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Two studies are reported which are concerned with the program of counseling in the women's residence halls of the University of Illinois. The first study demonstrated the inadequacy of the MMPI as a selection instrument for graduate assistants (G.A.'s) serving as residence hall counselors. The second study demonstrated: that students, G.A.'s, head residents, deans, and professional psychologists differ significantly in their definition of the G.A.'s function; that they differ less in defining the attributes of an ideal G.A.; that head residents and students do not differ significantly in their rating of a real G.A.; that the less experienced and the less able students ask more of a G.A. and value her more highly; that the program is functioning well as judged by student endorsement; and that neither the Strong, the Edwards, nor the CPI discriminate between the better and poorer G.A.'s. The data also suggest caution in generalizing results from one institution to another.  相似文献   

As part of a longitudinal study of legal socialization (N= 507), a subset of the sample (n= 87) was chosen for an exploratory naturalistic experiment of the effect of manipulated residence hall judicial policies on attitudes toward rule-violating behavior. Freshman students who directly participated in the functioning of their dormitory judicial system (n= 26) expressed attitudes less tolerant of rule-violating behaviors than did freshman students (n= 12) who had no control over how rules were enforced. Students in both of these experimental conditions expressed attitudes less tolerant of rule-violating behavior than did those (n= 49) living in two control dormitories operating under the usual university policies. While noting the problem of confounds inherent in naturalistic designs, the results are interpreted as suggesting that while the imposition of strict rules by an external authority can result in attitudinal compliance, a stronger effect can be achieved by fostering shared values through active student participation in the judicial system. The implications of these findings are interpreted within the context of control theory.  相似文献   

The present research investigated whether (a) preexisting affiliation (bias) between a mediator and 1 disputant and (b) interpersonal hostility between 2 disputants affected university Residence hall Assistants' (RAs') mediation strategies. Respondents (N = 45) read 1 of 4 versions of a dispute scenario; versions varied independent variables according to a 2 × 2 design (high vs. low mediator affiliation and high vs. low disputant hostility). Respondents indicated the probability of using 18 mediation techniques. Results suggested that both independent variables significantly affected strategy selection. When friends with the complainant, the RA was likely to first avoid mediating. Hostility between disputants was related to less problem solving. In all conditions. RAs mentioned techniques consistent with stage theories of mediation, moving from problem definition to problem solving to pressing the parties.  相似文献   

The author examined the effect of Relationship Enhancement training as a preventive intervention with college roommates. Trained paraprofessional counselors (resident assistants) led 20 Relationship Skills Workshops for students in their living units. The workshops (four 2-hour sessions each) were based on the Relationship Enhancement method and involved training students in expressive (subjective self-disclosure) and empathic (demonstrating understanding) skills. Students were randomly assigned to workshops either early (experimental group) or late (delayed treatment control group) in the semester. Assessments of students' expressive and empathic skills when discussing personal concerns and conflicts with their roommates were made on all participants at the beginning, middle, and end of the semester. Results show significantly higher level skills for the trained experimental group in comparison to the as-yet untrained delayed-treatment control group at the middle of the semester, and that significant improvement occurred in both groups following their respective participation in training, suggesting training was effective.  相似文献   

This study compared the traits and achievements of students in various living groups. Students in fraternities and sororities were found to be more socially oriented, and students in off-campus rooms or at home were less socially oriented on a wide variety of measures. When students' pre-college scores were controlled, there were few differences among the groups on self-ratings or life goals. Fraternity and sorority students had more college social achievements but were not superior in other areas of non-academic achievement or in grades. These results were interpreted as showing that the effects of living groups are small.  相似文献   

大学生环境意识与环境行为的调查研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
钟毅平  谭千保  张英 《心理科学》2003,26(3):542-542,544
1 问题的提出N.w.海姆斯特拉和L.H.麦克法林早在1978年指出“环境心理学是研究人的行为和物理环境相互关系的学科。”D.V.坎特尔和K.H.克赖克曾在1981年撰文指出环境心理学要探讨和分析人的体验和活动与有关的社会物理环境之间的相互关系。他们主要探讨了环境心理学的研究对象,并指出人的意识、行为与外界环境相互作用,换而言之,人的环  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported that examine the circumstances under which irrelevant material causes interference with visual memory. Experiment 1 indicates that the amount of interference is related to the extent of the dynamic aspect within a visual noise field when the field is used as the irrelevant material. When the dynamic aspect comprises only a single dot changing within a field of 80 x 80 dots, interference is significant. Experiments 2 and 3 indicate that when the dot is extracted from the noise field and presented against a uniform plain background interference crucially depends on whether the dot is presented and re-presented at the same spatial location or at different locations. Only when the dot occupies successively different locations is interference caused. It is argued that the results are to be understood in terms of the two component parts of the VSSP. When the dot is presented against a uniform field and in different spatial locations, interference acts through the active spatial component. When the dot occupies a single position, interference acts through the passive visual store. The passive visual store only is sensitive to the visual noise background.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the bidirectional relationship between youth behaviours, more specifically opposition and aggression, and the types of interventions used by staff within a child welfare residential setting. Intervention forms were completed by staff after their interventions with youth. A total of 278 micro-interactions between staff and youth were coded from 84 forms. Generalised estimating equations were conducted controlling for past aggression during the intervention. Reminding youth of rules and using constraining methods were the interventions used with greater frequency when youth were oppositional or aggressive. These two interventions were also found to increase the odds of opposition and aggression among youth.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess any differences in psychosocial problems among adolescents living with both parents, or with their mother or their father. Any benefits of living with a same-sex parent compared to a parent of the opposite sex, was also analysed. A total of 1,686 adolescents aged 14-15 years participated from 29 schools in Hordaland county, including schools in downtown Bergen and more rural areas. The findings revealed significantly more psychosocial problems among the adolescents living with one parent compared to both parents. Significant differences were also observed between adolescents living in mother custody compared to father custody, indicating more problems among the latter group. Furthermore, girls living with their father had significantly higher levels of psychological symptoms, compared to boys in father custody. Similarly, boys living with their father were involved in more stealing behavior than girls in father custody. However, residence arrangement accounted for only a limited proportion of the variance in the adolescents' psychosocial problems, indicating large within-group variance and overlap between the different custody groups.  相似文献   

David J. Monge 《Dialog》2002,41(3):210-220
The theology of Douglas John Hall has much to offer us in a time of wanton warfare and social injustices. Hall contends that the modern paradigm, supported by an "eternal, universal theology of glory" proves inadequate for addressing the problems of the world in which we live, and offers us a "contextual theology of the cross." This theology, unlike theologies of glory, is not afraid to "walk" into the darkness; in fact, Hall contends that is the only place where the light of God is revealed.  相似文献   

In this study, an ecological model was used to expand the current understanding of what contributes to college adjustment. Individual and environmental variables, and their relative contributions to college adjustment, were explored. This study also included the additional feature of the examination of environmental variables as possible mediators between the individual variables and college adjustment. The sample included 240 college freshmen at a large urban university. As predicted, both groups of variables accounted for significant proportions of variance in college adjustment. Further, the combination of both groups explained a greater proportion of variance than did either group alone. Maladaptive coping and perceived university environment were the most essential to college adjustment. Surprisingly, social support and gender were not essential for college adjustment. However, the environmental variables proved to be significant partial mediators between the individual variables and college adjustment. Finally, possible interventions and suggestions for future research are outlined.  相似文献   

This paper describes a semistructured, time-limited model of group treatment for latency age children. The members, all of whom came from reconstituted families, had a variety of reactive, somatoform, and characterological problems. With help from the therapists, each member constructed his or her own genogram which was then discussed by the group as a whole. Because this format incorporated a technique for mapping family structure into a traditional model of children's group therapy, it focused the group's manifest communication on changing family roles and relationships, both as they had occurred in reality and as they were symbolically reenacted within the group process. Feelings of shame, guilt, anger, and loss were markedly ameliorated as the group members studied the structure of their extended families within an environment which encouraged normative peer interaction and progressive emotional development. A brief review of the recent literature on time-limited, theme centered groups for children is included to provide a context for understanding the group.  相似文献   

The study attempted to isolate some of the environmental conditions that controlled the self-destructive behavior of three severely retarded and psychotic children. In the extinction study subjects were placed in a room where they were allowed to hurt themselves, isolated from interpersonal contact. They eventually ceased to hurt themselves in that situation, the rate of self-destruction falling gradually over successive days. In the punishment study, subjects were administered painful electric shock contingent on the self-destructive behavior. (1) The self-destructive behavior was immediately suppressed. (2) The behavior recurred when shock was removed. (3) The suppression was selective, both across physical locales and interpersonal situations, as a function of the presence of shock. (4) Generalized effects on other, non-shock behaviors, appeared in a clinically desirable direction. Finally, a study was reported where self-destructive behavior increased when certain social attentions were given contingent upon that behavior.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed for the purpose of ascertaining the effects of two processes in recognition memory: the Ss’ actual viewing time of verbal material and the E’s feedback. Recognition-memory performance was found to be superior for an Ednduced feedback over the S’s own “subjective, ” induced feedback (query loops), even though the time for total rehearsal was kept constant for each condition. The actual viewing time was not found to be a critical factor. Several hypotheses are advanced to account for this result.  相似文献   

These experiments were motivated by the idea that many types of nondeclarative memory are by-products arising from the plasticity that is inherent in much of the nervous system. We hypothesized that two types of repetition priming, word-stem completion (WSC) priming and perceptual identification (PI) priming, rely on different mechanisms because the WSC task and the PI task engage different cognitive and brain processes. We tested this hypothesis by manipulating word familiarity. The results, impaired WSC priming but intact PI priming with unfamiliar words, indicate that WSC priming relies primarily on a modification mechanism, whereas PI priming relies primarily on an acquisition mechanism. Our conclusions are consistent with component processes theories of nondeclarative memory.  相似文献   

Patients with lesions in the right parietal lobe neglect the left side of nonwords much more than the left side of words. This has been interpreted in terms of a more automatic process in reading words. The case of a patient with left visual neglect after a vascular right parietooccipital lesion is presented. He showed the phenomenon of a word superiority effect over nonword in reading at the beginning in a clinical test with static cards; 6 months later, after some recovery, the same phenomenon could be demonstrated only with tachistoscopic presentation, and it occurred even inside the good right visual hemifield. The word form of visually presented stimuli was manipulated, showing that there was a striking effect particularly when spacing the letters of words in a task that requires naming the stimulus. The patient's performance is interpreted in terms of an attentional deficit occurring at an early level of spatial information processing.  相似文献   

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