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According to the interpersonal theory of suicide (Joiner, 2005), repeated exposure to painful or provocative experiences is associated with lethal or nearly lethal suicide attempts. However, suicide research often focuses on suicide ideation or attempts, rather than intent. Using data from the Collaborative Psychiatric Epidemiological Surveys, we examined traumatic experiences, with a focus on repeated exposure to traumas, in individuals who described their suicide attempts as a strong intent to die versus a cry for help. Only repeated acts of committing violence were associated with high suicide intent, suggesting that individuals who engage in violence are at heightened risk for suicide.  相似文献   

The results of a systematic literature review that investigated suicide intent are presented. Of the 44 relevant articles identified, 17 investigated the relationships between various suicide risk factors and suicide intent and 25 publications investigated the relationships between suicide intent and various suicide outcomes. Despite recent advancements in the definition and nomological validity of suicide intent, a high degree of variability in the empirical measurement and analysis of suicide intent was found. Such variability limits future research related to measuring suicidal risk and outcomes, reporting suicide intent, or the meaningful comparison of diagnostic approaches or treatments across multiple studies.  相似文献   

The present study investigated reactions to the survivors of a family member's suicide. One hundred and twenty seven adults, members of a large urban Protestant church, responded to a newspaper account of a suicide in which the following factors were systematically varied: sex of the suicide, causal locus of the suicide, and whether the cause was prior or immediate to the suicide. The design was a 2 (sex of respondent) x 2 (sex of suicide) x 2 (locus of cause internal or external to the individual) x 2 (temporally remote cause or immediate cause). Results indicated a slight tendency for males to be somewhat more socially accepting of the surviving spouse of a suicide. There was also a significant interaction between sex of respondent x sex of the suicide, such that respondents indicated they would feel less tension in talking with the surviving family of a suicide of the same sex.  相似文献   

This paper presents a multinomial logit analysis of the methods used by Taiwanese individuals who completed suicide between 1991 and 1993. We investigated the influence of age, gender, urban or rural residence, seasons, and occupations on the six "choices" of suicide methods. The findings suggest that a systematic pattern exists between the choice of method and demographic characteristics of persons who have completed suicide. Most of the different patterns of suicide by sex, age, occupation, or residence can be understood by the different availability and accessibility to the means of suicide faced by the individuals. Our findings support Becker's (1962, 1974, 1993) contention that all kinds of human behavior or choices are shaped by the constraints imposed on the individuals. The findings also have important policy implications for suicide prevention in that they support Lester's advocacy to prevent or reduce suicide incidents by limiting availability, blocking accessibility, or "inconveniencing" the suicidal individuals.  相似文献   

The associations of various forms of sexual and physical assault with a history of suicide attempts and recent suicide ideation were studied in two distinct samples: active duty military and undergraduate students. A total of 273 active duty Air Force personnel and 309 undergraduate students anonymously completed self‐report surveys of assault victimization, emotional distress, belongingness, recent suicide ideation, and previous suicide attempts. Among military personnel, rape, robbery, or violent assault was associated with a nonsignificant trend toward increased risk for suicide attempts, whereas physical abuse or battering as an adult was significantly associated with recent suicide ideation. Among undergraduates, unwanted sexual experiences as an adult and physical or sexual abuse as a child were significantly associated with increased risk for suicide attempt, but only unwanted experiences as an adult was significantly associated with increased risk for suicide ideation. Experiencing multiple forms of assault increased risk for suicide attempts and ideation in both groups. Results suggest that different types of assault contribute differentially to suicide risk in military versus undergraduate populations, but experiencing multiple types of assault is associated with increased risk in both groups.  相似文献   

Suicide and suicidal behavior are major public health problems, especially among adolescents and young adults. Previous research has established links between parental bonding and suicidality; however, it remains unclear whether parental bonding is associated with suicide ideation, the progression from suicide ideation to suicide attempts, or both. This study examined the relation of parental bonding to suicide ideation and suicide attempts in adolescents from two settings: (1) acute psychiatric care (= 172) and (2) high school (= 426). All participants were administered validated measures of parental bonding, suicide ideation, and suicide attempts, as well as emotion dysregulation, loneliness, and self‐worth. In the psychiatric sample, lower parental care significantly differentiated adolescents with a history of suicide attempts from those with suicide ideation only or without histories of suicidality. This pattern remained even after controlling for other known correlates of suicidality (i.e., emotional dysregulation, loneliness, and low self‐worth). Similar effects were found in the community sample, although these findings failed to reach statistical significance. In both samples, parental overprotection was not associated with suicide ideation or suicide attempts. Results suggest that parental care may be an important risk factor for youth suicidal behavior and may help differentiate suicide attempters from suicide ideators.  相似文献   

Suicide ideation: its relation to depression, suicide and suicide attempt   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A random sample of 3,935 adults from a general population were interviewed and asked to report how often they had thoughts of suicide as well as their opinion on the frequency of suicide ideation in others. Depression was found to be related to the respondent's reports of his/her own suicidal thoughts and to reports of frequent suicide ideation in others. A total of 5.4 percent of the respondents reported some degree of suicide ideation in the previous month and 9.1 percent reported that others think about suicide once a month or more. When the demographic characteristics of those who report suicide ideation in themselves or others were compared to those of suicide attempters and committers, some consistencies were found, suggesting that such questions may be useful in identifying those "at risk." Nevertheless, sufficient discrepancies were found which suggest that there may be a number of factors which increase or decrease the likelihood that someone with thoughts of suicide will attempt or commit suicide. Follow-up studies are necessary to uncover such factors and the degrees to which they influence the occurrence of suicide.  相似文献   

One possible approach to prevention of suicide attempts is to encourage help‐seeking among individuals at risk. We assessed whether different forms of treatment were associated with lower odds of a suicide attempt in a diverse group of 388 lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) adults aged 18–59, sampled from New York City venues. Of individuals who attempted suicide, 23% sought mental health or medical treatment and 14% sought religious or spiritual treatment prior to the suicide attempt. Black and Latino LGBs were underrepresented in mental health or medical treatment and Black LGBs were overrepresented in religious or spiritual treatment. Seeking mental health or medical treatment was not associated with lower odds of a suicide attempt; seeking religious or spiritual treatment was associated with higher odds of a suicide attempt. We discuss these results and posit hypotheses for further research of this understudied topic.  相似文献   

Among past attempts to use MMPI data to predict suicidal behavior, there has been a lack of research on the ability of clinicians to identify MMPI profiles of suicidal persons. In this study, the MMPI profiles of 20 male psychiatric patients who committed suicide and the MMPI profiles of 20 male patients who did not attempt or commit suicide were presented to six clinical psychologists with expertise in MMPI interpretation. The clinicians were asked to classify each MMPI profile as coming from a patient who did or did not later commit suicide, and to rate eight variables thought to be relevant to the assessment of suicide risk. Data analysis revealed that the clinicians could not identify suicide and nonsuicide patients from their MMPI profiles. Furthermore, the ratings of the eight suicide variable did not differentiate suicide and nonsuicide patients.  相似文献   

Psycho-social and biological theories of suicide are sometimes presented in a dichotomous manner. It is hypothesised that there is a base rate of suicide in all communities which is influenced not only by biological factors, but also by psycho-social factors. However, various countries or specific groups or regions within a country whose suicide rate diverges significantly from this base rate do so predominantly because of psycho-social factors. This theory has practical implications in terms of where certain countries or regions should focus their suicide prevention programmes.  相似文献   

The effect of engaging in an intensive research protocol that inquired extensively about psychiatric and suicide symptoms and exposed participants to a number of images, including suicide-related content was explored. Individuals experiencing a major depressive episode were called at 1 and 3 months after the initial protocol. Participants were asked about changes in suicide ideation and the occurrence of self-harm or suicide attempts following participation. Participants reported experiencing reductions in suicide ideation at the first follow-up and no changes at the second follow-up. No participant reported having engaged in self-harm or having attempted suicide at either follow-up. Results suggest that basic science/nontreatment research can be conducted safely with suicidal participants and in a manner that does not increase suicide symptoms or suicide risk.  相似文献   

This study investigated the role of gender, family cohesion, religiosity, and negative suicide attitudes as potential determinants of cultural differences in suicide ideation among 375 college students from Ghana and the United States. Significant cultural differences were found for suicide ideation, family closeness, religiosity, and negative suicide attitudes. Family cohesion and negative attitudes were significant predictors for both cultural groups. Gender was a significant determinant for suicide ideation among Ghanaians, but not Americans; religiosity was not a significant determinant for either group. More extensive research on sociocultural influences on suicide, especially among countries in which suicide is underreported or not documented, is encouraged.  相似文献   

Suicide in rural areas has not received significant attention in the research literature to this point, although suicide rates are higher among adults and older adults in rural areas than in urban areas. The aims of the study were as follows: (1) establish the feasibility of assessing suicide ideation and history of suicidal behavior; (2) determine preliminary estimates of the prevalence of suicide ideation, and history of suicide attempts; and (3) examine the effectiveness and acceptability of safety and referral plans for individuals whose responses indicated elevated suicide risk, in rural communities with limited access to referral care. Participants were 96 adults aged 40 to 85 years old (=  57.34, SD  = 11.47) residing in West Texas. Our results indicate that 26% of participants endorsed a lifetime history of suicide ideation and/or suicide attempt(s) and 12.5% reported suicide ideation in the past year. In addition, 93.4% of participants reported that participation in our suicide‐focused study was an excellent or good experience. Results suggest that individuals in rural communities are willing to talk about suicide, found the experience helpful, and were satisfied with the referral process.  相似文献   

Rates of suicide by jumping show large regional differences. Barriers on bridges may prevent suicides but also may lead to a substitution of jumping site or method. The aim of our study was to compare suicide data from regions with and without suicide bridges and to estimate the effects on method and site substitution if bridges were to be secured. In a national survey, suicide data for the years 1990 to 2003 were collected. Regions with high rates of bridge suicides were identified and compared with regions with low rates, and the analysis revealed that only about one third of the individuals would be expected to jump from buildings or other structures if no bridge was available. The results suggest no method substitution for women. For men, a trend of a substituting jumping by overdosing in regions without suicide bridges was found. We conclude that restricted access to suicide bridges will not automatically lead suicidal individuals to choose another jumping site or suicide method. The results support the notion that securing bridges may save lives.  相似文献   

There is considerable evidence that being exposed to the suicide or suicidal behavior of another can increase the risk for suicide. Significant relationships between media coverage and youth suicide have been documented in the professional literature. Exposure to familial suicidal behavior has also been established as a risk factor for youth suicidal behavior; However, peer suicide exposure is not as clear cut as research results in this area have been mixed. In the current paper the empirical literature focused on the associations between exposure to peer suicides and suicide attempts and youth suicidal behavior is critically reviewed. Effect sizes were computed for each of the 23 studies included in the review to allow for cross‐study comparisons. The results demonstrate that having a friend or acquaintance attempt suicide is significantly related to risk for suicidal thoughts and behavior. However, the support for the relationship between the suicide of a peer and youth suicidal behavior was less consistent. Implications for clinical practice and suicide postvention as well as areas of future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The development of an epidemiological study of mental health, social background factors, suicidal behaviors (suicidal ideas, deliberate self-harm, and attempted suicide), values concerning suicide, and experience of suicide in others is described. 679 adult respondents in a stratified random sample of residents of a large Canadian city were interviewed. Results indicate a more accepting attitude to suicide than reported in previous studies; considerable experience of suicide in others; and a much higher rate of suicidal ideas and action than has been reported in previous work. Thirteen percent of the sample had made plans for suicide in their lifetime, 6% had deliberately harmed themselves, and a further 4% had attempted suicide in their lifetime. In the past year, 4% had made plans for suicide, and 2% had deliberately harmed themselves or had attempted suicide.  相似文献   

The prevalence and correlates of suicidal threats and attempts among 662 racially and ethnically diverse adult female victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) were studied. One in five women had threatened or attempted suicide during her lifetime. They observed that multiple logistic regression results indicated that women at greater risk of severe or potentially lethal assaults as measured by the Danger Assessment and those who reported having a chronic or disabling illness were more likely to have threatened or attempted suicide. A linear association was found between age and suicide threats/attempts, with younger women having increased odds. Finally, African American IPV victims were less likely to have threatened or attempted suicide as compared to Latina victims. Study implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Youth recently assigned to probation (n = 233) were assessed for current suicide proneness, depression, and hopelessness, as well as for recent suicide ideation, previous suicide ideation, or suicide attempt(s). The Life Attitudes Schedule-Short Form (LAS-SF) was used to assess suicide proneness. As per the LAS-SF, suicide proneness was defined broadly to include current engagement in overtly suicidal behavior as well as in risk-taking and potentially injury-producing behaviors, coupled with a lack of engagement in health and safety behaviors, or self-enhancement behaviors. As expected, current suicide proneness was significantly associated with a history of suicide ideation and attempts, recent ideation, and current depression and hopelessness for adjudicated youth. Gender differences were obtained between the strength of the association between suicide proneness and depressive symptoms. A subgroup of adjudicated youth (n = 39) was then interviewed about their suicidal behaviors. Among other things, these youth indicated that the majority of their previous suicide attempts were committed impulsively.  相似文献   

Findings concerning the long‐term effects of the Family Bereavement Program (FBP) to reduce suicide ideation and/or attempts of parentally bereaved children and adolescents are presented. Parental death is a significant risk factor for suicide among offspring (Guldin et al., 2015). This study is a long‐term follow‐up of 244 children and adolescents who had participated in a randomized trial of the FBP, examining the intervention effects on suicide ideation and/or attempts as assessed through multiple sources. Results indicate a significant effect of the FBP to reduce suicide ideation and/or attempts at the 6‐ and 15‐year follow‐up evaluation. The findings support the potential benefits of further research on “upstream” suicide prevention.  相似文献   

Suicide method used by adolescents was examined to determine if it was the same as that employed by their suicidal parents. Six hundred eighty adolescents completed suicide between 1997 and 2007, of whom 12 had parents who had previously died by suicide. The suicide method used by these adolescents was compared with that employed by their suicidal parent and that of a matched peer control adolescent with no exposure to parental suicide and living in the same area. In 10 of the 12 suicidal parent-adolescent dyads, the same suicide method was employed by parent and adolescent. Of seven adolescents whose age at parental suicide was 15 years or above, six used the same suicide method as their suicidal parent had. On the contrary, of 12 exposure-nonexposure suicidal adolescent dyads, the same method was used in only four. Adolescents exposed to parental suicide are more likely to use the suicide method employed by their suicidal parents than the method used by adolescent peers with no exposure to parental suicide.  相似文献   

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