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Colonial mentality is a term used widely by ethnic studies scholars and by the Filipino American community to refer to a form of internalized oppression among Filipinos and Filipino Americans. The authors propose that colonial mentality is a construct that is central to the understanding of the psychology of contemporary Filipino Americans. Drawing on larger scholarship from postcolonial studies and psychological research on oppression, the authors review the historical and sociological contexts in which to understand the significance of the colonial mentality concept for the Filipino American population. The authors also review the existing literature on colonial mentality and provide specific recommendations for incorporating this construct into research and practice with Filipino Americans. It is argued, through this illustrative example of colonial mentality among Filipino Americans, that examining the psychological impact of colonialism is a way to incorporate larger historical and sociological contextual variables into ethnic minority research and practice.  相似文献   

A program about Pavlov was held at the Countway Library as part of the “Leaders in American Medicine” series on 12 March 1980. A film (Pavlov Himself) was shown; it was produced by USSR Central Television and the Soviet Academy of Science and obtained from Films for the Humanities, P.O. Box 2053, Princeton, N.J. 08540. Three distinguished scholars discussed Pavlov's influence on psychology (Professor B. F. Skinner), physiology (Professor John Pappenheimer), and psychiatry (Dr. Peter Dews).  相似文献   

This article focuses on the 20‐year gap between Charles S. Peirce's classic proposal of pragmatism in 1877–1878 and William James's equally classic call for pragmatism in 1898. It fills the gap by reviewing relevant developments in the work of Peirce and James and by introducing G. Stanley Hall, for the first time, as a figure in the history of pragmatism. In treating Hall and pragmatism, the article reveals a previously unnoted relation between the early history of pragmatism and the early history of the “new psychology” that Hall helped to pioneer. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Both contemporary psychologists and historians of the discipline have disparaged the poor quality of research generated by the Child-Study movement. The real significance of this movement, however, lay not in its scientific findings but in its institutional innovations. Its most important legacy was the structuring of a new working relationship between psychologists and schoolteachers. This mutually beneficial collaboration subtly altered the shape of professional psychology by reorienting research toward practical classroom concerns. In the midst of controversies surrounding the social role and scientific potential of Child-Study, a new clinical psychology began to emerge.  相似文献   

This paper addresses (1) the history of a cluster of unusual institutions—analytical psychology clubs-which started in 1916 and by 1934 had become established in many of the countries in the world in which there was interest in the analytical psychology of Carl G. Jung; (2) the conflicts involved in trying to unite the relatively informal earlier “Jung Clubs” with the more formal societies being established by the increasing numbers of professionally trained analysts; and (3) the wider cultural and social issues included in the professionalization of analytical psychology.  相似文献   

This article is an interpretation of analytical psychology in the light of the catastrophic vision and dreams that Jung had in 1913 and 1914. It is shown how the guiding spirit of Jung's psychological project is to be found in that psychic material. Then it is proposed that the completion of the symbolic catastrophe displayed in Jung's last vision (1961) points to the end of the psychological foundations upon which analytical psychology is built, and thus to its cultural obsolescence, extensive to any psychology grounded in Jung's notion of ‘soul’.  相似文献   

This is the revised text of a lecture presented at the Joint Meeting of the Faculty of Old Age Psychiatry and the Special Interest Group in Spirituality and Psychiatry on 14 December 2005. The paper explores the interface of clinical, ethical, and spiritual dimensions in the promotion of communication in dementia. Themes are derived from personal anecdotal experience, principles of logotherapy, and ethical frameworks. It is argued that individuals with dementia remain at the centre of meaningful interaction through the period of illness and that it is incumbent upon formal carers to be aware of the lasting needs of the whole individual, and not to dismiss a spiritual approach. Finally, the paper introduces suggestions for the development of an integrated framework. Strategies and tools are being developed jointly by clinicians and spiritual advisors, and are aimed at preserving the dignity of the person with dementia, their right to be accepted at different stages of decline, in recognition of a meaning to their life and experience even beyond the point where normal language skills are irreparably lost.
In view of the possibility of finding meaning in suffering, life's meaning is an unconditional one, at least potentially. That unconditional meaning, however, is paralleled by the unconditional value of each and every person. It is that which warrants the indelible quality of the dignity of man. (Frankl, 2004 Frankl, V. 2004. Man's search for meaning, 5th, London: Random House.  [Google Scholar], p. 151, first published as Ein Psycholog erlebt das Konzentrationslager in 1946)  相似文献   

An undergraduate assistantship with Abraham Maslow, research with Solomon Asch, and an indirect exposure to Ernest Nagel's philosophy of science encouraged Howard H. Kendler to become involved with methodological issues in psychology. Graduate training with Kenneth Spence led to an active research career that was initially immersed in the latent learning controversy and later, with the collaboration of his wife Tracy Kendler, in the extension of the Hull-Spence model of cognitive development. Methodological concerns from a variety of sources encouraged Kendler to express his ideas on the methodology and history of psychology as well as its role in ethical and social policy issues. A productive symbiotic relationship is created from the interaction of democracy, natural-science psychology, and moral pluralism.  相似文献   

Presents the citation for Mark G. Baxter, who received the Award for Distinguished Scientific Early Career Contributions to Psychology (animal learning and behavior, comparative) "for insightful and incisive contributions in studies of learning, memory, attentional processing, executive function, and goal-directed behavior in work that has translated across species." A brief profile and a selected bibliography accompany the citation. ((c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved).  相似文献   

This article discusses the disconnect between industrial-organizational (I-O) and vocational psychology in the context of Donald Paterson’s career, an applied psychologist who bridged both disciplines. Paterson’s interests in both vocational guidance and personnel selection suggest that these fields are interwoven, despite the prevailing gap separating them in science and practice. Current trends in I-O psychology are discussed that suggest the field is beginning to reconsider the importance of vocational psychology in the modern workplace. We argue that I-O psychology would benefit from such a reconnection by acknowledging its ethical responsibility to improve the workplace for both management and the worker.  相似文献   

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