratings provided by women and men, and therefore the DHS ratings can be scored in the same way for women and men.  相似文献   

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