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对于社会主义商品经济和市场经济的道德价值评价,之所以众说纷法,其根本原因是在两大问题上的分歧和不同。一是道德价值评价标准的分歧,二是探讨经济与道德之间关系的方法论不同。道德价值评价,是道德主体依据自身的需要所凝结抽象而成的道德价值评价标准对道德客体的道德价值进行认知、判断和评定的一种道德活动。因此,直接影响到道德价值评价质量的重要因素主要就是道德价值评价标准和道德价值评价方法。什么是道德价值评价标准?道德价值评价标准,是道德主体依据自身的需要所凝结抽象而成的一种价值尺度。在现代社会,以人为本、以…  相似文献   

社会或者个人对行为主体所进行的道德评价,主要借助于社会道德评价舆论来完成。而社会团体既是社会舆论的发源地,又是其传递环节,同时还是进行道德评价的主要场所,它在道德评价中起着不可忽视的作用。放大作用。对社会成员直接起作用的往往是他所在团体的区域性舆论。这种舆论如果与社会舆论的价值倾向一致,那么,它就将做出较为积极的反应。此时,这个社会团体所  相似文献   

所谓道德评价,就是指人们在道德意识的支配下,依据一定的道德准则,通过社会舆论或个人心理活动等形式,对道德行为所进行的善恶评判。在道德生活中,人们对任何道德行为,总是有着道德评价的。可见,道德评价不仅是一种单纯的道德意识,而且也是道德生活中一种广泛的、基本的道德活动。  相似文献   

道德责任判断的直接目的在于找出可称赞或谴责的原因,对行为者做出合理、公正的道德判断,使其承担应当承担的道德责任,从而减少和消除不公,融洽社会关系,引导行为主体朝向更崇高的目标.道德责任判定涉及行为者与行为之间的关系、行为后果和价值标准等方面.实际后果是道德责任判断的现实根据;因果关系是道德责任判断的逻辑根据;社会历史理性是道德责任判断的最终价值根据.  相似文献   

任何经济活动都必须进行经济效益方面的评价,这是毫无疑问的。但是,如果认为对经济活动只能或只应给予经济的评价,认为经济活动与一切非经济领域毫不相干,那就错了。对于某种经济行为,除了要对其进行经济效益方面的评价之外,还必须对其进行社会效益方面的评价。前者是经济的价值评价,后者主要是道德的价值评价。事实上,任何社会的经济活动都同时有着这两方面的评价,区别只在于;对经济活动进行道德评价的自觉程度以及在评价时所使用的道德价值标准有所不同而已。  相似文献   

试论道德评价标准的层次结构系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在伦理学界长期存在的种种分歧背后 ,道德标准问题的悬而未决是症结所在 ;社会生活中人们时时处处所面临的判断、选择的艰难和所产生的道德困惑 ,几乎都与道德评价标准缺乏相对的统一密切相关 ;现实生活中人们实施道德评价活动时所发生的若干偏差 ,也往往是由于难以找到既具有普遍性又具有可操作性的道德评价标准。本文以“道德评价标准的层次结构系统”为题 ,作一初步探讨。  相似文献   

一、信仰制约在道德建设中的分量 什么叫道德?"道德归根到底是被人们的经济 条件所决定的评价人们的思想和行为的善与恶,光 荣与耻辱,公正与偏私的感觉、观念、原则和规范 的总和,它依靠社会舆论,社会习俗和人们内心信 念的力量,保证人们对它的遵守。"(孙国华主编:《法 学基础理论》,中国人民大学出版社,1987年版,第281页),在 这里,道德的来源和实现途径被分解成了社会舆 论、社会习俗和内心信念三个部分。内心信念是与  相似文献   

实践态度和行为手段应成为道德评价根据之一伦理学家把人们行为的动机与效果作为道德评价的根据,是有道理的。然而,由于动机与效果各处于行为过程的始发点和最终点,相距较远,其内在关系很不稳定。由动机转化为效果需经由一个或长或短的实践过程。行为主体的实践态度与...  相似文献   

自1979年以来,共青团上海市委先后组织了十一个演讲报告团,在思想教育工作中获得了很大的成功,在道德评价方面也发挥了重要的作用。我们知道,道德评价是道德实践的重要内容,是遵循一定的道德要求和标准对人们行为的善恶进行褒贬和扬抑,以调整人们之间以及个人与社会之间的关系。演讲,作为人类社会的语言宣传形式,它是人们进行道德评价的有力武器。 1、演讲的鲜明性,使道德评价褒贬分明。 演讲员有一个共同特点,就是在演讲中,往往会有意对自己以往的错误行为进行道德谴责,对今后的道德行为提出要求。这一正一反,一褒一贬,都要以无产阶级的阶级利益和道德原则作为道德的标准和依据。如有些失足青少年在演讲中就能抓住自己偷窃、打架、赌博、投机、诈骗、侮辱妇  相似文献   

<正>自古以来,中华民族就重视传统美德。如诸葛亮在《诫子书》提到:“静以修身,俭以养德”,认为修身养德方为立命之本。道德关乎人的行为规范、品行修养,道德的好坏是一个人素质修养高低的标志。道德对于个人、民族发展的重要性不言而喻,因此对于道德特别是道德判断的研究一直受到心理学的重视。道德判断是根据一定的标准,对行为主体或者行为本身是非善恶的评价。  相似文献   

An experiment is reported that examined the independent effects of television content (violence) and television formal features (action level) on children's attention to programs and their postviewing social behavior. Pairs of preschool boys participated in two experimental sessions in which they saw animated and live television programs that varied in violent content (high or low) and formal features (high or low action level). They then played with toys that contained cues for either aggressive or prosocial interaction. Rapid character action facilitated visual attention to the programs; violent tv content did not facilitate attention. On measures of social behavior, strong effects of toy cues were found independently of television treatment effects. Aggressive toys produced aggressive behavior, and prosocial toys produced prosocial behavior; these patterns included some nonspecific, generalized influences in addition to direct demands of the play materials. Violent tv content led to changes in subjects' style of interaction and was also associated with increases in some prosocial behaviors. Television action level had no systematic effects on subjects' behavior. Results are discussed within the theoretical frameworks of observational learning and general arousal. Implications for children's television programming are also discussed.  相似文献   

Prior research suggests that moral identity influences individuals’ willingness to engage in prosocial behavior. Little attention, however, has been given to the roles of and relations between moral identity and other factors, such as moral judgment, in accounting for types of prosocial behavior in adolescence. The current study examined the extent to which moral identity, moral judgment, and social self-efficacy contribute to prosocial behaviors in adolescence. Approximately 338 adolescents (Mage?=?13.4 years) completed measures of moral identity, moral judgment, social self-efficacy, and prosocial behavior. Teachers rated adolescents’ prosocial behaviors, which largely corroborated the adolescents’ self-reports. Moral identity was found to predict most types of prosocial behavior. Moral judgment and moral identity were related and jointly predicted altruistic prosocial behaviors, but did not predict helping in front of others. Further, moral identity mediated the relationships between moral judgment and some forms of prosocial behavior (e.g., emotional, volunteering). Self-efficacy beliefs were found to predict some types of prosocial behavior (e.g., public), perhaps providing adolescents with confidence to engage in prosocial action. Overall, moral identity was especially effective in directly accounting for prosocial behavior, and may act as a mediator to bridge the moral judgment–moral action gap among adolescents.  相似文献   

Social approach to peers was evaluated as an intervention for isolate preschoolers. During baseline, confederate peers made few social approaches to the target subjects. Confederates greatly increased their rate of social approaches during the first intervention, decreased social approaches during a second baseline, and increased social approaches again in a second intervention phase. Increases in confederate social initiations immediately increased the frequency of subjects' positive social behavior. Additionally, five of six subjects showed an increase in their own positive social initiations during intervention periods. The results suggest that: (a) peers may be programmed to increase the positive social behaviors of their isolate classmates, and (b) remediating social deficits requires assessment and intervention specifically tailored to the individual child.  相似文献   

Protestants, relative to Jews, consider thoughts about immoral actions to be immoral and more likely to lead to action. In Study 1, controlling for agreement that thoughts lead to actions did not eliminate the effect of religion on agreement that thoughts have moral status. Protestants also considered thoughts about cheating on an exam (which Jews and Protestants consider equally likely) and thoughts about having an affair with Julia Roberts (an unlikely event) more morally relevant than Jews (Studies 2 &; 3), The studies suggest that likelihood of action differences are only a partial account of Jewish-Protestant differences in the moral relevance of thoughts.  相似文献   

N R Santilli  L M Hudson 《Adolescence》1992,27(105):145-160
Traditional approaches in stimulating moral growth following Turiel's (1966) "+1" intervention strategy have been only marginally successful. This failure rate may be due to (a) the inconsistent control of both the cognitive and social perspective-taking prerequisites to moral growth, and (b) an overestimation of subjects' interpersonal communication skills. In this study, 17 college undergraduates (8 males, 9 females), possessing either basic or consolidated formal operations, received eight weeks of interpersonal skills training, along with pre- and posttraining assessments of social perspective-taking and moral reasoning. It was expected that gains in moral reasoning would be related to subjects' possessing the prerequisite cognitive and perspective-taking competencies necessary for moral growth. Results showed that posttraining changes in moral reasoning were in the predicted direction. In addition, gender differences in social perspective-taking were evident; males had significantly lower social perspective-taking scores at pretraining and showed significant gains in perspective-taking at posttesting. Females, however, scored relatively high in social perspective-taking at pretraining and showed no significant change in ability at posttesting. The results are interpreted as supportive of existing theoretical models regarding these domains of development.  相似文献   

This research examined the effects of naturally occurring appearance comparisons on women's affect, body satisfaction, and compensatory cognitions and behaviors. Using ecological momentary assessment, women with high body dissatisfaction and eating pathology (EPHB), high body dissatisfaction (HB), or low body dissatisfaction (LB) recorded their reactions to appearance-focused social comparisons. EPHB and HB women made more upward appearance comparisons than LB women. All women experienced negative emotions and cognitions after upward comparisons, including increased guilt, body dissatisfaction, and thoughts of dieting. EPHB women were most negatively affected by comparisons; they experienced more intense negative emotions, more thoughts of dieting/exercising, and an increase in eating-disordered behavior after upward comparisons. HB women experienced more negative affective consequences and thoughts of dieting than LB women. Results are consistent with social comparison theory and provide important information that may be used to inform eating disorder treatment and prevention efforts.  相似文献   

本文试图以北宋理学家吕大临的思想的个案分析为例,探讨儒家伦理道德的普遍性与特殊性。文章通过对吕大临思想中的“性”、“仁”、“理义”、“天理”、“时中”等观念的解析,讨论了吕大临对儒家“道德法则”的普遍性和特殊性的看法以及他在处理两者之间关系方面的观点。  相似文献   

本研究拟探讨社会排斥对大学生网络偏差行为的影响及其作用机制——自我控制的中介作用和道德同一性的调节作用。对769名大学生问卷调查的结果表明:(1)社会排斥与网络偏差行为呈显著正相关,与自我控制呈显著负相关;自我控制和道德同一性均与网络偏差行为呈显著负相关;(2)社会排斥对网络偏差行为具有显著的正向预测作用,且自我控制在这一关系中具有显著的中介作用;(3)社会排斥对网络偏差行为的直接预测作用以及自我控制的中介作用均受到道德同一性的调节,且这两种效应在道德同一性水平较低的群体中都更为显著。本研究不仅有助于进一步明晰网络偏差行为的影响因素及其发生机制,而且对大学生网络偏差行为的预防和干预还具有一定的实践指导价值。  相似文献   

Ecological momentary assessment (EMA ) methodology was used to examine the emotional context of nonsuicidal self‐injury (NSSI). Forty‐seven adolescents and young adults used a novel smartphone app to monitor their emotional experiences, NSSI thoughts, and NSSI behaviors for 2 weeks. Momentary changes in both negative and positive emotions predicted greater intensity of NSSI thoughts at the subsequent assessment, while only increases in negative emotion predicted NSSI behaviors. Immediately following NSSI behaviors participants reported reduced high‐arousal negative emotions and increased low‐arousal positive emotions, suggesting that NSSI may be an efficient and effective method of regulating emotion. Findings highlight the importance of addressing emotion regulation in NSSI interventions.  相似文献   

The present study examined whether beliefs about the importance of thoughts (i.e., thought–action fusion; TAF) are related to the target subject of the negative thought. One hundred and seven undergraduate students were randomly assigned to imagine either a beloved relative or a stranger being diagnosed with cancer and provided in vivo ratings of anxiety, likelihood, moral wrongness, urge to neutralize, and how upsetting the event would be if it occurred. Results indicated that thinking of a relative being diagnosed with cancer provoked more distress, urges to neutralize, and higher estimates of likelihood, as well greater use of mental neutralizing behaviors, compared to thinking of a stranger. Contrary to our prediction, the groups did not differ in their ratings of the moral wrongness. These findings broadly support the assertion that the more personally significant a negative intrusive thought, the more it will provoke distress and urges to neutralize. Results are discussed in terms of the cognitive model of obsessions and clinical implications are addressed.  相似文献   

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