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当前竞技体育伦理问题及其实质   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
竞技体育的伦理问题,不仅仅应该批判竞技体育中的非伦理现象,而且应该着重考察在竞技体育发展中自身衍生的目的和手段及发展方向的异化问题,这种伦理悖论才是实质的竞技体育伦理问题。解决问题的途径是竞技体育的自我调整和竞技体育伦理的建设。  相似文献   

This article presents the major stages of the approaches to the ethics of communication and the respective ethical principle of each one. The first stage, centred on the principle of truthfulness, was born at the beginning of the 20th century, at the same time as the first great development of the press and journalism. The second stage, which began at the end of the 20th century, centred on the principle of beneficence and developed from the growing influence of the mass media on all fields and aspects of social life. There is also the need for a further principle for communication ethics: the principle of vulnerability: to give voice to those affected by a situation, especially to those in a situation of vulnerability. The article then considers whether the huge impact of the Internet and social media at the beginning of the 21st century implies a new stage in the ethics of communication or rather the need to extend the scope and effectiveness of existing ethical principles and norms. The article tends toward the second option, insisting on the role of self-regulation and media literacy in tackling the current challenges in media and social media communications.  相似文献   

Although ethics consultation is offered as a clinical service in most hospitals in the United States, few valid and practical tools are available to evaluate, ensure, and improve ethics consultation quality. The quality of ethics consultation is important because poor quality ethics consultation can result in ethically inappropriate outcomes for patients, other stakeholders, or the health care system. To promote accountability for the quality of ethics consultation, we developed the Ethics Consultation Quality Assessment Tool (ECQAT). ECQAT enables raters to assess the quality of ethics consultations based on the written record. Through rigorous development and preliminary testing, we identified key elements of a quality ethics consultation (ethics question, consultation-specific information, ethical analysis, and conclusions and/or recommendations), established scoring criteria, developed training guidelines, and designed a holistic assessment process. This article describes the development of the ECQAT, the resulting product, and recommended future testing and potential uses for the tool.  相似文献   

This article recounts the development of the Professional/Problem-Based Ethics (ProBE) Program, the original physicians’ professional ethics remediation course. Since 1992, more than 1,200 healthcare professionals of many disciplines have been mandated to attend ProBE by licensing boards and other oversight entities. Using a small-group, interprofessional setting, the ProBE Program assists participants to discover and articulate ethical underpinnings violated by their misconduct; appreciate professional responsibilities that are societal, regulatory, and ethical; and recommit to professional ideals. The authors describe the rationale for developing ProBE, its curriculum, participant demographics, and infractions and reconsider medical professionalism in light of two decades of ProBE.  相似文献   

The increasing number of companies providing internet services and auction tools helped popularize the online reverse auction trend for purchasing commodities and services in the last decade. As a result, a number of owners, both public and private, accepted the online reverse auctions as the bidding technique for their construction projects. Owners, while trying to minimize their costs for construction projects, are also required to address their ethical responsibilities to the shareholders. In the case of online reverse auctions for construction projects, the ethical issues involved in the bidding technique directly reflects on the owner’s ethical and social responsibilities to their shareholders. The goal of this paper is to identify the shareholder ethics and responsibilities in online reverse auctions for construction projects by analyzing the ethical issues for the parties involved in the process. The identification of the ethical issues and responsibilities requires clear definition and understanding of professional ethics and the roles of the involved parties. In this paper, first, the concept of professional ethics and social responsibility is described in a general form. To illustrate the ethical issues and responsibilities, a sample case of bidding for a construction project using online reverse auction techniques is presented in which the shareholders were actively involved in questioning the ethical issues. The issues involved in the bidding process and their reflection on the shareholder responsibilities are described and analyzed for each stage of the process. A brief discussion of the overall process is also included to address the general ethical issues involved in online reverse auctions. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the “Ethics and Social Responsibility in Engineering and Technology” meeting, New Orleans, 2003.  相似文献   

For decades a debate has played out in the literature about who bioethicists are, what they do, whether they can be considered professionals qua bioethicists, and, if so, what professional responsibilities they are called to uphold. Health care ethics consultants are bioethicists who work in health care settings. They have been seeking guidance documents that speak to their special relationships/duties toward those they serve. By approving a Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibilities for Health Care Ethics Consultants, the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH) has moved the professionalization debate forward in a significant way. This first code of ethics focuses on individuals who provide health care ethics consultation (HCEC) in clinical settings. The evolution of the code's development, implications for the field of HCEC and bioethics, and considerations for future directions are presented here.  相似文献   


Changes in healthcare financing increasingly rely upon patient cost-sharing to control escalating healthcare expenditures. These changes raise new challenges for physicians that are different from those that arose either under managed care or traditional indemnity insurance. Historically, there have been two distinct bases for arguing that physicians should not consider costs in their clinical decisions—an “aspirational ethic” that exhorts physicians to treat all patients the same regardless of their ability to pay, and an “agency ethic” that calls on physicians to be trustworthy advisors to their patients. In the setting of greater patient cost-sharing, physicians' aspiration and agency roles increasingly conflict. Satisfactorily navigating the new terrain of consumer-driven healthcare requires physicians to consider these two roles and how they can best be reconciled so as to maximize quality of care while respecting the heterogeneity of patients' financial resources and willingness to pay.  相似文献   

完善医学生职业道德培养教育途径   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:18  
为了提高我国医学生职业道德教育的有效性和实效性,需不断完善和健全现有职业道德培养渠道,并拓展新渠道。在探讨研究国外医学生道德培养途径基础上,博采众家之长,形成以职业道德教育贯穿于专业教育全过程为特征,以职业道德教育与临床医疗实践相结合,以提高医学生自我道德教育能力为目的,适合我国特点的医学生职业道德培养途径。  相似文献   

This study sought to gauge ethical attitudes about professional boundary issues of physicians and nurses in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Respondents scored 10 relevant boundary vignettes as to their ethical acceptability. The group as a whole proved “aware/ ethically conservative,” but with the physicians' score falling on the “less ethically conservative” part of the spectrum compared to nurses. The degree of ethicality was more related to profession than to gender, with nurses being more “ethical” than physicians.  相似文献   

The history of the regulation of animal research is essentially the history of the emergence of meaningful social ethics for animals in society. Initially, animal ethics concerned itself solely with cruelty, but this was seen as inadequate to late 20th-century concerns about animal use. The new social ethic for animals was quite different, and its conceptual bases are explored in this paper. The Animal Welfare Act of 1966 represented a very minimal and in many ways incoherent attempt to regulate animal research, and is far from morally adequate. The 1985 amendments did much to render coherent the ethic for laboratory animals, but these standards were still inadequate in many ways, as enumerated here. The philosophy underlying these laws is explained, their main provisions are explored, and future directions that could move the ethic forward and further rationalize the laws are sketched.  相似文献   

在生命伦理领域中,规范伦理与德性伦理都曾发挥重要作用,然而,德性伦理没有受到人们足够的重视,重新厘定传统德性伦理的现代价值显得尤为重要。初步探究在生命伦理迅速发展的情况下,德性伦理与规范伦理相结合的模式。  相似文献   

当代中国医德建设与相对主义医学伦理学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当代西方相对主义医学伦理学有许多建树,但也有其致命性的缺陷,这就是否定医学道德的客观绝对性和普遍性医学伦理准则。在引进、介绍了这种学说之后,需要下功夫同它进行对话,即以医德绝对性与相对性辩证统一的原理,对这种学说进行追问,从中借鉴有益的经验和教训,以顺利全面地推进我国当代的医学道德建设。  相似文献   


Bioethicists function in an environment in which their peers—healthcare executives, lawyers, nurses, physicians—assert the integrity of their fields through codes of professional ethics. Is it time for bioethics to assert its integrity by developing a code of ethics? Answering in the affirmative, this paper lays out a case by reviewing the historical nature and function of professional codes of ethics. Arguing that professional codes are aggregative enterprises growing in response to a field's historical experiences, it asserts that bioethics now needs to assert its integrity and independence and has already developed a body of formal statements that could be aggregated to create a comprehensive code of ethics for bioethics. A Draft Model Aggregated Code of Ethics for Bioethicists is offered in the hope that analysis and criticism of this draft code will promote further discussion of the nature and content of a code of ethics for bioethicists.  相似文献   

This focus issue is a conversation at and about the interface of feminist ethics and religious ethics, in order to show what these multifaceted fields of intellectual endeavor and practical import have to say to each other, to teach and to learn. The seven essays approach that dialogue from a variety of angles and traditions, reflecting the fecundity of both fields and the wide‐ranging concerns of colleagues in religious ethics who share commitments and methods with feminist ethics.  相似文献   

当前有相当数量的临床学院、教学医院和临床教师仅重视医学生的专业教育而忽视医学伦理教育,专业教育与医学伦理教育严重脱节.应对临床实习生的专业教育与医学伦理教育的培养目标、教育内容、实践过程、教育路径、方式方法进行整合,使医学专业教育与医学伦理教育紧密结合、相互渗透、相互融合、实现整合.  相似文献   

当今是一个以利益为轴心的时代。利益伦理学是医学伦理学不可忽视的课题。将病人利益置于首位应当是现代医学伦理学的首要原则。欲望是无穷的,利益是有限的。任何利益都有自己的边界和限度。我们必须设置利益的道德界限,以回答当前医学伦理学面临的种种现实课题。  相似文献   

传统伦理学的价值伦理学转向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统伦理学的价值伦理学转向,一是基于研究重心由“应当”问题转换为“德行之所以然”的问题,二是基于研究范式上由目的论、德性论、义务论等转换为价值论。作为传统伦理学的集大成者,康德伦理学一方面因其浓烈的价值论色彩而成为舍勒和N.哈特曼价值伦理学的前奏,另一方面因其“实质”内容缺失而致的形式主义又为后者的拓展提供了空间。舍勒,尤其是N.哈特曼的实质价值伦理学正是在康德伦理学的理论平台上得以建立的。  相似文献   

Ethics codes of a number of scientific societies across different disciplines promulgate ethical standards for responsible conduct in research and other professional activities. The content of these codes of ethics are compared on key dimensions of research, service or practice, and teaching in terms of the range and specificity of the activities these codes cover, and in the degree to which they are educational, aspirational or regulatory in purpose. The role of professional associations in educating, regulating, monitoring, and sanctioning their membership is also discussed. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the AAAS-Office of Research Integrity (ORI) meeting in Washington DC on the theme: “The Role and Activities of Scientific Societies in Promoting Research Integrity” held on April 10–11, 2000.  相似文献   

医学伦理学不可忽视的课题:利益伦理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今是一个以利益为轴心的时代。利益伦理学是医学伦理学不可忽视的课题。将病人利益置于首位应当是现代医学伦理学的首要原则。欲望是无穷的,利益是有限的。任何利益都有自己的边界和限度。我们必须设置利益的道德界限,以回答当前医学伦理学面临的种种现实课题。  相似文献   

我们遵循取其精华,去其糟粕,古为今用的原则,对于儒家政治伦理及其治国思想进行新的开发,转化,创新和利用,可以为建设当代中国政治明提供服务。  相似文献   

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