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A series of six experiments used the method of magnitude estimation to assess how the two ears sum the loudness of stimuli with various spectra. The results showed that the binaural system sums loudnesses by at least two distinct sets of rules, one applicable to narrow-band stimuli (complete loudness summation), another to wide-band noises (partial summation, dependent on level). The main findings were: (1) Narrow-band noise (Vi-octave bands at 1,000 Hz) showed complete binaural loudness summation, like that previously reported for pure tones (Marks, 1978a). At all but low SPL, a monaural stimulus must be 10 dB greater than a binaural stimulus to be equally loud; a stimulus ratio of 10 dB corresponds to a loudness ratio of 2:1 on Stevens’ sone scale. (2) Wide-band noise (300-4,800 Hz) showed only partial summation, the subadditivity being confined largely to levels below about 60 dB SPL. This result obtained both with bands of white noise (flat spectrum) and pink noise (—3 dB/ octave). (3) Binaural summation of two-tone complexes depended slightly on frequency spacing. Narrow spacing (860 and 1,160 Hz) gave summation equal to about 10 dB, like that of narrowband noises and single tones, whereas wider spacing (675 and 1,475 Hz) gave less summation, equal to about 9 dB, and more like wide-band noise; however, a very wide spacing (300 and 4,800 Hz) gave summation like that of narrow-band noises and single pure tones.  相似文献   

Do response-related processes affect perceptual processes? Sometimes they may: Algom and Marks (1990) produced different loudness exponents by manipulating stimulus range, and thereby also modified the rules of loudness summation determined by magnitude scaling. The present study manipulated exponents by having a dozen subjects learn prescribed power functions with exponents of 0.3, 0.6, or 1.2 (re sound pressure). Subjects gave magnitude estimates of the loudness of binaural signals during training, and of monaural and binaural signals after training. During training, subjects’ responses followed the nominal functions reasonably well. Immediately following training, subjects applied the numeric response scales uniformly to binaural and monaural signals alike; the implicit monaural-binaural loudness matches, and thus the basic rules underlying binaural summation, were unaffected by the exponent learned. Comparison of these results with those of Algom and Marks leads us to conclude that changing stimulus range likely influences underlying perceptual events, whereas “calibrating” a loudness scale through pretraining leaves the perceptual processes unaffected.  相似文献   

Subjects judged the loudness of tones (Experiment 1) and of bursts of noise (Experiment 2) that varied in intensity and duration as well as in mode of presentation (monaural vs. binaural). Both monaural and binaural loudness, for both types of signals, obeyed the bilinear-interaction prediction of the classic temporal integration model. The loudness of short tones grows as a power function of both intensity and duration with different exponents for the two factors (.2 and .3, respectively). The loudness of wide-band noises grows as a power function of duration (with an exponent of approximately .6) but not of sound pressure. For tones, binaural summation was constant but fell short of full additivity. For noises, summation changed across level and duration. Temporal summation followed the same course for monaural and binaural tonal stimuli but not for noise stimuli. Notwithstanding these differences between tone and noise, we concluded that binaural and temporal summation are independently operating integrative networks within the auditory system. The usefulness of establishing the underlying metric structure for temporal summation is emphasized.  相似文献   

In a series of six experiments, the method of magnitude estimation, constrained by a multivariate model, was used to assess the rules that govern the summation of the loudness of two-tone complexes. This methodology enabled us to specify the amounts of summation and simultaneously to construct the corresponding loudness scales. The components had different frequency separations and in the different experiments were presented (1) dichotically, a different frequency to each ear; (2) diotically, to both ears; and (3) monaurally. Results replicated and in some conditions extended known features of multiple signal processing by the auditory system. Thus, qualitatively different rules of loudness integration appeared. For monaural and diotic modes of stimulation, overall loudness depended on total sound energy within the critical band, but on the simple sum of component loudnesses beyond the critical band. For dichotic presentations, a fully additive rule of loudness summation appeared, regardless of frequency spacing. For the latter (but not the former), loudness summation was perfect, with the underlying loudness scales closely approximating Stevens's sone scale.  相似文献   

Cognitive arithmetic: a review of data and theory.   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
M H Ashcraft 《Cognition》1992,44(1-2):75-106
The area of cognitive arithmetic is concerned with the mental representation of number and arithmetic, and the processes and procedures that access and use this knowledge. In this article, I provide a tutorial review of the area, first discussing the four basic empirical effects that characterize the evidence on cognitive arithmetic: the effects of problem size or difficulty, errors, relatedness, and strategies of processing. I then review three current models of simple arithmetic processing and the empirical reports that support or challenge their explanations. The third section of the review discusses the relationship between basic fact retrieval and a rule-based component or system, and considers current evidence and proposals on the overall architecture of the cognitive arithmetic system. The review concludes with a final set of speculations about the all-pervasive problem difficulty effect, still a central puzzle in the field.  相似文献   

A pure tone changing continuously in intensity shows sweep-induced fading (SIF) of loudness as intensity sweeps down and may show a lesser degree of sweep-induced enhancement (SIE) as intensity sweeps up (Canévet & Scharf, 1990); the former effect has been called decruitment, the latter upcruitment. An opposite effect-upsweeps being judged to show more loudness change than downsweeps--has been reported by Neuhoff (1998). These disparate results might stem from several procedural differences. We found that differences in the sweep's duration and intensity level did not account for the disparity, nor did the presence of a steady tone preceding the sweep. In a second experiment, direct judgments of sweep size, such as those Neuhoff's (1998) listeners made, were affected not only by sweep size itself, but also by the intensity at the end of the sweep. The latter effect was especially marked for upsweeps. Neuhoffs (1998) proposed "bias for rising intensities" was found only with a method for judging sweep size that is more sensitive to end level than to sweep size.  相似文献   

Representative design and probabilistic theory in a functional psychology   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

How does context affect basic processes of sensory integration and the implicit psychophysical scales that underlie those processes? Five experiments examined how stimulus range and response regression determine characteristics of (a) psychophysical scales for loudness and (b) 3 kinds of intensity summation: binaural loudness summation, summation of loudness between tones widely spaced in frequency, and temporal loudness summation. Context affected the overt loudness scales in that smaller power-function exponents characterized larger versus smaller range of stimulation and characterized magnitude estimation versus magnitude production. More important, however, context simultaneously affected the degree of loudness integration as measured in terms of matching stimulus levels. Thus, stimulus range and scaling procedure influence not only overt response scales, but measures of underlying intensity processing.  相似文献   

Since about two decades neuroscientists have systematically faced the problem of consciousness: the aim is to discover the neural activity specifically related to conscious perceptions, i.e. the biological properties of what philosophers call qualia. In this view, a neural correlate of consciousness (NCC) is a precise pattern of brain activity that specifically accompanies a particular conscious experience. Almost all studies aimed at investigating the NCC have been carried out in the visual system. One of the most promising paradigms is based on sensory stimuli which elicit bistable percepts, as they allow to decouple subjective perception from the characteristics of the physical stimulation. Such kind of perception can be produced in the visual modality by using particular images (e.g. Rubin's vase/face figure) or by presenting two dissimilar stimuli separately to the two eyes (binocular rivalry). The stimuli compete for perceptual dominance and each image is visible in turn for a few seconds, while the other is suppressed. The use of this methodology has led to important findings concerning visual consciousness, which are briefly discussed. For the investigation of auditory consciousness, a similar stimulation paradigm can be achieved by using dichotic listening, consisting in two different stimuli presented each to one ear, which compete for perception (binaural rivalry). The principal aim of the present mini-review is to discuss the few contributes facing the issue of auditory consciousness and to advance the use of dichotic listening and binaural rivalry as valid tools for its investigation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to propose a conceptual frame of reference for memory research on the basis of two recent lines of development. One such key development is that of a functional orientation of memory research focusing on processing and function rather than structure and memory entities. The other line of development concerns information storage as distributed rather than localized. A functionalistic frame of reference involving a notion of distributed storage is proposed. According to this view remembering is seen as an interaction between available cognitive capabilities and demands of the task in which the individual is remembering something. Encoding is conceived of as an interaction between "affordances" of the environment and "functional dispositions" of the individual. Retrieval is seen as a re-activation of functional dispositions. The formation of unique combinations of functional dispositions plays a crucial role in obtaining perfect recall performance. The viability of the overall conceptual framework is demonstrated in three experimental studies. The development of the design and procedure for these experiments was a second purpose of this paper, namely to outline an experimental setting which could serve as a complement to computer simulations in studying notions of distributed storage.  相似文献   

According to the Threshold Theory (Hampton, 1995, 2007) semantic categorization decisions come about through the placement of a threshold criterion along a dimension that represents items' similarity to the category representation. The adequacy of this theory is assessed by applying a formalization of the theory, known as the Rasch model (Rasch, 1960; Thissen & Steinberg, 1986), to categorization data for eight natural language categories and subjecting it to a formal test. In validating the model special care is given to its ability to account for inter- and intra-individual differences in categorization and their relationship with item typicality. Extensions of the Rasch model that can be used to uncover the nature of category representations and the sources of categorization differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Wede J  Francis G 《Perception》2006,35(9):1155-1170
Sequential viewing of two orthogonally related patterns produces an afterimage of the first pattern (Vidyasagar et al, 1999 Nature 399 422-423; Francis and Rothmayer, 2003 Perception and Psychophysics 65 508-522). We investigated how the timing between the first stimulus (a vertical bar grating) and the second stimulus (a horizontal bar grating) affected the visibility of the afterimage (a perceived vertical grating). As the duration from offset of the first stimulus increased, reports of afterimages decreased. Holding fixed the total time from offset of the first stimulus and increasing the duration from offset of the second stimulus while decreasing the time between the first and second stimuli, caused a decrease in afterimage reports. We interpret this finding in terms of Grossberg's BCS - FCS (boundary contour system--feature contour system) theory. In this theory, the afterimage percept is the result of color complement after-responses in the FCS system interacting with orientation after-responses in the BCS system. The two types of after-responses interact at a stage of neural filling-in to produce the afterimage percept. As the duration between the stimuli increases, the color after-responses weaken so that visible filling-in is less likely to occur. A similar effect occurs for the orientation after-responses but at a faster time scale. Simulations of the model match the experimental data.  相似文献   

Clinical and research psychologists continue to be regarded stereotypically even by 187 students currently anticipating careers in psychology and closely related fields. This article gives data for 10 issues on which clinicians and researchers are perceived to differ. Specifically, a 10-item questionnaire is described which allows such stereotypes to be further explored or explained.  相似文献   

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