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The processing dynamics underlying temporal decisions and the response times they generate have received little attention in the study of interval timing. In contrast, models of other simple forms of decision making have been extensively investigated using response times, leading to a substantial disconnect between temporal and non-temporal decision theories. An overarching decision-theoretic framework that encompasses existing, non-temporal decision models may, however, account both for interval timing itself and for time-based decision-making. We sought evidence for this framework in the temporal discrimination performance of humans tested on the temporal bisection task. In this task, participants retrospectively categorized experienced stimulus durations as short or long based on their perceived similarity to two, remembered reference durations and were rewarded only for correct categorization of these references. Our analysis of choice proportions and response times suggests that a two-stage, sequential diffusion process, parameterized to maximize earned rewards, can account for salient patterns of bisection performance. The first diffusion stage times intervals by accumulating an endogenously noisy clock signal; the second stage makes decisions about the first-stage temporal representation by accumulating first-stage evidence corrupted by endogenous noise. Reward-maximization requires that the second-stage accumulation rate and starting point be based on the state of the first-stage timer at the end of the stimulus duration, and that estimates of non-decision-related delays should decrease as a function of stimulus duration. Results are in accord with these predictions and thus support an extension of the drift–diffusion model of static decision making to the domain of interval timing and temporal decisions.  相似文献   

A three-category task was employed to test counting models for temporal discrimination. Unlike former approaches, the present one is not based on Weber functions. Specifically, the proposed test does not require the implicit but, nevertheless, debatable assumption that the pulse rate of the internal clock is constant for different durations of the standard interval. Furthermore, the present approach does not necessitate specific distributional assumptions about the interpulse times. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the predictions of this generalized counting model. The results are consistent with predictions of the generalized counting model. A further analysis suggests that the pulse rate decreases as the duration of the standard interval increases.  相似文献   

Temporal judgements are often accounted for by a single-clock hypothesis. The output of such a clock is reported to depend on the allocation of attention. In the present series of experiments, the influence of attention on temporal information processing is investigated by systematic variations of the period preceding brief empty intervals to be judged. Two indicators of timing performance, temporal sensitivity, reflecting discrimination performance, and perceived duration served as dependent variables. Foreperiods ranged from 0.3 to 0.6 s in Experiments 1 to 4. When the foreperiod varied randomly from trial to trial, perceived duration was longer with increasing length of foreperiod (Experiments 1 and 3 with brief auditory markers and Experiment 4 with brief visual markers), an effect that disappeared with no trial-to-trial variations (Experiment 2). Longer foreperiods also enhanced performance on temporal discrimination of auditory empty intervals with a base duration of 100 ms (Experiments 1 and 5), whereas discrimination performance was unaffected for auditory intervals with a base duration of 500 ms (Experiment 3). The variable-foreperiod effect on perceived duration also held when foreperiods ranged from 0.6 to 1.5 s (Experiments 5-7). Findings suggest that foreperiods appear to effectively modulate attention mechanisms necessary for temporal information processing. However, alternative explanations such as assimilation or compatibility effects cannot be totally discarded.  相似文献   

Perceptual learning was used to study potential transfer effects in a duration discrimination task. Subjects were trained to discriminate between two empty temporal intervals marked with auditory beeps, using a twoalternative forced choice paradigm. The major goal was to examine whether perceptual learning would generalize to empty intervals that have the same duration but are marked by visual flashes. The experiment also included longer intervals marked with auditory beeps and filled auditory intervals of the same duration as the trained interval, in order to examine whether perceptual learning would generalize to these conditions within the same sensory modality. In contrast to previous findings showing a transfer from the haptic to the auditory modality, the present results do not indicate a transfer from the auditory to the visual modality; but they do show transfers within the auditory modality.  相似文献   

The discrimination of brief durations (0.25 to 3.75 sec) defined by the presentation of a visual stimulus was examined. The results indicate that the Weber fraction is invariant over this range of temporal intervals, and that the value of the fraction is about 0.05. The relation of these results to the literature on temporal discriminability was discussed.  相似文献   

Changes in reward magnitude or value have been reported to produce effects on timing behavior, which have been attributed to changes in the speed of an internal pacemaker in some instances and to attentional factors in other cases. The present experiments therefore aimed to clarify the effects of reward magnitude on timing processes. In Experiment 1, rats were trained to discriminate a short (2 s) vs. a long (8 s) signal followed by testing with intermediate durations. Then, the reward on short or long trials was increased from 1 to 4 pellets in separate groups. Experiment 2 measured the effect of different reward magnitudes associated with the short vs. long signals throughout training. Finally, Experiment 3 controlled for satiety effects during the reward magnitude manipulation phase. A general flattening of the psychophysical function was evident in all three experiments, suggesting that unequal reward magnitudes may disrupt attention to duration.  相似文献   

Previous reports from this laboratory have shown that untrained listeners cannot name the order of sounds in extended sequences of unrelated items such as hisses, tones, and buzzes at item durations of 200 msec, even though identification of order for the sounds of speech and music is accomplished readily at much shorter item durations. The present study indicates that under appropriate conditions subjects can be trained to distinguish between and to identify permuted orders within sequences of nonrelated sounds each lasting only 10 msec or less. Evidence is presented suggesting that much of what passes for direct identification of order is actually based on prior identification of a larger pattern. Two principal mechanisms seem to mediate discrimination of auditory temporal order: (1) fine resolution (requiring prior training) permitting identification of over-all patterns and capable of operating with item durations of only a few msec; (2) coarse resolution (special prior training not required) allowing naming of order of items having minimal durations usually above 200 msec for unfamiliar sequences.  相似文献   

It has recently been stated that exogenous attention impairs temporal-resolution tasks (Hein, Rolke, & Ulrich, 2006; Rolke, Dinkelbach, Hein, & Ulrich, 2008; Yeshurun, 2004; Yeshurun & Levy, 2003). In comparisons of performance on spatially cued trials versus neutral cued trials, the results have suggested that spatial attention decreases temporal resolution. However, when performance on cued and uncued trials has been compared in order to equate for cue salience, typically speed—accuracy trade-offs (SATs) have been observed, making the interpretation of the results difficult. In the present experiments, we aimed at studying the effect of spatial attention in temporal resolution while using a procedure to control for SATs. We controlled reaction times (RTs) by constraining the time to respond, so that response decisions would be made within comparable time windows. The results revealed that when RT was controlled, performance was impaired for cued trials as compared with neutral trials, replicating previous findings. However, when cued and uncued trials were compared, performance was actually improved for cued trials as compared with uncued trials. These results suggest that SAT effects may have played an important role in the previous studies, because when they were controlled and measured, the results reversed, revealing that exogenous attention does improve performance on temporal-resolution tasks.  相似文献   

The ability to identify stimuli that signal important events is fundamental for an organism to adapt to its environment. In the present paper, we investigated how more than one stimulus could be used jointly to learn a temporal discrimination task. Ten pigeons were exposed to a symbolic matching-to-sample procedure with three durations as samples (2, 6, and 18 s of keylight) and two colors as comparisons (red and green hues). A 30-s intertrial interval (ITI), illuminated with a houselight, separated the trials. Both the houselight and the sample keylight could control responding, so two tests were run to assess how these stimuli influenced choice. In the no-sample test, the keylight was not presented; in the dark-ITI test, the houselight was not illuminated. Results suggest that both houselight and keylight controlled choice, and with the exception of one animal, the more a pigeon relied on one of these stimuli, the less it appeared to rely on the other.  相似文献   

Yeshurun and Levy (2003) reported that temporal discrimination performance of a visual stimulus benefits when spatial attention is oriented away from its location. In the present study, we investigated whether this negative influence of attention on temporal discrimination performance is restricted to transient spatial attention or might generalize to other paradigms of attention. We employed the attentional blink (AB) paradigm and required either a spatial (Experiment 1) or a temporal discrimination task (Experiment 2). The results of both experiments revealed a performance decrement if attention was temporally unavailable during the AB and a recovery with increasing attentional availability. Thus, contrary to the results of Yeshurun and Levy, the absence of attention decreased temporal discrimination performance in this paradigm. We hypothesize that attention which operates at different processing levels might exert differential effects on temporal stimulus processing.  相似文献   

In the present study we extended errorless learning to a conditional temporal discrimination. Pigeons' responses to a left-red key after a 2-s sample and to a right-green key after a 10-s sample were reinforced. There were two groups: One learned the discrimination through trial and error and the other through an errorless learning procedure. Then, both groups were presented with three types of tests. First, they were exposed to intermediate durations between 2 s and 10 s, and given a choice between both keys (stimulus generalization test). Second, a delay from 1 s to 16 s was included between the offset of the sample and the onset of the choice keys (delay test). Finally, pigeons learned a new discrimination in which the stimuli were switched (reversal test). Results showed that pigeons from the Errorless group made significantly fewer errors than those in the Trial-and-Error group. Both groups performed similarly during the stimulus generalization test and the reversal test, but results of the delay test suggested that, on long stimulus trials, responding in the errorless training group was less disrupted by delays.  相似文献   

A note on chaining and temporal discrimination   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Four pigeons were exposed to a two-key DRL procedure. At the start of a trial, key A was illuminated. A response to the lighted key turned it off and simultaneously illuminated key B. Reinforcement was available for responses on key B which followed the initial key A response by more than 2 sec. In the course of exposure to these conditions, all birds acquired superstitious response chains on key A. The distribution of the number of responses on key A preceding a key B response and the distribution of intervals elapsing from the initial key A response to the key B response were of the same form. The suggestion is made that the superstitious responding on key A served to mediate the required delay interval. However, when intervals between successive key A responses were recorded for one subject, they were found to be regularly spaced in time. Thus, the problem remains of how this behavior is itself timed.  相似文献   

Previous findings of intramodal but not of intermodal blocking in foraging honeybees prompted a new series of experiments with colours, odours, a proximal visual landmark, and a localized geomagnetic anomaly as stimuli. In Experiments 1-2, the landmark was blocked by both colour and odour. In Experiments 3-6, the anomaly was blocked by both colour and odour, but the anomaly failed to block either colour or odour. In Experiments 7-8, the anomaly failed again to block either colour or odour even though it could be shown to develop substantial associative strength in the course of the training. The several instances of intermodal blocking bring the results for honeybees into closer agreement than before with the results for vertebrates. The failures of blocking seem understandable in terms of the relative salience of the stimuli employed without reference to modal relationships. An attentional interpretation is suggested.  相似文献   

The ability to discriminate short temporal intervals was examined in a dyslexic adult (E.C.) and six matched controls. Listeners had to decide whether the second interval was shorter or longer than a standard (target) interval. Each interval was defined as the silent duration between two successive brief tones. Eight target intervals were used, ranging from 100 to 1,200 ms in duration. At each target interval, the differential threshold (DL) for duration was assessed, with the use of an adaptive psychophysical procedure. The results show that E.C.'s differential threshold values were much larger than those of controls. Moreover, the slope estimates covering the duration range from 100 to 800 ms indicated that in comparison to controls, E.C.'s differential threshold increased dramatically as the target duration increased. Thus her timing impairment becomes more pronounced with increasing duration. This timing deficit is consistent with other studies that have found temporal processing deficits associated with dyslexia.  相似文献   

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