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To help explain female inferiority in mathematical performance, sex differences in personality correlates of mathematical ability were examined. Three instruments, Rotter's I-E Scale, Miller Adult Locus of Evaluation Scale, and Byrd's Attitude Concerning Life and Self were administered to measure four personality factors: locus of control, locus of evaluation, identity confusion associated with resolution of the adolescent identity crisis, and self-esteem. Each personality score was correlated separately by sex with Scholastic Aptitude Test mathematical and verbal scores. The sample included 68 females and 63 males, randomly selected from college-bound seniors in a predominantly white, middle-class, suburban high school, chosen to limit the effects of social, economic, racial and educational differences. Two variables were partialed out for control purposes: number of mathematics courses completed and IQ Otis-Lennon Mental Ability Test. For females only, internal locus of control and self-esteem were significant correlates of mathematical ability, and were seen as facilitators of female mathematical functioning in the face of environmental impediments to female mathematical performance.  相似文献   

Personality Correlates of Self-Esteem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The current study examined the relation between self-esteem and the Big Five personality dimensions. Data were collected over the Internet from a large heterogeneous sample of individuals who ranged in age from 9 to 90 years (N = 326,641). Collectively, the Big Five accounted for 34% of the variance in self-esteem. High self-esteem individuals were emotionally stable, extraverted, and conscientious and were somewhat agreeable and open to experience. Despite an extensive search for potential mediators and moderators of this general pattern, the relations between self-esteem and the Big Five largely cut across age, sex, social class, ethnicity, and nationality (United States vs non-United States). High self-esteem individuals tended to ascribe socially desirable traits to themselves, and this tendency partially mediated relations between the Big Five and self-esteem. Discussion focuses on interpreting the social desirability effects, limitations of the study, and directions for future research.  相似文献   

A sample of 311 primary school teachers completed the Spiritual Health in Four Domains Index alongside the abbreviated revised Eysenck Personality Questionnaire and measures of religiosity. The data demonstrate that higher levels of spiritual health are found among older teachers who record low scores on the psychoticism scale and who practice religious faith through church attendance and personal prayer.  相似文献   

中学骨干教师人格特质、一般自我效能感及其关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该研究旨在了解中学骨干教师的人格特征、一般自我效能感特征,以及两者之间的关系。采用卡特尔16人格因素问卷以及一般自我效能感量表,随机选择参加江西省骨干教师、骨干班主任培训的286名中学教师进行测查。结果:1)中学骨干教师人格特质存在性别差异和学科差异;2)中学骨干教师一般自我效能感较高,但与性别、学科、教龄、职称等均相关不显著,教龄和一般自我效能感总体上呈倒U型曲线变化趋势;3)人格特质与自我效能感相关显著,稳定性、恃强性、自律性、忧虑性等4种人格特质比其它人格特质更能预测一般自我效能感的变化。结论:中学骨干教师人格特质具有自身的优越性,一般自我效能感水平较高,人格特质能够预测一般自我效能感的变化。  相似文献   

The study examined the possible roles that creativity plays in students dropping out of high school. It used data from the National Educational Longitudinal Study (NELS: 88), the Educational Longitudinal Study (ELS: 2002), and 87 high school students from a low income area in southeastern Michigan. NELS and ELS questions related to creative personality and anticreative school environment were selected and asked of students. The students’ responses were compared to their scores on measures of creativity (Runco Ideational Behavior Scale, Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking, & Scales for Rating the Behavioral Characteristics of Superior Students). The NELS respondents who showed creative personality were identified and examined whether their creativity related to dropping out. The results of logistic regression analyses indicated that the questions selected from NELS and ELS that showed anticreative school environment have a negative correlation with the scores on the creativity measures, which affect students’ dropping out. An understanding of these students and their behavior will help promote creative students’ academic and lifelong success through appropriate classroom restructuring.  相似文献   

Personality Correlates of Workplace Anti-Social Behavior   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
La relation entre le comportement antisocial au travail (ASB) et des traits de personnalité généraux a étéétudiée sur un échantillon composé de 267 salariés coréens. L'ASB au travail a été conceptualiséà partir de deux dimensions, l'ASB dirigée contre les individues (ASBI) et l'ASB dirigée contre l'organisation (ASBO). La personnalité a étéévaluée grâce au Big Five et à un sixième facteur ≪honnêteté-humilité≫ ( Ashton & Lee, 2001 ). Les analyses de régression multiple indiquèrent que l'honnêteté-humilité et l'extraversion jouaient un rôle essentiel dans la prédiction de l'ASBI et de l'ASBO. De plus, Agreeableness était reliée à l'ASBI tandis que Conscientiousness l'était à l'ASBO. On parle aussi de la nécessité d'adopter un modèle optimal des traits de personnalité.
The relationship between workplace Anti-Social Behavior (ASB) and higher-order personality traits was investigated using a sample of 267 Korean employees. Workplace ASB was conceptualized as having two dimensions: ASB directed against individuals (ASBI) and ASB directed against the organization (ASBO). Personality was assessed using adjective measures of the Big Five factors and of a sixth factor, Honesty-Humility ( Ashton & Lee, 2001 ). Multiple regression analyses indicated that Honesty-Humility and Extraversion played prominent roles in predicting both ASBI and ASBO. Also, Agreeableness was related to ASBI, whereas Conscientiousness was related to ASBO. The importance of adopting an optimal framework of personality traits was discussed.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to examine the relationships between bulimia and the personality characteristics of assertiveness, masculinity, femininity, masculinity-femininity, and externality. The results showed low but statistically significant negative relationships between assertiveness, masculinity, and masculinity-femininity and high bulimia test scores, and even greater predictive ability was obtained when these variables were combined.  相似文献   

徐胡燕 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1208-1210
本研究采用调查分析法,从中学校长和中学生对心理学教师人格特征期望的视角,来探讨师范大学如何培养具有健全人格的心理学教师,建构心理学教师人格结构模型。结果表明,中学心理学教师健全人格结构包括:教师职业理想,教师态度品质,积极情感品质和坚强的意志品质。  相似文献   

A group of 105 tenth-grade high school students living in Turkey were studied to discover their attitudes toward their host nation and experiences while living away from the United States. It was hypothesized that neither the length of time a student resides in a country nor his sex would have an effect on either the number of experiences related to his host country or his attitude while living in a foreign country. The results indicated that the longer the students live overseas, the more experiences related to the culture of the host country they have. Their attitudes were the same regardless of their sex or length of residence.  相似文献   

This study is an investigation of the relationship between third grade final marks, achievement test scores, and subsequent achievement in elementary and secondary school. It was focused on the early identification of students for whom changes in the curriculum might be indicated.  相似文献   

Three groups of junior and senior high schools students (total N = 1050) recruited in rural counties of a mid-Atlantic state–those who had made a prior suicide attempt, those reporting high levels of depressed mood or suicidal ideation, and those who were not depressed or suicidal – were compared with regard to their reports of a number of potential risk factors for suicidal behavior. Adolescents with a history of a suicide attempt reported more frequent stresses related to parents, lack of adult supports outside of the home, police, and sexuality (i.e., concerns about pregnancy, pressure to have sex, getting sexually transmitted diseases), compared with both depressed/suicide ideators and nondepressed adolescents. Suicide attempters were also more likely than the other adolescents to report that they were physically hurt by a parent, that they ran away from home, that they lived apart from both parents, and that they knew someone who had completed suicide. Results are discussed in the context of prior studies of adolescent suicidal behavior in community and clinical samples.  相似文献   

Personality Correlates of Confidence in One's Decisions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT Taylor and Brown (1988) hypothesized that certain illusions, such as unrealistic optimism, are predictably associated with positive affect, social skills, and intellectual functioning. To test this hypothesis, we obtained data from 162 students who first filled out a questionnaire containing dispositional measures of affect, social skills, and approaches to problem solving; in a second session they completed three tasks requiring difficult decisions, reporting their confidence in each decision. Accuracy of judgments was found to vary considerably from task to task, but confidence ratings showed a consistent pattern of individual differences. This result lent support to Taylor and Brown's hypothesis, as did other features of the data, most notably several small but significant Pearson r s between confidence ratings and dispositional variables. Removing the effects of accuracy from these r s reduced their magnitude very little; it yielded partial r s interpretable as evidence that illusory confidence is associated with personality traits which, in this case, load saliently on factors labeled ( a ) affective, and ( b ) cognitive/social.  相似文献   

A heterogeneous sample of chronic pain patients was first classified into one of three previously identified subgroups (i.e., dysfunctional, interpersonally distressed, adaptive) using the Multidimensional Pain Inventory (R. D. Kerns, D. C. Turk, & T. E. Rudy, 1985). Multiple differences at the domain and facet levels of the Revised NEO PI-R Personality Inventory (P. T. Costa, Jr. & R. R. McCrae, 1992) were found among the three subgroups of patients. In particular, the interpersonally distressed patients showed a greater degree of Neuroticism and were more introverted. Further analyses revealed that this group had tendencies toward feeling more vulnerable, being less trustful, and experiencing less positive emotions than the other groups. The dysfunctional group of patients was notable in terms of their low activity level and lower Openness (to new experience). Adaptive copers reported being emotionally stable, having a moderate degree of Extraversion, and being open to a wider variety of experiences. These differences may act as mediating influences in differing patient responsiveness to pain management programs.  相似文献   

Personality and Temperament Correlates of Marital Satisfaction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Participants (166 married couples, ages 20–85) were administered marital satisfaction and Pleasantness-Arousability-Dominance temperament scales. Participants with more pleasant and more dominant temperaments, and those who had mates with more pleasant temperaments, were happier in their marriages. Temperament accounted for substantially more variance (30%–34% in marital satisfaction than effect sizes reported in the personality/marital satisfaction literature. Because Pleasantness is a general index of psychological adjustment, findings implied that better adjusted persons, and those with better adjusted mates, were more satisfied in marriage. Unpleasant and submissive (i.e., depressed) wives were highly dissatisfied in marriage. Although intermate temperament similarity on Pleasantness and Dominance (but not on Arousability) correlated positively with marital satisfaction, similarity was a weaker and somewhat misleading predictor of satisfaction in comparison to findings when individual temperament scores were treated as separate variables. Also, weak results showed individuals selected mates with temperaments similar to their own.  相似文献   

The study investigates the relationship between Type A coronary-prone behavior pattern and self-concept, need for approval, extroversion, neuroticism, and trait anxiety. Eighty-eight undergraduate students completed the Jenkins Activity Survey, which measures the Type A personality; the Tennessee Self-Concept Scale (TSCS; Fitts, 1965); the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale; the A-Trait Scale (Spielberger, Gorsuch, & Lushene, 1970), and the Eysenck Personality Inventory. It was found that Type As scored lower on all the dimensions of self-concept except the physical. It was also found that Type Bs scored higher on need for approval, but only on its avoidance component. In addition, Type As scored higher on extroversion and on neuroticism. The implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Theory of mind, or mentalizing, defined as the ability to reason about another's mental states, is a crucial psychological function that is disrupted in some forms of psychopathology, but little is known about how individual differences in this ability relate to personality or brain function. One previous study linked mentalizing ability to individual differences in the personality trait Agreeableness. Agreeableness encompasses two major subdimensions: Compassion reflects tendencies toward empathy, prosocial behaviour, and interpersonal concern, whereas Politeness captures tendencies to suppress aggressive and exploitative impulses. We hypothesized that Compassion but not Politeness would be associated with better mentalizing ability. This hypothesis was confirmed in Study 1 (N = 329) using a theory of mind task that required reasoning about the beliefs of fictional characters. Post hoc analyses indicated that the honesty facet of Agreeableness was negatively associated with mentalizing. In Study 2 (N = 217), we examined whether individual differences in mentalizing and related traits were associated with patterns of resting‐state functional connectivity in the brain. Performance on the theory of mind task was significantly associated with patterns of connectivity between the dorsal medial and core subsystems of the default network, consistent with evidence implicating these regions in mentalization. Copyright © 2017 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

On présente dans cet article les résultats de la première étude transversale européenne portant sur les dimensions de la personnalité en relation avec les délits financiers commis par les cols blancs. Ce travail est un prolongement de la recherche de Collin & Schmidt (1992) sur les délits des cols blancs aux Etats‐Unis. Les données ont été récoltées auprès de 150 cadres en poste dans des sociétés commerciales allemandes et de 76 délinquants en col blanc anciennement cadres. Les répondants ont rempli des échelles papier crayon mesurant l’hédonisme (l’Echelle de Valeurs de Schwartz), le sens des responsabilités (NEO‐FFI), le narcissisme (DSM‐III‐R), la désirabilité sociale (Crowne & Marlowe), et le self‐control comportemental. L’analyse de régression logistique montra que 69% de la variance était commune aux deux groupes. Le délit financier commis par un col blanc dépend du sexe (les hommes sont surreprésentés), d’un faible self‐control comportemental, d’un hédonisme élevé, d’un fort narcissisme et d’un sens des responsabilités affirmé quand la désirabilité sociale est statistiquement contrôlée. Ce résultat concernant le sens des responsabilités est toutefois en contradiction avec l’interprétation que Collins et Schmidt donnent de leurs travaux (1993). On peut supposer que les délinquants en col blanc haut placés combinent malhonnêteté et sens des responsabilités élevé. In this paper the results of the first cross‐sectional study in Europe examining personality correlates of white‐collar crime in business are presented. This study is an extension of Collins and Schmidt's (1993 ) research on white‐collar crime in the United States. The data were obtained from 150 managers currently active in German corporations and 76 white‐collar criminals who formerly held such positions. Participants filled out paper and pencil scales measuring hedonism (Schwartz Value Scale), conscientiousness (NEO‐FFI), narcissism (DSM‐III‐R), social desirability ( Crowne & Marlowe, 1960 ), and behavioral self‐control. The logistic regression analysis accounted for 69 per cent of the variance between the two groups. Business white‐collar crime is predicted by gender (males higher rates than females), low behavioral self‐control, high hedonism, high narcissism, and high conscientiousness after statistically controlling for social desirability. The results concerning conscientiousness, however, contradict the interpretation of findings reported by Collins and Schmidt (1993 ). It is argued here that high‐ranking white‐collar criminals in business combine low integrity with high conscientiousness.  相似文献   

One can observe, in many Ss, relatively consistent, unidirectional, conjugate lateral eye movements (CLEM) occuring in relation to reflective thought. Some studies have suggested an affinity between CLEM catagories (Right Lookers, Left Lookers) and catagories in other personality typologies (e.g., William James). An attempt was made to test this notion and determine cognitive and perceptual correlates of CLEM, employing the Rorschach. Hypotheses predicted a diffuse, “tender-minded” cognition for Left Lookers and a focused “tough-mindedness” for Right Lookers. Results were marginal for all instruments with the exception that sample extremes differed in Form-level and organization.  相似文献   

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