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Originally it was thought that prejudiced intergroup attitudes were very closely related to negative intergroup behavior. More recently, empirical studies reveal a weak and inconsistent relationship, that discriminatory intergroup behavior is therefore largely determined by situational factors, and that it is relatively independent of an individual’s attitudes. A detailed review of this research, however, suggests that the relationship between prejudice and behavior may be much more consistent than has been thought. Moreover, although the relationship is usually not very powerful, most research has involved methodological inadequacies which would have inappropriately depressed it. Finally, it is noted that, for negative intergroup behavior to be situationally determined, does not exclude a strong relationship between it and prejudiced attitudes.  相似文献   


This paper reviews three theoretical models of how prejudice affects the self-esteem of its targets. The stimulus-response model assumes that prejudice has a direct, negative effect on self-esteem. The stimulus-perception-response model recognises that perceptions of prejudice may not directly mirror experiences with prejudice, but predicts that the subjective perception of being a target of prejudice has a direct, negative effect on self-esteem. Both of these models are found to be inadequate. We propose a third, transactional model, which assumes that individuals do not respond in uniform way to being the target of prejudice. Rather, this model contends that self-esteem and emotional responses to prejudice are determined by cognitive appraisals of prejudicial events and coping strategies used in response to these events; these processes, in turn, are shaped by personal, situational, and structural factors. Experiments are presented showing that self-esteem in response to perceived prejudice is moderated by presence or absence of threats to personal identity, clarity of prejudices cues in the situation, ingroup identification, dispositional optimism, endorsement of legitimising ideologies, and group status. We argue that a transactional model of responses to prejudice emphasises sources of resistance as well as vulnerability among targets of prejudice.  相似文献   

Of all the risk factors for the development of antisocial behavior, “maleness” is by far the most robust predictor. Among the numerous biological factors that have been identified as increasing risk for antisocial behavior, one of the most well-supported has inexplicably received very little attention with regard to implications for explaining why maleness is such a robust predictor. That factor is the low activity form of the monoamine oxidase-A gene. A major reason for this inattention to the MAOA-L gene appears to be the failure to appreciate that its location on the X chromosome reflects the enormous biological disadvantage of the male compared to the female. This article, after presenting a brief overview of the research which establishes that MAOA-L is one of the most well-supported biological risk factors for antisocial behaviors, explained how the enormous male biological disadvantage related to the sex difference in the prevalence of MAOA-L and thus helped explain why maleness is the most robust predictor of antisocial behavior.  相似文献   

This review deals with possible central and peripheral effects of androgens upon primate aggressive behavior. One problem that clouds interpretation of experimental work is that measurements of dominance have often been employed, such as competition tests for food and water. Such measures often do not correlate with those obtained by quantifying aggressive interactions. It should be remembered that very few of the 188 primate species have been studied experimentally and that great behavioral and physiological diversity occurs within the order. Therefore, generalizations about the effects of androgens upon aggressive behavior in primates (including man) should be made with caution. Testosterone has an organizing influence upon the foetal brain of rhesus monkeys and may affect the development of neural mechanisms which govern aggression in males. More data are required on primates, however, since rhesus monkeys show some important differences from rodents as regards the effects of androgen upon sexual differentiation of the hypothalamus. In future, marmosets may provide a suitable model for such studies, because there is evidence that sexual differentiation of brain by androgen occurs postnatally in these monkeys. At puberty, male primates show a variety of behavioral changes and, during adulthood, males of seasonally breeding species may be more aggressive during the mating season, when testosterone levels are maximal. This does not indicate a causative relationship between testosterone and aggressive responses, because castration and androgen treatments have little effect upon aggression in prepubertal or adult males of several primate species. Androgens have pronounced effects on sexual responses in adult male monkeys, but their central effects upon aggression are much less important than among rodents. Elec trical stimulation of hypothalamic pathways has been employed to evoke aggressive behavior in marmosets and rhesus monkeys. In the rhesus, preliminary evidence indicates that such pathways show some sensitivity to androgens. In rodents it is known that these areas are richly supplied with monoaminergic neurons, which play an important role in aggressive behavior. There is little evidence on primates, however, and this remains a crucial topic for future research. Peripheral effects of androgens should also be considered. Many prosimians and New World monkeys use scent-marking behaviors and, in males, androgen-dependent chemical cues may be involved in sexual recognition and territorial behavior. This possibility awaits investigation. Finally, plasma testosterone levels may alter as a function of aggression itself; thus levels decrease if male rhesus monkeys are defeated by conspecifics. This might occur because neural events associated with giving (or receiving) aggression also influence pituitary function and hence alter gonadal testosterone secretion. Theoretically, it is possible that such changes in circulating testosterone might affect aggressive behavior via a feedback action on the brain, but the experimental evidence does not support such a view.  相似文献   

Researchers have developed precursor functional analyses to provide an alternative, and presumably safer, format for functional analysis of severe problem behavior. When researchers use functional analysis contingencies for precursor behaviors, it is possible to infer functional characteristics about severe problem behaviors based on patterns of less severe precursor behaviors, permitting practitioners to complete the assessment with less risk to clients, practitioners, or others. The current paper discusses recent advances in the development and validation of precursor identification, and offers suggestions and future directions for investigating and implementing precursor functional analyses. We propose a decision‐making model, in which practitioners integrate procedures to identify precursors into the functional‐analysis process, to expedite the analysis of severe problem behaviors.  相似文献   

A variety of strategies have been employed in assessing the role of catecholamines (CA) in predatory behavior; the results of these various approaches are reviewed. While it remains difficult to ascribe a single biologically significant role to CA at this time, this may at least in part reflect measurement considerations, problems in the widely varying experimental models, pharmacologic side effects, and failures to categorically distinguish the differing contributions of individual CA systems in the control of predation. The potential role of such factors in determining the outcome of an experiment are reviewed and possible functional contributions of CA systems are suggested.  相似文献   

This article examined the research in vocational and organizational behavior published during 1985. The review was organized around research themes in vocational behavior (person-environment fit, gender influences, cultural groups, career planning and decision making, and job search and recruitment) as well as behavioral issues in organizational settings (staffing techniques, individual behavior and performance, leadership, reactions to organizational life, career transitions, and work and the quality of life). The review was followed by a global assessment of the literature and several suggestions regarding future research.  相似文献   

Studies 1 and 2 of this paper were designed to reexamine the assumption that women and men are prejudiced against women. Subjects were 50 college women, 40 college men, 40 high-school women and 40 high-school men who were presented with four employment applications for evaluation. The names referring to the gender of the applicants were manipulated so that half of the subjects were shown the two most qualified applicants as female and the two least qualified as male. The other half of the subjects were shown the reverse of this. The results for this factor, with women subjects, revealed that the sex of the applicants did not interfere with or distort the subject's judgments (p>.25). The men subjects did not show a preference for or a prejudice against applicants of either sex (p>.05). The qualifications of the applicants were selected according to each subject's previous ranking of 10 job-related characteristics. The results for this factor, with women subjects, indicated a significant difference between the subjects' ranking of the characteristics and their final selection of the applicants (p<.05). The men subjects showed no significant difference between the subjects' rankings of the job-related characteristics and their rating of the applicants (p>.05). No significant interaction between factors was found for either population of subjects (p>.05). This research reflects changing attitudes of women towards women and provides new insights regarding men's attitudes toward their own sex.The authors of this paper would like to extend our sincere gratitude to Dr. John Schaeuble for his continuous support of this research endeavor.  相似文献   

The objective of this first literature review, in this area, is to unveil the current status of knowledge on superstition in sport. Its outcome reveals that superstitious behaviors vary with the type of sport, athletic level, as well as athletic role. In agreement with past theories, they increase with the level of challenge, as reflected by the importance of the competition, as well as with the level of uncertainty. Cultural factors, in conjunction with the education level, as well as gender, have a strong influence on superstitious behaviors in sports. Based on current thoughts, religiosity and superstition are different psychological constructs used as psychological aids by several athletes. Personality factors appear to mediate the manifestation of the behavior. Elite athletes are clearly more superstitious than non‐elite athletes, An interaction between athletic skill and task‐difficulty emerges to be another strong predictor of superstition in sport. It is evident that a set of complex personal and situational factors interact in the manifestation of superstitious behavior in sport that is used for the regulation of emotions in a quest for optimal performance. It is concluded that the objective benefits (i.e., success) of superstition in sport may be ascribed to the placebo effect that yields an increased sense of control and mental reassurance in unpredictable contest situations.  相似文献   

Factors affecting spontaneous alternation behavior (SAB) in animals, for example, age, gender and species studied; type of apparatus and cues employed; and neuro-anatomical, neuro-chemical and motivational status of the organism, were reviewed. Despite a myriad of experiments showing interesting main effects of such variables, little research has been performed assessing the interactive affects of these factors on alternation behavior. For example, psychologists test rats in central nervous system (CNS) lesion studies, whereas psychopharmacologists tend to assess SAB in mice. Most importantly, studies have not been reported investigating the possible interactions among species, brain lesions and drugs. This is an unfortunate omission since several important alternation models include propositions relating to cholinergic and/or serotonergic coding in the hippocampus. Examination of behavioral studies revealed the primary cue for alternation among invertebrates to be body turn, whereas vertebrates rely primarily on directional and odor cues. Reference to the seeking of stimulus change remains the most compelling motivational account of why animals manifest this ubiquitious and reliable behavior pattern. This review and the unpublished studies were supported by Research Grants MH16962, MH21288, and MH36491 from the National Institute of Mental Health and the Wake Forest University Research and Publication Fund.  相似文献   

The following paper presents theoretical, empirical, and ethical rationales for the training of parents as behavior therapists for their own children. Thirty-four studies, ranging from single case studies to reports on large-scale, multi-family training programs, are critically reviewed, with primary emphasis on the nature and extent of parental involvement and responsibility, and on the level of methodological sophistication. Related papers are cited when appropriate. Further research and areas needing theoretical clarification are suggested, in relation to the future and expansion of this type of therapeutic intervention. In addition the implications of such an approach for both a “systems” model of child therapy and a prevention-oriented model of mental health services are discussed.  相似文献   

Selected books and articles published in 1979 are summarized in this review of the literature on vocational behavior and career development. The articles are in journals representing the fields of vocational psychology, sociology, and organizational behavior. The topics covered include: perspectives on work; assessment measures; vocational aspirations-choice; job seeking and recruitment; occupational careers; motivations, needs, and goals; worker adjustment; work and the social structure; and interventions. The paper concludes with observations on literature trends and research needs.  相似文献   

This article reviews the literature related to vocational behavior and career development published during 1983. Journals in the fields of psychology, sociology, and organizational behavior were examined, and 445 relevant articles published in 42 different journals were identified. The review is organized around issues pertinent to the counseling psychology perspective (i.e., career development, vocational choice, vocational behavior of women, assessment, intervention strategies) and the industrial/organizational psychology perspective (i.e., personnel functions, worker adjustment problems, work adjustment) on vocational behavior.  相似文献   

In sum, the research in 1978 was diverse and of good quality and quantity. However, there continues to be a clear need for longitudinal research of all kinds (in particular on the career development process) and a need for additional research with the employed adult population, although the past few years demonstrate improvement in the latter area.In 1978 the most productive research area as suggested by this review was associated with the women's movement and manifested by research primarily on sex stereotyping and women's careers. Ranking second was the topic of theoretical developments in vocational behavior led by the research on Holland's constructs. These two research trends accounted for about 50 studies; 26 and 24, respectively. Job satisfaction assumed the third position with some concentration on satisfaction and work motivation. Next and very much clustered were life-span aspects, assessment, and job performance. Each of these research themes stimulated about 17 studies that were reviewed here. Vocational interventions and race differences received moderate attention while job interview variables and occupational environments sparked very limited work in the more psychologically oriented journals.The major contributor to the 1978 review was of course the Journal of Vocational Behavior (62 studies), followed by the Journal of Applied Psychology (25 studies). Five other journals contributed an average of about 10 studies. These were the Journal of Counseling Psychology, Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Guidance, the Journal of Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, Personnel Psychology, and the Vocational Guidance Quarterly. These appear to be the major journals publishing work on vocational behavior and career development.Finally, the volume of research on vocational psychology continued on an upward trend in 1978. This review and the previous reviews (Betz, 1977; Osipow, 1976; Zytowski, 1978) clearly document this trend.  相似文献   

This review covers selections from the literature published in 1976 on topics of interest in vocational and career behavior and development. Both theoretical and research contributions are included, representing investigations in vocational choice, career maturity and development, stereotyping, measurement, vocational behavior, and related variables.  相似文献   

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