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A matching method proposed by Dr. C. E. Stuart is presented in some detail and the essentials for a test of significance are derived. This method differs from the older matching methods in that partial credit is allowed for a near miss. A slight variation of the method permits the matching of one item withM sets ofn traits.  相似文献   

Previous research has developed a variety of theories explaining when and why people's decisions under risk deviate from the standard economic view of expected utility maximization. These theories are limited in their predictive accuracy in that they do not explain the probabilistic nature of preferential choice, that is, why an individual makes different choices in nearly identical situations, or why the magnitude of these inconsistencies varies in different situations. To illustrate the advantage of probabilistic theories, three probabilistic theories of decision making under risk are compared with their deterministic counterparts. The probabilistic theories are (a) a probabilistic version of a simple choice heuristic, (b) a probabilistic version of cumulative prospect theory, and (c) decision field theory. By testing the theories with the data from three experimental studies, the superiority of the probabilistic models over their deterministic counterparts in predicting people's decisions under risk become evident. When testing the probabilistic theories against each other, decision field theory provides the best account of the observed behavior.  相似文献   

The ubiquity of psychological process models requires an increased degree of sophistication in the methods and metrics that we use to evaluate them. We contribute to this venture by capitalizing on recent work in cognitive science analyzing response dynamics, which shows that the bearing information processing dynamics have on intended action is also revealed in the motor system. This decidedly “embodied” view suggests that researchers are missing out on potential dependent variables with which to evaluate their models—those associated with the motor response that produces a choice. The current work develops a method for collecting and analyzing such data in the domain of decision making. We first validate this method using widely normed stimuli from the International Affective Picture System (Experiment 1), and demonstrate that curvature in response trajectories provides a metric of the competition between choice options. We next extend the method to risky decision making (Experiment 2) and develop predictions for three popular classes of process model. The data provided by response dynamics demonstrate that choices contrary to the maxim of risk seeking in losses and risk aversion in gains may be the product of at least one “online” preference reversal, and can thus begin to discriminate amongst the candidate models. Finally, we incorporate attentional data collected via eye-tracking (Experiment 3) to develop a formal computational model of joint information sampling and preference accumulation. In sum, we validate response dynamics for use in preferential choice tasks and demonstrate the unique conclusions afforded by response dynamics over and above traditional methods.  相似文献   

Perceptual and preferential decision making have been studied largely in isolation. Perceptual decisions are considered to be at a non–deliberative cognitive level and have an outside criterion that defines the quality of decisions. Preferential decisions are considered to be at a higher cognitive level and the quality of decisions depend on the decision maker’s subjective goals. Besides these crucial differences, both types of decisions also have in common that uncertain information about the choice situation has to be processed before a decision can be made. The present work aims to acknowledge the commonalities of both types of decision making to lay bare the crucial differences. For this aim we examine perceptual and preferential decisions with a novel choice paradigm that uses the identical stimulus material for both types of decisions. This paradigm allows us to model the decisions and response times of both types of decisions with the same sequential sampling model, the drift diffusion model. The results illustrate that the different incentive structure in both types of tasks changes people’s behavior so that they process information more efficiently and respond more cautiously in the perceptual as compared to the preferential task. These findings set out a perspective for further integration of perceptual and preferential decision making in a single ramework.  相似文献   

Attributes that are common, or overlapping, across alternatives in two-alternative forced preferential choice tasks are often non-diagnostic. In many settings, attending to and evaluating these attributes does not help the decision maker determine which of the available alternatives is the most desirable. For this reason, many existing behavioural theories propose that decision makers ignore common attributes while deliberating. Across six experiments, we find that decision makers do direct their attention selectively and ignore attributes that are not present in or associated with either of the available alternatives. However, they are as likely to attend to common attributes as they are to attend to attributes that are unique to a single alternative. These results suggest the need for novel theories of attention in preferential choice.  相似文献   

Many cognitive theories of judgement and decision making assume that choice options are evaluated relative to other available options. The extent to which the preference for one option is influenced by other available options will often depend on how similar the options are to each other, where similarity is assumed to be a decreasing function of the distance between options. We examine how the distance between preferential options that are described on multiple attributes can be determined. Previous distance functions do not take into account that attributes differ in their subjective importance, are limited to two attributes, or neglect the preferential relationship between the options. To measure the distance between preferential options it is necessary to take the subjective preferences of the decision maker into account. Accordingly, the multi‐attribute space that defines the relationship between options can be stretched or shrunk relative to the attention or importance that a person gives to different attributes describing the options. Here, we propose a generalized distance function for preferential choices that takes subjective attribute importance into account and allows for individual differences according to such subjective preferences. Using a hands‐on example, we illustrate the application of the function and compare it to previous distance measures. We conclude with a discussion of the suitability and limitations of the proposed distance function.  相似文献   

Philosophical Studies - In this paper, I show how one might resist two influential arguments for the Likelihood Principle by appealing to the ontological significance of creative intentions. The...  相似文献   

Previous research in our laboratory has examined the distribution of preferred hand (PH) reaches in working space with right-handed participants. In one study, we examined the effects of tool position and task demands on the frequency of PH reaches with right-handers (Mamolo, Roy, Bryden, & Rohr, 2004). We found that PH reaches were at a maximum within ipsilateral space, and predominated within contralateral space. This was mediated by the task demands, as shown by an increased frequency of PH reaches for the more skill demanding tasks. In the current study, we tested left-handed participants on the same procedure. Five different tools were placed in an array in front of the participant, who was required to reach for, and perform one of three tasks with the tool: Lift the tool; lift and Pantomime its use; or lift and Use the tool on its corresponding object. The results showed that PH reaches were at a maximum within ipsilateral space for all three tasks. Significantly fewer PH reaches were made for tools in contralateral space. In particular, almost no PH reaches were made for the Lift task at the most extreme contralateral position. This indicates the willingness of left-handers to use their non-preferred (i.e., right) hand. One possible explanation supported by these results is that left-handers have adapted to an environment designed for right-handers.  相似文献   

Trypophobia is a common but unusual phobia that is induced by viewing many clustered objects. Previous studies suggested that this trypophobia is caused by the specific power spectrum of the images; this idea has not been fully investigated empirically. In the present study, we used breaking continuous flash suppression (b-CFS) to clarify whether the trypophobic images affect access to visual awareness, and what features of trypophobic images contribute to rapid access of awareness. In the b-CFS paradigms, a dynamic masking pattern presented to one eye suppresses the target images shown to the other eye. The participants’ task was to indicate where the target image appeared in a dichoptic display through a mirror stereoscope. The target images consisted of trypophobic, fear-related, clusters or neutral images. The trypophobic images emerged into awareness faster than the other types of images. However, the phase-scrambled versions of the trypophobic images did not show any differences across the image types, suggesting that the trypophobic power spectra themselves did not affect access to awareness. Moreover, the phase-scrambled trypophobic images without CFS tended to be detected earlier than the phase-scrambled fearful and neutral images. These findings indicate that trypophobic power spectra might affect post-perceptual processing, such as response production.  相似文献   

Studies on grandparental investment have revealed that mothers' fathers are emotionally closer to their grandchildren than are fathers' mothers. In the current study, it was hypothesized that this difference is caused by the fact that fathers' mothers often have the potential to invest in genetically more certain kin (children through their daughters). To test this hypothesis, 787 participants rated their emotional closeness and exposure to their grandparents and indicated whether they had cousins through paternal and maternal aunts and uncles. Results indicated that participants felt closer to mothers' fathers than fathers' mothers only when alternate investment outlets for fathers' mothers were available. Closeness ratings to fathers' fathers also were reduced when they had grandchildren through their daughters. Exposure to grandparents revealed a similar pattern of findings but did not show the same sensitivity to the presence of more certain kin and did not appear to account for the closeness ratings.  相似文献   

Summary Two experiments were conducted to determine perceived similarities among psychophysical tasks. In Exp. I Ss first participated in five brightness-perception tasks: category estimation, magnitude estimation, absolute judgment, method of constant stimuli, and binary choice. At the conclusion of this phase, they rated the similarity of each pair of tasks according to each of four judgment criteria: general similarity, visual discrimination, learning, and memory. The average ratings were scaled, yielding a one-dimensional solution; where absolute judgment and category estimation were grouped at one end, constant stimuli and binary choice at the other, and magnitude estimation in between. In Experiment II another group rated similarity of the tasks based only upon relevant instructions. (They did not actually judge brigthness.) Scaling results were in agreement with those obtained in Exp. I. Theoretical implications are examined and tested in the second part of this work (Baird & Szilagyi, 1977)The present article is the first of a two-part series. Some of the results reported here were first presented at the 1974 meetings of the Psychonomic Society in Boston  相似文献   

This article analyzes a type of experiment, very popular in 18th-century natural philosophy, which has apparently not led to insights into nature but which was aesthetically especially attractive. These experiments--"mimetic experiments"--allow us to trace a connection between aesthetic appreciation in science and in art contemporaneous with the science. I use this case as a problem for McAllister's theory of aesthetic induction according to which aesthetic standards in science tend to be associated with empirical success and propose an alternative mechanism that is able to account for the natural philosophers' predilection for unsuccessful but beautiful experiments.  相似文献   

Picture memory experiments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Multidimensional probabilistic models of behavior following similarity and choice judgements have proven to be useful in representing multidimensional percepts in Euclidean and non-Euclidean spaces. With few exceptions, these models are generally computationally intense because they often require numerical work with multiple integrals. This paper focuses attention on a particularly general triad and preferential choice model previously requiring the numerical evaluation of a 2n-fold integral, wheren is the number of elements in the vectors representing the psychological magnitudes. Transforming this model to an indefinite quadratic form leads to a single integral. The significance of this form to multidimensional scaling and computational efficiency is discussed.The authors would like to thank Jean-Claude Falmagne and Norman Johnson for suggestions and advice concerning quadratic forms.  相似文献   

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