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大学生环境意识与环境行为的调查研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
钟毅平  谭千保  张英 《心理科学》2003,26(3):542-542,544
1 问题的提出N.w.海姆斯特拉和L.H.麦克法林早在1978年指出“环境心理学是研究人的行为和物理环境相互关系的学科。”D.V.坎特尔和K.H.克赖克曾在1981年撰文指出环境心理学要探讨和分析人的体验和活动与有关的社会物理环境之间的相互关系。他们主要探讨了环境心理学的研究对象,并指出人的意识、行为与外界环境相互作用,换而言之,人的环  相似文献   

以449名大学本科生为被试,对物质主义价值观量表(MVS)进行中文版的修订,考察其信效度指标。探索性因素分析发现,修订后的量表具有与原量表基本相同的三个维度;验证性因素分析结果显示,MVS的三因素结构拟合较好;MVS的内部一致性信度为0.792,重测信度为0.830;MVS的效标关联效度良好。表明修订后的MVS具有较好的心理测量学属性,可作为测量我国大学生物质主义价值观的工具。  相似文献   

物质主义价值观是聚焦于拥有物质财富的重要性,过多追求物质需求,关注物质利益的一种观念和生活方式。心理学范畴的物质主义价值观研究,将物质主义价值观作为一种日常生活的生存智慧,对于人类的发展和社会的进步有着重要意义。当前对物质主义价值观研究取得了许多重要进展,无论在理论探讨和实证方法方面都有创新。但是,在如何克服物质主义价值观的消极影响,树立理性的物质主义与精神超越相结合的价值观,显然是心理学价值观研究中必须关注的问题。  相似文献   

运用问卷调查法探讨了物质主义价值观、金钱态度与薪酬满意度的关系。对329名社会人员(男149,女178)的调查结果表明:(1)物质主义价值观、金钱态度对薪酬满意度具有显著的预测作用;(2)金钱态度在物质主义价值观与薪酬满意度之间起调节作用。  相似文献   

李静  郭永玉 《心理科学》2012,35(1):160-164
以价值观冲突理论为依据,探讨中国社会转型时期物质主义与儒家传统价值观的并存给当代大学生带来的心理冲突。采用测谎仪记录被试回答价值观选择两难情境问题时的皮电值,结果发现:对于高儒家传统价值观的大学生而言,物质主义水平的上升会引起其皮电值的显著增加,而对于低儒家传统价值观的大学生则没有这种效应。表明同时拥有高水平的物质主义和儒家传统价值观的大学生会体验到大量的心理冲突。  相似文献   

研究旨在通过两个实验分别探讨主观社会阶层对亲环境行为的影响及作用路径.结果发现:(1)主观社会阶层对亲环境行为具有显著正向影响,即主观社会阶层感知高的个体更愿意保护环境并为环境活动贡献金钱.(2)物质主义价值观在社会阶层影响亲环境行为中起完全中介作用,即高社会阶层的个体物质主义程度较低并更加亲环境,而低社会阶层的个体则...  相似文献   

采用方便取样法对750名大学生进行问卷调查,深入探讨家庭理财教育与大学生炫耀性消费的关系,重点考察物质主义的中介作用和自我控制的调节作用。结果表明:(1)家庭理财教育负向预测大学生的炫耀性消费;(2)物质主义在家庭理财教育与炫耀性消费之间起部分中介作用;(3)自我控制调节了家庭理财教育通过物质主义影响大学生炫耀性消费中介过程的后半路径。该结果对减少大学生炫耀性消费行为具有一定的理论和实践价值。  相似文献   

从进化心理学视角探究童年环境、成年人价值观和绿色消费的关系,为培养健康理性的消费行为提供有益启示。通过专项问卷调查收集1028个样本,运用方差分析、线性回归等进行实证分析。研究发现个体童年SES显著正向影响成年后的绿色消费行为,物质主义价值观在二者之间起显著中介效应;传统价值观显著正向影响绿色消费,且在物质主义影响绿色消费过程中起调节效应;绿色消费也会随着代际、教育程度、职业类型和当前SES的不同而呈现一定差异。  相似文献   

小学儿童句法意识、语音意识与阅读理解成绩的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文考察了小学二年级和四年级儿童句法意识、语音意识与阅读理解成绩之间的关系.结果发现,对于二年级学生,句法意识预测了词汇理解和句子理解的成绩;语音意识预测了课文理解的成绩.对于四年级学生,句法意识预测了词汇理解、篇章理解的成绩;句法意识和语音意识预测了句子理解的成绩.结果表明,句法意识和语音意识是影响小学儿童阅读理解能力发展的重要因素,语音意识对阅读理解成绩的预测作用不如句法意识的预测作用稳定.  相似文献   

李萍 《学海》2004,(1):108-112
道德的功能主要以如下两种方式体现 :一个是他律的 ,一个是自律的。前者强调行为者之外的约束力量 ;后者注重行为者本身的因素。但是 ,在日本社会 ,道德的经常表现形式却是“诚” ,它是一种介于自律与他律之间的“强制式自愿”力量。“诚”的存在使我们认识到 ,道德的民族性差异仍然真切地、实际地影响着各个民族的社会生活。  相似文献   

采用大学生压力量表、反刍思维量表、青少年心理韧性量表和匹兹堡睡眠指数量表调查684位大学生(被试平均年龄为20.26岁;SD = 1.08),探讨反刍思维和心理韧性在压力和睡眠质量之间的链式中介作用。结果表明:(1)压力对睡眠质量有显著的负向预测作用;(2)压力可通过反刍思维和心理韧性的独立中介作用及反刍思维和心理韧性的链式中介作用间接预测睡眠质量。本研究揭示了压力和睡眠质量的关系及作用机制,深化了大学生压力对睡眠质量影响的研究。  相似文献   

The interpersonal-psychological theory of suicide posits that the interaction of three elements is required for lethal suicidal behaviors: the perception that one is a burden on others, the perception that one does not belong, and fearlessness about death combined with high pain tolerance (termed “acquired capability” for suicide). Although an ever expanding research base supports the theory, very limited data exist supporting the theory among military personnel, a group that has experienced a rapid increase in suicides during the past several years. The current study tests the interpersonal-psychological theory in two clinical samples of military personnel while deployed to Iraq: those seeking treatment for mild traumatic brain injury, and those seeking outpatient mental health treatment. In both samples, perceived burdensomeness and acquired capability were significantly associated with suicidality, as was their interaction term. Results partially support the interpersonal-psychological theory of suicide, and indicate that perceptions of burdensomeness combined with fearlessness about death are associated with increased suicidality among deployed military personnel.  相似文献   

The present study examines both the unique and the combined role of best friends' delinquency and perceived friendship quality in the development of adolescent delinquency. Questionnaire data were gathered from 435 Dutch adolescent best friends (mean age at first wave = 12.97) over a period of 5 years with annual assessments. Results showed that mean levels of delinquency and perceived friendship quality increased over time. Adolescent best friends were highly similar in both mean levels and changes in delinquency over time. For boys, similarity in mean level delinquency between best friends was higher than for girls. In addition, only for boys, friends' delinquency is associated with increases in adolescent delinquency over time, and adolescents' delinquency is associated with increases in friends' delinquency over time. No bidirectional longitudinal associations were found between perceived friendship quality and adolescent delinquency. No interaction effects between friendship quality and friends' delinquency on adolescent delinquency were found. Thus, findings were more in support of the differential association theory than of the social control theory.  相似文献   

The persuasive power of values-based political messages may depend on recipients having (1) shared values with the speaker (a type of personal identity match ); (2) shared political party identifications with the speaker (a type of social identity match ); and/or (3) expectations about values traditionally associated with different political parties (an expectancy violation/confirmation ). The independent and joint effects of these factors on the success of a persuasive message were examined, using the theoretical framework of dual-process models of persuasion. Participants (N = 301), classified according to their party identifications and primary value orientations, read a political speech that varied by argument quality, speaker party, and values evoked. Results indicated that value matching promotes close attention to the message, while party mismatching increases message rejection. These effects depend to some extent, however, on expectancies about values traditionally associated with different parties. Participants especially rejected messages from rival party members when the speaker evoked unexpected values. Results are discussed in terms of their implications for the efficacy of values-based political communication.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the attitudes of university students in Turkey toward lesbians and gay men. Findings indicate that relatively negative attitudes toward lesbians and gay men are prevalent, but attitudes toward lesbians seem to be more positive than attitudes toward gay men. Gender differences directly affect attitudes, and religiosity also has great impact on the attitudes of the students toward lesbians and gay men. An active sex life and liberal attitudes toward premarital relations correlate with more positive attitudes toward homosexual persons. Finally, the data indicate that interpersonal contact with gay men and lesbians is associated with positive attitudes toward homosexuals.  相似文献   

This paper explores differences and similarities in sexual attitudes among university students 18 years or older of different sexual orientation in Havana, Tromsø, and Cape Town. In the period 2004–5, a questionnaire survey on sexuality, happiness and life satisfaction, was undertaken among 318 students from the University of Havana, 144 students from the University of Tromsø, and 182 students from the University of the Western Cape. The respondents in Cape Town generally expressed more restrictive attitudes toward sexuality than respondents in the other two samples. The dimensionality of attitudes was studied, and three interpretable dimensions were identified: Sexual novelty seeking; Individualization and equality; and Fidelity. Attitudes toward sexual novelty seeking were most efficient in separating straight men and women, and queer men and women in the three samples. The samples were also different in their acceptance of infidelity. More research is needed to further explore cultural differences in sexual attitudes.  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法,以 463 名初中生为被试,探讨了初中生感知到的数学家庭作业质量、控制感和家庭作业情绪影响家庭作业努力的内在作用机制。结果发现:(1)积极数学家庭作业情绪和消极数学家庭作业情绪均在数学家庭作业质量和数学家庭作业努力之间起完全中介作用;(2)数学家庭作业质量可以通过数学控制感分别经积极和消极数学家庭作业情绪的多重中介来预测数学家庭作业努力。研究表明,初中生感知到的数学家庭作业质量、控制感和家庭作业情绪均是其家庭作业努力的重要影响因素。  相似文献   

Clinicians have relatively low uptake and implementation of evidence-based psychotherapies for the eating disorders, and this problem appears to be associated with low use of manualized approaches. This study examines clinicians' positive and negative attitudes to manuals, and possible beliefs and emotional factors that might drive those attitudes. The participants were 125 psychological therapists working with eating-disordered patients. Each completed standardised measures of attitudes to manuals and emotional states. A number of beliefs about the content of manuals were associated with both positive attitudes to the outcome of treatment and negative attitudes to their impact on the treatment process. In addition, a more positive mood was associated with more positive attitudes. Suggestions are made regarding how attitudes might be made more positive, in order to facilitate the use of evidence-based therapies for eating disorders.  相似文献   

The present study compares the career-related interests and values of Asian-American and Caucasian-American college students and explores the relationships among career interests, perceived control, and acculturation. Career-related interests were defined by Holland's (1959, 1985a) model of vocational personality types and work environments, and career-related values were defined by Schein's (1987) career anchors. The Career Anchor Inventory (Nordvik, 1991), the Self-Directed Search (Holland, 1991), and the Spheres of Control Scale (Paulhus & Van Selst, 1990), were completed by 184 Asian-American and 130 Caucasian-American undergraduate students. The Asian-Americans also completed the Suinn-Lew Asian Self-Identity Acculturation Scale (Suinn, Rickard-Figueroa, Lew & Vigil, 1987). In comparison to Caucasian-American students, Asian-American students showed higher interest in the Investigative and Conventional vocational categories, but lower interest in the Social category. Asian-American subjects were lower in perceived control in the Personal and Interpersonal spheres. Among the Asian-Americans, acculturation was positively correlated with perceived control in the Personal and Interpersonal spheres and with the Enterprising vocational category. Acculturation was negatively correlated with Investigative and Conventional interests.  相似文献   

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