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明代独特的道德生活是有其偏执的政治导向、失序的商品经济发展以及无根社会文化综合作用的结果.究其实质乃是在商品经济发展的过程中,传统儒家的价值观念无力为新的社会经济生产方式提供价值支撑,道德生活中的种种失范现象最终都导源于核心价值观的缺失.  相似文献   

道德权威是维护社会道德秩序的重要力量.在中国传统社会中,道德权威与政治权威是合二而一的,并通过王权合法性问题而展现出来.道德权威的确立需要坚实的理论基础,阳明心学的"以心代理"是导致明代中后期道德生活的混乱与失序的重要原因.  相似文献   

道德生活专题范式转换与道德生活史的研究………………关健英(1·94)儒家传统伦理与现代生活的分化……………易小明(1·97)论道德与生活的关系及道德生活的本质特征………………………………………………王泽应(6·18)先秦礼文化凸显的道德生活………唐凯麟邓志伟(6·24)从“兼济天下”到“独善其身”:魏晋南北朝士阶层社会担当意识的弱化………………………………………………邓名瑛(6·29)明代初期道德生活的政治导向…………于树贵(6·33)民族道德研究专题论民族道德与宗教道德…………熊坤新常开霞(2·1)论民族道德与政治道德……………  相似文献   

明代汉传佛教的制度性文献有比较强的个体色彩,在文献数量上,也较宋元时期多,目前能找到的明代寺院制度文献有34部,且许多是收在寺志或某些语录中。这些文献是了解明代寺院制度及僧众社会生活的重要文本,对当时寺院的组织和运行来说,有象征和规范意义。与宋元清规相比,明代制度性文献愈发的具体化、法律化,实际也体现出明代汉传佛教在寺院制度建设方面,正逐渐放弃"清规"所带有的道德教化属性,更倾向于它们能更直观的发挥其法律意义上的威慑和制度性功能。  相似文献   

张荣明 《管子学刊》2008,18(1):50-54
南无教是明代晚期兴起于齐鲁地区社会底层的秘密宗教。其根本特点是本土性:本士的神灵,本土的教主,本土的经典,本土的道德训诫和生活,本士的修行方式。这种本土性的宗教信仰比外来宗教信仰更加切近中国信徒的生活和精神世界,满足了人们的精神需要。这是其脱胎于佛教并在民间迅速流传的在内原因之一。  相似文献   

尊敬的康先生:我是贵刊读者,现有一个问题请您赐教:什么是偏执型人格?具有偏执型人格障碍的人应如何调节?谢谢!广东一读者朋友:您好!偏执型人格障碍是一种人格异常,对人的生活和健康有不同程度的影响,应及早预防,及时矫正。  相似文献   

论道德与生活的关系及道德生活的本质特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
就生活与道德的关系而言,可以说生活需要道德、包含了道德但并不等于道德,道德始终存在于人的整体生活之中,没有脱离生活的道德。道德生活的本质特征表现在,道德生活是一种属人的或人类所特有的社会生活,是建立在物质生活基础之上的并渗透在物质生活之中引导和规范物质生活的精神生活,是一种有意义和价值并能予以价值评价的生活,是一种主体自由意志自觉自为并能进行道德选择的生活,是一种通过道德意识表现为道德关系涵盖一切道德活动的社会生活。  相似文献   

效果论将行为效果视作道德判断的最终根据,其预设是行为效果具有公共性,可以成为公共对象。效果论的初始概念是利益,利益对于不同行为者具有差异性,它可以分为一阶利益和二阶利益。效果论比动机论更具有操作性,也更有利于增进福祉,但其不足之处是道德判断的对象不明确,且偏执于最大幸福。对效果论的修正方案是:凡是增加应事者利益且不损害第三者利益的施事行为,都是道德的。  相似文献   

作为中华民族道德生活的古典形态,秦汉时期道德生活在变动格局方面有着强烈的时代特色。它不但具有由多样性向统一性、由非标准性向标准性、由特殊性向普遍性运动的态势,而且在这一过程中,始终存在着统一化、标准化、礼制化与反统一化、反标准化、反礼制化的斗争。从空间格局上看,在当时多样的道德生活中,还存在着非主流道德生活与主流道德生活的相互转化性。就道德生活与法律生活的关系看,二者之间存在着互动性,这集中地表现为法律是当时道德生活标准化、礼制化的重要资源。  相似文献   

儒释道融合是明代宗教文化的一大特色,自然也成为明代宗教绘画的重要表现主题。无论是明代的传统绘画、水陆画,还是木版画,都生动体现了儒释道融合思潮对艺术和社会生活的影响。研究明代的宗教绘画,有助于把握儒释道融合思想的形成与发展。  相似文献   

周敦颐的人生哲学思想主要有两部分 :第一 ,政治人生 :“政事精绝 ,宦业过人” ;第二 ,人生态度 :“孔颜之乐”与“吟风弄月”。周子人生哲学思想的影响 :一是周子把政治建于其人生理念的基础之上 ,视其为人生延伸的一个领域 ,从而保持了在政坛险恶与污浊包围中的清白和高尚 ,成为中国古代儒家学者从政的典范。二是周敦颐揭示出 ,在人生过程中 ,保持一个快乐的人生态度是非常重要的 ,而这种“乐”决非源于现实之物质性功利 ,而只能来自于人们心灵对仁义道德获取后产生的愉悦。  相似文献   

The study investigated the use of biased language and acronyming in political organisations in South Africa and Zimbabwe. The study surveyed the discourses of political parties that were posted on the internet. Thematic content analysis was used to analyse the discourses of the political parties. The results indicated that political organisations used biased language to delegitimise the opposition. The ingroup and outgroup stereotypes were evident in the discourses. Acronyms of opposition political parties were used pejoratively. The findings of this study suggest that political parties in developing democracies have a tendency of using biased language and acronyming to disparage the opposition. Biased language and acronyming of the outgroup in African politics could result in hate speech directed at individuals and political violence.  相似文献   

The majority of previous studies on life satisfaction and health status were conducted in the advanced developed countries, while less attention has been focused on transitional countries, especially those in Central Asia, the Caucasus, and the Balkans. This study is among a very few studies that focused on the regions which faced on the prolonged economic and political crisis during the transition. Drawing on comparable data from 28 transitional countries in Eastern and Central Europe, the Caucasus, the Central Asia, and Turkey, we quantify the effect of self-reported life satisfaction on the self-reported health status of the population. To rule out reverse causality and to reduce estimation biases, we employed simultaneous equation models with instrumental variables. Two models used standard simultaneous equation regression (2SLS) and bivariate ordered probit regression (bioprobit) for categorical ordered variables. Our main finding is that, regardless of the model used, higher levels of life satisfaction determine higher health status. The mechanisms regarding the effects of life satisfaction on health are discussed. Future researchers are encouraged to include life satisfaction in their analyses of health status. From a methodological standpoint, we demonstrate that a strong endogeneity exists between life satisfaction and health status, regardless of the models used. Ignoring endogeneity and estimating a single stage regression model with life satisfaction and health status will likely lead to biased results.  相似文献   

We offer a theory of motivated political reasoning based on the claim that the feelings aroused in the initial stages of processing sociopolitical information inevitably color all phases of the evaluation process. When a citizen is called on to express a judgment, the considerations that enter into conscious rumination will be biased by the valence of initial affect. This article reports the results of two experiments that test our affective contagion hypothesis—unnoticed affective cues influence the retrieval and construction of conscious considerations in the direction of affective congruence. We then test whether these affectively congruent considerations influence subsequently reported policy evaluations, which we call affective mediation. In short, the considerations that come consciously to mind to inform and to support the attitude construction process are biased systematically by the feelings that are aroused in the earliest stages of processing. This underlying affective bias in processing drives motivated reasoning and rationalization in political thinking.  相似文献   

Political psychologists have established that politically motivated reasoning is a common phenomenon; however, the field knows comparatively less about the psychological mechanisms that drive it. Drawing on advances in the understanding of the relevance of emotion to political reasoning and behavior, we argue that anger likely plays a major role in motivating individuals to engage in the biased assimilation of political information—an evaluative bias in favor of information that bolsters one's views and against information that undercuts them. We test this proposition with two online studies, the second of which includes a quasi‐representative sample of Americans. The studies support our expectations. Individuals felt more negative emotions toward arguments that undermined their attitudes and positive emotions toward arguments that confirmed them; however, anger was nearly alone in fueling biased reactions to issue arguments.  相似文献   

Accusations of hypocrisy have flown against both supporters and opponents of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) and Tea Party movements. Integrating the ideologically objectionable premise model (IOPM), a newly devised model of political judgment, with political tolerance research, we find that how the political activities of OWS and Tea Party demonstrators are described determines whether or not biases against these groups emerge among people low and high in right‐wing authoritarianism (RWA). Specifically, people low in RWA were more biased against the Tea Party than OWS regardless of whether the groups engaged in normatively threatening or reassuring political behavior, whereas people high in RWA were more biased against OWS than the Tea Party when the groups engaged in normatively threatening (and therefore objectionable), but not normatively reassuring (and therefore acceptable) behavior. These findings further support the IOPM's contention that premise objectionableness, not right‐wing orientation, determines biases in political judgment.  相似文献   

Ethical Theory and Moral Practice - Realist political theory is often confronted with the objection that it is biased towards the status quo. Although this criticism overlooks the fact that realist...  相似文献   

Based on the continuity hypothesis of dreaming, the effects of World War II on the dreams of German persons have been studied. The present study included four representative samples from 1956 to 2000 (repeated cross-sectional surveys). Although a decline of war-related dream themes over time was found, the heightened rate of these themes in the oldest age group (60 years and older) in the year 2000 indicate the long-lasting effect of emotionally salient life experiences on dreams. The present findings indicate that the method of dream content analysis is a very informative approach to study the effects of political events on the inner life of people and, thus, of value for the field of political science.  相似文献   

Gavin Flood 《Religion》2017,47(4):688-703

This article reflects on Agamben’s formulation of the sacred within the political order of the West, contrasting this with the Durkheim/Bellah view of the sacred/profane opposition, and then presenting two arguments that reduction of the sacred to the political is insufficient, one a form of biological reductionism that seeks to locate the sacred within the common, biological nature of human life itself, the other an abductive argument for human transformation in terms of what Sloterdjik has called ‘vertical tension.’ This argument turns out to be one for locating holiness in the very notion of life itself that I wish to ground in the idea of social cognition.  相似文献   

The relationship between representative democracy and conflict in John Stuart Mill’s political philosophy has been interpreted in very different ways. While some scholars claim that Millian democracy is incompatible with political conflict, others identify in Mill a radical political agonism that would offer a non-consensual model of deliberative democracy. This paper argues that neither of these views is exactly accurate: although he highlights the centrality of conflict in political life, Mill believes that democratic deliberation presupposes a minimal level of consensus regarding the formal value of democracy’s basic principles, viz. the principles of individual freedom and equality. Initially, I shall reconstruct the relationship between conflict and consensus in Mill’s conception of representative democracy. I shall then investigate his association of representation and advocacy and show that Mill’s encomium on political conflict was influenced by Guizot’s work. Finally, I shall explain how a democratic debate riven with conflict is conducive to individual freedom.  相似文献   

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