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论三段论推理过程中结论正确性的两种判断标准   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
人们进行三段论推理加工时是根据什么标准来判定推理结论的正确性的?实验结果支持下述观点:人们在进行三段论推理过程中,在判定推理结论的正误时,存在两种判定标准:一种是“形式标准”,另一种是“内容标准”;两种判定标准对于人们判定结论的正确性都有影响,哪个判定标准的影响力更大依赖于人们已掌握的知识结构。  相似文献   

本文试图探求人们在进行三段论推理加工时是否存在形式和内容双重标准。由既掌握形式逻辑推理规则又知道构成推理题的两个前提是否正确的被试所进行的推理结果支持下述观点:人们在进行三段论推理过程中,在判定推理结论的正误时,存在着与试题结构相应的两种内在的判定标准,即“形式标准”和“内容标准”。  相似文献   

作为一种质性研究方法, 解释现象学分析在心理学及社会科学的其他领域中逐渐兴起。目前在中国, 运用解释现象学分析的研究质量参差不齐, 对这些研究进行系统评价, 可以为将来的研究提供指导。通过对中英文数据库的检索及筛选, 最终纳入49篇期刊文章。根据Smith (2011)为解释现象学分析提出的4个标准对这些文章进行评价, 结果显示, 26篇研究明确提及了解释现象学的理论原则, 33篇文章的资料收集及分析过程清晰透明, 大部分研究(n = 40)条理清晰、言之成理, 但只有约1/4的研究(n = 13)提供了足够强的证据来支持其提取出来的主题。只有4篇全部达到质量标准, 11篇基本达到标准, 大部分文章没有达到标准。最后, 本研究尝试提出一份解释现象学分析的使用指南, 供将来的研究参考。  相似文献   

郝学芹  韩凯 《心理学报》2002,34(4):32-36
提出FOK研究中一种新的标准测验形式——过度重复学习,并验证过度重复学习作为FOK研究的标准测验的可行性;另外还比较了作为标准测验,过度重复学习与再认的差别。同时,还探索了FOK判断中存在的两种错误类型——替代性错误和忽略性错误在FOK判断等级和标准测验成绩方面的差异。两个实验结果表明:FOK判断在预期随后的标准测验(过度重复学习和再认)成绩上是有准确性的;过度重复学习可以作为一种标准测验。实验结果还显示:替代性错误比忽略性错误的FOK判断等级要高;且无论是用再认还是用过度重复学习做标准测验,都能检验出两种错误类型项目在记忆激活强度上的差异。  相似文献   

目前对于学习策略,一直将其看作是外显的元认知调节和控制的过程。但是也有研究发现了策略能在无意识的条件下使用。在国内,有学者以"奇偶检查策略"为研究对象证明了内隐学习策略的存在及其的自动性特征。国内外对学习策略是否具有的研究都较少。本文先介绍学习策略的定义、策略无意识性研究与内隐性质的判定,再对国内外学者关于"奇偶检查策略"的研究和其内隐性质的判定做讨论,并在文末对当前研究中存在的问题提出了展望。文章可为国内学习策略的内隐性质研究提供些许借鉴。  相似文献   

质性研究的编码者间一致性日渐受到研究者关注。部分研究者倾向于将编码者间一致性作为编码信度指标,以表明编码结果的可重复性与客观性。也有研究者反对这样做,他们强调资料分析结果的社会建构性,建议采取协商对话的方式发展对研究资料的多元理解。基于对以上两种态度的分析,研究进一步讨论了编码者间一致性在心理学质性研究中的适用性、编码者身份对合作编码的影响及质性研究的综合性评价等问题。  相似文献   

本文将"知识和试题双重结构模型"重构成"推理题与推理知识双重结构模型",其主要观点包括:(1)"双重结构"是指在人类的推理加工过程中存在着两种结构,即"推理题的内在结构"和"推理者的推理知识结构";(2)推理者对完成推理任务所需要的"推理知识"的理解水平决定其推理性质是属于"理性加工"还是"非理性加工";(3)判定推理结论的过程中存在"形式"和"内容"两种判定标准,并由此决定其推理性质是属于"逻辑加工"还是"非逻辑加工"。  相似文献   

探究带宽选择方法、样本量、题目数量、等值设计、数据模拟方式对项目反应理论观察分数核等值的影响。通过两种数据模拟方式,获得研究数据,并计算局部与全域评价指标。研究发现,在随机组设计中,带宽选择方法表现相似;考生样本量和题目数量影响甚微。在非等组设计中,惩罚法与Silverman经验准则表现优异;增加题目量可降低百分相对误差和随机误差;增加样本量导致百分相对误差变大,随机误差减小。数据模拟方式可影响等值评价。未来应重点关注等值系统评估。  相似文献   

主观幸福感与大三人格特征相关研究的元分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用元分析方法对国内有关主观幸福感与大三人格特质的关系问题进行了探讨, 通过文献检索, 纳入文献43篇, 总样本量为16377。结果表明:(1)主观幸福感与外倾性存在正相关, 与神经质、精神质存在负相关。对比国外相关研究, 中国被试群体的外倾性、神经质与主观幸福感的相关更为密切, 人格特质与文化的契合性对主观幸福感与人格特质的相关有较大影响; (2)主观幸福感与大三人格之间的相关不受主观幸福感结构(总体幸福感、生活满意度、积极情感和消极情感)的影响。主观幸福感的结构需要进一步明确; (3)主观幸福感与内外倾人格特质的相关受不同年龄群体的调节, 而主观幸福感与神经质、精神质的关系则不受影响。最后, 对研究结果进行讨论并展望未来研究方向。  相似文献   

均势原则是临床试验中的一项方法规则,同时也是临床试验研究的伦理规则。均势原则指导下的临床试验仍然存在设计缺陷、忽视安全风险评估、均势判定主体失当等方面的安全性伦理问题。这需要进一步确立安全性均势伦理准则,以强调在临床均势试验研究中不能对受试者造成生命健康方面的明显伤害,包括风险受益全面合理性评估原则、受试者生命安全底线原则以及利益相关者安全责任原则。落实安全性均势伦理原则需要采取多学科协作评估、优化均势判定主体结构及明确判定标准等基本规范策略。  相似文献   

Starting from the acknowledged gap between research and practice in child psychotherapy, this paper offers an historical perspective on the relation between these two activities, and suggests that qualitative approaches to research may offer new ways of bringing them together. After introducing the fundamental concepts of qualitative analysis, three areas where qualitative forms of research may be useful to child psychotherapists are explored: relevant but non-psychotherapy research; accounts of therapy research; and therapy process research. Examples of all of these types of research are presented, and some of the challenges to incorporating qualitative approaches into child psychotherapy research are discussed.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the notion of Interpersonal Construct Differentiation (ICD) and its measurement, using measures derived from the repertory grid technique. To study the nature of these measures and factors such as grid size and type of scale that could affect them, a set of randomly generated grid data sets are compared to a sample of grids administered to subjects, among which we can distinguish a clinical (n = 422) and a nonclinical (n = 304) sample. Results show that ICD related measures derived from 140 randomly generated grids are clearly distinct from those of subjects. Subjects' grids show lower levels of ICD, polarization, and conflict. Grid size and type of scale exert a powerful mathematical effect on the values of these measures, as illustrated by the sample of random grids, but the grid size effect seems to vanish when applied to the subject sample. However, this mathematical effect should not be ignored in further research.  相似文献   

Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS) are reviewed from two perspectives. First, the particular BARS methodology is assessed on the basis of its fulfilling three broad categories of "criteria for criteria:" (1) utilization criteria, (2) qualitative criteria, and (3) quantitative or psychometric criteria. These three broad categories are composed of 14 specific criteria by which performance evaluation methodologies can be assessed. The second perspective involves an evaluation of BARS in terms of psychometric criteria but with the literature broken down into studies concerned with (1) development of BARS, (2) utilization of BARS, (3) comparison of BARS to other methods, and (4) rater training in BARS use. Conclusions from these reviews indicate that BARS is no better or worse than other methods when assessed on a quantitative basis whereas it has greater potential when assessed on the utilization and qualitative criteria. Suggestions are offered for extending BARS research to process questions and to domains other than performance appraisal perse  相似文献   

The phenomenon of forgiveness, initially neglected by psychotherapists due to its religious connotation, is finding increasing recognition as a transformative process involving the injured party in a profound way. This thesis is based on therapists’ experiences with clients who have been emotionally wounded. However, its content may be of relevance also for those who are struggling to forgive as well as those who are in a position to help others undergoing this process. Fifteen practitioners, most of them highly experienced, from eleven different countries on four different continents, have shared their observations and experiences by filling in an e-mail administered in-depth questionnaire. The topic has been approached with the following study objectives: the nature of forgiveness, intrapersonal and interpersonal factors affecting forgiveness, and the role of the therapist in the client's process of letting go. A qualitative research design has been applied for the data analysis, to identify the major themes of each research question, representing the facilitating and obstructing conditions relevant for forgiveness. Since the danger of premature forgiveness emerged as a recurrent concern, a “forgiveness chart” has been developed, assigning the analysed data to relevant categories: A reference tool designed to support a genuine process of letting go.  相似文献   

This paper presents an introduction to theoretically informed qualitative psychotherapy research (QPR). Although QPR researchers have traditionally remained silent on theory, we suggest this has resulted in an implicit and unacknowledged use of theory. We argue instead for a clear articulation of qualitative researchers' theory and outline how theory can be incorporated to inform the entire qualitative research process. This approach assumes the research problem is embedded in a clearly defined and articulated theoretical framework, which also informs data collection and data analysis. We outline how researchers can use explicit theoretical frameworks to inform research question formulation, data collection and data analysis and illustrate this with specific applications of the method in practice. We believe that starting from a declared theoretical framework sets up a dialogue between the research problem, the type of data required and their meaningful analysis and interpretation. This aims not only to achieve greater depth in the final product of research, but also to enhance its utility in terms of practice; it contributes to building, altering and differentiating theory; and it allows for greater transparency by openly articulating the theoretical framework that scaffolds the entirety of the research process.  相似文献   

The article deals with the question of how aggregated data which allow for generalizable insights can be generated from single-case based qualitative investigations. Thereby, two central challenges of qualitative social research are outlined: First, researchers must ensure that the single-case data can be aggregated and condensed so that new collective structures can be detected. Second, they must apply methods and practices to allow for the generalization of the results beyond the specific study. In the following, we demonstrate how and under what conditions these challenges can be addressed in research practice. To this end, the research process of the construction of an empirically based typology is described. A qualitative study, conducted within the framework of the Luxembourg Youth Report, is used to illustrate this process. Specifically, strategies are presented which increase the likelihood of generalizability or transferability of the results, while also highlighting their limitations.  相似文献   


As the use of qualitative methods in health research proliferates, it becomes increasingly necessary to consider how the value of a piece of qualitative research should be assessed. This article discusses the problem posed by the novelty and diversity of qualitative approaches within health psychology and considers the question of what criteria are appropriate for assessing the validity of a qualitative analysis. In keeping with the ethos of much qualitative research, some open-ended, flexible principles are suggested as a guide to the quality of a qualitative study: sensitivity to context; commitment and rigour; transparency and coherence; impact and importance. Examples are given of the very different ways in which various forms of qualitative research can meet these criteria.  相似文献   


During these times, when society wants "evidence" that treatments are effective, ethical and cost effective, quality assurance and evidence-based medicine have become catchwords. The powers that be place their hopes on them when they find that they have to prioritize forms of treatment. There are different attempts to define these concepts and there are different approaches, most of them based on quantitative studies. This article describes a different approach. It also discusses how you can use the model for peer review among psychoanalytical colleagues as a qualitative study and a base for both quality assurance and a learning process. It also has its place in any formulation of 'evidence' for psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.  相似文献   

Because of its potential for capturing complexity and process and its focus on communicating the meaning in human action, qualitative research is rapidly gaining acceptance in a wide variety of disciplines. Various qualitative approaches to research support its potential usefulness in genetic counseling research. Formulation of research questions and selection of appropriate qualitative methods are the first step. Interviewing, narrative analysis, focus groups, ethnography/participant observation, and participatory action research are only some of the most popular techniques that may be suitable in various situations. Processes of evaluation, analysis, and even ethical issues often differ somewhat from quantitative research. This article discusses these issues and the potential value of qualitative methods for research related to genetic counseling.  相似文献   

A qualitative clinical study of preliminary interviews by the Working Party on Initiating Psychoanalysis (WPIP) of the European Psychoanalytic Federation suggests that the unconscious dynamics in first interviews are extraordinarily powerful and that they give rise to deep unconscious anxieties in both patient and analyst, with the corresponding defences against them. Furthermore, the group dynamics observed in the clinical workshops and in the research team doing the study suggest that both the anxieties and the defences are conveyed to these groups in the form of unelaborated ‘session residues’ provoking renewed anxieties and defences in them. These findings contribute to our understanding of what goes on in first interviews, but also raise interesting questions about the psychoanalytic research process in psychoanalysis and how confrontation with the unknown is dealt with in that context. Rather than as a means to avoid anxiety, method in clinical research can be seen as a way to help the research group to contain its reactions and to tolerate them until the group finds its way to further elaboration. These points are illustrated with a clinical case drawn from the study.  相似文献   

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