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This article provides a brief introduction to human rights, describes why human rights are intrinsic to psychology, and introduces the “Five Connections Framework,” which was adopted by the American Psychological Association in 2021. This framework articulates five distinct relationships between human rights and psychology: (a) Psychologists possess rights by virtue of being human, as well as specific rights essential to their profession and discipline; (b) Psychologists apply their knowledge and methods to the greater realisation of human rights; (c) Psychologists respect human rights and oppose the misuse of psychological science; (d) Psychologists ensure access to the benefits of psychological science and practice; and, (e) Psychologists advocate for human rights. Each of the five connections is described, highlighting implications for psychological research, practice, training and advocacy, with suggestions for how these connections can guide and inspire individual psychologists and psychological associations worldwide.  相似文献   

New discoveries in psychological science have changed our understanding of some basic psychological processes. The new science, however, has not of yet been properly incorporated into the practice of psychotherapy. This has created a confusing state of affairs, lacking clear distinctions between therapy interventions rooted in lore and personal insight and those based on systematic scientific inquiry. In this paper, I discuss the problems caused by the current situation and propose a new distinction by which the psychological (science) treatment of psychological disorders is differentiated from psychotherapy. The implications of the proposed distinction for clinical research and training are discussed.  相似文献   

The long-standing divide between research and practice in clinical psychology has received increased attention in view of the development of evidence-based interventions and practice and public interest, oversight, and management of psychological services. The gap has been reflected in concerns from those in practice about the applicability of findings from psychotherapy research as a guide to clinical work and concerns from those in research about how clinical work is conducted. Research and practice are united in their commitment to providing the best of psychological knowledge and methods to improve the quality of patient care. This article highlights issues in the research- practice debate as a backdrop for rapprochement. Suggestions are made for changes and shifts in emphases in psychotherapy research and clinical practice. The changes are designed to ensure that both research and practice contribute to our knowledge base and provide information that can be used more readily to improve patient care and, in the process, reduce the perceived and real hiatus between research and practice.  相似文献   

Science, ethnicity, and bias: where have we gone wrong?   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Sue S 《The American psychologist》1999,54(12):1070-1077
The quality, quantity, and funding of ethnic minority research have been inadequate. One factor that has contributed to this inadequacy is the practice of scientific psychology. Although principles of psychological science involve internal and external validity, in practice psychology emphasizes internal validity in research studies. Because many psychological principles and measures have not been cross-validated with different populations, those conducting ethnic minority research often have a more difficult time demonstrating rigorous internal validity. Thus, psychology's overemphasis of internal as opposed to external validity has differentially hindered the development of ethnic minority research. To develop stronger research knowledge on ethnic minority groups, it is important that (a) all research studies address external validity issues and explicitly specify the populations to which the findings are applicable; (b) different research approaches, including the use of qualitative and ethnographic methods, be appreciated; and (c) the psychological meaning of ethnicity or race be examined in ethnic comparisons.  相似文献   

Madill A  Gough B 《心理学方法》2008,13(3):254-271
In discussing the place of diverse qualitative research within psychological science, the authors highlight the potential permeability of the quantitative-qualitative boundary and identify different ways of increasing communication between researchers specializing in different methods. Explicating diversity within qualitative research is facilitated, initially, through documenting the range of qualitative data collection and analytic methods available. The authors then consider the notion of paradigmatic frame and review debates on the current and future positioning of qualitative research within psychological science. In so doing, the authors argue that the different ways in which the concept of paradigm can be interpreted allow them to challenge the idea that diverse research paradigms are prima facie incommensurate. Further, reviewing the ways in which proponents of qualitative research are seeking to reconfigure the links between paradigms helps the authors to envisage how communication between research communities can be enhanced. This critical review allows the authors to systematize possible configurations for research practice in psychology on a continuum of paradigm integration and to specify associated criteria for judging intermethod coherence.  相似文献   

The evidence-based practice (EBP) movement has the potential to significantly advance the quality of psychological and educational services provided by psychologists working in schools. Training psychologists in EBP has challenged the profession and caused faculty in graduate programs to reevaluate and retool professional training curricula and instructional practices. Four domains of challenges in graduate training are identified: (a) integrating the EBP knowledge base into the curriculum, (b) expanding models of research training, (c) expanding training in prevention science, and (d) expanding training in problem-solving consultation and school contextual issues. For each of these, the author discusses the range and scope of the challenge and possible solutions for advancing graduate training in psychology relevant to school practice.  相似文献   

中国运动心理学的发展:历史、现状与未来   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
张力为  丁雪琴 《心理学报》1994,27(3):324-330
简要回顾了中国运动心理学发展的历史,指出,作为一门应用科学,它的主要实践是在竞技领域对优秀运动员进行心理特征的评定和对青少年运动员进行心理选材,针对训练和竞赛中的问题开展心理训练和心理咨询,以及对教练员进行培训。今后,中国运动心理学需要扩展自己的研究领域,发展适合中国体育运动特点的测量工具和测量方法,并注意汲取其它学科如认知心理学发展的新成果。  相似文献   

We Value What Values Us: The Appeal of Identity-Affirming Science   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Members of the public (Study 1; n =  184) and university students (Study 2; n =  101) evaluated a piece of research and indicated their support for its continuation. The research findings were held constant, but the methods that revealed those findings were attributed to either neuroscience or social science, and the conclusions based on those findings were biased either in favor of men or in favor of women. Study 1 revealed that participants were more positive about research that affirmed their gender identity and that was based on neuroscience rather than social science. Study 2 found this pattern to be apparent in more specialist samples. Indeed, participants with some scientific training were more influenced by research that affirmed the reader's gender identity. Participants with less scientific training, in comparison, were more influenced by the type of science described when making judgments about the value of the research. Contrary to popular claims, this suggests that scientific knowledge alone is no protection against the effects of bias on research evaluation. Implications for the practice and popularization of science are discussed.  相似文献   

Computer-based systems have long been seen as a means for applying psychological knowledge to instructing. However, from many years of research and development on instructional design and on using computers for instructing, we learned that the current instructional techniques are based on an inadequate scientific knowledge base and are poorly implemented. In order to do better, improved techniques based on modern cognitive science must be developed, and computer-based aids are needed to assist their application. Furthermore, a standardization and distribution system is needed to identify effective instructional programs and make them available. This seems especially important if we hope to have broad impact on education and training.  相似文献   

This article addresses two related themes: (1) the interface between clinical research and contemporary philosophy of science, and (2) sociopsychological processes as they are reflected in clinical research. It is argued that our research efforts in clinical psychology continue to be dominated by logical empiricism, an epistemology that has failed to survive recent criticisms stemming from the refinement of our conceptions of explicit rationality. The self-contradictory paradox faced by logical empiricism and all other justificational approaches to knowledge is avoided by the nonjustificational perspectives that have developed over the last two decades. Clinical researchers are urged to reappraise the assumptions and implications of conventional epistemologies and to explore the alternatives emerging from these more recent developments in philosophy of science. The second part of the article argues that human psychological processes are an imperative topic of inquiry in an adequate model of science. Knowledge can be viewed as an active process of constructing order; as such, its analysis requires an understanding of the knower and psychological knowing processes. This point is illustrated and elaborated in four commentaries on contemporary inference traditions, the shifting sands of parochialism in clinical psychology, the popularity of molecular research, and the tyranny of technique in our research and practice. Concluding remarks are addressed to the adequacy of contemporary graduate education and the responsibilities attendant on our roles as scientists, teachers, and practitioners of psychology.  相似文献   

Large numbers of therapists worldwide wish to receive training in how to deliver psychological treatments. Current methods of training are poorly suited to this task as they are costly and require scarce expertise. New forms of training therefore need to be developed that are more cost-effective and scalable. Internet-based methods might fulfil these requirements whilst having the added advantage of being able to provide trainees with extensive exposure to the treatment as practised. New strategies and procedures for evaluating training outcome are also required. These need to be capable of assessing the therapist's knowledge of the treatment and its use, as well as the therapist's ability to apply this knowledge in clinical practice. Standardised role play-based techniques might be of value in this regard.  相似文献   

The first words in the inaugural version of the American Psychological Association Ethical Standards of Psychologists (1953) declared, “Psychology is a science” (p. v). Professional ethics for all of the mental health disciplines support science (and objectivity) for knowledge and practice. Using school psychology as an example, consideration is given to the presence of science and research in the scientist-practitioner, professional practitioner, and psychoeducational training and practice models. Although none of the three models truly ignores a commitment to science, the potential Achilles heel comes from the individual practitioner who fails to rely on science in planning, implementing, and evaluating interventions. Similarly, idiosyncratic preferences within training programs could lead to a diminution of science in the curriculum.  相似文献   

The history of psychological science, as it has intersected with ethnoracial, cultural, and other marginalized domains of group difference, is replete with disinterest, dismissal, or denigration of these diverse forms of psychological experience. This has led some to wonder whether psychological science is a-cultural, or even anti-cultural in orientation. Assessment of this provocative proposition first requires exploration of three composite questions: (1) What is culture?, (2) What is science?, and (3) What is psychological science? Based on brief consideration of these composite questions--which are remarkably complex in their own right--I argue that psychological science is not, has never been, and indeed cannot in principle be a-cultural. Instead, like all forms of knowing, psychological science emerges at particular historical moments to achieve particular goals that are motivated by particular interests. Throughout much of the history of psychological science, these goals and interests were tied to ideologically suspect agendas that contemporary psychologists are right to repudiate. The interesting question becomes whether psychology's knowledge practices can be disentangled from this earlier ideological contamination to furnish the discipline with viable methods. I propose that psychological science can in fact be so disentangled; nevertheless, the resulting methods are never adopted or deployed outside of culturally constituted interests, objectives, and motivations, thereby requiring ongoing critical engagement with the subtexts of disciplinary knowledge production. In fact, there seem to be important ways in which psychology's scientific aspirations hobble disciplinary inquiry into the human condition that has motivated multicultural psychologists to consider alternative paradigms of inquiry.  相似文献   

Presents Arthur C. Graesser as the 2011 winner of the American Psychological Association Award for Distinguished Contributions of Applications of Psychology to Education and Training. "As a multifaceted psychologist, cognitive engineer of useful education and training technologies, and mentor of new talent for the world of applied and translational cognitive science, Arthur C. Graesser is the perfect role model, showing how a strong scholar and intellect can shape both research and practice. His work is a mix of top-tier scholarship in psychology, education, intelligent systems, and computational linguistics. He combines cognitive science excellence with bold use of psychological knowledge and intelligent systems to design new generations of learning opportunities and to help lay the foundation for a translational science of learning." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   

Abstract— An abundance of research from diverse areas of psychological science is potentially relevant to behavioral therapy development research. The National Institute on Drug Abuse of the National Institutes of Health convened a workshop to reinforce the connection between basic behavioral and therapy development research. The articles in this Special Section are the product of this workshop. Several lines of basic behavioral research are described, and implications for the development of behavioral therapies are discussed. This Special Section highlights the notion that strengthening the bond between behavioral therapy development research and basic behavioral science will accelerate the advancement of knowledge about behavior, behavioral change and therapeutic interventions.  相似文献   

张凯 《心理科学》2013,36(3):524-531
传统中国哲学的目的在于理想人格塑造,人的心灵提升,其核心是身心调节与控制。中国文化的精妙之处在于,不仅拥有完整的思想体系,更有与之相应的践行方式,既有见地的开悟,又有修为的精进,在系统阐述人生境地的同时,拥有成熟的修为方法。近15年,国内外关于中国文化与心理学关系的研究呈现显著增长态势,但在竞技体育领域却鲜见运动员心理咨询和心理训练引入传统文化思想和技术的相关研究。多元文化视角下的理论与实证研究的国际心理学发展趋势,以及中国竞技体育制度特征,都诱发了对心理训练和心理咨询本土化发展的需要。本文立足于中国文化与心理训练的契合,总结提炼能够为运动队心理训练服务所借鉴的传统修为技术与方法。这些方法包括1)改变思想态度的撰写日记以内省、读书以养浩然之气;2)控制妄想杂念的静坐、数息、站桩;3)调节情绪心境的正念训练、琴棋书画等。将中国文化的思想与方法引入运动员心理训练尚面临困境,包括1)中国文化独特的神秘特性导致其缺乏可操作性,诸多概念难以精确测量,修为效果尚待实证检验;2)研究人员严重不足,潜心钻研的学者匮乏;3)研究深度缺乏,挖掘整理系统性不足;4)对传统文化存在错误认知,难以保证心理训练技术顺利进入运动队。  相似文献   

我国心理学正处于分化过程之中,其中两个明显的例证就是:基础心理学与应用及人文心理学的分化,以及对心理学研究和服务成果的评价标准摆脱SCI的束缚.这背后深层的原因在于,若以科学哲学认识论的视角,人类的知识大致可分为可靠有用的知识和无用虚幻(伪科学)的知识,可靠知识又可进一步分为科学的知识和非科学的知识.心理学从诞生之日起...  相似文献   

The Reciprocal Transfer of Learning from Journals to Practice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A strong case can be made for the reciprocal transfer of learning between the journals and practice, as well as for blurring the distinction between the science and practice of I/O psychology. This is because journals consistently provide answers for practice, and the implementation of the answers provides a basis for publication and subsequent research. The author's research and practice in the areas of employee motivation, performance appraisal, training, and personnel selection are used in support of these arguments.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Most psychological scientists make inferences about the relations among variables of interest by comparing aggregated data from groups of individuals. Although this method is unarguably a useful one that will continue to yield scientific advances, important limitations exist regarding the efficiency and flexibility of such designs, as well as with the generality of obtained results. Idiographic research strategies, which focus on the intensive study of individual organisms over time, offer a proficient and flexible alternative to group comparison designs; however, they are rarely taught in graduate training programs and are seldom used by psychological scientists. We highlight some of the unique strengths of idiographic methods, such as single case experimental designs, and suggest that psychological science will progress most efficiently with an increased use of such methods in both laboratory and clinical settings.  相似文献   

Negative effects of psychological treatments is a fairly unexplored area of clinical research. Previous investigations have indicated that a portion of all patients experience negative effects in terms of deterioration and various adverse events. Meanwhile, evidence suggests that many clinicians are untrained in identifying negative effects and unaware of the current research findings. The objective of the current study is thus to investigate clinicians' own perspectives and experiences of possible negative effects of psychological treatments. An invitation to participate in an anonymous online survey consisting of 14 open-ended questions was distributed via three mailing lists used by clinicians that primarily identify themselves as cognitive behavior therapists. The responses were analyzed using a qualitative method based on thematic analysis. In total, 74 participants completed the survey. A majority agreed that negative effects of psychological treatments exist and pose a problem, and many reported having experienced both deterioration and adverse events among patients in their own practice. The thematic analysis resulted in three core themes: characteristics of negative effects, causal factors, as well as methods and criteria for evaluating negative effects. The clinicians recognize that negative effects exist, but many are unaware of the current research findings and are unfamiliar with methods and criteria for identifying and preventing deterioration and adverse events. The results provide evidence for further dissemination of the present knowledge regarding negative effects, particularly during basic clinical training, as well as the need for raising awareness of the available methods for identifying and preventing negative effects.  相似文献   

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