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The ability of an aphasic subject with agrammatism in both comprehension and production to transcribe quantities from Roman numerals to Arabic and the reverse was investigated. Systematic errors in the transcoding processes were observed that could not be accounted for by the peculiarities of the two ideographic coding systems or by difficulties with direct transcoding rules. The results are discussed in the framework of the current debate on preserved/impaired hierarchical syntactical knowledge of agrammatic subjects. The findings paralleled the results of previous studies on the transcoding skills of agrammatics from/to alphabetic numerals to/from digital forms. In the case of this particular patient, it is therefore tentatively concluded in favor of preserved syntactical knowledge.  相似文献   

A sentence construction experiment examining the effect of part of speech and phonological form in written-word comprehension is reported. Normal and aphasic subjects had to write sentences incorporating a given word pair, one word was a homograph (e.g., “bank”) whose meaning was context-biased by the other (e.g., “money”/“river”). The effect of three psycholinguistic factors on subjects' performance was questioned: (i) The relative frequency of one meaning of the homograph as compared to the other meaning; (ii) The lexical/syntactic ambiguity (“ball”/“can”); (iii) The same/different phonological forms of the two meanings (“fair”/“bass”). The results are discussed in the framework of a model in which multiple special-purpose procedures are involved in normal processing, some of them being differentially impaired by brain disease in Broca's and Wernicke's aphasics.  相似文献   

The abilities of aphasic patients to perform a sentence-picture matching task were investigated on simple declarative reversible sentences. Two factors were found to differentially affect Broca's versus Wernicke's aphasics' performance: sentence plausibility and spatial arrangement. Sentence plausibility, that is to say, the liability of two given nouns in a sentence to act as agent and recipient according to normal subjects' expectancies, had a significant effect on the frequency of correct responses of Broca's aphasics but not on those of Wernicke's. Conversely, the latter were found to be more sensitive to a match or mismatch in the left-to-right spatial arrangement of the grammatical subject and object in a sentence on the one hand, and the order of the corresponding personages in the picture on the other. The results are discussed in terms of “frame selection” and the handling of ordered structure strategies contributing to normal system, but selectively disturbed in the case of brain damage.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the psycholinguistic investigation of a surface dyslexic aphasic patient's abilities to handle written material. The analysis of paralexic errors produced in reading aloud single words and nonwords classically suggested that the patient was using an analytical strategy parsing the letter string stimulus, from left to right, into graphemes, and assigning phonemic values to graphemes. The patient's results were found to be sensitive to irregularities in correspondence between graphemes and phonemes not only in reading aloud but in lexical decisions, writing on dictation, rhyming, and written-word comprehension. Moreover, the patient's linguistic behavior brought out the reverse pattern observed in deep-dyslexic performances within word/nonword and content/function word dimensions. It was found that some semantic information about written words could be retrieved from both phonological and nonphonological processes presumably operating concurrently and both providing converging or conflicting pieces of meaning to the understanding of written words. Some considerations derived from the observation of this pathological reading behavior are discussed, contributing to a psycholinguistic model of normal reading.  相似文献   

We consider a case of uncertainty which is frequently met in various fields, e.g., in parametric statistics: Events {θ}, θ ∈ ∵, are members of family E on which the decision maker possesses no information at all; however, conditionally on the realization of {θ}, he is able to affix probabilities to all members of another family of events, F. We assume that the decision maker: (1) has a rational behavior under complete ignorance, for decisions whose results only depend on events of E; (2) with {θ} known, maximizes his conditional expected utility for decisions whose results only depend on events of F; (3) has (unconditional) preferences which are consistent with his conditional ones. These assumptions are shown to be sufficient to ensure an approximate representation of the decision maker's preference by a real-valued function W which has the form W(f) = v[Infθ∈∵ Eθ(u°f), Supθ∈∵ Eθ(u°f)], where u and v, respectively, characterize the decision maker's attitudes toward risk and toward complete ignorance.  相似文献   

A case of pure word deafness due to a left temporal infarct is reported. The results of dichotic tests suggest that auditory verbal material may be processed in the right hemisphere. The inability to repeat nonsense words, the frequent semantic paraphasias in real-word repetition tasks, and the capacity to give a partial account of the meaning of a word that the patient cannot repeat show that despite the impairment of the phonological analysis, lexical semantic processing is possible. An attempt is made to demonstrate that the patient resorts to this semantic processing and that this reflects the linguistic competence of the right hemisphere.  相似文献   

The trends of sequences of phonemic approximations to a single target were studied in three types of aphasia (Broca's, conduction, and Wernicke's), as gathered in five tasks (spontaneous speech, repetition of meaningful words, repetition of nonsense words, reading aloud, and automatized sequences). A phonemic error ratio was defined in order to quantify the distance between each approximation of a given sequence and its target. The results of a computer analysis based on this ratio were analyzed according to three parameters. A study of three types of patients revealed that conduction aphasics exhibited the most regular trend toward the target in sequences of phonemic approximations; the analysis of the various tasks indicated that sequences produced in repetition by conduction aphasics form an exception to the regularity of this trend, and an examination of the various lengths of sequences indicated that longer sequences showed a less decisive trend toward the target than shorter sequences. The discussion bears on some theoretical aspects of the phonological production mechanism and its control: the initial strength and permanence of the internal representation of the target emerge as important factors required for the good functioning of this mechanism.  相似文献   

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