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The author tested 12 left-handers and 12 right-handers on a bimanual circling task to examine how attention (either visual or nonvisual) to the task of 1 hand affects within-hand task parameters and whether the effects of attention manipulations are similar in left- and right-handers. The novel prediction that the attended task would be produced larger than the unattended task was confirmed in both handedness groups. The magnitude of the effect on circle size was more pronounced under visual than under nonvisual attention manipulations. The primary effects of attention were similar in the 2 handedness groups, although left-handers demonstrated some evidence of stronger parameter coupling between hands than right-handers did.  相似文献   

Attentional factors in visual field asymmetries.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Over the past 30 years, numerous studies have reported left/right asymmetries in visual field performance, with performance generally superior in the right visual field for verbal tasks and in the left visual field for spatial tasks. These asymmetries parallel those found in neurological studies of hemispheric specialization. Consequently, many investigators have concluded that visual hemifield differences are primarily a reflection of the functional differences between the two cerebral hemispheres. However, alternative explanations proposing that visual field effects are dependent on other factors such as inadequate fixation, eye movements during presentation, postexposural scanning, and attentional biases have been offered. The potential impact of each of these factors on visual field differences are reviewed and discussed. Evidence is provided suggesting that attention and hemispheric functional differences interact to produce the magnitude and direction of visual field differences.  相似文献   

Studies of rhythmic bimanual coordination under dual-task conditions revealed (1) a dependence of secondary task performance on the stability of coordinative tasks, in that secondary task performance was better during in-phase than antiphase coordination, and (2) a shift in the mean relative phasing between the limbs compared to single-task conditions. The present study aimed to account for these phenomena by dissociating three qualitatively different interactions between the limbs that govern this motor behavior, related to movement planning, error correction, and interlimb reflex activity. The experiment probed the cognitive demands associated with each interlimb interaction by examining the attentional load under dual-task conditions, indexed by reaction times of the secondary task and kinematic changes in the coordinative tasks relative to single-task conditions. First, only in the condition that involved interlimb interactions at the level of movement planning reaction times were shorter for in-phase than for antiphase coordination, highlighting an intimate relation between movement planning and attentional processes. Second, under dual-task conditions a shift in the mean relative phase was observed relative to single-task conditions, but only for the interlimb interactions that depend directly on sensory feedback (error correction and interlimb reflex activity). These observations qualified the effects of attentional load reported in previous studies. Third, reaction times varied systematically over the movement cycle. These variations revealed a dynamical signature of the attentional load that differed between the three interlimb interactions.  相似文献   

Sixteen right-handed participants without formal musical training performed a rhythmic multifrequency coordination task for several hours over a one-week period. Two groups were studied with respect to the assignment of hand to frequency: 1L:2R, in which the preferred right hand performed the higher frequency, and 2L:1R in which the non-preferred left hand performed the higher frequency. Performance asymmetries in terms of relative phase stability were initially expected and confirmed. The 1L:2R pattern was more stable than 2L:1R. It has been suggested that performance asymmetries result from asymmetrical coupling between the limbs as influenced by handedness. This study examined whether the acquisition of 2L:1R, the less stable of the two patterns, required the formation of asymmetrical coupling such that the faster hand would exert a greater forcing on the slower hand than vice versa, a supposition put forth in many studies of bimanual polyrhythmic tapping. The present data provide quantitative evidence that, in terms of stability (as quantified by relative phase uniformity, transition pathways, and lead-lag relations), handedness asymmetries, as well as acquired asymmetries, can be captured by low-dimensional dynamics consisting of symmetric and asymmetric coupling terms. Received: 18 November 1996 / Accepted: 6 May 1997  相似文献   

Spatial asymmetries are an intriguing feature of directed attention. Recent observations indicate an influence of temperament upon the direction of these asymmetries. It is unknown whether this influence generalises to visual orienting behaviour. The aim of the current study was therefore to explore the relationship between temperament and measures of spatial orienting as a function of target hemifield. An exogenous cueing task was administered to 92 healthy participants. Temperament was assessed using Carver and White's (1994) Behavioural Inhibition System and Behavioural Activation System (BIS/BAS) scales. Individuals with high sensitivity to punishment and low sensitivity to reward showed a leftward asymmetry of directed attention when there was no informative spatial cue provided. This asymmetry was not present when targets were preceded by spatial cues that were either valid or invalid. The findings support the notion that individual variations in temperament influence spatial asymmetries in visual orienting, but only when lateral targets are preceded by a non-directional (neutral) cue. The results are discussed in terms of hemispheric asymmetries and dopamine activity.  相似文献   

The structural theory of cerebral lateralization has been typically used to explain hemispheric asymmetries. However, the attentional model of brain functioning may help resolve some of the inconsistent findings with groups of learning-disabled children. To test this hypothesis, a visual half-field paradigm for word recognition was employed in a group of 26 learning-disabled and 26 normal children matched for sex, chronological age, and handedness. Three experimental conditions (unilateral, cued unilateral, and bilateral) and two word error types (visually and acoustically confusable words) were analyzed. The results indicated that normals produced the expected RVHF superiority under all experimental conditions, but the learning-disabled produced the expected RVHF superiority only under the cued unilateral condition. Learning-disabled children also made significantly more visually and acoustically confusable errors than normals and unlike normal children increased the number of acoustic errors in the RVF under bilateral stimulation. These results provide evidence that learning-disabled children may process information inefficiently and have brain activation patterns that are more susceptible to attentional effects.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the effects of independent variations in kinetic and kinematic requirements on interlimb coupling during a bimanual task. The goal of the investigation was to provide preliminary evidence regarding one general class of physical variables that constrains discrete bimanual movements. Subjects attempted to execute a smooth unidirectional movement with the left arm, along with a three-segment reversal movement with the right arm. The first experiment manipulated the torque required to produce the reversal action, while movement duration and average angular velocity were held constant for both limbs. Several indications of increased interlimb coupling, due to the kinetic variation, were evident. The converse manipulation was used in the second experiment, with movement time and kinematics (velocity, acceleration) changed independently of joint torque requirements for the reversal limb. No clear effect of kinematics on coupling strength was noted. The results suggest that one variable influencing interlimb attraction toward common spatiotemporal trajectories may be kinetic in nature.  相似文献   

The goal of the present investigation was to explore the possible expression of hemispheric-specific processing during the planning and execution of a bimanual reaching task. Participants (N = 9) completed 80 bimanual reaching movements (requiring simultaneous, bilateral production of arm movements) to peripherally presented targets while selectively attending to either their left or right hand. Further, targets were presented in spatially compatible (ipsilateral to the aiming limb) and incompatible (contralateral to the aiming limb) response contexts. It was found that the left hand exhibited temporal superiority over the right hand in the response planning phase of bimanual reaching, indicating a left hand/right hemisphere advantage in the preparation of a bimanual response. During response execution, and consistent with the view that interhemispheric processing time (Barthelemy & Boulinguez, 2002) or biomechanical constraints (Carey, Hargreaves, & Goodale, 1996) generate temporal delays, longer movement times were observed in response to spatially incompatible target positions. However, no hemisphere-specific benefit was demonstrated for response execution. Based on these findings, we propose lateralized processing is present at the time of response planning (i.e., left hand/right hemisphere processing advantage); however, lateralized specialization appears to be annulled during dynamic execution of a bimanual reaching task.  相似文献   

Franz EA 《Journal of motor behavior》2004,36(4):380-1, 402-7; discussion 408-17
The author compares some critical findings of F. Mechsner and his colleagues with related results from other laboratories to point out that when higher levels of representation are available, those levels might come to be the focus of attention and control motor actions by overriding constraints at lower levels of the system.  相似文献   

Recent research on the division of processing between the two cerebral hemispheres has often employed two concurrent tasks to investigate the dynamic nature of hemispheric asymmetries. The experiment reported here explored the effects of two concurrent high-level cognitive tasks (memory retention and semantic categorization) on the direction and magnitude of hemispheric differences in the processing of words and pictures. Subjects were required to categorize words and pictures presented to either the left visual field-right hemisphere (LVF-RH) or the right visual field-left hemisphere (RVF-LH). The categorization could be performed while holding either verbal material in memory (digit span), pictorial material in memory (serial nonsense figure recognition), or with no concurrent memory task. The effects produced hemisphere-specific, material-nonspecific interference. The verbal task removed a RVF-LH advantage at word categorization and enhanced a LVF-RH advantage on picture categorization; the pictorial task interfered with picture categorization in the LVF-RH, while enhancing a RVF-LH advantage at word categorization. The results are discussed in terms of multiple resource models of hemisphere function, capacity limitations, and the functional locus of processing required to produce various dynamic hemispheric effects.  相似文献   

What is the role of attention in multiple-object tracking? Does attention enhance target representations, suppress distractor representations, or both? It is difficult to ask this question in a purely behavioral paradigm without altering the very attentional allocation one is trying to measure. In the present study, we used event-related potentials to examine the early visual evoked responses to task-irrelevant probes without requiring an additional detection task. Subjects tracked two targets among four moving distractors and four stationary distractors. Brief probes were flashed on targets, moving distractors, stationary distractors, or empty space. We obtained a significant enhancement of the visually evoked P1 and N1 components (~100–150 msec) for probes on targets, relative to distractors. Furthermore, good trackers showed larger differences between target and distractor probes than did poor trackers. These results provide evidence of early attentional enhancement of tracked target items and also provide a novel approach to measuring attentional allocation during tracking.  相似文献   

Several studies have researched the attentional functioning of schizophrenic patients by means of the Attentional Network Test. The present work reviews these studies and assesses the clinical relevance of their results. Both the reviewed data and our own results suggest that the Attentional Network Test does not provide a clear-cut discrimination of the attentional profile of schizophrenic patients from a clinical point of view. However, after classifying patients according to their psychotic symptoms, it became evident that positive syndrome patients are less efficient at tasks that tap the orientation network.  相似文献   

In two experiments, a concurrent discrimination paradigm was used to study the effects of visual attention on psychophysical judgments and the consistency of these effects with a sample-size model in which attention influences the variance of the internal representation used to make psychophysical judgments. Two pairs of lines were presented simultaneously—one on each side of fixation—and subjects had to indicate for each pair separately whether or not the lines had the same length. Attention was manipulated by instructing subjects to pay 100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, or 0% of their attention to the discrimination on one side, with the complementary amount of attention to the other side. In the first experiment, the relationship between attention and discrimination accuracy was consistent with the sample-size model both when attentional allocation varied from trial to trial and when it varied between blocks, and the relationship held over more widely varying attentional allocations than had previously been studied. In addition, discriminations were more accurate overall with varied than with blocked attentional allocation, suggesting that the two types of allocation do not merely differ in the degree to which attention is focused. The second experiment examined the effects of attentional allocation and stimulus variance, the latter being manipulated by randomly incrementing or decrementing line lengths. These manipulations had additive effects on total Thurstonian variance, and a version of the samplesize model gave an excellent quantitative fit to the obtained results. Besides supporting the samplesize model, the results of Experiment 2 suggest that criterion variance is at least as large as sensory variance and that criterion but not sensory variance increases with stimulus variance.  相似文献   

In 2 experiments, bimanual 1:1 rhythmic coordination was performed concurrently with encoding or retrieval of word lists. Effects of divided attention (DA) on coordination were indexed by changes in mean relative phase and recurrence measures of shared activity between the 2 limbs. Effects of DA on memory were indexed by deficits in recall relative to baseline. For DA at both encoding and retrieval, the equilibrium values of relative phase were shifted and the degree of shared activity between left and right rhythmic motions was reduced. Recall was reduced, however, only for DA at encoding. The results corroborate and extend those obtained with more conventional secondary tasks (e.g., visual reaction time), suggesting attention dissimilarities between episodic encoding and retrieval.  相似文献   

Effect-based models of motor control assign a crucial role to anticipated perceptual feedback in action planning. Two experiments were conducted to test the validity of this proposal for discrete bimanual key press responses. The results revealed that the normally observed performance advantage for the preparation of two responses with homologous rather than non-homologous fingers becomes inverted when homologous fingers produce non-identical visual effects, and non-homologous fingers produce identical visual effects. In the second experiment the finger homology effect was strongly reduced when homologous fingers produced non-identical tactile feedback. The results show that representations of to-be-produced visual and tactile action effects both contribute to action planning, though possibly to a varying degree. Implications of these results for effect-based models of motor control are considered.  相似文献   

Left- and right-handed male and female stutterers were compared with fluent speakers on a bimanual handwriting task. On each trial four words were read to the subject. After repeating the words, subjects had to write the initial letters as quickly as possible using the two hands simultaneously and without visual guidance. As a group, stutterers were slower, made more mirror-reversed letters, and formed letters of poorer quality than fluent speakers. The effects were the same for males and females, and the data for left- and right-handers were mirror-symmetric with respect to left and right hands. Evidence was found for two subgroups of stutterers with respect to scores on the dependent variables. It was suggested that the overall pattern of results implicates the supplementary motor area in the mediation of stuttering, possibly through relatively ungated callosal pathways.  相似文献   

We report a series of experiments on the concurrent discrimination of form, color, and motion attributes. All tasks involved joint discrimination of attributes, and positions and were highly demanding of attention. We quantified interference between concurrent discriminations by establishing the attention-operating characteristic. Interference was indistinguishable for similar and dissimilar task combinations (form-form, color-color, motion-motion, and color-form, color-motion, motion-color, and motion-form, respectively). These results suggest strongly that different visual discriminations draw on the same attentional capacity--in other words, that the capacity of visual attention is undifferentiated.  相似文献   

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