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Ratings of job performance are widely viewed as poor measures of job performance. Three models of the performance–performance rating relationship offer very different explanations and solutions for this seemingly weak relationship. One-factor models suggest that measurement error is the main difference between performance and performance ratings and they offer a simple solution—that is, the correction for attenuation. Multifactor models suggest that the effects of job performance on performance ratings are often masked by a range of systematic nonperformance factors that also influence these ratings. These models suggest isolating and dampening the effects of these nonperformance factors. Mediated models suggest that intentional distortions are a key reason that ratings often fail to reflect ratee performance. These models suggest that raters must be given both the tools and the incentive to perform well as measurement instruments and that systematic efforts to remove the negative consequences of giving honest performance ratings are needed if we hope to use performance ratings as serious measures of job performance.  相似文献   

Racial bias in performance ratings may be inferred when ratings hold differ- ent meanings for different racial subgroups. Operationally, this would be indi- cated by differences (by ratee race) in the correlation between performance ratings and objective indices of performance. In this study, the effects of rate race on the relations between supervisory ratings and more objective criteria of job knowledge and work performance were examined by aggregating corre- lations across 25 studies. The results indicated that supervisory ratings were more highly related to work-performance measures-and to a lesser extent to job-knowledge measures-for Black than for White ratees. Tivo theories were proposed that could account for such differences.  相似文献   

This study tested causal models of job knowledge, job proficiency, and supervisor ratings in a sample (N = 838) of U.S. Air Force enlisted personnel. Results indicated that (a) effects of ability and experience were linear, not interactive; (b) different conceptualizations of "experience" play somewhat different causal roles in the determination of job knowledge, job proficiency, and supervisory ratings; (c) general support for the mediational roles of job knowledge and job proficiency; and (d) supervisory ratings reflect both technical (task-based) and motivational (contextual) aspects of performance.  相似文献   

Reducing the Effects of Performance Expectations on Behavioral Ratings   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In this study, we develop and test two strategies for reducing the effects of performance expectations on behavioral ratings. A 3 × 3 experimental design (N = 169), manipulating preobservation performance cues (positive, negative, or none) and the type of intervention (halo error training, structured recall memory, or none), was conducted. The results of this study indicate that both interventions reduced the effects of performance expectations on behavioral ratings. However, analyses of rating accuracy and measures from both recognition memory and recall memory tests suggest that the structured recall memory intervention has distinct advantages. These analyses indicate that the structured recall intervention can reduce raters' reliance on heuristics and increase the correspondence between raters' memory and their subsequent ratings.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that performance information (e.g., prior supervisor ratings) can bias behavioral ratings. However, research has not fully explored the effects of performance cues on raters' memory. In addition, no studies have attempted to eliminate this performance cue effect. This study addressed these deficiencies by collecting both free recall and recognition memory measures while testing an unstructured free recall intervention. Results indicate that performance cues do affect the recall of performance relevant behaviors from memory. Contrary to expectations, free recall did not prove to be an effective intervention. Implications of these findings for future attempts to remove the performance cue effect are discussed.  相似文献   

通过对从事人力资源管理工作的公务员、软件工程师、网络编辑和报纸广告销售人员四个职业的272名任职者调查数据的层次回归分析,文章发现控制了职业和人口统计学变量的影响之后,工作满意度、情感承诺和工作投入三个工作态度变量对工作技能的重要性和水平评价有显著影响。进一步对比发现,工作满意度对于技能的重要性和水平评价的影响效应较大。该研究对多个职业的分析结果拓展了人们对工作分析结果影响因素的认识,并对未来工作分析研究和实践有重要的启示作用  相似文献   

Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy - Many studies have focused on the role of self-esteem and behavioral inhibition/activation systems in social anxiety and depression....  相似文献   

Increasing demand for workplace proactivity has directed scholarly attention to job crafting as a voluntary and proactive form of job design. While mounting research has examined the impact of employee job crafting on work outcomes, little is known about the role of job crafting on the part of store managers in predicting unit-level performance. To fill this gap, this study aims to investigate the link between store manager job crafting and store performance, and proposes job resources as boundary conditions affecting this relationship. We collected survey-based data from 235 restaurant stores in South Korea and performed multilevel regression analyses. Results indicated that store manager job crafting was positively associated with store sales performance. This relationship was more pronounced when store managers received performance feedback than when they did not. However, autonomy and opportunities for development did not moderate the store manager job crafting–store performance relationship.  相似文献   

The resurging interest in identifying personality predictors of job performance has led researchers to use the five-factor model of personality as an important conceptual tool. Two recent meta-analyses illustrated the potential predictive power of the model within an employment context. In this study, we evaluated the relations between a well-validated self-report measure of the five-factor model and supervisor ratings of performance. Fifty-two women and 159 men completed the NEO Personality Inventory (Costa & McCrae, 1985) and were independently rated on various performance dimensions by their supervisors. Scores on the Conscientiousness scales correlated with all the performance ratings over this diverse number of occupational groups. Low Neuroticism and high Extraversion scores also predicted high performance. Low straightforwardness (a facet of agreeableness) was associated with ability to accomplish work-related goals and to adapt to changing work conditions. The results support the utility of the five-factor model as a predictor of job performance.  相似文献   

Valentine  Sean R. 《Sex roles》2001,45(3-4):179-197
A gender-based job responsibility framework emphasizing job satisfaction and employee monitoring is presented in this study and is tested using a national sample of 2,607 supervisors representing a variety of industries. Overall, the path analysis indicated that male managers reported greater perceived responsibility than did female managers. Findings also indicated that perceived responsibility was positively related to both job satisfaction and employee monitoring. The limitations of the study are highlighted, and the managerial implications of the results and suggestions for future research are presented.  相似文献   

Investigations of the construct-related evidence of the validity of performance ratings have been rare, perhaps because researchers are dissuaded by the con- siderable amount of evidence needed to show construct validity (Landy, 1986). It is argued that generalizability (G) theory (Cronbach, Gleser, Nanda, & Rajaratnam, 1972) is well-suited to investigations of construct-related evi- dence of validity because a single generalizability investigation may provide multiple inferences of validity. G theory permits the researcher to partition observed score variance into universe (true) score variance and multiple, distinct estimates of error variance. G theory was illustrated through the anal- ysis of proficiency ratings of 256 Air Force jet engine mechanics. Mechanics were rated on three different rating forms by themselves, peers, and supervi- sors. Interpretation of G study variance components revealed suitable evi- dence of construct validity. Ratings within sources were reliable. Proficiency ratings showed strong convergence over rating forms, though not over rating sources. Raters showed adequate discriminant validity across rating dimen- sions. The expectation of convergence over sources was further questioned.  相似文献   

This study empirically tested the predictions of the three basic perspectives on the bandwidth debate about the relationship between personality and job performance, regarding the validity of conscientiousness and its facets. The sample consisted of 226 police officers. Conscientiousness and three facets (order, industriousness, and self‐control) were correlated with three performance criteria (overall job performance, task performance, and orderliness). A Schmid–Leiman transformation made it possible to residualize the variance of the facets and to isolate their unique contribution to the prediction of performance measures. The results showed that conscientiousness predicted the three criteria (true validities of.25,.28 and.37, respectively) and that the facets neither predicted job performance nor showed incremental validity over conscientiousness. Finally, the implications of the findings for theory and practice are commented on, and future research is suggested.  相似文献   

The Behavioral Inhibition System and Behavioral Activation System Scales (BIS/BAS scales) are the most widely used measures designed to assess Gray’s Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory. However, questions remain regarding its factor, convergent, and discriminant validity. We assessed these properties in two samples of undergraduates (N = 723, N = 103). In Study 1, confirmatory factor analysis supported previous findings that suggested removal of several items, resulting in acceptable fit for a four-factor model. Convergent and discriminant validity were assessed for the original and revised scales. In Study 2, a public speaking task was used to assess validity of the scales in reference to positive/negative affect. Convergent and discriminant validity for the revised scales were not substantially different from the original scales. We suggest that future researchers should consider the use of the revised measure we describe. We also suggest that the creation of a revised BIS/BAS scale using new items may be warranted.  相似文献   

This article examines the test–retest reliability of supervisory ratings for several dimensions of job performance and for overall job performance. We found that the test–retest reliability of overall job performance is .79 (SD = .08), a value very close to the one found by Viswesvaran, Ones and Schmidt (1996), and that the average test–retest reliability for specific dimensions of job performance is .57 (SD = .07). We also found that some dimensions of job performance appear to be easier to rate than others. We suggest some implications of these findings for research and practice of personnel selection.  相似文献   



The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of store image attractiveness and self-evaluated job performance on internal job satisfaction and organizational commitment.  相似文献   

We extend the research on context effects in performance evaluation by examining the impact of ratee sex and context performance level as moderators of context effects in performance ratings and in the recall of performance information. Subjects (N= 269) rated the performance of an average performer (male or female) alone or following a low or high performing context (male or female). We found significant differences in the magnitude of contrast effects for an average target ratee as a function of both target ratee sex and performance level. These differences were found for both performance ratings and the evaluative content of performance information recalled.  相似文献   

任职者任务绩效水平对其工作分析结果的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
李文东  时勘  吴红岩  贾娟  杨敏 《心理学报》2006,38(3):428-435
在控制了个体人口统计学变量和排除组织水平变量的影响下,探讨了电厂设计和编辑两个职位任职者的任务绩效水平对于他们Occupational Information Network (以下缩写为O*NET)工作分析问卷评价结果的影响。层次回归结果发现,控制了相关因素后,发电厂设计人员的任务绩效水平能显著影响其对技术性技能的水平评价,编辑的任务绩效水平能显著影响信息处理的重要性评价和水平评价,在一定程度上证实了“工作分析结果差异来源于真实差异”的理论  相似文献   

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