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The effects of the relative durations of the conditional stimulus and the intertrial interval on bar pressing during a conditioned-suppression procedure were examined as a function of two additional variables--type of operant baseline schedule and rate of shock presentation. In Experiment 1, response suppression was compared across components of a multiple fixed-ratio, random-ratio, fixed-interval, random-interval schedule, at relative conditioned-stimulus/intertrial-interval durations of 1/1, 1/4, and 1/9. In Experiment 2, relative conditioned-stimulus/intertrial-interval duration (1/5, 3/3, or 5/1) was manipulated across groups, while shock frequency (2, 6, or 10 shocks/hr) was manipulated within groups. In both experiments, suppression during the signal was virtually complete at all relative durations. Responding was also suppressed during the intertrial interval, but that suppression varied as a function of experimental manipulations. In Experiment 1, intertrial-interval response rates were higher when relative signal duration was 1/9 than when it was 1/1, although both relative signal duration and shock frequency, which covaried, could have contributed to the difference. In Experiment 2, the patterning of response rates between successive shocks was affected by relative duration, absolute rates during the intertrial interval varied as a function of shock frequency, and differences between suppression during the signal and suppression during the intertrial interval were affected by both relative duration and shock frequency. The data support an analysis based upon relationships between shock-correlated and intertrial-interval stimuli and, as assessed by the relative-delay-to-reinforcement metric, are comparable to results that have been reported from experiments using similar manipulations under the autoshaping paradigm.  相似文献   

Rats performed under a baseline variable-interval schedule of food presentation. A response-independent food schedule was then superimposed on the baseline schedule for different periods of time across different conditions. The response-independent schedule operated for the whole session in some conditions, intermittently for sixty second periods in some, and intermittently for ten-second periods in others. Under these latter two sets of conditions, the response-independent food schedule was stimulus correlated and alternated with the baseline schedule according to a multiple schedule. Response-independent food presentations always suppressed responding. The degree of suppression tended to increase the longer the period of response-independent food. Control conditions, in which the superimposed schedule was response-dependent, rather than response-independent, did not produce response suppression. The results fit an analysis of positive conditioned suppression phenomena in the context of multiple and concurrent schedule effects.  相似文献   

In a water‐licking experiment with rats, the effects of the extinction of a first‐order conditioned stimulus (CS1) on the suppression of licking established for a second‐order conditioned stimulus (CS2) were explored. Extinction of the first‐order conditioned response (CR1) attenuated the conditioned suppression induced by CS2 when the rats had been allowed to lick water during the CR1 extinction phase. However, if water had been unavailable during the CR1 extinction phase, suppression by CS2 was not affected. The latter result is consistent with other studies of rats' conditioned suppression and suggests that the underlying mechanism of second‐order conditioning in this experiment is a connection between CS2 and the response elicited by CS1 rather than a CS2‐CS1 connection. The former result was interpreted as the CR1 extinction phase encouraging the rats to lick water despite the fear elicited by CS1, and thus, in testing, they licked despite the fear elicited by CS2.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated autoshaping in rats to localizable visual and auditory conditioned stimuli predicting response-independent food. In Experiment 1 considerable conditioned-stimulus approach behavior was generated by a localizable visual conditioned stimulus that was situated approximately 35 cm from the food tray. Using the same apparatus in Experiment 2 we found that the conditioned-stimulus approach was generated only to a visual conditioned stimulus and not to a localizable auditory conditioned stimulus even though subjects (1) could discriminate presentations of the auditory conditioned stimulus, (2) had associated it with food, (3) could localize it, and (4) would approach the auditory stimulus if this behavior constituted an instrumental response to food. The predominant conditioned responses to the auditory stimuli were goal tracking (entering the food tray) and orienting towards the food-paired conditioned stimulus by head turning and rearing and turning. These results imply that rats do not invariably approach a localizable appetitive Pavlovian conditioned stimulus but that stimulus-approach responses depend on the nature and modality of the conditioned stimulus.  相似文献   

Rats and pigeons were trained on a series of reversals of a conditional simultaneous discrimination. The percentage of reinforcement for correct trials was varied across reversals. When nonreinforced correct trials produced the same feedback as incorrect trials, the number of errors to reach an acquisition criterion was greater for smaller percentages of reinforcement, but the number of reinforcers required was either approximately constant or smaller for the smaller percentages. When a stimulus paired with food (the conditioned reinforcer) was added on nonreinforced correct trials, both measures were substantially decreased. When the same stimulus was presented, but without a history of food pairing, learning rate was similar to when no stimulus was presented on nonreinforced trials. The results provide direct evidence that conditioned reinforcers may substitute, although imperfectly, for a primary reinforcer, and that pairing with the primary reinforcer is a necessary condition for such substitutability to occur.  相似文献   

The operant behavior of six rats was maintained by a random-interval schedule of reinforcement. Three-minute periods of noise were superimposed on this behavior, each period ending with the delivery of an unavoidable shock. Overall rates of responding were generally lower during the periods of noise than in its absence (conditioned suppression). These suppressed response rates also exhibited temporal patterning, with responding becoming less frequent as each noise period progressed. The effects of d-amphetamine on this behavioral baseline were then assessed. In four animals the relative response rates during the noise and in its absence suggested that the drug produced a dose-related decrease in the amount of conditioned suppression. However, this effect was often due to a decrease in the rates of responding in the absence of the preshock stimulus, rather than to an increase in response rates during the stimulus. Temporal patterning in response rates during the preshock stimulus was abolished, an effect that was interpreted in terms of rate-dependent effect of d-amphetamine. This study thus extends rate-dependent analyses of the effects of amphetamines to the patterns of operant behavior that occur during a preshock stimulus, and which have been discussed in terms of the disrupting effects of anxiety on operant behavior.  相似文献   

The development of drug discrimination was assessed in rhesus monkeys using the conditioned taste-aversion paradigm. Monkeys were initially trained to respond under a fixed-ratio 30-response schedule of food-pellet delivery to assess the rate-decreasing effects of alprazolam (0.03 to 3 mg/kg, i.m., 60 min presession). Alprazolam decreased responding at doses greater than 0.1 mg/kg. Discriminative stimulus effects of alprazolam were then assessed by giving 0.03 mg/kg before sessions in which 1.8 mEq/kg lithium chloride was given immediately after the session (alprazolam/lithium session). On intervening days, saline was given before and after the session (saline/saline session). Rates of responding decreased over successive alprazolam/lithium sessions and also during the saline/saline session that immediately followed an alprazolam/lithium session. During subsequent saline/saline sessions, rates of responding returned to levels near baseline rates within two to four sessions. The discriminative stimulus effects of alprazolam were then assessed by giving 0.1 mg/kg before sessions in which 1 mg/kg d-amphetamine was given immediately after the session (alprazolam/d-amphetamine session). Rates of responding decreased during subsequent alprazolam/d-amphetamine sessions in drug-experienced monkeys, but did not decrease during intervening saline/saline sessions. These findings demonstrate that drug stimuli associated with postsession drug injections can rapidly develop control over behavior and suggest that similar methods be explored in the assessment of drug discrimination.  相似文献   

Rats learned a series of reversals of a positional discrimination in which responses to one lever led to delayed food and responses to a second lever led to no food. Interpolated within the delays leading to the different outcomes were two-link stimulus chains. The pairing of each stimulus element with the delayed outcome of food or no food varied across reversals. Either stimulus element could have the same correlation with outcome as occurred on the preceding reversal or the opposite correlation as on the preceding reversal. New reversals were acquired more quickly when both stimulus elements had the same status as during the preceding reversal, and were acquired most slowly when both stimulus elements had the opposite status as that of the preceding reversal. The rate of learning was intermediate when only one of the stimulus elements had the same status as that during the preceding reversal. All of the data are compatible with an interpretation in terms of backward chaining of stimulus value.  相似文献   

Drinking in a patchy environment: the effect of the price of water.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Rats in a laboratory foraging paradigm searched for sequential opportunities to drink in two water patches that differed in the bar-press price of each "sip" (20 licks) of water within a bout of drinking (Experiment 1) or the price and size (10, 20, or 40 licks) of each sip (Experiment 2). Total daily water intake was not affected by these variables. The rats responded faster at the patch where water was more costly. However, they accepted fewer opportunities to drink, and thus had fewer drinking bouts, and drinking bouts were smaller at the more costly patch than at the other patch. This resulted in the rats consuming a smaller proportion of their daily water from the more costly patch. The size of the differences in bout frequency and size between the patches appears to be based on the relative cost of water at the patches. The profitability of each patch was calculated in terms of the return (in milliliters) on either effort (bar presses) or time spent there. Although both measures were correlated with the relative total intake, bout size, and acceptance of opportunities at each patch, the time-based profitability was the better predictor of these intake measures. The rats did not minimize bar-press output; however, their choice between the patches and their bout sizes within patches varied in a way that reduced costs compared to what would have been expended drinking randomly. These data accord well with similar findings for choices among patches of food, suggesting that foraging for water and food occurs on the basis of comparable benefit-cost functions: In each case, the amount consumed is related to the time spent consuming.  相似文献   

Subjects chose between signaled and unsignaled shock conditions while signal length was varied between .5 and 2.0 seconds in steps of .5 seconds in both ascending and descending series. Preference for the signaled condition failed to develop initially for five of six subjects when signals were .5 or 1.0 seconds but became strong for all subjects when signals were 2.0 seconds (ascending series). Preference declined when signals were shortened, but for most subjects this decline was small (descending series). Since discriminable shock-free periods were present in the signaled condition at all signal lengths, these results suggest that safety may not be a sufficient condition for preference to develop for signaled shock.  相似文献   

Warmup in avoidance as a function of time since prior training   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
On avoidance procedures, rats and pigeons typically show warmup effects, characterized by improving performance within sessions and loss of the improvement (“warmup decrement”) between sessions. Between-session losses were examined by varying the time between periods of avoidance training. In one experiment, rats lived fulltime in conditioning chambers while intermission intervals were varied. In a second experiment, the animals lived in home cages between sessions; timeout intervals were introduced at midession, producing recurrence of warmup in the second half-session. In both experiments, the warmup decrements increased substantially as the timeout or intersession intervals were increased from zero to 30 minutes. With intervals of 60 or 120 minutes, the decrements approached or exceeded those obtained with intervals of a day or more. When avoidance was interposed between appetitive sessions, the appetitive responding was disrupted, but this seemed unrelated to the warmup or to the proficiency of avoidance. The warmup in avoidance shares characteristics with transient punishment effects, with the Kamin effect, and with habituation phenomena, but it is premature to assume that they reflect common processes.  相似文献   

Risky choice as a function of amount and variance in food supply.   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
In Experiment 1, 4 rats earned their daily food ration by choosing on a trials basis between a "risky" and a "riskless" lever. The risky lever produced either 15 45-mg food pellets or no pellets, and on average provided five pellets per choice. The riskless lever always produced three pellets. Across conditions, the number of trials per session was varied. Body weight and choice of the risky lever decreased as the number of trials per session decreased, even though body weight could only be defended by increased choice of the risky lever. In Experiment 2, trials per session were fixed, but the number of pellets delivered by the risky and riskless levers was either at the same level as in Experiment 1 or tripled from those levels. Now choice of the risky lever was inversely related to the size of reinforcement and to body weight. The results of these experiments show that risk aversion covaries with the amount of food available in a session and the daily variance in the amount of food earned.  相似文献   

Three conditioned suppression experiments examined the Hall-Pearce (1979) negative transfer effect in rats. Experiment 1 replicated the effect: CS-USweak pairings retarded subsequent fear conditioning to the CS as a result of CS-USstrong pairings. The size of this retardation was less than that produced by non-reinforced CS presentations (latent inhibition). When the magnitude of the USweak was reduced in Experiment 2, the Hall-Pearce effect was greater than latent inhibition. Experiment 3 confirmed the findings of the two previous experiments, and demonstrated that magnitude of the Hall-Pearce negative transfer effect is inversely related to the magnitude of the USweak. From these findings it is suggested that the Hall-Pearce effect consists of a balance between a positive transfer of associative strength, and negative transfer based on CS- and US-preexposure effects.  相似文献   

Three groups of pigeons were trained with a modified discriminative autoshaping procedure to discriminate video images of other pigeons on the basis of movement. Birds of all groups were shown the same video images of other pigeons, which were either moving or still. The group to whom food was presented only after moving images learned the discrimination very quickly. A second group, to whom food was given only after still images, and a pseudocategory group, to whom food was presented after arbitrarily chosen stimuli, showed no evidence of discrimination during acquisition training. Extinction conditions led to clear differences in peck rates to moving and still images in the second group but not in the pseudocategory group. The result is related to the feature-positive effect. Generalization tests showed that the discrimination performance was based on visual features of the stimuli but was invariant against changes of size, perspective, brightness, and color. Furthermore, discrimination was maintained when novel images of pigeons under different viewing angles and seven other types of motion categories were presented. It is argued that the discrimination is based not on a common motion feature but on motion concepts or high-order generalization across motion categories.  相似文献   

A morphine versus saline discrimination was demonstrated using the Morris swim task as the behavioral baseline. The apparatus was a large circular pool filled with water made opaque by floating polypropylene pellets. Rats were placed in the tank in randomly selected locations (12 trials per session) and could escape by swimming to a platform submerged 2 cm below the surface. Morphine (5.6 mg/kg) or saline was injected prior to training sessions. The position of the platform in a given session depended on the drug condition, thus forming the basis for discriminative responding. Three of the 4 rats acquired the discrimination, as evidenced by direct swims to the condition-appropriate platform. Generalization probe sessions were conducted following acquisition. Probe sessions were preceded by injections of morphine (0, 1.0, 3.0, 5.6, or 10.0 mg/kg) and involved placing the rat in the pool for 1 min without a platform. Swim patterns revealed a gradient, with probe swimming more concentrated in the area of the morphine platform position after higher morphine doses. In addition, dose-dependent increases in the likelihood of swimming first to the morphine-associated platform location were obtained. These results illustrate the generality of drug discrimination across different behavioral procedures, and of particular interest with respect to spatial learning, demonstrate interoceptive stimulus control of navigation.  相似文献   

The effects of the risk of electric shock on the meal patterns of rats living in an operant chamber were investigated. Rats could obtain food by working on a response lever that provided reinforcement according to chained fixed-ratio continuous reinforcement schedules that allowed the animals control over meal size. Using a two-compartment operant chamber with a safe nesting area and manipulanda area with a grid floor, shock could be correlated with responding on the schedule. Shocks (less than or equal to 1.25 per hour) were scheduled to occur randomly throughout the day, independent of the rat's behavior. Shock caused a reorganization of meal patterns such that the animals took less frequent but larger meals. This pattern reduced the time the animals spent at risk without compromising caloric balance. Similar changes in feeding pattern were obtained in both hooded and albino rats. Exposure to shock in a separate chamber did not produce these behavioral modifications. The magnitude of shock-induced alterations of meal patterns was greater with chained fixed-ratio 90 continuous reinforcement than with chained fixed-ratio 10 continuous reinforcement. Additionally, the rats seemed to be able to reduce food intake but increase caloric efficiency, such that the reduced food intake did not have deleterious effects on maintenance of body weight. These behavioral modifications reduced the number of shocks received from that which would have been expected if meal pattern changes had not occurred. We suggest that this technique may provide a useful laboratory simulation of the impact that the risk of predation has on foraging behavior.  相似文献   

Five rats pressed levers on variable-interval schedules of water reinforcement at various levels of water deprivation. In one phase of the experiment, three deprivation conditions that replicated conditions in Heyman and Monaghan (1987) were arranged, along with three less extreme deprivation conditions. In a second phase, water deprivation was arranged so that subjects were exposed to a greater range of access to water per day. Herrnstein's hyperbola described the rats' response-rate data well. The y asymptote, k, of the hyperbola appeared roughly constant over the conditions that replicated those of Heyman and Monaghan, but decreased markedly when less extreme deprivation conditions were included. In addition, k varied systematically when the second method of arranging deprivation was used. These results falsify a strong form of matching theory and confirm predictions made by linear system theory.  相似文献   

The well-documented advantage that bilingual speakers demonstrate across the lifespan on measures of controlled attention is not observed in preschoolers’ performance on Stroop task variations. We examined the role of task demands in explaining this discrepancy. Whereas the Color/Word Stroop used with adult participants requires interference suppression, the Stroop task typically used with preschoolers requires only response inhibition. We developed an age-appropriate conflict task that measures interference suppression. Fifty-one preschool children (26 bilinguals) completed this new Bivalent Shape Task and the Day/Night task used in previous research. Bilingual in comparison to monolingual children performed better on incongruent trials of the Bivalent Shape Task, but did not differ on other measures. The results indicate that the discrepancy between preschoolers and older individuals in performance on Stroop task adaptations results from characteristics of the task rather than developmental differences. Further, the findings provide additional support for the importance of interference suppression as a mechanism underlying the bilingual advantage.  相似文献   

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