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医学伦理学与生命伦理学的关系在逻辑上有包容论、互异论和交叉论(延续论)三种可能的类型。包容论认为,后者关注范围更广,前者作为一个部分包括在生命伦理学当中。互异论主张,两个概念在跨学科特点方面不同,生命伦理学必须通过跨学科协作,以公共性为导向,而医学伦理学较为单一,以职业性为目标。交叉论(延续论)强调,医学伦理学经历了古代医德学,近现代医学伦理学和生命伦理学。包容论与互异论过于强调二者的相同或区别,割裂了二者内在联系,片面性显而易见。交叉论(延续论)看到了二者内在逻辑,反映了本体属性,是更为合理的评价。  相似文献   

从中外医学教育标准的差异看医学生的人文素质培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过中外医学教育标准在知识目标、技能目标、职业价值观上的若干差异的比较,探讨人文素质,包括医生职业价值观念、医学人文知识、“批判性思维”能力和交流技巧、沟通能力的培养等在国际医学教育标准的重要地位,并对改进我国医学教育的人文内涵提出建议。  相似文献   

Contemporary bioethics recognizes the importance of the culture in shaping ethical issues, yet in practice, a process for ethical analysis and decision making is rarely adjusted to the culture and ethnicity of involved parties. This is of a particular concern in a health care system that is caring for a growing Aboriginal population. We raise the possibility of constructing a bioethics grounded in traditional Aboriginal knowledge. As an example of an element of traditional knowledge that contains strong ethical guidance, we present the story of the Gifts of the Seven Grandfathers. We note a resemblance of this Ojibway teaching to virtue ethics in European traditions, but we suggest that there are also important differences in how these two traditions are currently presented. We hope that further engagement with a variety of indigenous moral teachings and traditions could improve health care involving Aboriginal patients and communities, and enrich the discipline of bioethics.  相似文献   

通过在海南医学院开展一项试点性的短期叙事医学课程,探究此类叙事医学课程对于医学生叙事能力的影响以及课程本身的有效性。探究结果显示,该课程项目对于医学生叙事能力无显著影响。通过统计学、心理学、教育学等多个角度,对结果进行了讨论和分析,归纳出课程本身存在的样本量、课程时间、量表等多种局限性;同时,也对课程的教学设计进行了反思,并提出了相应的建议,希望为未来叙事医学课程设计和研究提供参考经验。  相似文献   

A synoptic history of the founding of the International Society for Research on Aggression (ISRA) and its early administrative history is presented on the basis of documents in the archives of the Society. Details are given regarding the organizing sessions in Tokyo (1972), the preparation of its Constitution, the election of first officers, and the recruitment and growth of the membership roster. A list of ISRA presidents and the places of the biennial conferences during the first decade is appended.  相似文献   


To monopolize the scientific data gained by Japanese physicians and researchers from vivisections and other barbarous experiments performed on living humans in biological warfare programs such as Unit 731, immediately after the war the United States (US) government secretly granted those involved immunity from war crimes prosecution, withdrew vital information from the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, and publicly denounced otherwise irrefutable evidence from other sources such as the Russian Khabarovsk trial. Acting in “the national interest” and for the security of the US, authorities in the US tramped justice and morality, and engaged in what the English common law tradition clearly defines as “complicity after the fact.” To repair this historical injustice, the US government should issue an official apology and offer appropriate compensation for having covered up Japanese medical war crimes for six decades. To help prevent similar acts of aiding principal offender(s) in the future, international declarations or codes of human rights and medical ethics should include a clause banning any kind of complicity in any unethical medicine—whether before or after the fact—by any state or group for whatever reasons.  相似文献   

Shu-Chen Li  Martin L 《心理学报》2009,41(11):1102-1122
Paul B. Baltes于1981年在马普人类发展研究所成立的毕生发展心理研究中心已经使毕生发展心理学成为了发展心理学中的一个重要的概念分支。2004年以来,中心已经将研究项目扩展到了发展行为神经科学。中心主要在三个主题上开展研究工作: (1) 研究作为成熟、学习和衰老的交互作用的结果, 毕生的不同发展阶段中人类行为变化的规律: (2) 发展能够整合来自于自身机能、时间序列、以及行为和神经层面分析等领域实证证据的理论和方法体系。(3) 通过探索不同年龄可塑性上的差异寻找发展的机制。中心继续重点关注成人晚期和老年期, 这为理论和实践上的创新提供了独特的机遇。同时, 中心加强了对包括婴儿期和儿童早期在内的个体发展早期阶段的研究。本文报告了来自四项从行为和神经层面分析感觉和认知发展的研究的最新发现。  相似文献   

现代文明的本质特征是用文化秩序取代自然秩序,用文化选择取代自然选择。现代文明的生活方式同人的生命原理的冲突,是现代许多疾病产生的文化根源。因而我们需要一种对现代疾病的“文化治疗”。传统医学只是关注个体生命的“个体医学”。由于个体健康同物种健康之间的内在冲突,我们需要一种防止物种衰退的“物种医学”。  相似文献   

The concept of the shared values of humanity, embodying the spirit of putting people first and solving real-life problems, is of great significance for constructing a new global order and building a human community with a shared future. The shared values of humanity respect the differences in understanding and realization paths of different civilizations, and seek common grounds with an inclusive and open attitude. The core socialist values are an embodiment and an extension of the shared values of humanity. The fine traditional Chinese culture has also laid a profound cultural basis for the pursuit of the shared values of humanity, enabling us to make up a better scheme for building a human community with a shared future from the perspective of civilization.  相似文献   


追踪和探索近10年中医药科技伦理研究的趋势与热点。检索中国知网数据库近10年相关文献,应用CiteSpace 6.1.R6软件分别对纳入的238篇文献的作者、机构、关键词绘制知识图谱并进行分析。从2013年1月1日—2023年1月1日,中医药科技伦理领域发文量总体呈波动性上升趋势。频数最多的5个关键词为伦理审查、中医药、临床研究、中医、伦理。研究显示中医药研究伦理审查、中医药现代化面临的伦理问题、中医学理论在伦理领域的新发展、中国传统医德研究是该领域关注的重点。大医精诚的相关研究可能成为未来研究方向。


General Secretary Xi Jinping deeply grasps the overall strategic situation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and great changes in the world unseen in a hundred years, and forms the important thought of carrying forward the shared values of humanity of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom and promoting the building of a human community with a shared future. The shared values of humanity provide value basis for the community, confirm the morality of the community, and lay the foundation of value recognition for building the community. A human community with a shared future is the practice area for the shared values of humanity, providing it with a real subject and delimiting the boundaries of the times. The shared values of humanity and a human community with a shared future complement each other, and are dialectically unified in the planning and grasp of the “two overall situations,” i.e., the overall strategic situation of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and great changes in the world unseen in a century.  相似文献   





India’s education system is complex because it has to meet the needs of a population which is culturally, geographically, politically, religiously and economically diverse. The principal investigator spent two summers in India talking with teachers and learners. This paper reports on the impact of Christian values in the secular but arguably Hindu nationalist education system. Working within an interpretivist paradigm and through an ethnographic lens, an interpretive phenomenological analysis approach was adopted to make sense of 34 interviewees’ narratives from five Indian states. The narratives were mapped onto an adaptation of a ‘tree metaphor’ to illustrate how values underpin decision-making and action in the school context. Five of the narratives are presented as keyhole examples to exemplify the similarities and contrasts in reported beliefs, values and behaviours set within the context of teachers’ professional practice. Findings reveal that all 34 participants drew on their Christian faith, and Indian cultural context, in their decision-making both in how they made sense of education policy, and how they interpreted school events and behaviours. Despite their common faith (Christianity), the 34 interpretations, decision-making and actions varied as demonstrated in the five selected narratives. We explore how the variance manifested and was influenced by the geographical, cultural, post colonial and school context.  相似文献   




王晓华 《管子学刊》2007,(4):99-102
人与自然关系是文学表现的重要母题。透过文学的发展,可以窥视出人类社会在社会实践推动下所走过的历史道路。本文意在通过中西文学发展中人与自然关系的描写,揭示人与自然关系的变化过程,并在历史的视野中审视生态批判的当代意义。  相似文献   


Steady growth of the addiction field requires human service education programs to prepare competent professionals who can successfully engage in addiction practice. Competency in addiction practice requires human service students to develop an objective understanding of the relapse prevention and recovery process. Though research supports the use of media tools in the classroom, its use in developing addiction intervention competencies in human service students is unknown. The authors present an exploration of the film 28 Days as an addiction recovery teaching tool and discuss students’ understanding of recovery and relapse prevention. Implications for addiction and human service education are also presented.  相似文献   

人性观,即认为人性究竟是本善的还是本恶的,不仅是哲学思辨的焦点,也是日常生活中形成的一种常人理论(lay theory)。对于东西方文化传统的检视表明,西方文化占主导地位的是性恶论人性观,东方文化占主导地位的则是性善论人性观。研究通过实证数据支持了这一结论,发现中国被试相对于美国被试,对于人性的主观评定更倾向于性善的一端(研究1)。这种人性观差异导致中国被试在道德方面,尤其是规范性道德(行善)方面,对人提出了更高的要求(研究1),并且这种因果关系得到了启动实验的支持(研究2)。这些研究结果有助于人们更好地理解文化如何塑造了人们对于人性和道德的看法。  相似文献   

<黄帝内经>中有丰富的<易>学象数学内容.<内经>吸纳<易>学的"三才"之道,作为其理论建构的基础,蕴含着天人同构、天人之气相通的"天人合一"理念.天人相应是通过动态的阴阳的消息、四时的更替、五行的运转、八风的常正转换、及五运六气的运行来具体展现的.医、<易>皆注重"时"的作用,但<内经>更注重五行之间的生克制化,而<易>则更重阴阳之间的对待与流行.<内经>理论与八卦"卦气"说有内在的联系.医、<易>皆注重天人合一,但前者更注重人与天的自然的合一,注重天地自然对人的生理病理的影响,而后者注重本天道以立人道,开天文以立人文,充满着浓郁的人文关怀.两种"天人合一"的思维理路非但没有根本的矛盾,而且具有内在的联系.人类可以同时追求人与天的自然的与人文的合一.  相似文献   

James B. Miller 《Zygon》1998,33(1):147-153
James Gilbert has provided fascinating and valuable historical sketches of the interactions of science and religion in American culture in this century, especially those taking place between 1945 and 1962. Yet, taken together, it is unclear what conclusion is to be drawn from these interactions. Ambiguity about the variety of forms of the science-and-religion relationship and about the referent of the term religion make the task of apprehending a coherent pattern among these sketches very difficult.  相似文献   

《袖珍医便》是日本医家芦川桂洲编撰于江户初期的大众医学书籍,撷取中医经典名方,内容简单实用,是中医学在日本大众化的产物。分析该书的学术特点和传播特征,可为当今中医药国际化提供一定的借鉴。通过研究发现,该书在内容上受后世派影响显著,吸收了部分中国传统儒家医学伦理思想,淡化抽象理论突出实用方剂。在传播特色上,吸取了最新的明代医学成果,将药材生产、风土饮食、医疗需求上与本土实际情况相融合,语言表达简洁易懂,方剂选取精炼,从而促进了江户时期中医学在日本大众中的传播。  相似文献   

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