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Norms and reliability and validity data are presented for an objectively scored Body Awareness Questionnaire (BAQ), which is suitable for use with college students and nonstudent adults. The BAQ is an 18-item scale designed to assess self-reported attentiveness to normal nonemotive body processes, specifically, sensitivity to body cycles and rhythms, ability to detect small changes in normal functioning, and ability to anticipate bodily reactions. Research applications, including investigation of sex-related differences in body awareness and its correlates, are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors developed a parent-report measure to enhance findings for diagnoses and evaluations, and therefore, improve on the assessments currently being widely used for this purpose. Data were gathered on 322 clients (4–18 years old) seeking treatment at a private practice setting. Factor analysis revealed 18 subscales. Scores were internally consistent and distinct from other subscales. In addition, the questionnaire showed good diagnostic utility for depression, Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), and Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD). This study provides sufficient evidence of the reliability and validity of the Self-Management Questionnaire (SMQ) to recommend its use for skills and needs assessment with children and adolescents.  相似文献   

《青少年心理健康素质调查表》的信效度再研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
该文报告了根据全国23个省、市、自治区51399名青少年的测验数据所计算出的《青少年心理健康素质调查表》信度和效度指标。分析结果表明,《青少年心理健康素质调查表》的信度和效度符合心理测验学的要求,并可用于青少年的素质教育、健康促进、心理健康教育和关于青少年潜能开发的研究与实践工作。  相似文献   

Five versions of the Interpersonal Needs Questionnaire (INQ), a self‐report measure of perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness, have been used in recent studies (including 10‐, 12‐, 15‐, 18‐, and 25‐items). Findings regarding the associations between perceived burdensomeness, thwarted belongingness, and suicidal ideation using different versions have been mixed, potentially due to differences in measurement scales. This study evaluated factor structure, internal consistency, and concurrent predictive validity of these five versions in three samples. Samples 1 and 2 were comprised of 449 and 218 undergraduates, respectively; Sample 3 included 114 adolescent psychiatric inpatients. All versions demonstrated acceptable internal consistency. The 10‐item version and 15‐item version demonstrated the best, most consistent model fit in confirmatory factor analyses. Both perceived burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness consistently predicted concurrent suicidal ideation on the 10‐item INQ only. Future research should consider using the 15‐item or 10‐item versions.  相似文献   

This paper describes development of a retrospective measure of childhood exposure to parental dyscontrol related to specific conditions such as a parent's drinking, anger, or other negative emotional states (e.g., stress, anxiety, depression). A 45-item questionnaire, the Dyscontrol Experiences Questionnaire (DEQ), was designed to assess individuals' childhood experiences with parental loss of control. Two student samples (n = 465 and n = 536) completed a battery of self-report measures. Responses were used to examine the psychometric properties of the DEQ. Factor analysis revealed three lower-order factors accounting for 54.4% of the variance in DEQ item scores. Cronbach's coefficient alphas indicated acceptable internal consistency. Moderate intercorrelations with two other retrospective measures of childhood experiences suggested construct validity. Moderate intercorrelations with two measures of psychological distress suggested predictive validity. In summary, initial psychometric testing of the DEQ suggests it is a reliable and valid tool for investigating an important developmental antecedent of adult psychological distress.  相似文献   

大学生非智力因素测查问卷的编制报告   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
本研究在对非智力因素的结构进行理论探讨的基础上,结合对大学生的访谈资料,确定了10项与大学生学习活动关系比较密切的非智力因素。采用自陈量表编制原理,编制了具有较高信度和实证效度的大学生非智力因素量表。  相似文献   

This article describes the development of the Therapist Use-of-Self Orientation Questionnaire (TUSO-Q), an instrument designed to measure therapists’ use-of-self orientations while working with clients. A total of 373 therapists participated in this study. Exploratory factor analysis in the structural equation modeling context revealed three different therapist use-of-self orientations: Transpersonal, Contextual, and Instrumental. The final model provided an excellent fit to the data. TUSO-Q scores exhibited satisfactory evidence of internal consistency reliability and construct validity. Implications for the scale’s use in clinical research and training are discussed.  相似文献   

为验证Carson等人的创造力成就问卷(Creative Achievement Questionnaire,CAQ)在中国成人群体的适用性,对其进行翻译、回译和文化调适后转换为中文版(C-CAQ)。以59名成人为被试,间隔3周的重测信度为斯皮尔曼相关系数ρ=0.77(p<0.01);以107名成人为被试,施测C-CAQ、托伦斯创造性思维测验(TTCT)的非常规用途任务(UUT)和补全图画任务(PCT)、中国大五人格简式版考察C-CAQ的聚合效度,结果发现与TTCT两个任务的多个指标及大五人格的开放性相关显著(与UUT任务各指标相关为:流畅性0.22、灵活性0.19、独创性0.26,与PCT任务的精致性相关为0.24,与大五人格的开放性维度相关0.29);用瑞文标准推理测验考察C-CAQ和智力的区分效度,结果显示二者为弱相关且不显著;以324名成人为被试对C-CAQ的10个领域进行探索性因子分析,结果支持问卷的领域特殊性构想;以122名成人为被试施测考夫曼创造力领域量表(K-DOCS)和C-CAQ以考察C-CAQ的效标效度,结果显示二者的科学、艺术领域及总分相关均显著(ρ=0.62, 0.47和0.41)。研究表明,CAQ问卷中文版在我国的成人群体具有较好的信度和效度。  相似文献   

Psychometric properties of the Swedish version of the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) were examined using data from three samples: (1) a sample from the general population (n= 1157), (2) a student sample (n= 124) and (3) a clinical sample (n= 90). Analyses showed that a single factor solution might be a reasonable solution as 32 of the 34 items loaded heavily on the first factor. The derived short 14-item version of the BSQ also showed a coherent structure with all the items loading on one single factor. The BSQ showed high test-retest reliability, very high internal consistency, ranging from 0.94 to 0.97, and high split-half reliability (above 0.93). Furthermore, it showed high validity by correlating highly with the body dissatisfaction subscale of the Eating Disorders Inventory (r= 0.72 and higher), and high discriminant validity. Thus, the Swedish version of the BSQ showed good concurrent and discriminant validity as well as high reliability.  相似文献   

通过文献分析和访谈,阐明忘我的概念与结构,并编制了忘我问卷。采用现场发放和网络问卷的方式对607名被试进行忘我问卷的初测。接着,对357名被试施测正式问卷,进行信度、效度检验。探索性因素分析显示,忘我问卷由3个因子构成; 验证性因素分析表明该量表拟合良好(RMSEA=0.07,NFI=0.95,CFI=0.95,GFI=0.92,AGFI=0.89)。问卷总体一致性系数为0.89,3个因子的内部一致性系数在0.84-0.88之间。问卷总体得分与效标问卷特质焦虑得分呈负相关(-0.51),与安适幸福感、正念觉知的得分呈正相关(分别为0.36、0.31)。忘我问卷具有良好的信度和效度,可在后续的相关研究和实践中作为测量问卷或评估工具使用。  相似文献   


采用文献分析法,结合专家咨询,对患者就医伦理责任进行概念与范畴界定,拟定问卷条目。采用随机抽样调查法对南通市某三级甲等医院的患者进行问卷调查。问卷可划分为责任范畴认知、责任态度信念两个维度,共计18道条目,累计方差贡献率为82.434%。项目分析中各分析项均呈现出显著性差异(P<0.05)。问卷总体的Cronbach's α系数为0.979,内容效度为0.910,在结构效度分析中,问卷因子分析KMO值为0.971,聚敛效度和区分效度皆达到标准。本问卷具有良好的信效度,可为日后进一步的研究分析提供科学可靠的依据。


Interpersonal competence is crucial to human life, and poor social functioning is a typical feature of various psychopathological conditions. Given the relevance of the construct, increasing attention has recently been paid to the Interpersonal Competence Questionnaire (ICQ; Buhrmester et al. 1988), a 40-item self-report measuring five domains of interpersonal competence. To provide additional data on the cross-cultural adaptability of the ICQ, we developed an Italian version and investigated its psychometric properties with two independent student samples. Respondents were mostly women (about three quarters), ranging in age from 18 to 57. Study 1 (n?=?408) tested factor structure, internal consistency, and convergent validity. Study 2 (n?=?59) investigated test-retest reliability. Taken together, the results of both these studies provided support for the cross-cultural applicability of the ICQ, and revealed interesting associations between interpersonal competence and constructs such as well-being, emotion dysregulation and empathy.  相似文献   

Institutional betrayal (IB), an institutional failure to either prevent or to respond supportively to a traumatic event, tends to cause trauma survivors further psychological distress. The medical system may exhibit significant levels of IB given the frequency of medical interactions and vulnerability of patients. The current study aimed to assess the reliability and validity of a new measure of IB in the medical system in a sample of 352 Canadian adults with chronic medical conditions. An exploratory factor analysis found 3 stable and reliable factors of IB: negative healthcare experiences, cognitive-affective reactions, and systemic responses to these experiences. Subsequent analyses found evidence supporting the validity of the IB questionnaire. As expected, IB predicted poorer mental health even after controlling for demographics, and traumatic experiences. Future studies should confirm that these factors hold in different populations, and should employ different experimental designs to better understand the causal factors of IB.  相似文献   

Using confirmatory factor analysis, this study compared the 4-factor 18-item Narcissistic Personality Questionnaire for Children (NPQC) and the 2-factor, 12-item Narcissistic Personality Questionnaire for Children-Revised (NPQC-R). Support was found for the 2-factor structure of the 12-item NPQC-R using two independent adolescent school-based samples (n = 479 and n = 470). The 2-factor NPQC-R model (i.e., Superiority, Exploitativeness) showed a better fit in both adolescent samples than the alternative 4-factor NPQC model. There was strong support for NPQC-R’s invariance across gender and age. The NPQC-R was found to have reasonable internal consistency estimates, test–retest reliability estimates, and adequate convergent and discriminant validity estimates. Collectively, these results support the utility of the NPQC-R as a measure of narcissism in children and adolescents. A copy of the NPQC-R and scoring key can be obtained from Rebecca P. Ang.  相似文献   

Le besoin d'une échelle de dominance dans le questionnaire Manifest Needs est démontre, pour rendre acceptables sa fidélité et sa validité. Des recherches complémentaires devraient permettre d'éprouver la fidélité interne de l'échelle, démontrer plus complètement sa valeur prédictive et améliorer notre compréhension des relations entre les concepts de dominance, d'autonomie et de réalisation.
The need for dominance scale of the Manifest Needs Questionnaire is shown to have acceptable reliability and validity. Further research should strive to improve the internal reliability of the scale, demonstrate more fully its predictive validity, and improve our understanding of the relationships between the constructs of dominance, autonomy, and achievement.  相似文献   

In contexts that increasingly demand brief self-report measures (e.g., experience sampling, longitudinal and field studies), researchers seek succinct surveys that maintain reliability and validity. One such measure is the 12-item Brief Aggression Questionnaire (BAQ; Webster et al., 2014), which uses 4 3-item subscales: Physical Aggression, Verbal Aggression, Anger, and Hostility. Although prior work suggests the BAQ's scores are reliable and valid, we addressed some lingering concerns. Across 3 studies (N = 1,279), we found that the BAQ had a 4-factor structure, possessed long-term test–retest reliability across 12 weeks, predicted differences in behavioral aggression over time in a laboratory experiment, generalized to a diverse nonstudent sample, and showed convergent validity with a displaced aggression measure. In addition, the BAQ's 3-item Anger subscale showed convergent validity with a trait anger measure. We discuss the BAQ's potential reliability, validity, limitations, and uses as an efficient measure of aggressive traits.  相似文献   

This study examined the validity and reliability of a Turkish version of the Modified Moral Sensitivity Questionnaire for Student Nurses (MMSQSN). After obtaining permission to adapt the MMSQSN into Turkish, the translation/back-translation method was used with expert opinions to determine content validity. Factor analysis was conducted to examine the construct validity and test–retest was performed on the questionnaire to determine reliability. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients were calculated to assess for internal consistency. Participants included 272 baccalaureate degree student nurses who took ethics lessons prior to their clinical internship. The factor analysis revealed that even though the factor structure in the original scale was the same, relevant items were categorized with similar components, and factor loads were sufficient. The correlation coefficient in the analyses of test–retest scores was .66 for the total scale (p < .05) and the Cronbach’s alpha was .73 for the total scale. The translated MMSQSN is a valid and reliable measure of ethical sensitivity in student nurses in Turkey.  相似文献   

Mindfulness refers to the ability to be aware of and attentive to internal and external events, without becoming overwhelmed or feeling the need to react automatically. Recent studies indicate that this ability is associated with the following factors: mental health, psychological functioning, and stress reduction. Although questionnaires have been developed to measure mindfulness, so far these have not been adapted for use within the Italian population. Thus, the aim of our studies was to investigate the reliability and validity of an Italian version of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ; Baer et al. Assessment, 13, 27–45, 2006). The FFMQ is a self-report measure that is based on a five-facet model (i.e., Observe, Describe, Act with Awareness, Nonjudge, and Nonreact). In the first study, internal consistency, factor structure, and concurrent validity analyses were carried out on a sample of 559 volunteers. The second study entailed test–retest analyses on a different sample of 43 students. The results showed that the Italian FFMQ: (a) has a similar factor structure to the original English version; (b) has good to excellent internal consistency as a whole (alpha?=?0.86) with sub-scale consistency ranging from 0.65 to 0.81, and test–retest stability for the total score being 0.71; (c) has good concurrent validity as demonstrated by significant correlations between the FFMQ scores and a number of self-report measures related to mindfulness. Our findings support both the adaptation of the FFMQ to the Italian context as well as the conceptualization of mindfulness in multi-faceted terms.  相似文献   

In this study, the construct validity and reliability of the Empowerment questionnaire (EMPO) that was developed in Dutch youth care was examined. The 12-item EMPO focuses on measuring parental empowerment in raising their children. The three components of psychological empowerment (intrapersonal, interactional, and behavioral) form the rationale for the EMPO. Non-clinical (n?=?673) and clinical (n?=?1,212) data were used. Construct validity was tested by the factorial structure, measurement invariance, correlations with other instruments (PSQ-S and SDQ), and empowerment differences between the two groups. Reliability was determined by testing the internal consistency and test-retest reliability. The results show that the factorial validity of the EMPO was sufficient to good, the EMPO was measurement invariant for various subgroups, and the EMPO scales were negatively correlated with parenting stress (PSQ-S) and child behavioral problems scales (SDQ). Furthermore, the clinical group was less empowered, and the correlation between parental empowerment and child behavioral problems was stronger in this group. In addition, both groups of parents had relatively high scores on the interactional component. In the clinical group, however, parental scores on the interactional component were less correlated with scores on the intrapersonal and behavioral components. Finally, reliability analyses showed a largely sufficient to good internal consistency and test-retest reliability. The EMPO seems to be an instrument with sufficient to good construct validity and reliability. Further research is recommended regarding the underlying assumptions, other aspects of validity, representativeness, and the way it should be used as a tool by professionals for supporting parental empowerment.  相似文献   

The Self-Appraisal Questionnaire (SAQ: Loza, 2005) is a self-report questionnaire designed to assist with the prediction of violent and nonviolent recidivism among correctional populations. Use of scale could help in the assessment of risk and the identification of factors that could be addressed by programming or other intervention to reduce recidivism risk. Evidence for use of the SAQ in South African settings is needed. The SAQ was administered at two separate occasions and a week apart to a total of 125 male offenders in South Africa to evaluate its psychometric properties. Scores from the SAQ were reliable with South African inmates.  相似文献   

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