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The phenomenon of recognition failure of recallable words shows a remarkable regularity across a wide variety of experimental conditions. A quadratric function, referred to as the Tulving-Wiseman function, summarizes this regularity. A few cases of deviation from this function have been identified and classified into two categories of exceptions to this function. An experiment was designed to deal with one of these categories, namely the exception that occurs because of poor integration between cue and target information of studied word pairs. An index based on confidence ratings of recall responses was developed to assess variability in integration. Poor integration was demonstrated especially for one presentation of low associative word pairs, and significant deviations from the function was obtained for this condition. Hintzman's (1991, 1992) hypothesis about mathematical constraints of the Tulving-Wiseman function was discussed and refuted. Finally, an interpretation of negative deviations from the Tulving-Wiseman function was proposed.  相似文献   

A highly systematic relation between the conditional probability of recognition given recall and the overall recognition hit rate has been demonstrated in a wide variety of experiments. A function describing this relationship was developed by Tulving & Wiseman (1975). Exceptions to this function have, in retrospect, been interpreted in terms of (a) a low integration between cue and target items, or (b) a high cue overlap between the two tests involved: recognition and recall. The experiment reported was designed to evaluate the joint and the separate contributions from integration and cue overlap for obtaining conformity with and exception from the Tulving-Wiseman function. In line with the predictions made, the results showed that these two factors in combination can account for data that fit the function and for exceptions above the function. In relative terms, the contribution from integration was somewhat more pronounced than that from cue overlap.  相似文献   

The graph space of P ( RN | RL ) vs. P ( RN ), probabilities of recognition given recall and overall recognition, is the setting for the Tulving-Wiseman (TW) function of recognition failure research. According to Hintzman (1991, 1992), the moderate scatter of data points about the TW curve is an artefactual regularity caused by a mathematical constraint when P ( RN ) < P ( RL ). However, both constrained and unconstrained (when P ( RN ) ≥ P ( RL )) points conform equally well to the TW function, consistent with the unobserved fact that the location of both kinds of points is determined by the same mathematical rule. Hintzman's claim that there is no regularity in the data plot when P ( RN ) < P ( RL ) other than that produced by the constraint is not supported by this study. He based his claim on an incorrect use of the measure of dependence (association) called gamma. The graph space corresponding to gamma is that of P ( RN | RL ) vs. P ( RN | nRL ), as shown by using the Bayes function (Bayes' theorem). The margin-free measure gamma is a function of two thetas, theta being a margin-sensitive measure of dependence that is the parameter of the Bayes function. The variance of gamma reflects the fact that it is compounded of the theta variances, so a margin-free measure is obtained at the expense of greater variability.  相似文献   

In three neuroimaging experiments, face, novel object, and building stimuli were compared under conditions of restricted (aperture) viewing and normal (whole) viewing. Aperture viewing restricted the view to a single face/object feature at a time, with the subjects able to move the aperture continuously though time to reveal different features. An analysis of the proportion of time spent viewing different features showed stereotypical exploration patterns for face, object, and building stimuli, and suggested that subjects constrained their viewing to the features most relevant for recognition. Aperture viewing showed much longer response times than whole viewing, due to sequential exploration of the relevant isolated features. An analysis of BOLD activation revealed face-selective activation with both whole viewing and aperture viewing in the left and right fusiform face areas (FFA). Aperture viewing showed strong and sustained activation throughout exploration, suggesting that aperture viewing recruited similar processes as whole viewing, but for a longer time period. Face-selective recruitment of the FFA with aperture viewing suggests that the FFA is involved in the integration of isolated features for the purpose of recognition.  相似文献   

When faces are learned from rotating view sequences, novel views may be recognized by matching them with an integrated representation of the sequence or with individual views. An integrated-representation process should benefit from short view durations, and thus from the inclusion of views in a short temporal window, allowing the distribution of attention over the entire sequence. A view-matching process should benefit from long view durations, allowing the attention to focus on each view. In a sequential comparison task, we tested the recognition of learned and novel interpolated and extrapolated views after learning faces from rapid and slow sequences (240 ms or 960 ms for each view). We found a superiority of rapid over slow sequences, in favour of the integrated-representation hypothesis. In addition, the recognition pattern for the different viewpoints in the sequence depended on the absence or presence of extrapolated views, showing a bias of the distribution of attention.  相似文献   

So far, recognition theory has focused its attention on modern capitalism and its formation in richer Western societies and has neglected issues of global poverty. A brief sketch of Axel Honneth's recognition theory precedes an examination of how the theory can contribute to a better understanding of global poverty, and justice in relation to poverty. I wish to highlight five ways in which recognition theory can enrich our inventory of theories dealing with global poverty and justice: It emphasizes the importance of giving victims of poverty due weight in theorizing about poverty. It provides a vocabulary to conceptualize the experiences of suffering by poverty in terms of misrecognition. It highlights the importance of legal recognition and of actually having certain rights in order to be respected. It bases its critique of poverty on a particular idea of justice and how it should unfold. Finally, recognition theory demands that the poor must be involved in decision-making processes and their agency has to be recognized, respected, and socially esteemed in order to overturn injustice.  相似文献   

It is time to put an end to the separation in training programs between individual and family therapy. Competent therapists should be able to think at an intrapsychic and circular level concurrently. Training programs should maintain their current major focus and develop their minor area of expertise sufficiently so that their graduates can practice both individual and family therapy and choose whichever modality is more appropriate to the case at the time. Bridge concepts, essential differences, and some integrative approaches in individual and marriage and family therapy are discussed.  相似文献   

Are the visual word-processing tasks of naming and lexical decision sensitive to systematic phonological properties that may or may not be specified in the spelling? Two experiments with Hangul, the alphabetic orthography of Korea, were directed at the effects of the phonological process of assimilation whereby one articulation changes to conform to a neighboring articulation. Disyllabic words were responded to more quickly when (a) the final letter of the first syllable and the initial letter of the second syllable specified phonemes that satisfied rather than violated consonant assimilation, and (b) the vowel letters specified harmonious as opposed to disharmonious vowel phonemes. Discussion addressed the possible mediation of assimilation effects by consistency differences and theories that predict broad phonological influences on visual word recognition.  相似文献   

Saccades operate a continuous selection between competing targets at different locations. This competition has been mostly investigated in the visual context, and it is well known that a visual distractor can interfere with a saccade toward a visual target. Here, we investigated whether multimodal, audio-visual targets confer stronger resilience against visual distraction. Saccades to audio-visual targets had shorter latencies than saccades to unisensory stimuli. This facilitation exceeded the level that could be explained by simple probability summation, indicating that multisensory integration had occurred. The magnitude of inhibition induced by a visual distractor was comparable for saccades to unisensory and multisensory targets, but the duration of the inhibition was shorter for multimodal targets. We conclude that multisensory integration can allow a saccade plan to be reestablished more rapidly following saccadic inhibition.  相似文献   

Previous research has demonstrated that the phenomenon of recognition failure of recallable words does not hold for categorized word pairs (e.g.,flower-ROSE). We tested the hypothesis that such an exceptional finding is attributable to the use of homogeneous lists that create a situation in which the functional recall cues do not contain any information not already contained in the recognition cues. In three experiments in which categorized word pairs were used, but whose design ruled out the invariant informational overlap between recognition and recall cues, recognition failure was found to the extent expected by Tulving and Wiseman’s (1975) function. These results add to the evidence that the relation between recognition and cued recall in recognition-failure experiments is largely invariant over many otherwise relevant variables that affect recognition and recall.  相似文献   

This study investigates recognition of spoken idioms occurring in neutral contexts. Experiment 1 showed that both predictable and non-predictable idiom meanings are available at string offset. Yet, only predictable idiom meanings are active halfway through a string and remain active after the string’s literal conclusion. Experiment 2 showed that the initial fragment of a predictable idiom inhibits recognition of a word providing a congruous, but literal, conclusion to the expression. No comparable effects were obtained with non-predictable idioms. These findings are consistent with the view that spoken idiom identification differs from word recognition and occurs word-by-word, just as with other familiar, multi-lexical phrases.The present study was supported by PRIN 2003–2004. We would like to thank Corrado Cavallero, Simona Collina, Melinda Tucker and Francesco Zardon for their valuable help.  相似文献   

物体识别的绩效随物体的视角变化而变化,这一物体识别的视角依赖现象引发了研究者对物体识别的机制的广泛讨论。有研究者认为,心理旋转是导致物体识别视角依赖的原因,而另一种观点认为物体识别中不包含心理旋转过程。两种观点都有来自于行为和神经机制两方面研究的证据。然而,现有的行为证据都是间接的证据,缺乏说服力。进一步的研究应注重直接操纵影响心理旋转与物体识别过程的因素,并把行为研究与能进行实时监测的眼动、脑成像等研究结合起来  相似文献   


Scholars across disciplines recognize sport as an institution perpetuating sexism and bias against women in light of its masculine ideals. However, little philosophical research identifies how a masculine environment impacts women’s possibilities in sport. This paper shows that socially structured masculine ideals of athletic excellence impact recognition of women’s athletic achievements while contributing to contexts endangering respect and self-respect. Exploring athletic disrespect reveals connections to more broadly harmful sport practices that include physical and sexual violence. Thus, the practical concern is that sport’s masculine ideals might undermine women’s pursuit of athletic excellence in more harmful ways than previously recognized.  相似文献   

自我面孔识别成为近年来面孔研究领域的一个热点。自我面孔识别的速度优势、文化差异和正性自我偏见是自我面孔识别的三个主要特征, 影响自我面孔识别的因素主要有加工背景和其他自我相关的信息。此外, 自我面孔的注意性质存在优先加工和难以移除的争论。未来的研究除了需要揭示外显任务中自我面孔识别速度优势的机制、内隐积极联想在脑内如何实现以及自我面孔的注意性质是否是特殊的等问题之外, 还应该深入探讨其他因素影响自我面孔识别的机制等问题。  相似文献   

郭力平 《心理科学》2004,27(2):333-336
研究将再认模型的构建置于适应、认知和监控三个系统背景之下,认为将人视为类似于计算机的符号系统是不够的,人更具有生物的基础和演化的历史。从进化的角度来看,再认模型的构建应当满足种系发展和个体发生的延续性。在完成再认模型的构建后,以此作应用.对William James提出的情绪理论进行了新的诠释。  相似文献   

Our experiment examined two questions: (1) Does reinstating a studied context affect recognition of an associated word, and (2) Does reinstating a studied word affect recognition of an associated context? After encoding 75 words, each of which was shown superimposed over a different 5-sec video of an environment (e.g., a playground, a traffic scene, or a grocery store), participants were asked to recognize 50 of the words and 50 of the video scenes. On the test, half of the studied words were shown superimposed over the same video contexts that had been present at encoding, and half were shown over new scenes. Similarly, videos were presented with either old or new words. Context reinstatement increased hits and reduced false alarms for words, but word reinstatement did not affect recognition of video contexts. The results suggest that the associations that bind word events with their contexts may not be bidirectional.  相似文献   

Previous studies have found a recognition bias for information consistent with the physical attractiveness stereotype (PAS), in which participants believe that they remember that attractive individuals have positive qualities and that unattractive individuals have negative qualities, regardless of what information actually occurred. The purpose of this research was to examine whether recognition bias for PAS congruent information is replicable and invariant across a variety of conditions (i.e. generalizable). The effects of nine different moderator variables were examined in two experiments. With a few exceptions, the effect of PAS congruence on recognition bias was independent of the moderator variables. The results suggest that the tendency to believe that one remembers information consistent with the physical attractiveness stereotype is a robust phenomenon.  相似文献   

Jakob Hohwy 《Synthese》2007,159(3):315-328
Different cognitive functions recruit a number of different, often overlapping, areas of the brain. Theories in cognitive and computational neuroscience are beginning to take this kind of functional integration into account. The contributions to this special issue consider what functional integration tells us about various aspects of the mind such as perception, language, volition, agency, and reward. Here, I consider how and why functional integration may matter for the mind; I discuss a general theoretical framework, based on generative models, that may unify many of the debates surrounding functional integration and the mind; and I briefly introduce each of the contributions.  相似文献   

老年人的视听觉整合能力强于还是弱于年轻人, 目前尚存在很大争议。对老年人视听觉整合脑机制的研究, 将为老年人脑保健提供一种科学的跨通道整合方案。基于已有研究成果从两方面进行论述:1)影响老年人视听觉整合的因素, 包括刺激的物理属性、刺激呈现的时空关系以及刺激得到的注意资源。2)老年人视听觉整合效应。研究表明, 一方面, 老年人表现出更高的功能连接性、网络效率和较强的视听觉整合效应, 如:老年人在后顶叶、内侧前额叶和左前额叶等脑区有较强的激活, 额中央区的P2振幅表现出超加性; 老年人比年轻人的视听觉整合发生较早并有较长的延伸。另一方面, 老年人有较长的反应时和较弱的整合促进, 以及对视听觉刺激进行反应时颞上回脑区的振幅弱于年轻人。简单刺激诱发的老年人视听觉整合为进一步揭示整合机制提供了可靠的基础, 但是对于复杂情景下的视听觉信息整合加工机制仍待探究。  相似文献   

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