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采用社交网站中的积极自我呈现和真实自我呈现问卷、积极情绪量表、领悟社会支持量表和生活满意度问卷对武汉某高校645名在校大学生进行调查,探讨了社交网站中的积极自我呈现、真实自我呈现对个体生活满意的影响以及积极情绪和社会支持在其中的中介作用,结果发现:(1)社交网站中的积极自我呈现和真实自我呈现与积极情绪、社会支持和生活满意度都呈显著正相关;(2)真实和积极自我呈现对生活满意度都有显著的直接预测作用;此外,真实自我呈现还可以通过社会支持的中介作用对生活满意度产生影响,而积极自我呈现不仅可以通过积极情绪的单独中介作用对生活满意度产生影响,还能通过积极情绪-社会支持的链式中介作用对生活满意度产生影响。  相似文献   

睡眠不足已然成为当代中小学生普遍面临的问题。为考察社会支持与情绪调节自我效能感在睡眠不足与中小学生负性情绪关系间的中介作用,研究采用睡眠不足问卷、抑郁-焦虑-压力量表简体中文版、社会支持评定量表和情绪调节自我效能感量表,以整群抽样法抽取江苏、安徽1103名中小学生进行调查。结果发现:(1)睡眠不足显著正向预测中小学生负性情绪;(2)社会支持与管理消极情绪自我效能感在睡眠不足与中小学生负性情绪间发挥单独中介作用;表达积极情绪自我效能感的中介作用不显著;(3)社会支持与管理消极情绪自我效能感在睡眠不足与中小学生负性情绪间发挥链式中介作用。可见,睡眠不足对中小学生负性情绪有显著预测作用,社会支持、管理消极情绪自我效能感在其中具有单独及链式中介效应。  相似文献   

为探讨被动性社交网站使用行为、上行社会比较与主观幸福感的两个成分——情绪和生活满意度的关系,采用问卷法对1168名大学生进行调查。结果发现:(1)被动性社交网站使用与上行社会比较和消极情绪显著正相关,与积极情绪以及生活满意度显著负相关;上行社会比较与积极情绪以及生活满意度都呈显著负相关,与消极情绪显著正相关;积极情绪与生活满意度显著正相关;消极情绪与生活满意度显著负相关;(2)被动性社交网站使用对情绪和生活满意度都没有直接的预测作用,但能通过上行社会比较的中介作用预测积极情绪、消极情绪和生活满意度;(3)被动性社交网站使用还可以通过两条链式中介作用预测生活满意度:通过上行社会比较和积极情绪的链式中介作用;通过上行社会比较和消极情绪的链式中介作用。研究结果进一步揭示了被动性社交网站使用与主观幸福感的关系及其作用机制,能为网络时代个体维护和提升主观幸福感提供有益启示。  相似文献   

目的:基于感恩对生活满意度的独特预测作用,在应对方式、自尊、情绪、一般自我效能感中探讨哪些中介变量可能是感恩能够独特预测生活满意度的原因。方法:采用Rosenberg自尊量表、一般自我效能感量表(GSES)、积极情绪和消极情绪量表(PANAS)、简易应对方式问卷(SCSQ)、大五人格简版问卷(NE0-FFI)测量338名大学生。结果:(1)控制性别、人格后一般自我效能感、应对方式、消极情绪的回归效应不显著;自尊和积极情绪的回归效应显著。(2)控制性别、人格后自尊的中介效应显著,积极情绪的中介效应不显著,自尊和情绪的对比中介效应显著。结论:(1)应对方式、消极情绪、一般自我效能感等中介变量在感恩与生活满意度间的中介作用可能受人格的影响。(2)自尊可能是感恩能够独特预测生活满意度的原因,自尊与生活满意度可能存在因果关系。  相似文献   

基于资源保存理论,采用主动性人格量表、领悟社会支持量表、正性−负性情绪量表和学习投入量表对544名在校大学生进行问卷调查,通过结构方程建模来考察主动性人格、领悟社会支持和积极情绪对学习投入的影响。结果发现,主动性人格、领悟社会支持和积极情绪均能够正向预测学生学习投入;领悟社会支持和积极情绪在主动性人格对学习投入的影响中起到链式中介作用。  相似文献   

为探讨父母婚姻质量、情绪表达、教养行为和儿童亲社会行为的关系,研究采用夫妻适应量表、父母情绪表达量表、教养行为量表和长处量表对贵州省某市2所1~6年级的442名学龄儿童父母进行调查。结果表明:(1)父母婚姻质量与儿童亲社会行为显著正相关;(2)父母积极情绪表达和接纳陪伴教养行为在婚姻质量和儿童亲社会行为间起中介作用,包括积极情绪表达独立中介作用、接纳陪伴教养行为独立中介作用和积极情绪表达-接纳陪伴教养行为的链式中介作用;(3)链式中介效应存在儿童性别差异。因此,改善婚姻质量、增加积极情绪表达、持亲和教养行为,有利于促进孩子亲社会行为发展。  相似文献   

基于心理应激理论、素质-压力三模式以及社会支持主效果模型考察领悟社会支持、积极应对方式和消极应对方式在压力与抑郁关系中的链式中介效应,使用压力量表、领悟社会支持量表、应对方式量表和抑郁量表对抽取的641名大学生进行调查。研究显示:(1)领悟社会支持中介了压力对大学生抑郁的影响;(2)积极应对方式、消极应对方式中介了领悟社会支持对大学生抑郁的影响。因此,领悟社会支持以及应对方式在压力与大学生抑郁之间起链式中介作用。  相似文献   

崔丽霞  刘娟  罗小婧 《心理科学》2014,37(4):980-984
本研究旨在探索预先应对和积极情绪在社会支持和抑郁间的中介作用。采用两个时间点的纵向数据搜集方式对181名大学生施以量表,然后通过路径分析对假设的中介模型进行拟合度检验,结果表明:(1)预先应对是社会支持和积极情绪之间的部分中介变量;(2)积极情绪是社会支持和预先应对与抑郁间的中介变量。结论:社会支持是预防抑郁的重要途径,提升预先应对策略和积极情绪的体验可以进一步增进社会支持对抑郁的缓解作用。  相似文献   

为了探讨配偶排斥对女性离婚意愿的影响,以及愤怒情绪和婚姻满意度在其中的中介作用,对543名已婚女性施测了社会排斥体验量表、特质愤怒问卷、婚姻满意度问卷以及离婚意愿问卷。中介效应检验结果表明,配偶排斥显著正向预测女性的离婚意愿,愤怒情绪和婚姻满意度分别在二者之间起中介作用,同时配偶排斥还顺序地先通过导致愤怒情绪增加,再使得婚姻满意度降低这一链式路径对女性的离婚意愿产生影响。未来可以通过减少配偶排斥以及减弱愤怒情绪和提升婚姻满意度的途径来增加婚姻稳定性。  相似文献   

为考察领导效能、工作满意度在情绪智力与农村小学校长职业倦怠关系中的链式中介效应,采用情绪智力量表、领导效能量表、工作满意度量表和职业倦怠量表对258名农村小学校长进行调查。结果表明:(1)情绪智力会负向预测农村小学校长职业倦怠;(2)领导效能是情绪智力与农村小学校长职业倦怠之间的中介变量;(3)工作满意度是领导效能与农村小学校长职业倦怠之间的中介变量。因此,领导效能和工作满意度在情绪智力与农村小学校长职业倦怠之间起链式中介作用,这些结果对于农村小学校长职业倦怠的预防与干预具有重要的价值。  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the mediator effects of social support and self-esteem on the relationship between humor style and life satisfaction in Chinese college students. We had 477 university students, with age range of 18–23 respond to self-report measures of humor style questionnaire, multi-dimensional scale of perceived social support, Rosenberg self-esteem scale and satisfaction with life scale. Results of structural equation modeling showed that social support and self-esteem fully mediated the relationship between affiliative humor, self-enhancing humor and life satisfaction. The final model also revealed a significant path from affiliative humor, self-enhancing humor through social support and self-esteem to life satisfaction. The results are discussed in terms of the conceptional context.  相似文献   

Individual differences in humor styles have been identified, and these humor styles appear to be differentially related to well-being. The present study sought to replicate and extend previous findings by (1) investigating whether the differential effects of humor styles on well-being may be explained by their associations with social support, and (2) whether the weak and inconsistent relationship between aggressive humor and well-being may be due to a moderating role of gender. A total of 826 undergraduate students completed a series of online standardized questionnaires, including the Humor Styles Questionnaire, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II), Satisfaction with Life Scale, and Interpersonal Support Evaluation List (ISEL-12). Mediation analyses revealed that the positive relationship between affiliative and self-enhancing humor and well-being was explained by a greater perceived availability of support. Meanwhile, the negative association between self-defeating humor and well-being was mediated by lower levels of perceived support. Moderation analyses provided preliminary support for the idea that an aggressive humor style may be related to higher levels of social support among men, and lower social support among women. Further research on the interpersonal context of humor and the role of gender in humor styles, social relationships, and well-being is warranted.  相似文献   

This study attempts to ascertain whether alexithymia, suppression and reappraisal coping, and humor styles account for incremental variance in happiness (Lyubomirsky’s scale) and psychological well-being (Ryff’s scale), after controlling for Big Five traits and emotional positivity ratio of previous day’s mood. A total of 355 psychology undergraduates (72 % women) responded to measures of each construct, and two hierarchical multiple regressions were carried out for happiness and psychological well-being. The Big Five were entered in the first regression block, alexithymia was entered in a second block, and affiliative, self-enhancing, aggressive and self-defeating humor style, reappraisal and suppression coping were entered in the third block, and previous day’s mood in the last step. Alexithymia accounted for a small proportion of variance in psychological well-being, controlling for the Big Five traits. Suppression and affiliative, self-enhancing and self-defeating humor explained a complementary amount of variance in happiness and psychological well-being, controlling for the previous day’s mood, confirming the association of emotional regulation and affect with judgments of happiness and well-being. Taking into account humor and suppression, the multivariate association of alexithymia disappears. Results suggest that low suppression, low self-critical use of humor and affiliative humor are correlates of psychological well-being, whereas self-enhancing humor and low suppression are correlates of happiness, playing a mediational role between personality traits and well-being.  相似文献   

高洁  温忠麟  王阳  崔佳 《心理科学》2019,(4):913-919
采用幽默风格量表(HSQ)、领导成员交换量表(LMX-16)和团队内部学习问卷,以325名事业单位员工为调查对象,研究了领导幽默风格和团队内部学习、领导成员交换的关系。结果发现:(1)亲和型领导幽默和自强型领导幽默正向影响团队内部学习,嘲讽型领导幽默和自贬型领导幽默负向影响团队内部学习。(2)亲和型领导幽默和嘲讽型领导幽默对团队内部学习的影响完全通过领导成员交换起作用,自强型领导幽默对团队内部学习的影响部分通过领导成员交换起作用。(3)自强型领导幽默与嘲讽型领导幽默通过领导成员交换对团队内部学习的影响都大于亲和型领导幽默;自强型领导幽默对团队内部学习的直接效应大于自贬型领导幽默。  相似文献   

In this study, we assessed cross-cultural differences in the extent to which general emotional intelligence is linked to life satisfaction and analyzed mediators of this relationship. We used data from an individualistic culture (Germany) and a collectivistic culture (India) and had university students respond to self-report measures of life satisfaction, positive and negative affect, emotional intelligence, perceived social support, and independent and interdependent self-construals. In line with our hypotheses, we found that Indian students reported less subjective well-being and emotional intelligence than German students. Emotional intelligence was associated with life satisfaction to a higher degree in Germany than in India. In Germany, independent but not interdependent self-construal was related to emotional intelligence; in India, both independent and interdependent self-construals were significantly associated with emotional intelligence. Results of structural equation modeling provided support for our hypotheses regarding mediational models in that the effect of emotional intelligence on life satisfaction was fully mediated by affect balance in Germany and by perceived social support in India.  相似文献   

Two studies (n?=?73, n?=?132) explored the association between sense of humor and trauma-related well-being outcomes. It was found that sense of humor was not associated with reports of posttraumatic growth as measured by the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI). Self-enhancing humor was positively associated with positive changes as measured by the CiOQ-P. Benign humor styles were associated negatively with emotion regulation difficulties and negative changes (CiOQ-N). Self-defeating humor was associated positively with negative changes, avoidant states, and emotion regulation difficulties. The results suggest that self-enhancing humor could be helpful in order to cope with trauma.  相似文献   

大学生幽默风格与精神健康关系的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:测试幽默风格量表在中国大学生中的信度和效度,探讨幽默风格与精神健康之间的关系。方法:354名大学生接受幽默风格量表和症状自评量表(SCL-90)的问卷调查,4周后74名大学生重新填写幽默风格量表。结果:幽默风格量表所提出的4个因子结构在中国人的样本中也存在,该量表的信度和效度可接受。中国被试在4个子量表的得分均低于加拿大被试的得分。亲和型幽默、自强型幽默得分与症状自评量表的子量表以及总体症状指数得分全部呈现负相关,而嘲讽型幽默和自贬型幽默得分与症状自评量表的子量表以及总体症状指数得分全部呈现正相关。结论:(1)该量表的初步测试效度和信度可接受,但须结合中国文化作进一步的修订;(2)亲和型和自强型幽默有益于精神健康,但嘲讽型和自贬型幽默有害于精神健康;(3)中国人与加拿大人在幽默风格、幽默对精神健康起作用的方式上存在一定的文化差异。  相似文献   

The primary goal of this research was to examine the role of humor styles in the relationships between personality (extraversion and neuroticism) and two components of subjective well-being: life satisfaction and affective well-being. The sample consisted of 225 young adults, with mean age 23.61 years. Results indicated that the relationship between both extraversion and neuroticism and satisfaction with life could be partially explained by the mediating role of self-enhancing humor. Additionally, affiliative humor proved to be a partial mediator of the relationship between neuroticism and affective well-being. The findings of this research suggested that adaptive humor styles might be one of the mechanisms linking personality and subjective well-being.  相似文献   

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