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《Behavior Therapy》2023,54(3):461-475
A growing literature is devoted to understanding and predicting heterogeneity in response to cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), including using supervised machine learning to develop prognostic models that could be used to inform treatment planning. The current study developed CBT prognostic models using data from a broad dimensionally oriented pretreatment assessment (324 predictors) of 1,210 outpatients with internalizing psychopathology. Super learning was implemented to develop prognostic indices for three outcomes assessed at 12-month follow-up: principal diagnosis improvement (attained by 65.8% of patients), principal diagnosis remission (56.8%), and transdiagnostic full remission (14.3%). The models for principal diagnosis remission and transdiagnostic remission performed best (AUROCs = 0.71–0.73). Calibration was modest for all three models. Three-quarters (77.3%) of patients in the top tertile of the predicted probability distribution achieved principal diagnosis remission, compared to 35.0% in the bottom tertile. One-third (35.3%) of patients in the top two deciles of predicted probabilities for transdiagnostic complete remission achieved this outcome, compared to 2.7% in the bottom tertile. Key predictors included principal diagnosis severity, social anxiety diagnosis/severity, hopelessness, temperament, and global impairment. While additional work is needed to improve performance, integration of CBT prognostic models ultimately could lead to more effective and efficient treatment of patients with internalizing psychopathology.  相似文献   

Chronic pain disorders represent a significant public health concern, particularly for children and adolescents. High rates of comorbid anxiety and unipolar mood disorders often complicate psychological interventions for chronic pain. Unified treatment approaches, based on emotion regulation skills, are applicable to a broad range of emotional disorders and suggest the possibility of extending these interventions to chronic pain and pain-related dysfunction. This case report describes the use of a unified protocol for treatment of an adolescent boy with chronic daily headache and social anxiety and an adolescent girl with whole body pain and depression. Following weekly, 50-minute individual treatment sessions, the boy demonstrated notable improvement in emotional symptoms, emotion regulation skills, somatization, and functional disability. The girl showed some improvement on measures of anxiety and depression, although there appeared to be a worsening of pain symptoms and somatization. However, both patients demonstrated improvement over follow-up. This case study illustrates the potential utility of a unified treatment approach targeting pain and emotional symptoms from an emotion regulation perspective in an adolescent population.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to isolate and compare children's procedural anxiety and pain. The study was conducted in a school-based pediatric health clinic with 39 fourth graders receiving 3 injection vaccinations over a 6-month period. Child and nurse ratings and an observational scale assessed anxiety and pain. Results suggest that anxiety and pain are highly correlated, however self-report and an observational measure discriminate between these constructs. Self-report and observational measurement indicated more pediatric pain than anxiety, whereas nurse reports did not indicate differences between children's pain and anxiety.  相似文献   

To determine the impact of gender roles, anxiety sensitivity, and somatic concerns on self-reported menstrual distress, two studies were conducted. In the first study using 278 primarily Caucasian college females, anxiety-sensitivity level, not current menstrual cycle phase, influenced reports of menstrual symptom severity and depression. Regardless of cycle phase at the time of self-report, women high in anxiety sensitivity reported significantly more depressed mood, trait anxiety, and retrospective menstrual symptoms. In the second study of 158 primarily Caucasian college females varying in anxiety sensitivity levels, adherence to sex role stereotypes, feminist beliefs, and illness attitudes were examined. Participants also completed measures of general premenstrual, most-recent premenstrual, and current menstrual symptoms. Women high in anxiety sensitivity reported the highest levels of sex-specificity, feminist embeddedness, and illness attitudes, with sex-specificity accounting for significant variance in current menstrual symptoms. Results are discussed within the context of the menstrual reactivity hypothesis, which proposes that beliefs surrounding the menstrual cycle and body sensations expectancies contribute to self-reports of greater menstrual distress. Women high in anxiety sensitivity appear to represent one subgroup vulnerable to menstrual reactivity.  相似文献   

Understanding the intermediate- and long-term psychological consequences of genetic testing for cancer patients has led to encouraging research, but a clear consensus of the psychosocial impact and clinical routine for cancer-affected BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers is still missing. We performed a systematic review of intermediate- and long-term studies investigating the psychological impact like psychological distress, anxiety, and depression in cancer-affected BRCA mutation carriers compared to unaffected mutation carriers. This review included the screening of 1243 studies. Eight intermediate- and long-term studies focusing on distress, anxiety, and depression symptoms among cancer-affected mutation carriers at least six months after the disclosure of genetic testing results were included. Studies reported a great variety of designs, methods, and patient outcomes. We found evidence indicating that cancer-affected mutation carriers experienced a negative effect in relation to psychological well-being in terms of an increase in symptoms of distress, anxiety, and depression in the first months after test disclosure. In the intermediate- and long-term, no significant clinical relevant symptoms occurred. However, none of the included studies used specific measurements, which can clearly identify psychological burdens of cancer-affected mutation carriers. We concluded that current well-implemented distress screening instruments are not sufficient for precisely identifying the psychological burden of genetic testing. Therefore, future studies should implement coping strategies, specific personality structures, the impact of genetic testing, supportive care needs and disease management behaviour to clearly screen for the possible intermediate- and long-term psychological impact of a positive test disclosure.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to examine some of the mechanisms underlying emotion regulation in childhood affective disorders by examining the impact of distracting emotional information during performance on a working memory task (Emotional n-back or E-n-back). The sample included 75 children (38 girls and 37 boys) between 8 and 16 years of age meeting criteria for: Anxiety disorder (ANX, n = 17), Major depressive disorder (MDD, n = 16), Comorbid anxiety and depression (CAD, n = 24), or Low-risk normal control (LRNC, n = 18). Results showed that the MDD and CAD groups had significantly longer reaction times on negative emotional backgrounds compared to neutral backgrounds, whereas the LRNC group had significantly longer reaction times on positive backgrounds. These results suggest altered processing of emotional information particularly associated with depression. Because the E-n-back task engages higher-order cognitive processes, these results suggest that these alterations in processing emotional information also interfere with the cognitive processes that govern how attentional resources are allocated. Further, research is needed to replicate this study and delineate underlying neural mechanisms.  相似文献   

Mood and anxiety disorders in youth are disabling, distressing, and prevalent. Furthermore, depression and anxiety frequently co-exist, may share several etiological factors, and respond to similar interventions. In this paper, we report preliminary results from a treatment adaptation project designed to condense existing cognitive behavioral therapy protocols for anxiety and depression to their core components and combine them into a brief, integrated treatment suitable for the broad population of internalizing youth seen in primary care. Specifically, we discuss: (a) the rationale for targeting anxiety and depression in pediatric primary care and the deployment-focused treatment development model; (b) the content of our behaviorally based treatment program; and (c) clinical outcomes of 2 sample cases with comorbid depression and anxiety.  相似文献   

Objective To examine the initial feasibility and potential efficacy of a cognitive-behavioral intervention for youth with anxiety disorders and non-medical somatic symptoms. Background Based on a strong relationship between somatic complaints and anxiety disorders, screening youngsters seeking medical care due to physical symptoms with no organic basis may enhance the recognition of anxiety disorders and facilitate access to appropriate services. Method Seven boys and girls, ages 8 through 15, with medically unexplained gastrointestinal complaints and anxiety disorders received a 12-session cognitive-behavioral intervention targeting anxiety and physical symptoms. Assessments were conducted at baseline and following treatment. Results All participants were classified as treatment responders. Three of the seven participants no longer met diagnostic criteria for their principal anxiety disorder. Children’s physical discomfort decreased from a moderate to minimal level based on self- and parent-reports. Conclusions Our modified cognitive-behavioral approach has promise for reducing anxiety and somatic symptoms in children seeking medical care.  相似文献   


Although absent from traditional diagnostic nosologies, Sluggish Cognitive Tempo (SCT) may have transdiagnostic utility given its robust associations with ADHD and internalizing symptoms as well as with cognitive impairments common to these conditions. Within-person variation in SCT symptoms may also serve to link ADHD, cognitive deficits, and internalizing psychopathology, however, few studies have utilized intensive longitudinal designs to probe within-person variation in SCT and its links to cognitive deficits and psychopathology. Ecological Momentary Assessment was used to measure between and within-person variance in SCT 4 times per day across 7 days (28 time-points) in 158 college students (approximately 51% with elevated ADHD and/or internalizing symptoms). Participants also completed ratings of current and childhood ADHD symptoms, cognitive function and internalizing psychopathology. Parameters derived from longitudinal multilevel models indexing between and within person variation in SCT were examined as mediators of the associations between (1) ADHD and internalizing symptoms and (2) self-reported cognitive functioning and internalizing symptoms. Results indicated that between-person differences in SCT, but not within-person variability, linked current and childhood ADHD and internalizing symptoms. Similarly, problems in time-management and organization influenced internalizing psychopathology via between-person differences in SCT. Results found that SCT may be a transdiagnostic link bridging mental health comorbidities, cognitive dysfunction, and internalizing psychopathology.


Internet-delivered transdiagnostic anxiety interventions aim to reduce symptoms across several anxiety disorders using one treatment protocol. However, it is unclear whether comorbidity affects outcomes of such treatment. This study re-examined data from a recent randomised controlled trial (N = 129) that evaluated the efficacy of an Internet-delivered transdiagnostic cognitive behavioural therapy (iCBT) intervention for participants with principal diagnoses of generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), social phobia (SP) panic disorder and agoraphobia (PDA), of whom 72% met criteria for a comorbid anxiety disorder or depression. Participants were divided into two groups based on whether or not they had a comorbid disorder before treatment. Participants with comorbid conditions reported higher symptom levels at pre-treatment, post-treatment, and follow-up across a range of measures. Both groups showed significant reductions in symptoms over treatment; however, participants with comorbid disorders showed greater reductions in measures of GAD, PDA, SP, depression, and neuroticism. In addition, treatment significantly reduced the number of comorbid diagnoses at follow-up. These results indicate transdiagnostic iCBT protocols have the potential to reduce comorbidity.  相似文献   

Somatic complaints in children and adolescents may be considered part of a broader spectrum of internalizing disorders that include anxiety and depression. Previous research on the topic has focused mainly on the relationship between anxiety and depression without investigating how common somatic symptoms relate to an underlying factor and its etiology. Based on the classical twin design with monozygotic and dizygotic twins reared together, our study aimed to explore the extent to which the covariation between three phenotypes in adolescent girls and boys can be represented by a latent internalizing factor, with a focus on both common and specific etiological sources. A population-based sample of twins aged 12–18 years and their mothers and fathers (N?=?1394 families) responded to questionnaire items measuring the three phenotypes. Informants’ ratings were collapsed using full information maximum likelihood estimated factor scores. Multivariate genetic analyses were conducted to examine the etiological structure of concurrent symptoms. The best fitting model was an ACE common pathway model without sex limitation and with one substantially heritable (44 %) latent factor shared by the phenotypes. Concurrent symptoms also resulted from shared (25 %) and non-shared (31 %) environments. The factor loaded most on depression symptoms and least on somatic complaints. Trait-specific influences explained 44 % of depression variance, 59 % of anxiety variance, and 65 % of somatic variance. Our results suggest the presence of a general internalizing factor along which somatic complaints and mental distress can be modeled. However, specific influences make the symptom types distinguishable.  相似文献   

We conducted several analyses with data from undergraduate students (N = 309) and active duty US Air Force Security Forces personnel (N = 273) to examine the utility of scores on the Anxiety Depression Distress Inventory-27 (ADDI-27). The three specific dimensions of the ADDI-27 include Positive Affect, Somatic Anxiety, and General Distress, each composed of nine relevant and representative items. Internal consistency reliability estimates for scores on the scales were strong across the study groups (coefficient-α values ≥ .80). Results of analyses using differential item functioning showed that the groups interpreted the contents of the ADDI-27 items similarly. At the scale-level analyses, the undergraduate student sample reported higher somatic and general distress symptoms compared to the Air Force sample. Evidence for concurrent validity was adequate. Examples of the concurrent measures were the meaning in life, mental health functioning, and sources of social support self-report instruments. Taken together, results support the use of the ADDI-27 for assessing clusters of somatic anxiety, depression, and general distress in the current study samples.  相似文献   

Recent findings support the relevance of anxiety sensitivity (AS) and interoceptive exposure (IE) across emotional disorders. This study (a) evaluated levels of AS across different anxiety disorders, (b) examined change in AS over the course of transdiagnostic psychological intervention, and its relationship with outcome, and (c) described the implementation of IE to address AS with patients with different anxiety disorders. Participants (N = 54) were patients who received treatment with the Unified Protocol for Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders (UP) in two consecutive treatment trials. Participants completed a measure of AS at pre- and posttreatment, and multiple occasions during treatment. Symptom severity was assessed at pre- and posttreatment, and clinical information related to physical symptoms and IE were collected as part of routine clinical practice. Elevated AS was observed at pretreatment across diagnoses and decreases in AS were observed from pre- to posttreatment. Similar changes occurred across the diagnostic categories, notably coinciding with the introduction of IE. Change in AS was correlated with reduced symptom levels at posttreatment and 6-month follow-up. Patients with different anxiety disorders endorsed similar physical symptoms and practiced similar IE exercises with similar effects. Results provide preliminary support for the usefulness of IE as a treatment strategy across the spectrum of anxiety disorders, and additional support for the transdiagnostic relevance of AS.  相似文献   

抑郁焦虑与心血管疾病的关系最能体现身与心两者相互影响、不可分割的特点。但临床上,心血管疾病患者抑郁焦虑的诊疗率不足1%。这说明现有的诊疗理念和方式没有将心血管疾病和精神障碍联系起来,给患者全面全程的干预和管理。这样的缺陷不仅增加患者的痛苦和功能障碍,也增加心血管疾病的发病率和病死率,还增加患者及社会的医疗负担。本文结合临床经验,从心身一体的诊疗理念,谈谈抑郁焦虑与心血管疾病。  相似文献   

This review provides a detailed analysis of anxiety and depression as they relate to each stage of the cigarette smoking cycle: initiation, maintenance, and cessation with an emphasis on nicotine withdrawal. An analysis of the literature confirms that cigarette smoking is highly comorbid with anxiety disorders and clinical depression, and that this relationship appears to be moderated by factors such as age of the smoker, type of disorder, and level of nicotine dependence. Studies also offer evidence to suggest a relationship between smoking and both subclinical anxiety and depression. Research findings have not revealed whether common factors influence the development of anxiety, depression, and smoking, whether anxiety and depression lead to smoking, or whether the reverse is true. Nevertheless, a current understanding of the links among smoking, anxiety, and depression confirms current prevention and cessation techniques, as well as suggests new directions for research and clinical practice.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2020,51(1):123-134
Evidence from analogue samples suggests that deficits in emotional functioning, namely elevated emotional reactivity and distress intolerance, are implicated in the development and maintenance of hoarding disorder. We aimed to extend previous research in this area by investigating emotional reactivity and distress intolerance in a sample of individuals diagnosed with hoarding disorder (n = 24) in comparison to clinical controls (n = 21) and nonclinical community controls (n = 26) using a combination of self-report, physiological, and behavioral measures. We found that trait distress intolerance was significantly and independently associated with greater hoarding severity. The hoarding and clinical control groups reported more trait emotional reactivity and distress intolerance than the community control group, but did not differ from each other on these traits. The hoarding group reported more subjective distress before beginning a frustrating behavioral task, but did not evidence more physiological arousal. Moreover, the hoarding group experienced similar increases in distress during the task and did not differ from either group in regard to time persisting on this task. The clinical control group, however, terminated the frustrating task significantly faster than the community control group, who tended to persist until the task timed out. Lastly, trait distress intolerance evidenced a small-to-moderate but nonstatistically significant independent relationship with task persistence time. Given the desynchrony between subjective distress and physiological arousal, we encourage researchers to utilize multimodal assessment in the future. We also suggest that clinicians start to use behavioral experiments, as has been done with other psychological disorders, to improve distress intolerance among persons who experience hoarding disorder.  相似文献   

《Behavior Therapy》2016,47(3):416-430
Unified protocol (UP) is a transdiagnostic cognitive behavior therapy for emotional disorders. It remains unknown whether UP is applicable for use in non-Western countries and for depressive disorders. We therefore examined its feasibility for a Japanese clinical population using this clinical trial design, which is multicentered, open-labeled, and single-armed (Clinical registry: UMIN000008322). The primary outcome was severity of anxiety symptoms, as assessed using Structured Interview Guide for the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale. Secondary outcomes were depressive symptoms, clinical global impression, functioning, quality of life, affectivity, emotion regulation, and adverse events. Of the 28 prospective participants, 17 were eligible and enrolled (depressive disorders = 9, anxiety disorders = 8). Severity of anxiety symptoms, which decreased significantly after the intervention, remained low for 3 months (Hedges’ g = 1.29, 95% CI = 0.56–2.06). Similar tendencies were observed for secondary outcome measures. No severe adverse event occurred. Two participants dropped out of the intervention. High treatment adherence and interrater reliability were confirmed. Results suggest the feasibility of UP in the Japanese context sufficient to warrant a larger clinical trial.  相似文献   

The current study investigates the feasibility and preliminary outcomes associated with a transdiagnostic emotion-focused group protocol for the treatment of anxiety disorders and depressive symptoms in youth. Twenty-two children (ages 7 to 12; M = 9.79) with a principal anxiety disorder and varying levels of comorbid depressive symptoms were enrolled in an open trial of the Emotion Detectives Treatment Protocol (EDTP; Ehrenreich-May & Bilek, 2009), an intervention adapted from existent unified protocols for the treatment of emotional disorders among adults and adolescents. Results indicate that participants experienced significant improvements in clinician-rated severity of principal anxiety disorder diagnoses (d = 1.38), the sum of all anxiety and depressive disorder severity ratings (d = 1.07), and child-reported anxiety (d = 0.47) and parent-reported depressive symptoms (d = 0.54) at the posttreatment assessment. EDTP had good retention rates and reports of high satisfaction. Thus, preliminary evidence suggests that EDTP is a feasible and potentially efficacious treatment of youth anxiety disorders and co-occurring depressive symptoms. Children experiencing a range of internalizing symptoms may benefit from this more generalized, emotion-focused treatment modality, as it offers flexibility to families and the mental health clinician, while maintaining a concurrent focus on the provision of cognitive-behavioral treatment skills vital to the amelioration of anxiety and depressive disorder symptoms in youth.  相似文献   

The purpose of the multi-measure, multi-wave, longitudinal study was to examine the interactive relation between behavioral distress tolerance (DT) and perceived social support (PSS) in 352 tornado-exposed adolescents aged 12–17 years (M = 14.44; SD = 1.74). At baseline, adolescents completed a computer-based task for DT, and self-report measures of PSS, depressed mood, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), substance use, and interpersonal conflict. Symptoms also were assessed 4 and 12 months after baseline. Findings showed that lower levels of DT together with lower levels of PSS conferred risk for elevated symptoms of prospective depression (t(262) = ?2.04, p = .04; reffect size = 0.13) and PTSD (t(195) = ?2.08, p = .04; reffect size = 0.15) following a tornado. However, only PSS was significant in substance use t(139) = 2.20, p = .03; reffect size=0.18) and conflict (t(138) = ?4.05, p < .0001; reffect size=0.33) in our sample. Implications regarding adolescent DT, the transdiagnostic nature of PSS, and the clinical applications of our findings in the aftermath of a natural disaster are discussed.  相似文献   

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