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This study investigated the functional cortical organization of reading-disabled boys and age-matched normal readers. Subjects were initially classified according to E. Boder's (1971a. In B. Bateman (Ed.), Learning disorders. Seattle: Special Child Publications. Vol. 4.) distinction between dysphonetic children (who make nonphonetic, bizarre spelling errors), dyseidetic children (who make phonetically acceptable errors, but do not respond to some words as “wholes”), and children who display normal error patterns (who make phonetically acceptable errors and respond to words as “wholes”). It was hypothesized that different types of reading disability would be associated with different patterns of lateralized brain function. This proposal was examined by testing subjects on three experimental neuropsychological measures—hemispheric time-sharing, conjugate lateral eye movements, and tactile directional perception. Conjugate lateral eye movements were disregarded as the control subjects failed to show predicted asymmetries on this measure. The two other measures were considered valid and demonstrated atypical lateralization in the reading-disabled groups. Lateralization of verbal and/or spatial functiosn differed among the reading-disabled groups and an attempt was made to relate these atypical patterns to the type of reading difficulties presented.  相似文献   

A study was designed to tap children's perceptions of the divorce situation as opposed to adults' perceptions of the child's response to the parental divorce. Subjects were 75 boys and 75 girls from mother- and father-headed families. Using an individual structured interview procedure children were encouraged to reconstruct both positive and negative dimensions of their interactions with the custodial parent. Through factor analyses of the contents of interviews four negative and two positive factors involving 20 specific items were identified in the children's perceptual data. Subsequently, chi-square analyses were done to compare differences in girls' and boys' perceptions between and across father- and mother-headed families. Results are discussed in terms of their relationship with the existing literature and their clinical and educational relevance to children, single parents and professionals.  相似文献   

This case report describes an unusual combination of speech and language deficits secondary to bilateral infarctions in a 62-year-old woman. The patient was administered an extensive series of speech, language, and audiologic tests and was found to exhibit a fluent aphasia in which reading and writing were extremely well preserved in comparison to auditory comprehension and oral expression, and a severe auditory agnosia. In spite of her auditory processing deficits, the patient exhibited unexpected self-monitoring ability and the capacity to form acoustic images on visual tasks. The manner in which she corrected and attempted to correct her phonemic errors, while ignoring semantic errors, suggests that different mechanisms may underlie the monitoring of these errors.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at determining whether an efficiency index (speed of response in central vision) related to a laterality index (difference in speed of response between right and left field presentations). In Experiment 1 female subjects were required to discriminate facial emotional expressions shown in either central vision or the periphery. In Experiment 2 male and female subjects had to classify as same or different pairs of letters printed in different typefaces. It was found that the efficiency index related (negatively) to the laterality index only in Experiment 1 so that slower responses indicate larger visual field differences. The results are discussed in terms of current models of hemispheric specialization.  相似文献   

The processing of stress-relevant categorical events and their contributions to subsequent probability judgments were examined among subjects who were psychometrically categorized as dysphoric, obsessive-compulsive, or “control.” stress-relevant symptomatology of depression was considered to be characterized by a deficit of active counterstress coping activity and obsessive-compulsiveness by ritualistic efforts which have little or no direct effect on stress occurrence. Subjects were presented with a sequence of stressful (loud white noise) and benign (illumination of a green light) events in association with a series of discrete stimuli (alphabetic letters) in three conditions of counterstress activity. Results generally supported the predicted tendency to learn probability information primarily in conditions which reflected the subjects' characteristic ways of responding to stress. Obsessive-compulsives acquired the information primarily in a “ritualistic” context, controls in an active coping context, and dysphorics in both a coping deficit context and unexpectedly in an active coping context. The role of enhanced stressor predicability in maintaining typical stress response patterns of the three groups was discussed.  相似文献   

Visual information can be stored relative to a particular point of view or independently of any particular point of view. Research on mental rotation has shown that people can store and use viewer-centered visual representations of objects and scenes. Some theories of object recognition posit that object-centered representations are also stored and used to represent the shape of three-dimensional objects. In this paper a series of experiments provides evidence that people can store and use both viewer-centered and object-centered representations of three-dimensional objects.  相似文献   

Predictions of deficits in children's social problem-solving competencies due to early and continuing father absence were investigated. To test these predictions, equal numbers of father-present and father-absent third graders matched on a number of variables were assessed on measures of social problem-solving performance. In Phase 2 of the study, half of the children from the father-absent category received a 15 week intervention programme which was conducted by adult male trainers to provide structured practice in social problem solving. Results demonstrated that father-absent treatment subjects, compared to father-absent control subjects, improved their social problem-solving skills significantly. Despite improvement due to intervention, social problem-solving scores for father-absent treatment subjects were still below those for father-present control subjects. Educational and developmental implications of the findings were discussed.  相似文献   

Some previous attempts at dimensionalizing human psychological environments are briefly considered. The problem is reformulated within the context of the development of dimensions of individual differences in abilities. The human psychological environment is viewed within the context of general systems theory. The latter permits an integrated view with respect to dimensions of the psychological environment and dimensions of individual differences within a developmental context. Critical in this formulation is the idea that, within the framework of the development of individual differences, it is of value to postulate the dimensions of the psychological environment as isomorphic to dimensions of individual differences.  相似文献   

In recent years, research concerned with deviance in adolescent behaviors has become increasingly focused on the extent to which fathers influence their children's development. The present study, using an interdependent and mediational model of parent-child correlates, examined the interrelationships between father personality attributes and adolescents' running away behaviors. Two hundred adolescents (96 males; 104 females) from lower middle class homes and their fathers cooperated in the study. Findings showed that there are specific father attributes and socialization characteristics and adolescent personality attributes which interact significantly to influence adolescents' running away behaviors. Specific predictors of male and female adolescents' running away were examined and identified by means of discriminant function analyses. The results were interpreted within the framework of a mediational model. Implications of the findings were discussed for adolescent development and intervention programs for adolescents and their fathers.  相似文献   

Hemispheric alpha asymmetries of males and females were observed during perceptual and motor tasks requiring recall and recognition of words controlled for level of arousal (positive, negative, and neutral). Verbal reports of individual processing strategy were collected and analyzed relative to hemispheric alpha ratios. Results showed greater alpha suppression in the left relative to right hemisphere for recall as compared to recognition tasks and for word presentation when contrasted with motor conditions. High positive correlations were found between narrative report of processing strategy and hemispheric alpha data. A separate analysis revealed that seven subjects identified as highly analytic processors showed greater alpha suppression in the left relative to right hemisphere across tasks, conditions, and stimuli than did seven highly visual processors who, in contrast, demonstrated greater right hemispheric alpha suppression. Task difficulty and individual differences in processing style that modify cerebral laterality effects are discussed.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined the effect of gaze shifts on overall performance and ear differences in dichotic listening. In the first two experiments, lights were switched on and off so as to induce rightward, leftward, or upward gaze during dichotic stimulation. The dichotic material consisted of musical passages in Experiment 1 and two kinds of verbal material in Experiment 2. Vertical eye movements enhanced the accuracy of identification of music but not verbal material. The lateral direction of eye movements affected subjects' ability to localize targets in Experiment 1: localization was more accurate in the direction toward which subjects were looking. In the third experiment it was found that optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) influenced the asymmetry of performance on a dichotic consonant-vowel (CV) test. The right-ear advantage was greatest when the OKN drum rotated from left to right and least when it rotated from right to left. The effect was due to corresponding variation in left-ear scores. Possible mechanisms through which shifts of gaze affect auditory identification and localization are proposed.  相似文献   

This research was a study of the reliability of clinical judgment findings (multitrait) across three different information sources (psychometric tests, structured interview, and psychometric tests and interview). Subjects (N = 74) were middle and senior executives of Western Canadian technical companies; clinicians (N = 3) were trained and experienced industrial psychologists. The study investigated the similarity of clinical evaluation of personological characteristics (based on an 18-factor multitrait paradigm) across the three different information sources. Subjects were independently rated by a single clinician on 18 criterion factors in each of the three information source categories. Test information source categories required the administration of approximately 12 hrs of standardized psychological assessment questionnaires to each of the 74 subjects. Interview source category involved a 1.5-hr structured interview per subject. Combined condition pooled both test and interview conditions. Generalizability of the findings was maximized by the undertaking of the experiment in a natural situation thus increasing ecological validity. Statistical treatments used were designed to assess the similarity of a clinician's evaluation of a subject based on the different category of information available about that client. Convergence (intrarater reliability) indexes range from a high of .64 to a low of .05. Results indicate a varying degree of convergence of multitrait clinical ratings dependent on clinician and trait being rated. Results are discussed in terms of implications for practitioners involved in executive personnel selection.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship of levels of vocational decidedness and the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of one's level of vocational decidedness with dogmatism and self-esteem. The results indicated that vocationally decided and undecided subjects represent uniquely different populations on measures of dogmatism and self-esteem.  相似文献   

Power differences are thought to interfere with superiors' interaction with subordinates. However, it is also argued that superiors with considerable power are most supportive of their subordinates. To explore these opposing positions, 90 undergraduates became managers with either high or low power who believed their goals were cooperatively, individualistically, or competitively related to their subordinate. Results support the hypothesis that social context affects how superiors use their power to interact with subordinates. High- and low-power superiors in cooperation had positive expectations, interacted constructively, restated the task, responded to requests for assistance, and developed a positive relationship compared to high- and low-power superiors in individualistic and competitive situations. In addition, only the high-power superiors in cooperation used their expertise to give direct aid to the subordinate. Results indicate that in cooperation superiors are likely to use their power constructively; however, in competitive and individualistic contexts, superiors are apt to fail to use their resources to facilitate subordinate performance. Results were also interpreted as suggesting that it is not so much the extent of superiors' power but the social context that affects their use of power and interaction with subordinates.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted to test those features deemed to play an important role in the acquisition and/or maintenance of autoshaping and omission responding with human subjects, viz., event contingencies, reinforcement, stimulus generalization, the type of CS employed, conditioned reinforcement, and response topography. One important aspect of these studies is that the boundary conditions were made to resemble those pertaining to the majority of nonhuman animal studies, i.e., magazine training followed by paired CS-US presentations. The results demonstrated the importance of CS-UR or, alternatively, CS-US contiguity together with generalization and a response-reinforcer contingency for autoshaped response initiation and maintenance, respectively. The conditioned reinforcing effect of CS offset appears to play a part in generating and maintaining some responding during omission training, especially during a response-terminated CS procedure. Similar response topography was observed when the form of the UR was compared to that of the CR or autoshaped response. Taken as a whole the results of these experiments with humans are directly comparable to results previously reported using a wide variety of nonhuman animals.  相似文献   

The component scales from which Bem's index of psychological androgyny is derived are better thought of as measures of dominance and nurturance, rather than “masculinity” and “femininity.” When the Bem scales were administered to 202 male and female college students, along with eight scales that form an interpersonal circumplex, it was once again found that stereotyped, near-stereotyped, and androgynous classifications on the Bem index generalized to sex-role stereotype classifications on other dimensions of interpersonal behavior, as well. Moreover, the Bem index was found to be based on the best available combination of orthogonal interpersonal scales for measuring sex-role stereotypy. In this recent sample of college students, the hypothesis that Bem's index of androgyny reflects the more general construct of interpersonal flexibility was confirmed for both male and female subjects. The recognition that Bem's index of androgyny is specific to the interpersonal domain should encourage others to develop androgyny indices in other domains such as temperatment, interests, and cognitive styles.  相似文献   

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