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This study examined the effect on a group of college freshmen of releasing faculty members from part of their teaching assignment to devote more time to academic advising. 60 men and 60 women were randomly selected from the Macalester College freshman class and were randomly assigned to 6 faculty members, each of whom was released from 1 of the 3 courses he would ordinarily have taught. The remaining 400 freshmen, whose faculty advisers had a full teaching load, were the control group. Data indicated that the students in the experimental group were more likely to discuss course planning, career planning, and study problems with their advisers. There was a slightly higher retention rate among women in the experimental group, and there were significant differences on two scales of the College and University Environment Scales between experimental and control group women. No differences were found between the 2 groups in grade-point average.  相似文献   


Repertory grids in which personal acquaintances were evaluated on the basis of bipolar constructs (e.g., generous-stingy) were completed by 58 undergraduates. A “person format”, with all constructs applied to each acquaintance in turn, was assigned randomly to 29 students; a “construct format”, in which these acquaintances were evaluated successively on only 1 construct at a time, was assigned to the other 29. The relative frequency of positive evaluations in the construct format grids (0.62) was consistent with the golden section hypothesis, whereas that in the person format grids (0.66) was significantly higher. Theoretical implications of these findings were discussed in terms of H. Frank's (1964) theoretical definition of strikingness and V. A. Lefebvre's (1990) computational model of reflexion.  相似文献   

An experimental college tried to solve its academic advising problems by employing undergraduate students to advise freshmen. The evaluation of faculty, freshmen students, and the undergraduate students themselves was generally positive, although some problems arose.  相似文献   

Students lack reliable information regarding various majors and career possibilities. Frequently, seniors are still unaware of their occupational goals on graduation. A “No-preference” category is proposed in which all entering freshmen are placed, permitting great experimentation with courses. A key element in the program would be the use of academic advisors who do not haue a vested interest in the recruitment of students for a particular college or department. Despite various cross-pressures, faculty must consider the ethical ramifications of recruiting students into their disciplines without considering opportunities for placement upon graduation.  相似文献   

This study evaluated, first, the effectiveness of group experiences in improving the interpersonal functioning of college freshmen and, second, the difference in effectiveness of group discussions led by undergraduate dormitory advisers (with consultation) and by psychology graduate students. A variety of measures of interpersonal behavior was used. Results show that freshmen in group discussions improved in their interpersonal relationships, especially as measured by a sociometric form. Members of groups led by graduate students showed slightly more improvement than those in groups led by dormitory advisers. Differences in group process were also found. Results suggest that indigenous subprofessionals can promote growth on the campus.  相似文献   

Equity theory (Adams, 1965) suggests that when persons are asked to divide a given amount of reward between two other persons, one relatively more disadvantaged than the other at performing a task, they will make allocations that are disproportionate to the two persons' performance levels, giving the disadvantaged person a disproportionately larger share and the advantaged person a disproportionately smaller share of the reward. The theory attributes this effect to the allocator's perception that the disadvantaged individual expended a disproportionately greater amount of effort. A group of third- and fourth-graders and a group of seventh-graders were asked to divide rewards between pairs of children that were described to vary in age (“younger” vs. older) or ability (“unskilled” vs. skilled) or that were the “same” in age and ability and that were described to vary (5 vs. 15, or 0 vs. 20 baskets) or to be equal (10 vs. 10 baskets) in performance on a basketball-shooting task. Unlike the group of third- and fourth-graders, the seventh-graders generally made significantly larger allocations to the disadvantaged individuals (“younger” and “unskilled”) than to the “same” individuals, making the largest allocations under the most discrepant performance condition (0 vs. 20). Overall, the results suggested that the equity principle becomes more salient in children as age increases.  相似文献   

Eighty-eight female college freshmen completed questionnaires designed to assess academic locus of control, self-esteem, and geographical distance from home (actual and perceived) as predictors of college adjustment. Results indicated that an internal academic locus of control, a high level of self-esteem, and a perception that the distance from home was “just right” were related to four dimensions of college adjustment (Personal, Academic, Social, and Attachment). Regression analysis revealed that each predictor variable significantly increased the overall predictive accuracy of college adjustment. No associations, however, were found between actual distance and the various dimensions of college adjustment. Finally, the implications of using multiple predictors of college adjustment are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the mediating roles of academic self-efficacy and academic adjustment in the relationship between perceived social support and life satisfaction among Nigerian university freshmen. A total of 621 beginning university students (females = 50.4%, mean age = 19.67years, SD = 4.56) completed surveys of their academic self-efficacy, academic adjustment, perceived social support, and life satisfaction. Results, following regression analysis with partial mediation, revealed only academic adjustment to significantly mediate the relationship between perceived social support and life satisfaction. Social support networks from family and faculty members might enhance freshmen’s academic adjustment related life satisfaction.  相似文献   

An experiment is reported in which it was found that when subjects were required to indicate which of two visual extents was more difficult to categorize as “long” or “short,” they executed these categorizations and then measured the distance of the representation of each stimulus from the long-short category boundary; the stimulus nearer the boundary was judged to be the more difficult. When they were requested to indicate which was easier to categorize, they selected the alternative that was farther. Coombs’s theory of data (1952, 1964) and his unfolding theory of preferential choice (1950, 1964) provided the conceptualization of metacognition in this psychophysical task context. Strong support for the probabilisitic version of unfolding theory was obtained from the observed selective effects of laterality on the levels of stochastic transitivity attained for various classes of triples and the reliably longer times for comparisons with bilateral pairs than with unilateral pairs. The semantic congruity effects obtained, together with the changes in the form of the relationship between probability and response time as a function of practice, can be best accounted for by an evidence accrual theory in which the distances from the active reference point are measured and compared with a criterion on each evidence accrual. No support is provided for the view that propositionally based semantic “ease”- “difficulty” codes serve as the basis for these metacognitive comparative judgments of ease and difficulty.  相似文献   

The relevance of the personality dimension “repression-sensitization” (D. Byrne in B. A. Maher (Ed.), Progress in experimental personality research, Vol. 1, NY: Academic Press, 1964, pp. 169–219) to selective exposure processes was investigated. Experimental repressors (who typically employ “avoidance” strategies in dealing with threatening stimuli) and experimental sensitizers (who generally “approach” threatening stimuli) were allowed to choose and keep one of two pairs of painting reproductions, each pair containing one positively and one negatively valued painting. After the decision, which experimental subjects believed terminated the experiment, subjects were allowed to inspect the alternatives ad libitum for 75 sec. Eye gaze during this period was unobtrusively videotaped. Compared to their matched controls, who were simply asked to inspect the paintings in order to decide which ones they liked best, experimental repressors inspected paintings that were consonant with their choices and avoided looking at paintings that were dissonant with their decisions. Experimental sensitizers did not manifest such postdecisional selective exposure. The implications of these results for past and future research on dissonance-produced selective exposure were discussed.  相似文献   

Of 1,136 senior colleges surveyed in the United States, 71 per cent of the 415 responding reported that they had student counseling facilities. The median ratio was 1 counselor per 770 students; 18 per cent make use of graduate students as assistants; 8 per cent exclude certain groups of students from these facilities. The majority of counseling services are connected with student personnel divisions, and more than half routinely test entering freshmen for academic aptitudes or achievement, personality factors, or vocational interests. Over three-quarters offer optional testing of intelligence, personality factors, vocational and academic aptitudes, and vocational interests. Over half limit counseling to “normal” problems, and the largest specific orientation is Rogerian; most, however, consider their approach “eclectic.”  相似文献   

The major purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of three verbally-mediated variables on financial contributions in a door-todoor charity campaign. The relationship of race to contributions was also observed by using both black and white subjects. One hundred and twenty black and 120 white subjects were randomly assigned to one of 8 verbal appeals in a 2 (High vs. Low Dependency) × 2 (Internal vs. External Causal Locus of Need) × 2 (“it is your social responsibility” vs. “it will make you feel good” Expressed Reason for Giving) factorial design. The solicitor controlled for order effects by varying the sequence of these three variables within each experimental group. Main effects were found for Rae, Causal Locus of Need, and Expressed Reason for Giving: Whites contributed more than blacks, the external locus of need condition produced more giving than the internal condition, and persons who heard the “feel good” reason donated more than those in the “social responsibility” condition. Additionally, a significant Causal Locus of Need × Expressed Reason for Giving interaction was found. The combination of external locus of need and “feel good” was considerably more productive of contributions than the other three combinations. Implications of these results for the helping behavior literature are discussed.  相似文献   

The 16 PF and a rating scale were given to a group of college underachievers and the following subgroups emerged: 38 test responders (TR) who were not interested in group therapy, an experimental (E) group containing 19 subjects who received group therapy, and a control (C) group containing 13 subjects who were interested in but did not receive group therapy. After an interval of about 17 weeks, and following the termination of group therapy for the E group, data on academic improvement were obtained. The results indicate: (a) significantly greater academic improvement in the E group than in the C group; (b) higher correlations between certain adaptive or “healthy” personality variables and academic improvement in the E group than in the TR and C groups.  相似文献   

Sites of embodied disruption challenge academics to engage with power at its seams. In this article I consider an ethics of embodiment, situating it within questions raised by Judith Butler in her articles, “Doing Justice to Someone” (Butler 2001a) and “Giving an Account of Oneself” (Butler 2001b). In “Giving an Account,” Butler claims that gaps in knowledge and representation are germane to ethical practice, that brave inadequacies and creative approximations are the best we can do for others and ourselves. In “Doing Justice,” Butler enacts this stance, recounting the story of David Reimer, a child who in 1965 was offered up to science after his penis was severed in a botched circumcision. She seizes upon, through narrative fragments, a body whose sexual indeterminacy became the site and occasion for particularly brutal regimes of interpretation. Butler situates this patchwork narrative within the academic industry that reappropriates David's story for its own purposes. Taking Butler's ideas to heart, I carefully trace the nuances of her argument and highlight the (necessary) silences and foreclosures of her account. I propose “seamfulness” as a possible ethical‐aesthetic strategy for embodying Butler's ethical concerns. I close by briefly introducing some implications for arts‐informed representations in academic work.  相似文献   

Drexel University requires entering freshmen to have access to a personal microcomputer. Part of the faculty development effort was a faculty newsletter,boot. The newsletter published information about microcomputers and their applications and about microcomputer-related events on campus. Unlike newsletters produced by academic computing centers,boot was edited by faculty, most of its pieces were written by faculty, and it was addressed to all members of the university community, not just that subgroup with a prior interest in, or prior record of, computer use. This article describes the publication and presents data indicating that the faculty found it to be clearly worthwhile.  相似文献   

The study aimed to design and evaluate a program for the prevention of childhood depression (“Pozik-Bizi” [in English, “Live-Happily”]), comparing its effects with a socio-emotional intervention program based on cooperative play. The sample comprised 420 students aged 7 to 10?years from the Basque Country, 51.9% were randomly assigned to the experimental condition (“Pozik-Bizi”) program and 48.1% to the control group (“Play program”). Using a pretest-posttest repeated measures experimental design, 7 evaluation instruments were administered. When comparing the two interventions, it was confirmed that those who participated in the “Pozik-Bizi” program significantly decreased their level of clinical maladjustment, school maladjustment, emotional, and behavioral problems, and they increased positive behaviors that inhibit depression. However, the cooperative play program improved self-concept and social skills significantly more than the “Pozik-Bizi” program. The effect size in all the variables was small. The discussion analyzes the effectiveness of specific programs of prevention of childhood depression versus global programs of social-emotional development. This work provides a program to prevent childhood depression that has been shown to be effective in the reduction of clinical variables. In addition, this study confirms the positive potential of programs of cooperative play, to increase self-concept and social skills.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo reveal and study the fluctuating dynamics of perceived exertion (PE) during constant-power exercise performed under different conditions (duration, intensity, and termination).DesignA pilot and two subsequent experimental studies were performed. The studies consisted of manipulating workload and measuring fluctuating perceived exertion dynamics throughout the cycling task.MethodsIn a pilot study Borg's rating of perceived exertion (RPE) was measured every 15 s in 2 groups of 9 participants each (using RPE 6-20 and CR10 scales, respectively) cycling at heavy intensity until volitional exhaustion. The percentage of participants alternating increased and decreased RPE values (fluctuating dynamics) was calculated. In 2 subsequent experiments PE changes (increase/decrease perceptions) were reported when occurring in 2 groups of 13 participants cycling at a moderate intensity for 30 and 60 min, respectively (Experiment 1), and in another group of 12 participants cycling at heavy intensity until volitional exhaustion (Experiment 2). The individual time series of “increase”/“decrease” reports were divided into 5 non-overlapping temporal windows, and the percentages of “PE increase” were calculated for each window.ResultsIn the pilot study 66.6% (RPE 6-20 group) and 33.3% (CR10 group) of the participants showed an RPE fluctuating dynamics during the exercise. However, all participants showed a clear PE fluctuating dynamics during the moderate and heavy intensity exercises performed in Experiment 1 and Experiment 2, respectively. Nevertheless, a transition towards a PE non-fluctuating dynamics (dominated by “PE increase” reports) was noticed in Experiment 2 while approaching volitional exhaustion.ConclusionsPE seems to have a dominant fluctuating dynamics during constant-power cycling performed under different conditions (duration, intensity, and termination) that changes towards a non-fluctuating dynamics when approaching the volitional exhaustion point.  相似文献   

The retention, academic achievement, and change in college plans of students committed to a field of study as freshmen are compared with those who were not sure of their interest. A survey form administered to all the freshmen in the class of 1964, College of Agriculture, was readministered to all those still enrolled seven semesters later. The original hypothesis that the committed student was different from the uncommitted tended to be upheld. The committed student who was dedicated to the study of agriculture was more persistent in his interest in his chosen field; fewer committed students changed majors; fewer withdrew from college.  相似文献   

Subjective and objective scales designed to assess Herzberg and Hamlin's (1961) motivation and hygiene constructs were given to 133 male university freshmen. On the basis of ACT scores and responses to a university admission form, they were classified into groups having no vocational preferences (NP), non-realistic preferences (NRP), and realistic preferences (RP). NRP and RP groups were more motivation oriented than NP group, and on one scale NRP group was more hygiene oriented than RP group. A group of 34 male clients was more motivation oriented than NP group. With ACT scores partialled out, grade-point average was correlated positively with endorsement of certain “motivator” job incentives and negatively with endorsement of some “hygiene” incentives. The findings and theory are suggested as relevant to vocational and educational counseling.  相似文献   

This investigation was designed to develop “generalized” regression weights for predicting first-year grades at any four-year college and to estimate the regression constant at each college to take into account differences among colleges in the academic potentials of their students and in the rigor of their grading practices. Results for 50 colleges which participated in the American College Testing Research Services were used to develop generalized regression weights for the ACT-Composite and the high school average (HSA). Regression constants were estimated by using Astin's (1965) factor scores for 167 colleges to predict mean ACT-Composite, mean HSA, and mean college GPA. The predictive efficiency of the generalized equations was compared with that of unique equations developed for 18 individual colleges. The generalized equations proved to be as accurate as the unique equations. Some implications were drawn for the practical application of generalized equations in pre-college guidance and college admission programs.  相似文献   

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