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关于健康社会性格的跨文化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆剑清  孟慧 《心理科学》1999,22(5):427-430
社会性格作为国民素质的重要组成,其健康程度将直接影响精神文明建设的成效。本研究发现,当代人健康社会性格体系由五个因素构成,分别是:进取心、道德感、安定感、领导性与家庭性,为进一步深入探究,本研究采用跨文化方式,将日韩、欧美的参照样本与当代中国人进行比较研究,发现性别与国别因素对于五个因素中的若干项具有显著性影响,体现出跨文化差异性。本研究对于成功塑造跨世纪中国人健康社会性格将具有积极的理论与实践意义。  相似文献   

本文针对当前中国处于社会转型期的现状,提出了健康 者社会性格的概念,通过调研发现其维度由八个因素构成,分别的集体主义,独立性、依存性、支配性与安定感,获取了健康带菌者社会性格的分类及其特征,并分析与其健康、病态社会性格的关系。  相似文献   

关于社会性格的跨文化研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
陆剑清  宋继文 《心理科学》1999,22(2):144-147
本文针对当前中国处于社会转型的现状,通过调研发现当代人社会性格系由八个因素构成,包括集体主义,独立性,依存性、支配性与安定感。  相似文献   

性格是一个人在对人、对事的态度和行为方式上所表现出来的心理特点。生活中的每一个人,只要精神状态正常,都有自己带有倾向性的独特性格,如刚强、懦弱、开朗、急躁、偏狭、粗暴等。由于人的遗传因素、成长环境、接受教育程度、体内的某些微量元素及化学物质等的不同,在此基础上形成的性格也就千差万别。性格一旦形成,将左右人的思维、行为方式,也与人的健康关系密切。  相似文献   

不同的个性特征对人的健康有着不同的影响。如忧郁时大脑过度抑制,可引起免疫功能失调、使人虚弱、早衰。发怒时能引起胃肠功能紊乱,甚至造成器质性病变。愤怒和痛苦,使交感神经极度兴奋,心  相似文献   

健康的性格是生活达到一种物质满足后人们追求的更高生活境界,它能使你的生活更加优质。我来向你介绍一下健康性格的结构: 现实态度:一个心理健全的人会面对现实,不管现实对他来说是否愉快。 独立性:一个头脑健全的人办事凭理智,他稳重,并且适当听从合理建议。在需要时,他能够作出  相似文献   

健康是学生全面发展的基础,心理因素和社会因素对大学生的健康影响十分重要,大学生的心理、社会健康状况如何,将直接关系到学生的今后发展。本研究以某高校360名大学生为研究对象,用自测健康评定量表进行调查。结果发现大学生心理、社会健康状况一般偏好;在健康水平上,年级、专业、性别有显著差异,大一学生的健康水平显著高于大二、大四学生,艺术生的健康水平显著高于文科生、理科生;女生的健康水平显著高于男生。  相似文献   

直面人生一个心理健全的人始终面对现实,不管身处顺境还是逆境。独立性办事果断理智、不随波逐流,同时也善于听取合理意见。必要时,能够当机立断并勇于承担可能带来的一切后果。从爱中获得力量能够从爱自己的配偶、孩  相似文献   

本研究通过对转型期中国入社会性格的调查分析,发现:中国人的社会性格结构由八个维度构成,它们分别是忠信感、进取性、保守性、顺从性、疏远性、开放性、适应性和独立性。个体的性别、年龄和教育程度对社会性格特点具有影响作用。常态被试可被进一步分为进取开放型、保守顺从型和中间型三类。创造条件促进人格向趋于现代化的方向发展是社会发展的结果,亦是实现社会发展的必要前提。  相似文献   

青春期性心理健康的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
骆一  郑涌 《心理科学》2006,29(3):661-664,657
在文献综述、开放式问卷调查和个别访谈的基础上,提出了青春期性心理健康的理论构想,自编了“青春期性心理健康量表”。约1,600名青少年学生接受了测试。研究表明,该量表具有良好的信度和效度,青春期性心理健康体现在性认知(生理知识、性知识)、性价值观(性观念、性态度)和性适应(社会适应、性控制力、自身适应)等三个方面。  相似文献   


The author discusses his recollection of Erich Fromm's views on psychoanalytic work with patients, including the author's treatment of a patient. The remembrance involves Fromm's clinical thinking on social character and the social unconscious, and its relevance to present-day clinical work. The author presents, in detail, his treatment of a 37-year old successful woman which addresses certain of today's clinical views on gender differences that resonate and differ with Fromm's thinking on the treatment of the marketing personality.  相似文献   

大量的以往研究涉及到字词识别 ,其中又有相当一部分是对字词或字母的触觉辨认研究 ,但未见汉字模式的触觉辨认研究。为了探讨汉字模式与英文字母或词模式触觉辨认的异同 ,我们先做简单汉字的视触匹配实验以确定此类实验是否可行。把 10个高频且笔画少的汉字在 6× 2 4的触觉振动仪上转换成振动的触觉模式 ,由于汉字比以往触觉模式辨认实验中所用的单指振动模式要复杂 ,所以我们不得不把汉字转换成双指模式 ,即用了两片振动显示仪来呈现一个模式 ,被试用双指接触振动片。汉语母语被试与从没学过汉字的英语母语被试各 10名对这些汉字触觉模式作了触觉与视觉模式匹配实验 ,结果表明两类被试的匹配成绩都很低而且无显著差异 ,结果可能是由于双指模式所致 ,从而不能完全说明汉字模式太难不适合触觉辨认 ,于是我们用单指模式的通常结构构建双指模式 ,使单双指模式的复杂度差异只表现在量上 ,检验了单双指模式的辨认效果 ,结果表明双指模式辨认成绩虽比单指辨认差但辨认中的认知特征如干扰中的反应竞争与知觉竞争效应相同。  相似文献   

Adults automatically infer a person’s social disposition and future behavior based on the many properties they observe about how they look and sound. The goal of the current study is to explore the developmental origins of this bias. We tested whether 12-month-old infants automatically infer a character’s social disposition (e.g., whether they are likely to “help” or “hinder” another character’s goal) based on the sounds and visual features those characters display. Infants were habituated to 2 characters, 1 that possessed more positive properties (e.g., a soft, fluffy appearance and a happy-sounding laugh) or more negative properties (e.g., a sharp, pointy appearance and a deep, ominous laugh). During test trials, we observed that infants looked longer at events that involved characters engaging in social actions toward another that were inconsistent rather than consistent with the valence of how they looked and sounded during habituation. Two control conditions support the interpretation that infants’ responses were based on an inferred causal relationship between a character’s features and its disposition rather than on some noncausal associations between the positive and negative valences of the characteristics and actions. Together, these studies suggest that infants are biased to connect an agent’s audiovisual features to their social behavior.  相似文献   

In recent years, there has been considerable debate in the literature concerning the existence of moral character. One lesson we should take away from these debates is that the concept of character, and the role it plays in guiding our actions, is far more complex than most of us initially took it to be. Just as Gilbert Harman, for example, makes a serious mistake in insisting, plain and simply, that there is no such thing as character, defenders of character also make a mistake to the extent that they imply there is no problem raised by the psychological literature for either the concept of character or the nature of character‐based ethics. My hope for this paper is to avoid both of these mistakes by first, exploring exactly what is the concept of character that is so firmly rooted in our philosophical and everyday thinking; and second, exploring the implications of the psychological literature for this appropriately understood concept of character. In so doing, I will come to a resolution that vindicates the existence of character, while at the same time calls attention to the real and serious problem suggested by the psychological evidence. This, we will see, is a problem of moral motivation.  相似文献   

多元嵌套结构下的情理行动——中国人社会行动模式研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在对以往关于中国人社会行动(行为)模式的研究成果进行梳理的基础上,从结构的角度对该问题进行研究,认为"人"与"事"是分析中国人社会行动模式的主要变量,并从基本关系、问题性质、责任结构、共事经验四个角度分析中国人的社会行动模式.本文将时间视角引入对问题的分析,指出上述四个角度都具有时间的性质,从而提出"多元嵌套结构"的概念,并以此来解释中国人的社会行动模式,最后形成关系-问题-责任-经验四位一体的影响中国人社会行动模式的理论模型.  相似文献   

This paper provides an agonistic interpretation of Robert Brandom's social‐pragmatic account of normativity. I argue that social practice, on this approach, should be seen not just as cooperative, but also as contestatory. This aspect, which has so far remained implicit, helps to illuminate Brandom's claim that normative statuses are ‘instituted’ by social practices: normative statuses are brought into play in mutual engagement, and are only in play from an engaged social perspective among others. Moreover, in contrast to a positivist or conventionalist understanding of Brandom's work, it shows that the possibility of a critical stance toward existing practices is not only compatible with, but already implicit in this form of pragmatism. This can be made explicit with the notion of farcical practices: practices that are treated merely as if they institute genuine commitments and entitlements. Interpreting a practice as farcical is taking a critical stance toward it, and this possibility is inherent in Brandom's theoretical framework. This opens the way for a fruitful appropriation of Brandom's pragmatism for social and political philosophy.  相似文献   

In this paper, we utilize GIS (Geographic Information System) mapping data to locate eleven immigrant congregations and the residential addresses of their members in Houston, Texas. Combining this information with ethnographic data allows us to understand how ecological variables impact organizationalcharacteristics of religious institutions. Specifically, we combine GIS and ethnographic data on immigrant congregations in Houston, Texas, to analyze characteristics that make them more parish or niche-like in structure. We demonstrate that the combination of GIS techniques and standard field methods yields the greatest potential to provide a comprehensive understanding of what congregations mean to their members.  相似文献   

The authors studied the influences of valence information on preschool children's (n = 47) moral (good or bad), liking (liked or disliked by a friend), and consequence-of-behavior (reward or punishment) judgments. The authors presented 8 scenarios describing the behavior valence, positive valence (help, share), negative valence (verbal insult, physical aggression), and disposition valence (nice or mean) of characters in social interaction with a friend. Overall, character disposition and behavior valence significantly influenced children's judgments. Moral, liking, and consequence-of-behavior judgments varied significantly by character disposition for both positive behavior scenarios. In contrast, there were fewer significant findings as a function of character disposition for negative behavior scenarios, suggesting that the negative behavior cue somewhat diminished the effect of character disposition on children's judgments. The authors discuss preschool students’ coordination of information about valence of behavior and character disposition and the students’ reluctance to judge that misbehavior warrants punitive consequence.  相似文献   

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