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Pickard  Jennifer  Strough  JoNell 《Sex roles》2003,48(9-10):421-432
The study addressed whether or not masculinity and femininity as indexed by state measures of gender-typed behaviors changed when participants worked with asame-sex or other-sex peer. In a within-subjects design, 80 college students (40 women and 40 men, M age = 19.5 years, SD = 2.10) worked with a man and a woman confederate on a collaborative task. State masculinity and femininity measures were created from existing trait measures (Bem, 1974; Boldizar, 1991). Men and women reported greater state femininity when working with an other-sex partner than when working with a same-sex partner. State masculinity did not vary as a function of same-sex and other-sex contexts. Implications of these findings for understanding how social interactions contribute to the construction of masculinity and femininity are discussed.  相似文献   

Masculinity and femininity are both psychological and sociocultural constructs that test developers have attempted to assess for many years. The author examines the history of the measurement of masculinity and femininity from the 1920s through 2000, addresses relevant theory, and considers criticisms of masculinity and femininity measurement as well as the challenges of responding to them. Implications of the use of such measures by counselors, researchers, and counselor educators are discussed.  相似文献   

Sex Differences in Loneliness: The Role of Masculinity and Femininity   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cramer  Kenneth M.  Neyedley  Kimberley A. 《Sex roles》1998,38(7-8):645-653
The present study assessed the magnitude of sexdifferences in loneliness after accounting for theinfluence of two covariates: masculinity and femininity.The 256 participants (principally White, somewhat affluent, and middle-class university students)completed both the UCLA Loneliness Scale and the Bem SexRole Inventory. Whereas sex differences were originallynonsignificant (males tended to be lonelier than females), this difference was significantafter accounting for masculinity (not femininity)embedded in participants' loneliness scores. Similarresults emerged when the covariates were partialled out of both loneliness (criterion) and sex(predictor). These findings support the hypothesis thatmales appear reluctant to admit feelings of loneliness.Male reluctance to personally admit social deficits such as loneliness is suggested for futureresearch.  相似文献   

Dear  Greg E.  Roberts  Clare M. 《Sex roles》2002,46(5-6):159-165
Feminist writers critical of the codependency model have argued that codependency refers to an overly strong conformity to the traditional feminine role. Canonical correlation analysis using data from 192 first-year university students found a moderate association between codependency and gender-role identification. The specific nature of this association varied with different aspects of codependency. External focus (approval seeking) was associated with high scores on the negative aspects of femininity and low scores on positive aspects of masculinity. Self-sacrificing was associated with high positive femininity and low negative masculinity. Women scored higher than men on one aspect of codependency: external focus. Although the data are broadly consistent with a feminist critique of codependency, the relationship between codependency and gender-role identification appears to be more complex than previously suggested.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This study sought to investigate the relationship between masculinity, femininity, and marital satisfaction. A number of polynomial multiple regression analyses were performed in an effort to determine the validity of six theoretical models linking sex roles to marital satisfaction. These are the femininity model, masculinity model, sex-typed model, additive androgynous model, interactive androgynous model, and curvilinear model. The sample was composed of 117 couples who completed the Bem Sex-Role Inventory (Bem, 1974) and the Dyadic Adjustment Scale (Spanier, 1976). For men, the results showed that marital satisfaction was related to (a) their self-described levels of femininity and masculinity, (b) the level of self-described femininity of their wives, and (c) the presence of feminine qualities as well as a limited optimal level of masculine qualities which they perceived in their wives. For women, marital satisfaction was associated with (a) the number of self-described feminine qualities and (b) the level of masculinity, as well as an optimal level of femininity, which they perceived in their husbands. Further-more, small actual-ideal discrepancies in levels of masculinity and femininity ascribed to partners constituted reliable predictors of marital satisfaction for both men and women.  相似文献   

A self-report inventory was designed to assess a wide assortment of traits alleged to be components of masculinity or femininity and traits in which sex differences have been found. Factor analyses of data from men, women, and a combined sample revealed 12 recurring factors. Four of the factors reprint aspects of femininity, and six represent aspects of masculinity. Of the remaining two factors one is a bipolar factor contrasting a feminine quality with a masculine one, and the other represents a trait that can assume tither a masculine or a feminine form. Subsequent factor analyses of data from a shortened questionnaire showed the factors to be reasonably replicable. This research underscores the multidimensionality of masculinity and femininity.  相似文献   

Sugihara  Yoko  Katsurada  Emiko 《Sex roles》1999,40(7-8):635-646
This study examined masculinity and femininityin Japanese culture. Two hundred sixty-five collegestudents (male = 104; female = 161) took the Japaneseversion of the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) with pertinent demographic questions. Subjects wereall Japanese and no other races were included. Theresults showed no significant difference betweenJapanese male college students and Japanese femalecollege students on both the Masculinity and Femininityscale of the BSRI. It was also found that both male andfemale Japanese college students scored higher on theFemininity scale than on the Masculinity scale of the BSRI. A confirmatory factor analysisalso supported that Bem's gender role model did not fitthe data collected in Japan. The limitations andimplications of the study are also discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The present investigation is a reanalysis of data from Antill and Cunningham (1979, 1980, Marsh, Antill, & Cunningham, 1987) consisting of responses to five masculinity-femininity (MF) instruments, two self-esteem instruments, and two social desirability scales Correlations between M and F for the five instruments varied from 23 to approximately - 10, support for distinguishable (nonbipolar) M and F factors was found for four of the instruments Applying confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and hierarchical CFA (HCFA), the present study examined the dimensionality of MF and the influence of method/ halo effects m response to specific instruments The best fitting model identified three higher order factors, in support of traditional personality theories one factor was a bipolar MF construct, but m support of androgyny theory the other two factors were distinguishable M and F factors The factor structures were reasonably invanant for men and women, and methodological implications of this important finding were examined In subsequent analyses, the higher order MF factors were related to self-esteem, social desirability, and gender in order to further test interpretations of the MF factors.  相似文献   

Mutual feedback between human-made environments and facets of thought throughout history has yielded two myths: the Garden and the Citadel. Both myths correspond to Jung’s feminine and masculine collective subconscious, as well as to Nietzsche’s premise of Apollonian and Dionysian impulses in art. Nietzsche’s premise suggests, furthermore, that the feminine myth of the Garden is time-bound whereas the masculine myth of the Citadel, or the Ideal City, constitutes a spatial deportment. Throughout history the two myths have continually molded the built environment and thought, but the myth of the Ideal City – from Plato to Descartes to modernity – came to dominate city-form and ensuing aspects of contemplation. This relationship seems to have shifted during the twentieth century. Intellectual dispositions have begun to be largely nurtured by an incongruous city-form emerging from the gap between the incessant promise for an automated, well-functioning city, on the one hand, and looming alienation, coupled with the factual, malfunctioning city, on the other hand. Urban decay, a persisting and time-bound urban event that is a byproduct of this configuration, suggests the ascent of the Garden myth in post-modern city-form.  相似文献   

Lippa  Richard  Arad  Sara 《Sex roles》1997,37(3-4):187-208
Three hundred ninety-four college students (148 men and 246 women; 42% White, 25% Hispanic, and 23% Asian) were assessed on masculine instrumentality (M), feminine expressiveness (F), gender diagnosticity (GD), and the Big Five personality traits (Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness). Participants completed a 16-item sexual behavior and attitude questionnaire that asked about their attraction to men, their attraction to women, their degree of emotional commitment in sexual relationships, their level of sex drive, and their interest in visual sexual stimuli and fantasy. Factor analysis of sexual behavior and attitude items for men showed four factors: Bipolar Sexual Orientation, Emotional Commitment, Sex Drive, and Sexual Fantasy. Factor analysis of items for women showed four somewhat different factors: Homosexuality, Heterosexuality, Emotional Commitment, and Sex Drive. Thus, sexual orientation proved to be bipolar for men, but two-dimensional for women. For men, Sexual Orientation correlated most strongly with GD, less with M, and not at all with F. Among women, there were few significant correlations between personality measures and Homosexuality or Heterosexuality.  相似文献   

We respond to Holmbeck's (this issue) criticism of our work. Holmbeck is correct to observe that we mislabel the hierarchical regression analyses that we actually performed in Zeldow et al. (1985, 1987) as stepwise regressions. We also reported some correlation coefficients in Zeldow et al. (1985) which were incorrect. However, further speculation by Holmbeck that alternate analyses would "dramatically" alter our results and that we are guilty of various interpretive errors are shown to be wrong. Most of Holmbeck's conclusions about the potential misuses of multiple regression analyses in androgyny research are supported. However, the substantive conclusions of our earlier articles remain unchanged.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The present investigation is a reanalysis of data from Antill and Cunningham (1979,1980) consisting of responses to five Masculinity-Femininity (MF) instruments, two self-esteem instruments, and two social desirability instruments The present study examined recently developed models of the MF/ esteem relation and the influence of social desirability on this relation The unique contribution of Masculinity (M) to esteem was consistently more positive than that of Femininity (F) which was either ml or negative, did not vary with sex as posited by sex-typed models, and did not interact with F as posited by interactive androgyny models Partialing out the effects of social desirability failed to alter the general pattern of results In contrast to esteem, social desirability was more correlated with F than M, and these findings were consistent with the observation that esteem items may reflect stereotypically masculine characteristics whereas social desirability items reflect stereotypically feminine characteristics The findings of the present study, and those of previous research, were examined in relation to important methodological issues that have been largely ignored by previous research in this area  相似文献   

Walters  Glenn D. 《Sex roles》2001,45(9-10):677-689
The 4 factor scales of the Psychological Inventory of Criminal Thinking Styles (PICTS) were correlated with the Femininity and Masculinity scales of the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) in 100 adult male (33% Caucasian, 44% African American, 21% Hispanic, 1% other) and 100 adult female (50% Caucasian, 30% African American, 8% Hispanic, 12% other) federal prison inmates. It was hypothesized that the BSRI Masculinity scale would correlate negatively with the PICTS problem avoidance scale and positively with the PICTS self-deception/assertion scale, and that the BSRI Femininity scale would correlate negatively with the PICTS interpersonal hostility scale and positively with PICTS denial of harm scale. In male inmates, as predicted, the BSRI masculinity scale correlated negatively with the PICTS problem avoidance scale and positively with the self-deception/assertion scale, although the latter coefficient fell short of statistical significance. In the case of female inmates the BSRI femininity scale correlated positively with denial of harm but failed to correlate significantly with interpersonal hostility. The implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   


The authors investigate the relationship between the concept of functional pleasure as defined by Fenichel and a number of other psychoanalytic concepts. Considered in the light of this concept, the pleasure–unpleasure principle as defined by Freud is to be distinguished in terms of a pleasure principle and a principle of avoiding unpleasure. These are then reunified in the sense of an unpleasure–functional pleasure principle, to which the substitutive formations of the repressed are subjected. It is argued that, in the realization of substitutive formations of repressed genital–sexual instinctual wishes, the intentional erogenous pleasure changes into a functional pleasure, in which a successful defence finds its experiential expression.  相似文献   

Inappropriate applications and interpretations of multiple regression analyses by Zeldow and his associates (Zeldow, Clark, & Daugherty, 1985; Zeldow, Daugherty, & Clark, 1987) are discussed as are several general interpretive and statistical issue. To perform and interpret multiple regressors, several characteristics of this statistical approach must be taken into account. Of critical importance is the order in which variables are entered, the choice of regression approaches, the direction of an effect upon entering the model, and the manner in which the interpretation of interaction effects varies as a function of the presence or absence of main effects. Because Zeldow et al. (1985, 1987) did not consider these factors, their regression analyses were not run as stated and are difficult to interpret. Five hypothetical outcomes in androgyny research and an example involving actual data are presented.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the masculinity and femininity scales of Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) among Turkish university students. Five hundred thirty-six students (280 men and 256 women) volunteered to complete the short-form of the BSRI and answer demographic questions. In factor analyses, the original factor structure (Bem, 1981) was found both in the mens and womens data. Comparisons of the factor structures with target rotation (Procrustes rotation) and comparison indexes showed no difference between the factor structures found among men and women. The internal consistency of the masculinity and femininity scales was acceptable, and t-tests showed that women scored higher on the femininity scale, and men scored higher on the masculinity scale. There were significant differences between men and women only on two masculinity items, but significant differences were found in 8 (of 10) femininity items.  相似文献   

This study examines the extent to which perceptions of partner violence are influenced by aggressor gender and masculinity/femininity, and victim gender. Participants evaluated a case scenario depicting domestic assault. Results found charges were significantly higher and sentences significantly longer when the victim was female. Masculine aggressors were more likely to be perceived as having threatened bodily injury and as having initiated the assault compared to feminine aggressors. Masculine aggressors in heterosexual relationships were more likely to be identified as having initiated an assault compared to feminine aggressors in heterosexual relationships or individuals in same-sex relationships.  相似文献   

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