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个人奋斗作为个人中层目标中最有代表性的一种,是一种特定的、与情境目标有关的人格意向结构,是个体通常努力去做的事情,是个体通过其行为试图达到的目标。文章主要介绍个人奋斗的概念特征及其测量,论述其与幸福感、人格特质等的关系,并梳理国内外进行的相关研究,简要评述研究者在这些方面所进行的研究工作,在此基础上提出自己的问题和想法。  相似文献   

This study examined two components (achievement strivings and impatience-irritability) of the Type A Behavior Pattern as moderators of job stressors and job complexity on health and job satisfaction. It was predicted that achievement strivings would moderate the impact of job stressors and impatience-irritability would impact responses to job complexity. Data from 525 employed adults provided mixed support for the moderator hypotheses. Relations between job stressors and both health and job satisfaction were strongest among employees reporting high levels of achievement strivings. Impatience-irritability had no moderating effect. For job complexity, only one moderator effect was found. Mental demands were positively related to job satisfaction among those reporting low levels of impatience-irritability. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

个人奋斗及其相关研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
个人奋斗作为个人目标概念中最有代表性的一种,是一种特定的、与情境目标有关的人格意向结构,指的是个体通过日常行为所努力达成的特性生活目标。根据目标理论的层次结构,个人奋斗及类似概念被统称为人格中的“中层”目标单元。文章选取Emmons的个人奋斗理论,从个人奋斗的基本概念及其测评开始,论述其与幸福感、人格特质的相关关系,并简要评述了几种不同的个人目标理论,呈现了一种与传统特质理论不同的人格研究方法  相似文献   

Une étude du rapport personnalité et conduites de travail requiert la prudence dans la considération des liaisons critiques dans les modèles théoriques et dans les plans de recherche utilisés et la personnalité et les construits de critère proposés en théorie et en recherche. La valeur de la considération de ces liaisons est illustrée par des exemples de la littérature en pointe sur la personnalité et les conduites de travail.
The more productive study of the relationship of personality to work behaviour requires thoughtful consideration of critical linkages in the theoretical models and research designs used, and the personality and criterion constructs incorporated in theory and research. The value of considering these linkages is illustrated by examples from the emerging literature on personality and work behaviour.  相似文献   

In this cross‐cultural meta‐analysis, we examine the relationships between person–environment [P–E] fit and work attitudes (organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and intent to quit) as well as job performance based on 96 studies (110 independent samples) conducted in East Asia, Europe, and North America. We compare the results across cultures while focusing on 4 dimensions of P–E fit (person‐job fit, person–organization fit, person–group fit, and person–supervisor fit) separately and jointly. Findings suggest that the effects of rational fit (person–organization and person–job fit) are (relatively) stronger in North America and, to a lesser extent, Europe than in East Asia. However, the effects of relational fit (person–group and person–supervisor fit) are (relatively) stronger in East Asia than in North America. This highlights that in collectivistic and high power distance (vs. individualistic and low power distance) cultures, relational (vs. rational) fit is more salient in influencing employees’ perceptions about their work environments. Results are less clear concerning job performance. What is common across cultures is that, regardless of which dimension of P–E fit is being considered, fit happens and high levels of fit lead to positive outcomes, confirming the universal relevance of fit phenomenon.  相似文献   

Work hope is an emerging and important factor in the career development process of international students. In this study, the authors focused on the work hope of international students and examined its relation to dimensions of acculturation (i.e., dominant society immersion, ethnic identity, ethnic society immersion, individualism, and collectivism). A total of 340 international students completed an online survey. Results of a correlation analysis revealed associations in the expected directions. Multivariate regression analysis revealed that horizontal collectivism, horizontal individualism, and vertical collectivism had a significant and unique contribution in explaining work hope. Implications and recommendations for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

How to promote employees to be proactive behaviourally is a significant issue in the literature because it would benefit organisations in several ways. Drawing on the acceptance and commitment model, we proposed a new antecedent, psychological flexibility that might contribute to employees' proactive work behaviour. Furthermore, we investigated how the contextual role of supervisor need for structure exhibits a cross‐level moderating effect on the relationship between employee psychological flexibility at work and proactive work behaviour based on interactionism. Data from 241 full‐time employees and their corresponding 45 managers indicated that employee psychological flexibility was positively associated with proactive work behaviour. More importantly, the supervisor need for structure played a moderating role, suggesting that employees would demonstrate greater proactive work behaviour especially when the supervisors have a high need for structure. Implications for psychological flexibility, proactivity, and person‐situation interactional research are discussed.  相似文献   

This article examines the test–retest reliability of supervisory ratings for several dimensions of job performance and for overall job performance. We found that the test–retest reliability of overall job performance is .79 (SD = .08), a value very close to the one found by Viswesvaran, Ones and Schmidt (1996), and that the average test–retest reliability for specific dimensions of job performance is .57 (SD = .07). We also found that some dimensions of job performance appear to be easier to rate than others. We suggest some implications of these findings for research and practice of personnel selection.  相似文献   

Work Motivation and Performance: A Social Identity Perspective   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Work motivation and performance were analysed from the perspective of social identity theory and self-categorisation theory. Central in this analysis is the relation of organisational identification with the motivation to exert effort on behalf of the collective. A theoretical analysis as well as a review of empirical studies of the relationship of organisational identification with motivation and performance leads to the conclusion that identification is positively related to work motivation, task performance, and contextual performance to the extent that (a) social identity is salient, and (b) high performance is perceived to be in the group's or organisation's interest.  相似文献   

Crews: A Distinct Type of Work Team   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Distinctions among different types of work teams have been emerging in the theoretical literature as a key to understanding important work team processes. This has been precipitated by an increased appreciation of the importance of a work team's operating environment on such processes. Moreover, such distinctions are felt to be useful to practice in such areas as team staffing, training, and establishing leadership requirements. The present study investigates the concept of crews and contrasts it with other types of work teams by empirically assessing crewness, the extent to which a work team can be classified as a crew. A new scale of crewness was developed and administered to various collectives of workers including fire fighter crew members and project team members in order to establish the unique qualities of crews to show that they are a distinct type of work team. Construct and discriminant validity evidence is offered in support of the crewness scale. Approaches for further investigation of this distinction are also provided in order to guide both research and practice in this area.  相似文献   

The relationship between the Type A Behaviour Pattern and heart-rate reactivity to the onset of a typical stressor was investigated with a sample of Australian boys and girls from three age-grade levels: preschool, middle-elementary, and upper-elementary. Behaviour Pattern was measured with the Matthews Youth Test for Health (Matthews & Angulo, 1980), and data were collected on children's second-by-second heart rate during rest and the stressor tasks. Reactivity to the onset of the stressor task (a puzzle game or mental arithmetic), was assessed. Results indicated that there were expected age differences in resting and stressor task heart rates, but that there was no significant difference in heart-rate reactivity between children classified as Type A or B Behaviour Pattern, either for the entire sample, for two extreme subsamples, or within each of the three age groups.  相似文献   

Reversal theory is proposed as a psychological basis for the reduction of Type A behaviour. Specifically Telic Dominance (a construct used in Reversal theory) is proposed to explain goal orientation in Type A behaviour. As an initial test of this hypothesis Jenkins Activity Survey and Framingham Type A scores were correlated with Telic Dominance Scale (TDS) scores for a sample of 99 men aged 45-59 years selected from the Caerphilly Collaborative Heart Disease Study population. The hypothesised pattern of associated between Type A and TDS scores was found only with the Jenkins Activity Survey. Evidence is also presented that sample composition may affect the TDS Arousal Avoidance subscale scores which may in turn affect inter-subscale correlations and factor structure.  相似文献   



Psychological capital is a set of personal resources comprised by hope, efficacy, optimism, and resilience, which previous research has supported as being valuable for general work performance. However, in today’s organizations, a multidimensional approach is required to understanding work performance, thus, we aimed to determine whether psychological capital improves proficiency, adaptivity, and proactivity, and also whether hope, efficiency, resilience, and optimism have a differential contribution to the same outcomes. Analyzing the temporal meaning of each psychological capital dimension, this paper theorizes the relative weights of psychological capital dimensions on proficiency, adaptivity, and proactivity, proposing also that higher relative weight dimensions are helpful to cope with job demands and perform well.


Two survey studies, the first based on cross-sectional data and the second on two waves of data, were conducted with employees from diverse organizations, who provided measures of their psychological capital, work performance, and job demands. Data was modeled with regression analysis together with relative weights analysis.


Relative weights for dimensions of psychological capital were supported as having remarkable unique contributions for proficient, adaptive, and proactive behavior, particularly when job demands were high.


We concluded that organizations facing high job demands should implement actions to enhance psychological capital dimensions; however, those actions should focus on the specific criterion of performance of interest.

何琛  解蕴慧  马力 《心理科学》2012,35(4):968-972
本研究探索了压力偏好和任务类型在拖延行为对绩效产生作用过程中的调节作用。用问卷调查的方法对155人进行调查。结果发现:相比偏好压力者,厌恶压力者的工作绩效更容易受到拖延行为的影响;对于复杂任务,拖延对偏好压力者的绩效影响显著低于对厌恶压力者;而对于简单任务,两种类型人的绩效的差别并不明显。结论是,偏好压力者能够减弱拖延行为对其工作绩效的影响,尤其对于复杂任务,这种影响更加明显。  相似文献   

Evidence regarding the construct validity of assessment centre performance dimensions is reviewed. The evidence strongly suggests that variance in ratings tends to reflect exercises more than individual performance dimensions, thus calling into question the construct validity and utility of these dimensions. A number of biases in the assessment centre process, as well as more general rating biases are noted that may be responsible for these pervasive exercise effects. Suggestions are made for enhancing the construct validity of performance dimensions.  相似文献   

Integrity tests have exhibited robust validity for predicting performance among traditional jobs. However, some organizations have shifted to self-managed work teams and the relationship between integrity and performance within these jobs is untested. One hundred fourteen high performance team members within a single department completed the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI). The HPI Reliability scale was used as the integrity measure. The subjects' job performance was evaluated by their team leaders. Performance ratings were transformed to equalize ratings across the eight teams. Results indicate that integrity was related to transformed performance ratings (r = .25) within a high performance team environment. Limitations and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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