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Kristopher Norris 《Dialog》2020,59(2):115-123
This essay addresses the role of theological education in shaping how Christian leaders and institutions respond to public debate, conflict, and crisis by analyzing Bonhoeffer's approach to theological education in times of conflict and crisis. It argues that his pedagogical approach of education as formation for public life should inform our pedagogical practice, as the church increasingly engages in a diverse pluralistic public and political life.  相似文献   

Four experiments are reported in which the magnitude of the associative-priming effect is manipulated by varying both the experimental task and the conditions within a given task. The between-task manipulation involved a comparison of priming effects in length categorization on the one hand and lexical decision on the other. The within-task manipulation involved varying the type of letter strings presented as the nonword stimuli in lexical decisions. Pseudowords and two types of orthographically illegal letter strings—namely, consonant strings and random letter strings—served as nonwords. Finally, the effect of varying the proportion of pseudowords to illegal nonwords across four sets of experimental materials was investigated. On the whole, these within-and between-task manipulations turned out to be very effective ways of affecting the size of the associative-priming effect. Also, the size of the lexicality effect (the difference between the RTs to word and nonword stimuli) varied systematically with these within-and between-task manipulations. The results are discussed in relation to both Shulman and Davison's (1977) parallel-processing model and Balota and Chumbley's (1984) account of lexical decision.  相似文献   

Understandings of auditory verbal hallucinations (also referred to as “hearing voices”), and help for people distressed by them, are dominated by a biomedical framework. Yet, many people who have sought help for the distress and/or impairment caused by hearing voices express dissatisfaction with treatment solely within this framework, highlighting the need for a more rounded, biopsychosocial-spiritual approach. This paper examines the neglected role of a fundamental part of human experience, love, in the experience of hearing voices. First, we argue a lack of love is likely to play a causal role in voice-hearing experiences. Second, we demonstrate that a lack of love is central to the distress and dysfunction often caused by hearing voices. Finally, we show that love plays a core role in recovery. Given this centrality of love, we argue that an interdisciplinary approach to hearing voices involving the mind sciences and theology/religion may be fruitful. The relevance of this for psychotherapeutic interventions for people who hear voices is discussed.  相似文献   

In a paradigm that avoids methodological problems of earlier studies, evidence was gathered addressed to the question of whether we read letter by letter. If word recognition involves letter recognition, then the difficulty of recognizing a word should vary with the difficulty of recognizing its letters. This was tested by assessing letter difficulty in two letter discrimination tasks and in a letter naming task, and then comparing 15 adult subjects' visual recognition latency to 72 easy-letter words and to 72 difficult-letter words. Word frequency and word length were also manipulated. Results indicated no effect for letter difficulty, although recognition latency reliably decreased with word frequency and monotonically increased with word length (21 msec/letter), suggesting that we do not read letter by letter, but that whatever plays a role in word recognition is smaller than the word and correlated with word length in letters.  相似文献   

Subjects identified a single lowercase letter in a visual display by pressing one of two buttons. Two letters were assigned to each response. Groups received one of three context conditions: word, nonword, or single-letter displays. In words and nonwords, the flanking letters adjacent to the target varied as to whether they were response compatible or incompatible with the target. Single letters produced faster response latencies than either multi-letter condition, and words yielded slower latencies than did nonwords. Items Containing an incompatible-response flanking letter produced longer latencies than items containing a compatible flanking letter. Subgroups of subjects with different characteristic processing patterns were identified with a separate test. These subgroups were differentially affected by the context conditions in the letter-identification task. A greater subgroup difference was found in nonwords than in words.  相似文献   

Perea M  Lupker SJ 《Psicothema》2007,19(4):559-564
A key issue for any computational model of visual word recognition is the choice of an input coding schema, which is responsible for assigning letter positions. Such a schema must reflect the fact that, according to recent research, nonwords created by transposing letters (e.g., caniso for CASINO ), typically, appear to be more similar to the word than nonwords created by replacing letters (e.g., caviro ). In the present research, we initially carried out a computational analysis examining the degree to which the position of the transposition influences transposed-letter similarity effects. We next conducted a masked priming experiment with the lexical decision task to determine whether a transposed-letter priming advantage occurs when the first letter position is involved. Primes were created by either transposing the first and third letters (démula-MEDULA ) or replacing the first and third letters (bérula-MEDULA). Results showed that there was no transposed-letter priming advantage in this situation. We discuss the implications of these results for models of visual word recognition.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the effect of syllabification in the superior perceptibility of tachistoscopically presented JapaneseHiragana letter strings. TheHiragana letter is a phonetic symbol having an invariant one-syllable pronunciation. Controlling retention and guessing factors, an experiment replicated the original Reicher (1969) findings of a word superiority effect. Thus, the results suggest that letter unitization which depends upon syllable-like structures (the vocalic center groups; Spoehr & Smith, 1973) is not a prerequisite, but that orthographic regularity and meaningfulness may be important determinants of the word superiority effect.  相似文献   

This paper systematizes the word search potential of DreamBank.net (Domhoff and Schneider, 2008a, Domhoff and Schneider, 2008b) by formulating and testing a set of word strings that can be used as default analytic categories in future investigations. The word strings are applied to the 981 dream reports of college students gathered by Hall and Van de Castle (1966) and the 136 dream reports of an 80-year old male gathered by Bulkeley (2008a). The results show a basic compatibility with the frequencies identified by Hall and Van de Castle’s labor-intensive method of content analysis employing teams of human coders. These findings support the expanded use of word search technologies for the scientific study of dream content and its relation to forms of waking consciousness.  相似文献   

The present experiments evaluated the contribution of orthographic structure and lateral masking in the perception of letter, word, and nonword test displays. Performance was tested in a backward recognition masking experiment in which a masking stimulus followed the test display after a variable blank interstimulus interval. In agreement with previous findings across different experiments, words were recognized better than single letterd at short interstimulus intervals, but the opposite was the case at long intervals. Performance on the nonwords resembled performance on letters at short masking intervals and performance on words at long masking intervals. The quantitative results were described by a processing model that incorporates the effects of lateral masking and orthographic structure in the dynamic processing of letter strings. Lateral masking tends to lower the potential perceptibility of letters whereas orthographic structure can reduce the uncertainty of the candidate letters in the letter sequence. The present model predicts that the quantitative contribution of each of these processes to performance is critically dependent upon the processing time available before the onset of the masking stimulus.  相似文献   

Two experiments are described that measured lexical decision latencies and errors to five-letter French words with a single higher frequency orthographic neighbor and control words with no higher frequency neighbors. The higher frequency neighbor differed from the stimulus word by either the second letter (e.g., ASTRE-AUTRE) or the fourth letter (CHOPE-CHOSE). Neighborhood frequency effects were found to interact with this factor, and significant interference was observed only to CHOPE-type words. The effects of neighborhood frequency were also found to interact with the position of initial fixation in the stimulus word (either the second letter or the fourth letter). Interference was greatly reduced when the initial fixation was on the critical disambiguating letter (i.e., the letter P in CHOPE). Moreover, word recognition was improved when subjects initially fixated the second letter relative to when they initially fixated the fourth letter of a five-letter word, but this second-letter advantage practically disappeared when the stimulus differed from a more frequent word by its fourth letter. The results are interpreted in terms of the interaction between visual and lexical factors in visual work recognition.  相似文献   

Word frequency (WF), number of letter moves, and solution word transition letter probabilities (TP) were related to anagram solution. The solution word TP measure was based on the relative frequencies of correct to incorrect bigrams within the pool of bigrams defined by the letters of the anagram rather than on the absolute frequencies of the correct bigrams. This bigram rank measure, which also took word length and letter position into account, was a powerful predictor of anagram difficulty (p < .001). Likewise, number of letter moves predicted anagram solution strongly (p < .001), but WF was only a marginal predictor (.05 < p < .10). In addition, there were no significant interactions among the three variables, nor wasanagram TP consistently related to anagram difficulty. The results were interpreted in terms of an approach which combined elements of an hypothesis and an S-R mediational theory.  相似文献   

Are healthy people necessarily religious? Are religious people necessarily healthy? Does holism imply that holiness equals health? This paper presents a model for a multidimensional understanding of human progress that does not lose sight of the fundamental unity of personhood.  相似文献   

Do words, as familiar units or gestalts, tend to swallow up and conceal their letter components (Pillsbury, 1897)? Letters typically are detected faster and more accurately in words than in nonwords (i.e., scrambled collections of letters), and in more frequent words than in less frequent words. However, a word advantage at encoding, where the representation of the string is formed, might compensate for, and thus mask, a word disadvantage at decoding and comparison, where the component letters of the representation are accessed and compared with the target letter. To better reveal any such word disadvantage, a task was used in this study that increased the amount of letter processing. Subjects judged whether a letter was repeated within a six-letter word or a nonword (Experiment 1; intraword letter repetition) or was repeated between two adjacent unrelated six-letter words or nonwords (Experiment 2; interword letter repetition). Contrary to Pillsbury's word unitization hypothesis, both types of letter repetition (intraword and interword) were detected faster and just as accurately with words as with nonwords. In Experiment 2, however, interword letter repetition was detected less accurately on common words (but not on rare words or third-order pseudowords) than on the corresponding nonwords. Thus, although the familiar word does not deny access to its own component letters, it does make their comparison with letters from other words more difficult.  相似文献   

This study investigated knowledge of letter names and letter sounds, their learning, and their contributions to word recognition. Of 123 preschoolers examined on letter knowledge, 65 underwent training on both letter names and letter sounds in a counterbalanced order. Prior to training, children were more advanced in associating letters with their names than with their sounds and could provide the sound of a letter only if they could name it. However, children learned more easily to associate letters with sounds than with names. Training just on names improved performance on sounds, but the sounds produced were extended (CV) rather than phonemic. Learning sounds facilitated later learning of the same letters' names, but not vice versa. Training either on names or on sounds improved word recognition and explanation of printed words. Results are discussed with reference to cognitive and societal factors affecting letter knowledge acquisition, features of the Hebrew alphabet and orthography, and educational implications.  相似文献   

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