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王斌  刘翔平  杨双  卢佳 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1266-1268
心算中语音复述和计算加工交替进行,其中任何一方面落后都会导致心算困难。使用视觉心算成绩和听觉心算成绩相减的范式,研究计算能力正常但心算水平落后的儿童的语音复述水平。结果发现,不同年级心算困难儿童呈现不同的困难模式,2、4年级心算困难儿童语音复述水平正常,但由于语音工作记忆容量的落后,导致缺少足够的注意资源进行计算加工。3年级心算困难儿童在语音工作记忆容量和语音复述上都存在落后,导致心算困难,呈现出双重困难模式。  相似文献   

The Prevention of Reading Difficulties   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The purpose of this article is to provide practical advice about methods to prevent reading failure that is grounded in the new knowledge we have acquired about reading and learning to read over the past 2 decades. Recent research on reading is used to establish a set of facts about reading and reading growth that is relevant to establishing instructional objectives and methods for the prevention of reading difficulties. Within the context of our current understanding of the reasons many children find it difficult to learn to read, the article also identifies the instructional conditions that need to be in place to prevent the development of reading difficulties in all but a very small proportion of children. The article concludes with a discussion of issues and procedures for the early identification of children who are likely to experience difficulties learning to read.  相似文献   

Reading difficulties (RD) and movement difficulties (MD) co-occur more often in clinical populations than expected for independent disorders. In this study, we investigated the pattern of association between attentional processes, RD and MD in a population of 9 year old school children. Children were screened to identify index groups with RD, MD or both, plus a control group. These groups were then tested on a battery of cognitive attention assessments (TEA-Ch). Results confirmed that the occurrence of RD and MD was greater than would be predicted for independent disorders. Additionally, children with MD, whether or not combined with RD, had poor performance on all attention measures when compared with typically developing children. Children with RD only, were no poorer on measures of attention than typical children. The results are discussed with respect to approaches proposed to account for the co-occurrence of disorders.  相似文献   

听写困难儿童的整体字形加工特点   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
听写困难是指儿童能够认读不能听写的现象。本研究以部件启动和整字启动任务中的探测字命名反应时差值,作为整体字形加工水平的指标,间接考察了听写困难儿童的整体字形加工特点。结果发现,听写对照组被试的整体字形加工在呈现时间为75 ms和300 ms时发生,而在150 ms时没有发生;听写困难组被试的整体字形加工仅在75 ms时发生,而在150 ms和300 ms时未发生。两组被试在75 ms时的整体字形加工水平之间没有显著差异。结果表明,听写困难被试仅仅在早期知觉阶段存在整体字形加工,而在词汇加工阶段的整体字形加工缺乏或延迟。  相似文献   

The perceptions of individuals regarding their own economic situation are sometimes used to measure individuals’ welfare or standard of living, thereby complementing the conventional income-based approach. While the importance of using longitudinal data when analysing the determinants of perceptions has recently been emphasized, the question of state dependence—the extent to which the past affects the present—has rarely been accounted for in the subjective economic well-being literature. The main contribution of the current paper is precisely to investigate the issue of state dependence in perceived financial difficulties. The application of an endogenous switching Markov model to data from the Luxembourg socioeconomic panel ‘Liewen zu Lëtzebuerg’ for the period 2003–2009 leads to the conclusion that there is a sizeable proportion of genuine state dependence, which confirms the importance of appropriately taking into account dynamic issues when modelling subjective variables.  相似文献   

听写困难儿童在笔画加工中的整体干扰效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨双  宁宁  刘翔平  潘益中  卢佳 《心理学报》2009,41(2):127-134
听写困难是指儿童阅读正常而听写落后的现象,是一种常见的儿童学习障碍类型。听写困难儿童的字形表征缺陷可能来源于局部字形加工中的整体干扰。分别从整体字形干扰和整体语音干扰两个角度来考察听写困难儿童在笔画加工中的整体干扰机制。整体字形干扰研究表明,笔画加工过程受到整体字形的干扰,这种干扰发生在所有儿童身上,但对听写困难儿童的干扰效应更为明显;整体语音干扰研究表明,在笔画加工过程中,正常儿童受到整体语音的显著干扰,而听写困难儿童并未受到整体语音的干扰。综合整体字形干扰和整体语音干扰的结果,提出听写困难儿童的整体字形加工能力缺陷假说和笔画的视觉加工模式假说,究竟哪一种假说更为合理,还有待进一步研究  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(2-3):109-119
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

A large body of literature has examined the relationship between working memory and arithmetic achievement, but results are still ambiguous. To examine this relationship, we compared the performance of third and fifth graders with arithmetic difficulties (AD) and controls of the same age, grade, and verbal intelligence on a battery of working memory tasks, differentiating between different aspects of working memory. Children with AD scored significantly lower on active working memory tasks requiring manipulation of the to-be-recalled information (Listening Completion task, Corsi Span Backwards, Digit Backwards), but not in passive working memory tasks, requiring the recall of information in the same format in which it had been presented (Digit, Word, and Corsi Forwards Span tasks), nor in tasks involving word processing (word articulation rate, forwards and backwards word spans). A regression analysis showed that the best predictors of differences between AD children and the control group were the Corsi Span Backwards, the Listening Completion task, and the rate of articulation of pseudowords. The analysis of strategies used by children in mental calculation revealed the greater tendency of children with AD to rely on more primitive strategies: finger use never appeared as the most frequent strategy in skilled children, whereas it was the most used strategy in children with AD. Verbal and visual strategies appeared associated with successful performance in third graders, but in fifth grade, the most successful strategy was verbalization.  相似文献   

Journal of Child and Family Studies - The parenting landscape has changed dramatically over the last decade with the increasing prevalence of screen time. There is a growing body of evidence that...  相似文献   

采用事件相关电位(ERP)方法,以阿拉伯数字的简单心算为任务,考察数学学习困难儿童(MD)的数字距离效应。行为数据的结果表明:MD组没有出现数字距离效应,对照组儿童出现了数字距离效应。事件相关电位数据显示:与对照组相比,MD组N270的潜伏期更长;两组被试在N270的波幅和潜伏期上都没有表现出数字距离效应。研究结果表明:MD儿童对数量信息的空间表征存在缺陷。  相似文献   

听写困难是指儿童能够认读不能听写的现象。前期研究表明,在快速加工条件下,听写困难儿童存在整体字形加工缺陷。本研究使用学习-回忆方法,考察在充分加工条件下,听写困难儿童的整体字形加工特点。实验结果表明,在充分加工条件下,听写困难儿童不仅能够加工并形成双部件合体字的整体字形表征;而且,也能够在同字形组织水平上,形成多部件合体字的整体字形表征。因此,在充分加工条件下,听写困难儿童的整体字形加工能力正常。  相似文献   




布成良 《学海》2002,(5):61-64
中国农村一些地方村支书由委任产生、村长由选举产生 ,这是目前中国农村村民自治中存在的所谓“两套车”的现象。前进中发生的问题 ,只有在前进中解决。我们认为必须实行观念和制度的创新 ,实现党的领导与村民自治之良性互动  相似文献   

研究信念逻辑的有趣之处在于:可以在没有清楚的存在与等同条件下,建立一套元目的形式理论。现有的合理且可能为真的形式系统皆因为著名的“知识拥有者的悖论(Knower’s Paradox)”而导致不一致。这篇论文将建构一套第一人称信念的形式系统。用来建构系统的信念将来自内在观点,因此信念的拥有者将不在讨论的范围中。此外,本篇论文将论证信念的背景将扮演语意、知识论及语用的角色。本篇论文建构的系统将是标准初阶逻辑的有限延展,并将使用到引述。本系统所使用的公理及规则相对较弱,且因为太弱而不足够,因此导致了系统的不一致。本论文欲藉此论证:可被定义的信念集合将不可能被找到。在现有的信念理论及所有的第一人称信念理论中,有限且可被定义的信念集合皆为不一致的原因在于并未涵盖我们真实拥有的信念。  相似文献   

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