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Building upon previously developed and more general dual‐process models, this paper provides empirical support for a multidimensional thinking style construct comprised of linear thinking and multiple dimensions of nonlinear thinking. A self‐report assessment instrument (Linear/Nonlinear Thinking Style Profile; LNTSP) is presented and preliminarily tested across three studies with an overall sample of 778 respondents comprised of business students and managers. The results indicate that nonlinear thinking style consists of seven distinct, yet interrelated dimensions: intuition, creativity, values, imagination, flexibility, insights, and emotions. Convergent and discriminant validity estimates vis‐à‐vis a multidimensional creative thinking index and an emotional intelligence measure provide support for further development of the instrument. The implications of these results for future managerial cognition research are discussed, as well as potential practical applications of the LNTSP for management education and business practice.  相似文献   

张珊珊  周明洁  陈爽  张建新 《心理科学》2012,35(6):1440-1444
采用跨文化(中国人)个性测量表(Cross-Cultural [Chinese] Personality Assessment Inventory, 简称CPAI-2)对182名服务企业员工进行本土化人格特质测查,并同时获得其直接上级主管对他/她工作绩效的评定。目的是探讨本土化人格特质与工作绩效之间的关系模式(线性或非线性)。结果表明:和谐性与工作绩效具有正向的线性关系;面子与工作绩效具有倒U曲线关系;人情与工作绩效具有正U曲线关系;其他本土化人格特质与工作绩效的关系均不显著。  相似文献   

This study examined the potential role of hope as a personality trait in performance in personnel selection batteries. We hypothesized that hope would be associated with overall success in the selection process, mediated by coping. One hundred twenty job applicants who went through a full day of individual psychological assessment also filled out measures of hope and coping style. Structural equation modeling analysis provided support for a partial mediation model, with problem‐solving‐oriented coping mediating the association between hope and the psychologists’ general recommendation based on various psychological measures (though hope and coping were not included in the psychologists’ considerations). The model remained significant after controlling for general mental ability, personality, interview, and group simulation measures used in the assessment. The potential implications and limitations of the study are discussed in light of existing research on hope and performance.  相似文献   

Past empirical studies relating narcissism to leadership have offered mixed results. This study integrates prior research findings via meta‐analysis to make 4 contributions to theory on narcissism and leadership, by (a) distinguishing between leadership emergence and leadership effectiveness, to reveal that narcissism displays a positive relationship with leadership emergence, but no relationship with leadership effectiveness; (b) showing narcissism's positive effect on leadership emergence can be explained by leader extraversion; (c) demonstrating that whereas observer‐reported leadership effectiveness ratings (e.g., supervisor‐report, subordinate‐report, and peer‐report) are not related to narcissism, self‐reported leadership effectiveness ratings are positively related to narcissism; and (d) illustrating that the nil linear relationship between narcissism and leadership effectiveness masks an underlying curvilinear trend, advancing the idea that there exists an optimal, midrange level of leader narcissism.  相似文献   

人员选拔研究的新进展   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
徐晓锋  车宏生 《心理科学》2004,27(2):499-501
本文在大量的文献基础上,从三个方面介绍了近十余年来人员选拔的新进展:预测源内容和过程研究、新兴选拔模式和内容研究、选拔有效性研究。从中可以看到人员选拔的以下几个特点:①在选拔模式和内容上.人员选拔突破了传统的框架;②选拔有效性原因研究受到重视;⑧团队成员选拔,跨文化选拔成为选拔研究的新热点.并获得了有价值的研究成果。  相似文献   

本研究采用了多特征决策研究中的过程追踪技术,对人事筛选和挑选决策的策略进行了单步跳转和多步跳转分析与比较。结果发现,在人事挑选时,被试更多采用基于方案的补偿性策略,并以有关合适人选的心理映像为标准做出决策;而筛选时更多采用基于特征的非补偿策略以减少认知负荷,同时,以方案间比较为目的的补偿性策略也更多使用。这些策略变化体现了决策者的认知适应性。  相似文献   

A recent debate has called to light an important issue for communication researchers and other social scientists: Does the use of student samples jeopardize the validity of research? Importantly, this question has failed to make a critical distinction between estimates of univariate values versus those examining multivariate relationships. Estimates of univariate values provide information on the prevalence of an attitude or belief from the sampled population to the overall population. Estimates of multivariate relationships, however, provide information on the validity of our theories. This distinction is examined in a study of identification with Diana, Princess of Wales. Results show that although the estimates of univariate values differed across three samples, the multivariate relationships between the variables were more stable, and therefore the underlying process appears to hold. We argue that this finding illustrates the distinction between estimates of univariate means versus multivariate relationships and is evidence that nonprobability samples can be important for many reasons, including testing the consistency of processes.  相似文献   

Abstract— For many decades, the focus of personnel selection research was on developing selection tests that maximized prediction of job performance; the approach was typically lacking in theoretical bases. The past two decades saw significant shifts in research to a focus on the nature of constructs and their interrelationships, characterized by an approach that emphasizes theoretical understanding of the phenomena under investigation. This article provides an overview of how a construct-oriented approach underlies major current directions in scientific research on personnel selection. Emerging trends that are likely to constitute issues of enduring importance are discussed.  相似文献   

In this web‐based study, the authors examined long‐distance relationships (LDRs) and geographically close relationships (GCRs). Two hierarchical multiple regressions (N = 138) indicated that attachment predicted LDR and GCR commitment in Step 1. Final equations indicated that high satisfaction and investments predicted LDR commitment, whereas low attachment avoidance, low cooperative caregiving, high satisfaction, and low alternatives predicted GCR commitment. The pattern of predictors differed for LDRs versus GCRs.  相似文献   

In response to theory and research suggesting that positive individual and organizational outcomes are associated with person-organization fit, there is growing interest in the use of personnel selection practices to achieve fit between individuals and organizations. Research is needed to confirm the value of assessing applicant-organization fit in the selection process and to test alternative approaches for measuring the match between applicants and organizations. This article provides guidance for future research on the assessment of applicant-organization fit. Criteria for assessing applicant-organization fit are indentified and four techniques for assessing fit are then evaluated in the light of these criteria. In addition, the article identifies issues that should be addressed in future research on applicant-organization fit.  相似文献   

作假普遍存在于人事选拔各个阶段,并对最终选拔结果造成影响.研究者对于作假的内涵界定有较大差异,主要是由于研究者对作假结构、变异来源和作假水平有不同理解.根据不同作假定义可衍生出多种作假测量方法,常用的有基线差值法、认知模式法、嵌入量表法和行为模式法四类.从测量指标、次数和内容三个方面分析归纳这四类测量方法,其作假识别效用与选拔中作假测量的可行性各异.今后的研究应完善现有作假测量方法,开发作假动机测量工具,加强作假的过程性控制研究,并深入探索作假的个体差异.  相似文献   

应聘者反应是个体在选拔情境下由公平知觉导致的一种针对组织的态度或行为后果.应聘者反应的首个理论模型是Gilliland的选拔公正模型,随后,启发模型、整合模型和信任模型相继建立,极大丰富了应聘者反应的理论内涵.然而,应聘者反应的测量明显滞后于理论的发展,主要表现在测量工具不统一、测量结构混乱、信效度研究匮乏等方面.未来的研究方向有:(1)加强现有模型中论证不充分的环节;(2)进一步丰富跨文化研究;(3)从一般性问题向特定情境的研究进行深入;(4)结合跨领域内容,朝着多元化的方向发展.  相似文献   

Repeat applicants to a fire‐fighter position undertook the same cognitive ability and situational judgment tests on multiple occasions and the resultant practice effects were investigated. Practice effects of approximately two fifths of a standard deviation were observed between Times 1 and 2 on timed tests of Abstract Reasoning and Mechanical Comprehension. Smaller practice effects were observed, however, on a timed test of numerical comprehension ability and the untimed Teamwork Knowledge Skills and Abilities situational judgment test. For all four tests, the additional practice effect observed at Time 3 were smaller and nonsignificant; a result supplemented by latent growth curve analyses.  相似文献   

Personality tests are often used in selection and have demonstrated predictive validity across a variety of occupational groups and performance criteria. Although different selection decision methods can be used to make selection decisions (e.g., compensatory top down, compensatory with sliding bands, noncompensatory) from personality test results, there is a paucity of research addressing the influence of these different selection decision methods on issues such as, adverse impact and differential hiring rates. This gap in the literature is redressed in the current study. Results from 398 bus operator candidates indicated that there may be adverse impact and differential hiring rate issues depending on the selection decision method used and the designated group being assessed. Implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

We present 3 studies that examine the process of partner selection in negotiations and the influence that relationships may have on the partner-selection decision. In Study 1, we present a simulated matching market experiment in which we compare the matching process when relationships can influence the partner-selection decision with the matching process when relationships cannot influence this decision. We find that when relationships are not allowed to influence the matching process, there are more economically optimal agreements, a larger market surplus, and more search activity. In Study 2, a simulation of a naturally occurring market selection process provides additional quantitative support for the findings from Study 1 and offers qualitative data on the reasoning process behind partner selection, including the social factors that are influential in this decision. Study 3 utilizes a repeated trial experimental simulation to offer further support for the negative relationship between relationships and economic outcomes and to suggest that the relative power of the negotiators influences the extent to which relationships help versus hurt individual profitability. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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