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After a long time of growth current studies on representative samples of adolescents indicate that the number of adolescent cannabis users in Germany is possibly decreasing. However, it may be presumptuous to expect a similar trend concerning the number of clients with cannabis-related disorders. Even if there is in fact a downward trend which is not yet proven, the rapidly growing number of clients presenting with these disorders in recent years cannot be explained by a similar growth in the number of regular cannabis users. Treatment centres should therefore expect a further inreasing number of especially male adolescents and young adults seeking help for problems related to cannabis use. The development, evaluation and implementation of specific treatment options concerning cannabis use disorders will be increasingly needed in the future. Cognitive-behavioral and motivational interventions have been shown to be evidence-based treatments. The paper describes some promising or already successful treatment approaches and related research projects in Germany.  相似文献   

The narrow concepts of illness insight and compliance in psychiatry and psychotherapy will be discussed, not least because they contradict the dynamics of psychosis. Demands on therapeutic relations will be deduced from the therapeutic relationship between psychosis and ownness as well as of the experiences of untreated patients. The particular prospects of the accompaniment of a trained peer counsellor during convalescence will be represented and explained by the experiences of the Hamburg psychenet project. This new form of treatment in Germany is conceived as a supplement and not as competition to psychotherapy.  相似文献   

Psychotherapy and psychoanalysis form a contrast – in particular in German-speaking countries – comparable to that between education and “Bildung”: psychotherapy and education intentionally and purposefully influence the patient or pupil whereas psychoanalysis and “Bildung” pursue the ideal of a development process which is to a great extent free from outside influences. The present paper aims to show that these seemingly contrasting pairs have been artificially differentiated into extremes. Both are supposed to solve the following paradoxes: the educational paradox “How is freedom possible under constraint?” and the psychoanalytical paradox “How is independence possible under dependency?” It might, however, be possible to overcome the unfruitful contrast in both cases and to keep the feared paradox in abeyance.  相似文献   

Herm J. Jordan 《Synthese》1939,4(1):486-503
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Zusammenfassung  Die Veränderung pathogenetisch bedeutsamer Beziehungsmuster gilt als wesentliches psychotherapeutisches Behandlungsziel. Um zielgerichtete Veränderungen von Beziehungsstrukturen zu erreichen, bedarf es sowohl einer Diagnostik und Beschreibung solcher Beziehungsmuster, einer darauf zielenden Behandlungstechnik als auch einer Verlaufskontrolle und Evaluation der angestrebten Veränderungen. Nach einem Überblick über verschiedene Methoden zur Erfassung von Beziehungsmustern wird die Methode des Zentralen-Beziehungskonflikt-Themas (ZBKT) von Luborsky näher beschrieben; ausgewählte Ergebnisse der ZBKT-Forschung werden dargestellt und die Methode kritisch bewertet.
Cornelia AlbaniEmail:

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