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The conceptual development of the German mental health system can only be understood against the background of the specific historical development process; therefore, the emigration of psychodynamic psychotherapists during the Third Reich as well as the complicated reintegration of psychotherapy into psychiatry during the postwar period are of particular relevance. The current discussion concerning the relationship of psychiatry and psychotherapy is characterized by the development of new techniques and methods and the concept of modular psychiatry, whereas the traditional complex psychotherapeutic procedures are becoming less important. In the future, the development of clinical and scientific research should focus on psychotherapy in old age as well as adolescence psychotherapy, the combination of psychopharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatment and issues concerning chronic courses as well as resistance to therapy.  相似文献   

This review is based upon an appraisal of training research in psychotherapy showing that many questions are still unanswered. By means of a schema for the organization of research results that differentiates input, process and output variables, unselected results are summarized relating to issues such as the choice of the psychotherapeutic profession, pre-experiences of candidates, the selection of an orientation, personality factors, characteristics of training institutes, quality standards, as well as the organisation and structure of training programs. Process oriented studies mainly focus on the operationalisation and development of skills, the significance, the effects of and the satisfaction with training components. Finally, the output category comprises results related to graduation, to professional development during and following training and to the development of competence and its prediction.  相似文献   

Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit dem interdisziplin?ren Einsatz von Psychotherapie in der allgemeinmedizinischen Betreuung von Patienten mit psychischen Problemen oder Krisen. Bekanntlich ist es nur einem kleinen Teil der Patienten von Allgemeinmedizinern m?glich, psychotherapeutische Hilfe in Anspruch zu nehmen. Eine zus?tzliche psychotherapeutische Ausbildung des Hausarztes kann die Qualit?t der Patientenbetreuung signifikant verbessern. Zudem k?nnen nicht nur die Patienten davon profitieren; psychotherapeutische Ausbildung und Kommunikationstraining stellen eine wertvolle Bereicherung des Arztberufes und eine ernstzunehmende Burn-out-Prophylaxe dar.  相似文献   

Over the past 20 years various studies have yielded findings regarding the treatment of offenders in forensic addiction treatment centers in Germany (section 64 of the Penal Code). For a number of reasons these studies hardly allow quantification of the assessment of the rehabilitative success of treatment. In 2009 the Institute of Forensic Psychiatry at the University of Essen, Germany was commissioned to engage in a long-term evaluation study that will be completed in 2017. The project is supported by the Ministry of Health of the State of North-Rhine Westphalia. The present paper summarizes the methodology of the study and draws up an interim balance of the data collection. The study involves the follow-up of 300 patients from 16 forensic mental hospitals from entry into the institution to discharge and further on to living in the community including a“time at risk of at least 2 years. A number of these patients will drop out of treatment by being sent back to prison. The rate of criminal recidivism in the complete group of subjects will be compared to a matched control group of 300 offenders serving a prison sentence only. Potential error sources related to the data collection are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

The manifold functions of a supervisor in following the course of complex processes together with the trainee, are: ? to keep the goals of the supervision in view, ? to establish a teaching alliance and to support the wish and ambitions of the candidate to learn, ? to build a platform for the complex interactions with the trainee with regard to the dynamics of the training situation and keeping in mind the institutional influences, ? to lay down the setting for the work, ? to explore and to reflect how transference and counter-transference influence the interaction between patient and analyst as well as between trainee and supervisor, ? to examine these interactions together focussing continuously on the interaction between candidate and patient, and to encourage the candidate to do the same on his own, ? to continuously formulate hypotheses about the core conflict, the transference phenomena and resistance of the patient, ? to explore and reflect on the cooperative work.  相似文献   

In Germany offenders can be sentenced to forensic addiction treatment which is realized in secure mental hospitals (according to section 64 of the German Penal Code). As a rule the persons concerned are transferred to the treatment institution after having served part of their prison sentence. There is an ongoing debate regarding the appropriate length of time of inpatient treatment. The average time in treatment differs considerably between the States of the Federal Republic of Germany and varies from somewhat over 1 year (Bavaria) to more than 2 years (North-Rhine Westphalia). In the trials mandating the treatment order, psychiatric experts are expected to exactly quantify the appropriate time of treatment for a specific person. For a number of reasons this surpasses expert capabilities as there is little empirical evidence regarding the effects of the duration of long-term treatment on outcome criteria, such as relapse or reoffending. This article discusses relevant aspects and suggests a pragmatic way to handle courts’ expectations in these lawsuits.  相似文献   

М.布尔  沈真 《世界哲学》2006,6(6):93-98
R.劳特(ReinhardLauth)教授从1957年开始编辑的《费希特全集》掀起了国际哲学界的费希特复兴。费希特体系的核心是要求哲学家承担起自己的历史使命,以理性塑造新的自我和新的时代。仅仅从黑格尔追溯马克思主义哲学的来源,是教条主义的;只有从包括莱布尼茨和费希特在内的全部古典德国哲学出发,深究这一来源,才能克服这种弊端。  相似文献   

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