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Tool-use behavior is currently one of the most intriguing and widely debated topics in cognitive neuroscience. Different accounts of our ability to use tools have been proposed. In the first part of the paper we review the most prominent interpretations and suggest that none of these accounts, considered in itself, is sufficient to explain tool use. In the second part of the paper we disentangle three different types of reasoning on tools, characterized by a different distribution of motor and cognitive ingredients. At the conceptual level, these types of reasoning reflect the distinction between three types of abductive inference as they are described in semiotic studies. At the functional level, we suggest that these types of reasoning on tools may correspond to different mental processes, possibly implemented in different regions of the left inferior parietal lobe. This proposal can account for the different interpretations commonly associated with the role of the left parietal cortex in tool use.  相似文献   

Roads in developing countries carry mixed traffic with wide variations in static and dynamic characteristics of vehicles. The traffic flow is also generally devoid of lane discipline, with vehicles occupying any available road space ahead. In such a regime of traffic flow, the phenomena of merging of vehicles at intersections of two roads is complex, warranting further study. The merging maneuvers at T-intersections under congested traffic conditions were studied microscopically through video-recording. In congested situations, the merging vehicle attempts a complex merging maneuver to enter the main traffic stream. Two unique merging processes are commonly observed in mixed traffic: group and vehicle cover merging (these are generally not observed in countries such as US). The author is using these words first time in this study. These reflect the different types of driver behavior – merging in groups, and by taking cover of another vehicle. Probabilistic models for group and vehicle cover merging are developed that capture this unique merging behavior. Comprehensive microscopic data collection and extraction were carried out to study the merging process at T-intersection under congested conditions. Merging models were then estimated using maximum likelihood method with disaggregate data that was collected for a case study T-intersection in Chennai city, India. Such models can find applications in simulation of highly congested traffic flow in a realistic manner under mixed traffic conditions. They can also give insights on devising better traffic control measures at such intersections.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrates that a relationship exists between individual differences in temporal behavior and individual differences in human discrimination-reversal learning behavior. When the results of performance on a time-estimation task employing the method of reproduction are compared with the results of acquisition performance on a complex form of discrimination-reversal learning task is can be demonstrated that underestimation of time is associated with faster learning and overestimation of time is associated with slower learning of the discrimination task. The experimental design was based on the historical fact that the Sechenov-Pavlov and Spence-Hull formulations assigned a primary role in learning to excitation and inhibition as intervening variables between the input of stimulation and output of response. The present study also used the tasks of time estimation and discrimination learning as dependent variables; and the concept that underestimation of time is associated with and underlying predominance of excitatory processes as a hypothetical construct. The conclusion was reached that one of the many theoretical processes which may be used to explain discrimination learning is the concept that acquisition of the correct response may be viewed as a function of the individual rates at which excitatory processes come to be conditioned to a predominance over existing inhibitory processes.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to identify species-specific sign stimuli sufficient to elicit copulatory behavior in male Japanese quail and to determine how learning is involved in the control of behavior by these sign stimuli. In Experiment 1, sexually experienced subjects were tested for copulatory behavior with a live female quail and with a model consisting of a female quail's head and neck mounted in front of a foam pad. Comparable levels of copulatory behavior were observed in the two tests, indicating that static visual cues provided by a female quail's head and neck are sufficient to elicit copulatory behavior in this species. Experiment 2 showed that male birds that previously received numerous opportunities to copulate with a live female quail in the test situation were significantly more likely to copulate with the head + neck model than were sexually inexperienced subjects. Experiment 3 showed that prior sexual experience with live quail facilitated responding to the head + neck model only if the sexual experience was provided in the same place where subjects were later tested with the model. This last finding suggests that sexual experience facilitates control of copulatory behavior by species-specific sign stimuli through contextual conditioning. Contextual conditioning may lower the threshold for sexual behavior with the result that a stimulus as impoverished as an immobile model containing only the head and neck of a female quail becomes sufficient to elicit normal levels of copulatory behavior. The results are also discussed as an example of conditioned stimulus facilitation of responding to an unconditioned stimulus.  相似文献   

Work in behavior-based systems focuses on functional modeling, that is, the synthesis of life-like and/or biologically inspired behavior that is robust, repeatable and adaptive. Inspiration from cognitive science, neuroscience and biology drives the development of new methods and models in behavior-based robotics, and the results tie together several related fields including artificial life, evolutionary computation, and multi-agent systems. Ideas from artificial intelligence and engineering continue to be explored actively and applied to behavior-based robots as their role in animal modeling and practical applications is being developed.  相似文献   

Cognitive priming procedures were used to identify the unique effects that luck-related concepts have on consumer behavior. The effects of these concepts could theoretically influence behavior through the elicitation of positive affect or via temporary changes in participants' self representations of how lucky they feel. An initial experiment showed that priming Asian consumers with lucky numbers independently influenced both their perceptions of personal luck and the positive affect they reported experiencing. Subsequent experiments, however, showed that the effect of these primes on consumer behavior was mediated by momentary changes in how lucky people felt (i.e. changes in the self concept) rather than by the positive affect they were experiencing at the time. Exposing consumers to lucky numbers influenced their estimates of how likely they were to win a lottery (Experiment 2), their willingness to participate in such a lottery (Experiment 4), their evaluations of different promotional strategies (Experiment 3), and also the amount of money they were willing to invest in different financial options (Experiment 4). The effect of luck on behavior was also moderated by a person's regulatory focus.  相似文献   

Bayesian approaches to data analysis are considered within the context of behavior analysis. The paper distinguishes between Bayesian inference, the use of Bayes Factors, and Bayesian data analysis using specialized tools. Given the importance of prior beliefs to these approaches, the review addresses those situations in which priors have a big effect on the outcome (Bayes Factors) versus a smaller effect (parameter estimation). Although there are many advantages to Bayesian data analysis from a philosophical perspective, in many cases a behavior analyst can be reasonably well‐served by the adoption of traditional statistical tools as long as the focus is on parameter estimation and model comparison, not null hypothesis significance testing. A strong case for Bayesian analysis exists under specific conditions: When prior beliefs can help narrow parameter estimates (an especially important issue given the small sample sizes common in behavior analysis) and when an analysis cannot easily be conducted using traditional approaches (e.g., repeated measures censored regression).  相似文献   

Poor performance on tests of reading comprehension could be the result of weak word-recognition skills, inconsistent attention (ADD), or a combination of the two. Identifying the source of the reading disability (RD) reliably has been difficult because inconsistent attention interferes with reading and weak word recognition skill makes attention wander. The situation is further complicated by the fact that there are no objective diagnostic tests for ADD (Breggin, 1998; Diller, 1998). We proposed a new model of differential diagnosis of ADHD-I/RD and field-tested its utility in two studies. The new diagnostic procedure utilizes intra-individual differences seen in the performance of at-risk learners on tasks related to reading that vary in the degree of sustained attention required for successful performance. The hypothesis is that children whose attention is inconsistent would perform more poorly on tests such as listening comprehension, which require sustained attention, than on tests such as reading comprehension, which are more tolerant of inattention. Such differences will not be seen in the test scores of children who have only a reading disability because their performance on reading tests is determined more by the difficulty level of the tests than by the sensitivity of the tests to attention. The validity of this new model was evaluated by determining the relationship between differences seen in the scores of tests that differ in their attention requirement and the degree of inconsistency in sustained attention as measured by Conners' CPT. The results of the two studies indicate this to be a viable approach. The results of the second study are presented in this report.  相似文献   

The relationship between altruism and antisocial behavior has received limited attention because altruism and antisocial behavior tend to be studied and discussed in distinct literatures. Our research bridges these literatures by focusing on three fundamental questions. First, are altruism and antisocial behavior opposite ends of a single dimension, or can they coexist in the same individual? Second, do altruism and antisocial behavior have the same or distinct etiologies? Third, do they stem from the same or from distinct aspects of a person's personality? Our findings indicate that altruism and antisocial behavior are uncorrelated tendencies stemming from different sources. Whereas altruism was linked primarily to shared (i.e., familial) environments, unique (i.e., nonfamilial) environments, and personality traits reflecting positive emotionality, antisocial behavior was linked primarily to genes, unique environments, and personality traits reflecting negative emotionality and a lack of constraint.  相似文献   

We have developed an experimental platform that allows a large number of human participants to interact in real time within a common virtual world. Within this environment, human participants foraged for resources distributed in two spatially separated pools. In addition to varying the relative replenishment rate for the two pools (50-50, 65-35, or 80-20), we manipulated whether the participants could see each other and the entire resource distribution or had their vision restricted to resources at their own location. Two empirical deviations from an optimal distribution of the participants were found. First, the participants were more scattered within a resource pool than the resources were themselves. Second, there was systematic underutilization of the richer pool. For example, the participants distributed themselves 73% and 27% to resource pools that had replenishment rates of 80% and 20%, respectively. In addition, there were oscillations in the harvesting rate of the pools across time, revealed by a Fourier analysis with prominent power near 50 sec per cycle. The suboptimalities and oscillations were more apparent when the locations of the participants and the food were not visible. Individual participant knowledge thus affects the efficiency with which a population of participants harvests resources.  相似文献   

Behavioral researchers have employed hypermedia-based software applications in their experiments for some time. More recently, interest in the World-Wide Web has developed among researchers in the social sciences, and popular use of this new medium continues to grow at an incredible rate. This paper describes Listener, a tool developed to log users’ hypermedia and World-Wide Web navigation behavior using Apple Macintosh computers in a laboratory setting. Listener is able to capture navigation actions through cached documents, overcoming some of the problems associated with analyzing standard web server logs.  相似文献   

Five experiments were conducted in which subjects were asked to attribute attitudes to target persons on the basis of opinion statements written under high constraints, i.e., the target persons were instructed to prepare the statements but were given no choice concerning the position to be endorsed. In previous studies it had been observed that reader-subjects tended to attribute attitudes in line with the opinion statement even when the writer obviously had no choice. However, in these earlier studies the opinion endorsements were actually standardized statements prepared by the investigators and they may have contained subtle cues indicating attitude strength. In the present experiments the statements were those actually written by other subjects in response to no choice instructions. Even though the subjects as attributors were well aware of these instructions, and had complied to the same instructions as target persons, attitudes in line with expressed opinions were attributed. In the final experiment, constraints were strengthened even further by the provision of specific arguments that had to be included in the opinion statements. Here the “over attribution effect” finally fell below significance. With the exception of such extreme variants of constraint, the results provide further evidence that people tend to make dispositional attributions to “explain” behavior, underestimating the role of environmental constraints.  相似文献   

Several recent reports suggest that the behavioral and cortical specificity of face processing may be influenced by experience. To test this hypothesis, behavioral and electrophysiological data were recorded from adults in response to human and monkey faces differing in familiarity and orientation. An analysis of event-related potential and behavioral data revealed differentiation across species, familiarity, and orientation. Behavioral measures were correlated with amplitude and latency measures for each factor of interest. These analyses revealed that accuracy was positively related to the amplitude of the vertex positive potential in the human face task but not in the monkey face task. These findings suggest that previous experience with different categories of faces modulates the link between behavioral and electrophysiological measures of face processing.  相似文献   

Contrary to Vaesen, we argue that a small number of key traits are sufficient to explain modern human tool use. Here we outline and defend the cultural intelligence (CI) hypothesis. In doing so, we critically re-examine the role of social transmission in explaining human tool use.  相似文献   

Implicit stereotyping and prejudice often appear as a single process in behavior, yet functional neuroanatomy suggests that they arise from fundamentally distinct substrates associated with semantic versus affective memory systems. On the basis of this research, the authors propose that implicit stereotyping reflects cognitive processes and should predict instrumental behaviors such as judgments and impression formation, whereas implicit evaluation reflects affective processes and should predict consummatory behaviors, such as interpersonal preferences and social distance. Study 1 showed the independence of participants' levels of implicit stereotyping and evaluation. Studies 2 and 3 showed the unique effects of implicit stereotyping and evaluation on self-reported and behavioral responses to African Americans using double-dissociation designs. Implications for construct validity, theory development, and research design are discussed.  相似文献   

B. F. Skinner's Science and Human Behavior (1953) became the main source of my understanding of behavior during my first semester as a college professor in 1955 at Kansas University. It has continued to exert a major influence throughout my career as the basis for a completely deterministic science of behavior, as a handbook to be consulted as a first step in dealing with any issue in behavior analysis, and as a tutorial in behavioral interpretive analysis--in the use of a small number of behavioral concepts and principles to understand behavior of all degrees of complexity. I describe four general interpretive orientations or maxims that are of broad significance for behavior analysis, and also two underappreciated major theoretical contributions.  相似文献   

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