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In an earlier study we found that shock-elicited defensive aggression was intensified in rats that had been deprived of playfighting as juveniles. The three experiments reported here extend this phenomenon to the more naturalistic intruder/resident paradigm for eliciting defense. Rats were reared from 20 to 50 days in one of three conditions: in pairs or in isolation with or without 1 hour of daily playfighting experience. They were rehoused in small groups at 50 days, when the frequency of play is beginning to wane, in order to eliminate the effects of ongoing isolation at the time of testing. They were tested for defense at 80 to 100 days by being placed in a resident's cage for 10 minutes. Our main finding was that play-deprived animals spent significantly more time immobile after they had been attacked than did animals of the other two groups. The increased immobility associated with playfighting deprivation is not caused by baseline differences in emotionality such as those elicited by a novel environment (Experiment 1), the presence of a strange animal (Experiment 2), or nonsocial aversive stimuli (Experiment 3). Furthermore, play-deprived rats were not more reactive when pinched with forceps to stimulate a bite delivered by a conspecific, whether or not another rat was present behind a divider. Thus isolates' greater reactivity may be restricted to situations involving pain coupled with close proximity to and contact with another rat. A secondary finding was that there were no differences in defensive behaviors other than immobility. The appropriate generalization to be drawn from these studies is that early social deprivation facilitates the defensive response to a social threat that happens to be prepotent under the given experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Male and female bank voles reared in different conditions were investigated for their aggressiveness in order to show how social factors modify intermale and interfemale behavior. Singly reared males or females were paired with a tested animal for 10 min. The number of attacks and the accumulative attack times of singly reared males were higher than for females reared in similar conditions. The differences were not, however, statistically significant due to the variation among tested animals. There were significant differences in aggressiveness of females reared in various conditions before the test. Most attacks were observed in females reared with intact males. In this group, the accumulative attack time was significantly higher than that of singly reared, grouped females, or females kept with castrated or castrated-testosterone-treated males. Also, the aggression of males was affected by breeding. Both the number of attacks and the accumulative attack times were elevated in intact males kept with females. Housing of males in groups and castration significantly decreased the number of attacks of these animals. Injection of testosterone increased aggression in castrated males. It is suggested that olfactory signals in bank voles released by males increase aggression in females and the female's signals stimulate male behavior.  相似文献   

High levels of androgens are required to organize aggressive behavior in adult male rats. Footshock-induced aggression was tested in Wistar rats allocated to one of three experimental groups: control (oil-injected) males (M), males neonatally injected with the antiandrogen cyproterone acetate (CA), and males treated as in the CA group but gonadectomized just before puberty (CAG). An antiaggressive effect of CA in those adult male rats neonatally treated with this compound was found. Neonatal exposure to cyproterone acetate exerts an antiandrogenic effect over the expression of shock-induced aggressive behavior. The behavioral effects of CA were not countered by adult treatment with testosterone propionate.  相似文献   

There is disagreement concerning the role or importance of social leaping, compared with pecks and threats, in the dominance relations of fowl. As an approach to this issue, the current paper reports two experiments that used aggression-inducing isolation-rearing conditions of either 8 days or 8 weeks. In 5-min tests in pairs after isolation it was found that leaping was the key aggressive response in conflicts between 14- to 15-week-old roosters. Leaps were more frequent overall and occurred earlier than did pecks. Although both dominant and subordinate birds leaped at one another to some degree, only the dominant birds had both “leap rights” and “peck rights.” The data indicated that leaping is a behavior that has an important, central role in the social organization of male domestic chickens. These laboratory results were comparable to certain archival data from classic field research.  相似文献   

The agonistic responses of pigeons to the introduction of a stick and the experimenter's hand into their home cages is described. The effects of lesions of the archistriatum, a presumed homologue of the mammalian amygdala, of lesions of the overlying neostriatum and of control sham operations on this behavior in selected aggressive pigeons are reported. Only archistriatal lesions lead to a persistent depression of the aggressive and a converse increment of the avoidance components of the pigeon's response to both test stimuli. The results are discussed in relation to other evidence on the role of the avian archistriatum and this structure's correspondence with the amygdala.  相似文献   

Septal lesions produced signs of increased emotionality in the adult rat, the septal syndrome (hyperresponsiveness to handling; in the open field: decreased rearing and ambulation activity, increased defecation, deficient habituation) being more or less complete and more or less marked depending on the age at which the lesion was performed (7 days or 3 months), the extent of the lesion (restricted to the septum or extending to more ventrally located structures) and the environmental conditions in which the animals were reared (in groups or in isolation). All septal lesions provoked a similar and significant increase in the probability of occurrence of mouse-killing behavior, irrespective of age of operation, extent of lesion and kind of rearing environment. In a 24-hour actography starting at 11:30 a.m., the rats septalectomized at adult age were less active than controls during the initial period, while all septals were markedly more active than controls during the night period. Early septal lesions only transiently disrupted weight gain. The results obtained point to complex interactions between the effects of early brain damage and environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Film analysis and direct observation suggest that 2 very different types of intra-specific fights occur among Japanese brown bears maintained in large stable colonies. Disputes arising over food are short, and involve such activities as threatening, muzzling, chasing, and flight. Weapon use during feeding fights primarily involves slashing blows to the back or head areas of the opponent. In contrast, “spontaneous” fights are longer, and consist almost exclusively of wrestling, with bites and forepaw blows directed at the opponent's ruff area. These spontaneous fights occur primarily among the larger and higher-ranked male bears, especially among animals with closely adjacent rankings. It is suggested that such fights facilitate the establishment of dominance relationships by providing an opportunity for mutual assessment of strength and stamina without serious risk of injury.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented suggesting that firearms violence is an important social problem. Research strongly suggests that the effectiveness of firearms as a cause of death and injury may be due to their widespread availability, their lethality, and the impulsivity of their use. The investigation of a possible causal link between firearms and impulsive aggression led to Berkowitz and LePage's (1967) weapons effect experiment. The results suggested that weapons can increase the instigation to aggression in aroused an uninhibited individuals. The researchers reasoned that weapons might stimulate aggression by classical conditioning processes resulting from learned associations between aggressive acts and weapons. Although a few studies have failed to reproduce an aggression-enhancing effect of weapons, the original finding has been replicated in several countries with diverse subject groups both in field and laboratory settings. However, these studies also indicate that many individuals may react with anxiety or fear in the presence of weapons and inhibit aggressive reactions. Manipulations of evaluation apprehension, subject suspiciousness, and/or hypothesis awareness about the purpose of the weapons in the experiments all seem to lead to reduced levels of aggressive response in the presence of weapons. These findings offer a possible explanation for the few failures to replicate the original weapons effect; if researchers used apprehensive subjects or subjects who were aware of possible experimental deceptions, they were more likely to observe an inhibitory reaction rather than an aggression-enhancing effect of weapons.  相似文献   

A troop of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) confined in a 2-acre outdoor corral increased from 107 to 192 individuals during the 5-year tenure of a project that assessed the effects of density, season, and gender on the expression of adult aggressive behavior. Two statistical subgroups of 16 males and 28 females that were adults at the start of the project and that survived until its completion were studied intensively. There were significant season and sex differences in all groups: males were much more aggressive than females, and males were most aggressive during the fall and and winter mating season; females were most aggressive during the spring and summer birth season. Only the 16 adult males increased their frequency of aggressive behavior as the population density increased. This increase was due to the greater number of potential antagonists available each year.  相似文献   

Electrical stimulation via electrodes implanted in the lateral hypothalamus may induce intraspecific aggressive behavior. Small electrolytic lesions placed via these electrodes resulted in a five– to tenfold increase in the current threshold for aggression. Degenerating fibers were stained by means of the Fink-Heimer method and could be followed caudally to the dorsal midbrain central gray and to the mammillary bodies. A few axons could be traced rostrally to the medial septum. Aggression could be induced from 10 of 112 electrodes implanted in the central gray; the other electrodes elicited either locomotion, vocalization, jump, or “alarm-like reactions.” The morphology of the induced aggression was similar to the morphology of the hypothalamically induced aggression, though it was often accompanied with motor disturbances and was less intense. Hypothalamic stimulation was combined with simultaneous central gray stimulation in rats with electrodes both in the hypothalamus and in the central gray. Hypothalamic thresholds for aggression could be lowered by this stimulation of the central gray, even when no aggressive responses were observed during central gray stimulation alone. This suggests that, although aggression is not manifest, electrical stimulation may activate neural tissue involved in aggressive behavior. It is concluded that in rats central gray and hypothalamus are part of the same neural network mediating intraspecific aggression.  相似文献   

The aggressive behavior of eight adult female rhesus living in a captive social group was studied prior to and during a breeding season extended by vasectomizing all the adult males in the group. Female reproductive status was ascertained by: recording all adult female-adult male copulations; detecting menstruation by vaginal swabbing; and analyzing serum progesterone levels by radioimmunoassay. Females showed more non-contact aggression during the breeding season, but wounding did not increase. Individual cycling females directed more frequent aggression to: particular adult males subordinate to them, subordinate females also in estrus, and (in a few cases) juveniles and infants.  相似文献   

Videotape recordings of male mice group-housed, individually-housed and cohabiting with females, were rated for their agonistic behavior in a “standard opponent” test. Previously mated male mice showed more fighting than isolated or grouped males. Marked differences in other social and non-social behaviors, which could not be accounted for in terms of increased fighting, were not evident. These results suggest that agonistic behavior may be usefully studied by examining male mice that have cohabited with females. One obvious advantage is that such mice cannot be dismissed as being “socially deprived,” as is sometimes claimed for individually-housed mice. Other advantages are that aggressiveness is induced quickly, at high levels, and the mice appear very sensitive to hormone manipulation following castration.  相似文献   

Genetically sterile male Norway rats, Rattus norvegicus, were tested in the laboratory to determine both 1) behavioral characteristics, and 2) the ability of sterile males to compete aggressively and sexually with wild Norway rat males. Sterile males were larger in weight, more frequently dominant, won as many fighting encounters, were as aggressive as wild males, and mounted females more frequently. Behavioral activities were similar for both strains when compared under laboratory conditions with no apparent abnormal behavior exhibited by the sterile males. Use of sterile males in biological control programs is discussed.  相似文献   

The experiments were performed on adult male cats selected initially as good mousekillers. Cats were tested in pairs and each pair was introduced separately to the experimental compartment. The attitude toward the partner before and during the predatory competition test as well as superiority in catching and killing the mice, considered as an index of dominance, were registered. In the course of experiment five types of relations between the predatory dominance and aggressive behavior were observed. The concept of dominance as an outcome of several factors was discussed. It was concluded that predatory dominance is not based exclusively on aggressive mechanisms, as it may be formed and sustained without overt aggression.  相似文献   

Rats were selected on the basis of reactivity to dorsal tactile stimulation and then tested in a resident-intruder paradigm. While reactivity of residents did not influence the occurrence of agonistic behaviors or wounding of residents and intruders, reactivity of intruders did affect offensive and defensive patterns of interactions and the wounds sustained by residents and intruders. Subsequent to resident-intruder testing, rats were tested for shock-induced aggression. The pattern of the results and the results of additional experiments demonstrated that resident-intruder experience could affect subsequent shock-induced aggressive behavior.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for bringing an aggressive response under stimulus control. It was found that the number of conditioned aggyessive responses was maximal when low-weight target rats were used. The latencies of the conditioned responses toward target animals of 124 gm were significantly lower than those toward animals of 221 and 284 gm. The application of an extinction procedure on the conditioned aggressive response substantially increased the total number of emitted aggressive responses.  相似文献   

This study examined whether the sexual behavior of adult male mice is influenced by exposure in early postnatal life to brief episodes of mating. Another focus of interest was the interplay between a genetic disposition for aggressive behavior and the early exposure experiences. The subjects used in the study were male mice of the fiftysixth generation of selection for high (Turku aggressive, TA) and low (Turku non-aggressive, TNA) levels of aggressiveness. Moderately aggressive males of the parental strain (normal, N) were also used. Subjects of each strain were exposed from 21 to 32 days of age to mating mice behind a wire mesh screen. Control subjects were placed in a comparable enclosure, but were exposed to nothing. The results showed that male mice exposed to mating early in life showed a higher rate of activities in the sexuality tests, including aggressive responses. A genetic potential for aggressive behavior was related to a higher degree of sexual activity, and the early exposures optimized the hereditary attributes. The relation between sexual and aggressive behavior is discussed. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

以2695名小学三、四年级的儿童(平均年龄 10.06 ± 0.54岁)作为被试, 使用同伴评定、同伴提名和教师评定对这些儿童的三种攻击行为(身体、言语、关系)进行了测评, 采用相关分析与结构方程模型对儿童攻击行为的多质多法数据进行统计处理。多质多法模型的分析结果显示, 三种方法对儿童攻击行为的测评具有一定的会聚效度, 但区分效度较低; 同伴测评儿童攻击行为的有效性优于教师测评, 其中同伴评定的有效性好于同伴提名。  相似文献   

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