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Eleven right-handed adolescent females with a history of idiopathic precocious puberty (IPP) were compared to 11 pair-matched normal controls of similar maturational status. They were tested on a dichotic consonant-vowel (CV) discrimination task in which syllables were presented simultaneously to the two ears or with an interaural delay of 30 or 60 msec. The IPP and control groups did not differ: (1) in right-ear advantages; (2) in double-correct or total correct measures of accuracy; or (3) in "lag effects." The findings provide further evidence that timing of puberty--maturation rate--is not related to verbal ability or lateralization in adolescent females.  相似文献   

Identification of CV syllables was studied in a backward masking paradigm in order to examine two types of interactions observed between dichotically presented speech sounds: the feature sharing effect and the lag effect. Pairs of syllables differed in the consonant, the vowel, and their relative times of onset. Interference between the two dichotic inputs was observed primarily for pairs which contrasted on voicing. Performance on pairs that shared voicing remained excellent under all three conditions. The results suggest that the interference underlying the lag effect and the feature sharing effect for voicing occur before phonetic analysis where both auditory inputs interact.  相似文献   

Although it is generally held that speed of processing declines with age, there have been few studies in which tactile temporal processing has been examined with older subjects. In the present study, temporal order judgments were obtained from a group of younger subjects (n = 28, mean age = 23.5 years) and a group of older subjects (n = 93, mean age = 69.8 years). The subjects judged the temporal order of two patterns presented to the same finger, four patterns presented to the same finger, and two patterns presented to different hands. Depending on the task, the average thresholds for the older subjects ranged from two to five times longer than the thresholds from the younger subjects. In absolute terms, the largest difference between the young and older subjects was seen in correctly identifying the order of four patterns, a difference of more than 500 msec. There was some support for the decline in temporal processing being due in part to a slowing in cognitive processing, and, depending on the task, in part to stimulus persistence and difficulty in pattern identification.  相似文献   

Audiotactile temporal order judgments   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We report a series of three experiments in which participants made unspeeded 'Which modality came first?' temporal order judgments (TOJs) to pairs of auditory and tactile stimuli presented at varying stimulus onset asynchronies (SOAs) using the method of constant stimuli. The stimuli were presented from either the same or different locations in order to explore the potential effect of redundant spatial information on audiotactile temporal perception. In Experiment 1, the auditory and tactile stimuli had to be separated by nearly 80 ms for inexperienced participants to be able to judge their temporal order accurately (i.e., for the just noticeable difference (JND) to be achieved), no matter whether the stimuli were presented from the same or different spatial positions. More experienced psychophysical observers (Experiment 2) also failed to show any effect of relative spatial position on audiotactile TOJ performance, despite having much lower JNDs (40 ms) overall. A similar pattern of results was found in Experiment 3 when silent electrocutaneous stimulation was used rather than vibrotactile stimulation. Thus, relative spatial position seems to be a less important factor in determining performance for audiotactile TOJ than for other modality pairings (e.g., audiovisual and visuotactile).  相似文献   

A pair of pure-tone sine waves, with the first tone presented randomly to either ear, was presented simultaneously or sequentially. The order of occurrence of the tones (temporal order) and the number of tones perceived (fusion-nonfusion) were judged. Three values of stimulus intensity (40, 55, and 70 dB SPL) and 10 values of stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA; 0, 1, 2, and 4 to 28 msec in 4-msec steps) were varied. Of major importance in this investigation was the relationship between the judgmental tasks of temporal order and fusion-nonfusion. Response time and accuracy were the dependent measures used to assess that relationship. The results of two groups of 10 subjects showed an increase in the percentage of correct nonfusion judgments with increases in stimulus intensity and SOA. For correct judgments of temporal order, no significant intensity or SOA effects were noted. Response time for the fusion-nonfusion task was significantly influenced by both stimulus intensity and SOA. For the response times associated with the temporal order task, intensity was significant. More important to this investigation was the observed Intensity by SOA by Task interaction for response time data. These results suggest a hybrid model, with different processes occurring within different stages of this model.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to investigate the relation between the attentional resources underlying time perception and temporal order memory. Subjects made judgments about temporal attributes associated with a series of wordlists. Each word was displayed for 1.4 s, and the lists contained 10 words (14 s total), 15 words (21 s total), or 20 words (28 s total). Subjects judged either the list duration, the temporal order of the words, or both duration and temporal order. In addition, there were three mental workload conditions: control (no additional task requirements), and two mental arithmetic tasks (subtract 3 or subtract 7 from a series of random numbers). The results showed a pattern of bidirectional interference between timing and temporal order: the concurrent temporal order task interfered with duration judgments, and the concurrent timing task interfered with temporal order judgments. Bidirectional interference also occurred between the mental workload task and both duration judgments and temporal order judgments. The results indicate that duration and temporal order are closely related temporal attributes, and suggest that the processing of these attributes relies on a common set of executive attentional resources.  相似文献   

Subjects’ identification of stop-vowel “targets” was obtained under monotic and dichotic, forward and backward, masking conditions. Masks, or “challenges,” were another stop-vowel or one of three nonspeech sounds similar to parts of a stop-vowel. Backward masking was greater than forward in dichotic conditions. Forward masking predominated monotically. Relative degree of masking for different challenges suggested that dichotic effects were predicated on interference with processing of a complex temporal array of auditory “features” of the targets, prior to phonetic decoding but subsequent to basic auditory analysis. Monotic effects seemed best interpreted as dependent on relative spectrum levels of nearly simultaneous portions of the two signals.  相似文献   

This study investigates whether memory for sequences of spatial locations can be represented hierarchically, that is, as successive groups containing the order of constituent locations. Two grouping manipulations are used: Temporal grouping, based on the verbal serial memory literature, and spatial grouping, based on recent empirical work on visuo-spatial serial memory. In Experiment 1, we examine the relationship between spatial grouping and temporal order and showed that recall performance increases when both temporal and spatial organization correlate, but decreases when they clash. Experiments 2 and 3 show that the latter result is confounded by differences in path length (length of spatial path defined by the locations) between conditions, and that no effect of the spatial organization is observed when path length is controlled for. In Experiment 4, an alternative method to spatial grouping, temporal grouping, is used to induce hierarchical organization. A recall advantage is found in the temporal grouping condition. The results suggest that hierarchical representations can be imposed on order information for visuo-spatial sequences, either when participants have pre-existing knowledge about the form of the path formed by the sequence or when temporal boundaries delimit chunks; that increased path length is the cause of the performance decrement observed when dots from separate spatial groups are presented successively; and that path length and more generally sequence characteristics should be taken into account in designing future research on visuo-spatial serial memory.  相似文献   

Fifty right-handed patients with focal temporal lobe epilepsy were administered a dichotic listening test with consonant-vowel syllables under non-forced, forced right and forced left attention conditions, and a neuropsychological test battery. Dichotic listening performance was compared in subgroups with and without left hemisphere cognitive dysfunction, measured by the test battery, and in subgroups with left and right temporal epileptic focus. Left hemisphere cognitive dysfunction led to more correct responses to left ear stimuli in all three attention conditions, and fewer correct responses to right ear stimuli in the non-forced attention condition. This was probably caused by basic left hemisphere perceptual dysfunction. Dichotic listening was less affected by a left-sided epileptic focus than by left hemisphere cognitive dysfunction. General cognitive functioning influenced dichotic listening performance stronger in forced than in non-forced attention conditions. Larger cerebral networks were probably involved in the forced attention conditions due to the emphasis on conscious effort.  相似文献   

In the present study the temporal order judgment (TOJ) task was used to investigate whether or not inhibition of return (IOR) affects perceptual processing. Previous failures to obtain IOR in the TOJ task have been taken to suggest that IOR does not affect perceptual processing (e.g., Maylor, 1985). The present study showed that IOR is modulated by the temporal disparity between successive targets as well as the relative order in which they appear at cued and uncued locations. Consequently, IOR affects TOJs in some conditions but not in others. The selective occurrence of IOR in the TOJ task provides converging support for the notion that IOR does affect perceptual processing, and also accounts for the previous failures to observe IOR in the TOJ task. Moreover, these and other results suggest that inhibitory processing at the cued location can be dis-inhibited when stimulation occurs at other locations.  相似文献   

To examine the claim that phonetic coding plays a special role in temporal order recall, deaf and hearing college students were tested on their recall of temporal and spatial order information at two delay intervals. The deaf subjects were all native signers of American Sign Language. The results indicated that both the deaf and hearing subjects used phonetic coding in short-term temporal recall, and visual coding in spatial recall. There was no evidence of manual or visual coding among either the hearing or the deaf subjects in the temporal order recall task. The use of phonetic coding for temporal recall is consistent with the hypothesis that recall of temporal order information is facilitated by a phonetic code.  相似文献   

In the present review, we focus on how commonalities in the ontogenetic development of the auditory and tactile sensory systems may inform the interplay between these signals in the temporal domain. In particular, we describe the results of behavioral studies that have investigated temporal resolution (in temporal order, synchrony/asynchrony, and simultaneity judgment tasks), as well as temporal numerosity perception, and similarities in the perception of frequency across touch and hearing. The evidence reviewed here highlights features of audiotactile temporal perception that are distinctive from those seen for other pairings of sensory modalities. For instance, audiotactile interactions are characterized in certain tasks (e.g., temporal numerosity judgments) by a more balanced reciprocal influence than are other modality pairings. Moreover, relative spatial position plays a different role in the temporal order and temporal recalibration processes for audiotactile stimulus pairings than for other modality pairings. The effect exerted by both the spatial arrangement of stimuli and attention on temporal order judgments is described. Moreover, a number of audiotactile interactions occurring during sensory-motor synchronization are highlighted. We also look at the audiotactile perception of rhythm and how it may be affected by musical training. The differences emerging from this body of research highlight the need for more extensive investigation into audiotactile temporal interactions. We conclude with a brief overview of some of the key issues deserving of further research in this area.  相似文献   

The well-known finding that responses in serial recall tend to be clustered around the position of the target item has bolstered positional-coding theories of serial order memory. In the present study, we show that this effect is confounded with another well-known finding—that responses in serial recall tend to also be clustered around the position of the prior recall (temporal clustering). The confound can be alleviated by conditioning each analysis on the positional accuracy of the previously recalled item. The revised analyses show that temporal clustering is much more prevalent in serial recall than is positional clustering. A simple associative chaining model with asymmetric neighboring, remote associations, and a primacy gradient can account for these effects. Using the same parameter values, the model produces reasonable serial position curves and captures the changes in item and order information across study-test trials. In contrast, a prominent positional coding model cannot account for the pattern of clustering uncovered by the new analyses.  相似文献   

Directed attention and perception of temporal order.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The present research examined the effects of directed attention on speed of information transmission in the visual system. Ss judged the temporal order of 2 stimuli while directing attention toward 1 of the stimuli or away from both stimuli. Perception of temporal order was influenced by directed attention: Given equal onset times, the attended stimulus appeared to occur before the unattended stimulus. Direction of attention also influenced the perception of simultaneity. The findings support the notion that attention affects the speed of transmission of information in the visual system. To account for the pattern of temporal order and simultaneity judgments, a model is proposed in which the temporal profile of visual responses is affected by directed attention.  相似文献   

After adaptation to a fixed temporal delay between actions and their sensory consequences, stimuli delivered during the delay are perceived to occur prior to actions. Temporal judgments are also influenced by the sensation of agency (experience of causing our own actions and their sensory consequences). Sensory consequences of voluntary actions are perceived to occur earlier in time than those of involuntary actions. However, it is unclear whether temporal order illusions influence the sensation of agency. Thus, we tested how the illusionary reversal of motor actions and sound events affect the sensation of agency. We observed an absence of the sensation of agency in the auditory modality in a condition in which sounds were falsely perceived as preceding motor acts relative to the perceived temporal order in the control condition. This finding suggests a strong association between the sensation of agency and the temporal order perception of actions and their consequences.  相似文献   

时序知觉是在几十毫秒到几百毫秒内, 对事件的同时性、非同时性和顺序性的知觉。对时序知觉的影响因素的探索可分为自下而上和自上而下两种研究取向。自下而上的研究探讨刺激的物理特征、被试的生物学特征, 以及实验方法对时序知觉的影响。而自上而下的研究探讨因果信念、情绪、文化对时序知觉的影响。今后的研究还应结合行为实验与神经科学技术, 深入探讨时序知觉的两种加工方式是分离的还是同时进行的, 以及揭示控制时序加工的脑区。  相似文献   

Twelve sleep-deprived and 13 non-deprived Navy cadets were tested with the dichotic listening procedure for effects of sleep deprivation on hemispheric asymmetry and sustained attention. Consonant-vowel syllables were presented to the subjects in three different conditions, a divided (non-forced) attention condition, a forced right ear and a forced left ear attention condition. In the two forced attention conditions the subjects were instructed to focus attention only on the right or left ear stimulus. The results showed an expected right ear advantage for both groups during the non-forced and forced right attention conditions, indicating superior left hemisphere processing. During the forced left attention condition, the sleep-deprived subjects showed no ear advantage at all, while the non-deprived subjects showed an expected left ear advantage. The results are discussed within a theoretical framework of a dual process model, where sleep deprivation disrupts the ability to sustain attention, caused by a temporary failure of the right hemisphere's top-down (instruction-driven) processing to override the left hemisphere's bottom-up (stimulus-driven) processing.  相似文献   

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review - Many accounts of human action control assume bindings between features of stimuli and responses of individual events. One widely accepted assumption about these...  相似文献   

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