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The present paper explores cross-cultural variation in spatial cognition by comparing spatial reconstruction tasks by Dutch and Namibian elementary school children. These two communities differ in the way they predominantly express spatial relations in language. Four experiments investigate cognitive strategy preferences across different levels of task-complexity and instruction. Data show a correlation between dominant linguistic spatial frames of reference and performance patterns in non-linguistic spatial memory tasks. This correlation is shown to be stable across an increase of complexity in the spatial array. When instructed to use their respective non-habitual cognitive strategy, participants were not easily able to switch between strategies and their attempts to do so impaired their performance. These results indicate a difference not only in preference but also in competence and suggest that spatial language and non-linguistic preferences and competences in spatial cognition are systematically aligned across human populations.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that neglect patients misrepresent the metric spatial relations along the horizontal axis (anisometry). The "fabric" of their internal spatial medium would be distorted in such a way that physically equal distances appear relatively shorter on the contralesional side (canonical anisometry). The case of GL, a 76-year-old lady with left neglect on visual search tasks, is presented. GL showed severe relative overestimation on the left (contralesional) side on two independent tasks evaluating the metrics of her internal representation. A qualitatively similar pattern was found in two out of 10 other neglect patients who performed the second task. This behavior cannot be accounted for by the canonical anisometry hypothesis. Nevertheless, GL produced a relative left overextension (underestimation) when trying to set the endpoints of a virtual line given its midpoint (Endpoints Task). An interpretation of these results is offered in terms of a misprojection of relevant landmarks onto the internal representation without assuming distortion of its "fabric."  相似文献   

Therrien ME  Collin CA 《Perception》2010,39(8):1043-1064
Visual navigation is a task that involves processing two-dimensional light patterns on the retinas to obtain knowledge of how to move through a three-dimensional environment. Therefore, modifying the basic characteristics of the two-dimensional information provided to navigators should have important and informative effects on how they navigate. Despite this, few basic research studies have examined the effects of systematically modifying the available levels of spatial visual detail on navigation performance. In this study, we tested the effects of a range of visual blur levels--approximately equivalent to various degrees of low-pass spatial frequency filtering--on participants' visually guided route-learning performance using desktop virtual renderings of the Hebb-Williams mazes. Our findings show that the function of blur and time to finish the mazes follows a sigmoidal pattern, with the inflection point around +2 D of experienced defocus. This suggests that visually guided route learning is fairly robust to blur, with the threshold level being just above the limit for legal blindness. These findings have implications for models of route learning, as well as for practical situations in which humans must navigate under conditions of blur.  相似文献   

To assess how differential experience with objects in a spatial array might serve to establish relative landmarks within the array, first and fifth graders learned models of a town and farm under two conditions. In a homogeneous condition, all elements in the array were visited an equal number of times. In a landmark condition, the relative landmark status of an element was established by distributing the same total number of visits unequally across the elements. The effects of such landmarks on spatial memory were assessed both in reconstructions of the entire array and by pairwise distance estimations. The landmark condition led to a general improvement in spatial recall accuracy as well as providing a relative landmark within the array to help organize the space. The results suggest that different levels of experience (controlling for overall experience and object salience) can establish elements as relative landmarks in spatial memory. Although there was clear developmental improvement in spatial memory, the specific landmark effects were similar for both first and fifth graders.  相似文献   

Life-span retention of street names was studied in a sample of former students of a Dutch elementary school. Participants were requested to recall the street names of their childhood neighbourhood and indicate their position on a map. In addition, information was gathered concerning (a) the extensiveness of the original learning experience, (b) its elaborateness, and (c) the amount of interference from similar materials occurring between original learning experience and time of recall. Retention intervals varied from 0 to 71 years. Amount of exposure, elaborateness of learning, and retroactive interference all contributed to the memorability of names. In addition, the forgetting curve showed a permastore effect (Bahrick, 1984), suggesting that memory for non-schematic, incidentally learned material is subject to processes of forgetting similar to those that affect intentionally learned material, such as subject-matter acquired in school.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that learning an object's location relative to (1) intramaze landmarks and (2) local boundaries is supported by parallel striatal and hippocampal systems, both of which rely upon input from a third system for orientation. However, little is known about the developmental trajectories of these systems' contributions to spatial learning. The present study tested 5- and 7-year-old children and adults on a water maze-like task in which all three types of cue were available. Participants had to remember the location of an object hidden in a circular bounded environment containing a moveable intramaze landmark and surrounded by distal cues. Children performed less accurately than adults, and showed a different pattern of error. While adults relied most on the stable cue provided by the boundary, children relied on both landmark and boundary cues similarly, suggesting a developmental increase in the weighting given to boundary cues. Further, adults were most accurate in coding angular information (dependent on distal cues), whereas children were most accurate in coding distance, suggesting a developing ability to use distal cues to orient. These results indicate that children as young as 5 years use boundary, intramaze landmark, and distal visual cues in parallel, but that the basic accuracy and relative weighting of these cues changes during subsequent development.  相似文献   

A characteristic feature of associative conditioning is that learning a predictive relationship between two events can block later learning about an added event. It is not yet well established whether blocking occurs in the spatial domain or the circumstances in which it does. We now report, using rats trained to search for hidden food near landmarks in an open field arena, that blocking can occur in spatial learning. The animals noticed the added landmark at the start of the blocking phase and explored it, but either failed to incorporate it into their spatial map or developed a representation in which only some landmarks actually control behavior. Additionally, performance at asymptote was controlled by the shape of the landmark array rather than the individual landmarks comprising it, indicating that blocking in the spatial domain may represent a failure to alter the encoded geometry of a learned array.  相似文献   

Animal Cognition - Communication between dogs and humans is a topic of growing interest, and the “unsolvable task” is a common method used to measure human-directed communication. In...  相似文献   

Seeing the big picture: map use and the development of spatial cognition   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper considers the relation between the development of spatial cognition and children’s use of maps and models. A new theoretical perspective is presented that takes into account the influences of maps on the development of spatial cognition. Maps provide a perspective on spatial information that differs in important ways from the perspective gained from direct experience navigating in the world. Using and thinking about maps may help children to acquire abstract concepts of space and the ability to think systematically about spatial relations that they have not experienced directly. In addition, exposure to maps may help children to think about multiple spatial relations among multiple locations. The results of previous studies that have demonstrated developmental differences in children’s cognition of large‐scale environments are examined from this theoretical perspective. This review suggests that the development of spatial cognition consists partly of the acquisition of models of large‐scale space, and that maps influence the development of the modern Western model.  相似文献   

How does the mind produce creative ideas? Past research has pointed to important roles of both executive and associative processes in creative cognition. But such work has largely focused on the influence of one ability or the other—executive or associative—so the extent to which both abilities may jointly affect creative thought remains unclear. Using multivariate structural equation modeling, we conducted two studies to determine the relative influences of executive and associative processes in domain-general creative cognition (i.e., divergent thinking). Participants completed a series of verbal fluency tasks, and their responses were analyzed by means of latent semantic analysis (LSA) and scored for semantic distance as a measure of associative ability. Participants also completed several measures of executive function—including broad retrieval ability (Gr) and fluid intelligence (Gf). Across both studies, we found substantial effects of both associative and executive abilities: As the average semantic distance between verbal fluency responses and cues increased, so did the creative quality of divergent-thinking responses (Study 1 and Study 2). Moreover, the creative quality of divergent-thinking responses was predicted by the executive variables—Gr (Study 1) and Gf (Study 2). Importantly, the effects of semantic distance and the executive function variables remained robust in the same structural equation model predicting divergent thinking, suggesting unique contributions of both constructs. The present research extends recent applications of LSA in creativity research and provides support for the notion that both associative and executive processes underlie the production of novel ideas.  相似文献   

Spatial cognitive performance is impaired in later adulthood but it is unclear whether the metacognitive processes involved in monitoring spatial cognitive performance are also compromised. Inaccurate monitoring could affect whether people choose to engage in tasks that require spatial thinking and also the strategies they use in spatial domains such as navigation. The current experiment examined potential age differences in monitoring spatial cognitive performance in a variety of spatial domains including visual–spatial working memory, spatial orientation, spatial visualization, navigation, and place learning. Younger and older adults completed a 2D mental rotation test, 3D mental rotation test, paper folding test, spatial memory span test, two virtual navigation tasks, and a cognitive mapping test. Participants also made metacognitive judgments of performance (confidence judgments, judgments of learning, or navigation time estimates) on each trial for all spatial tasks. Preference for allocentric or egocentric navigation strategies was also measured. Overall, performance was poorer and confidence in performance was lower for older adults than younger adults. In most spatial domains, the absolute and relative accuracy of metacognitive judgments was equivalent for both age groups. However, age differences in monitoring accuracy (specifically relative accuracy) emerged in spatial tasks involving navigation. Confidence in navigating for a target location also mediated age differences in allocentric navigation strategy use. These findings suggest that with the possible exception of navigation monitoring, spatial cognition may be spared from age-related decline even though spatial cognition itself is impaired in older age.  相似文献   

Three experiments were carried out to examine the cues that are used in learning to read and spell new words. In a reading task (Experiment 1), even preschoolers who could not read simple real words were able to benefit from print-sound relationships that were based on letter names. They found it easier to learn that the made-up word TM was pronounced as 'team" (name condition) than that TM was pronounced as "tame" (sound condition) or as "wide" (visual condition). The letter-name strategy persisted among college students (Experiment 2). In a spelling task (Experiment 3), prereaders and novice readers again did better in the name condition than in the sound condition. The ability to use relationships based on letter sounds emerged later than the ability to use relationships based on letter names. However, sound-based relationships were used to a greater extent in spelling than in reading.  相似文献   

In previous research, it has been argued that spatial performance on psychometric tests might be accounted for, in part, by the need for test-takers to transform mentally two-dimensional (2-D) test items into a three-dimensional (3-D) representation. With this in mind, the Landscape Perception Test (LPT) was designed to isolate the 2-D to 3-D (and vice versa) transformational aspect of spatial cognition. Gender differences were used as an indirect means to examine the contribution of the 2-D to 3-D transformation to spatial performance. Since the LPT was designed by means of an image relevant to geospatial cognition, measures of environmental cognition, as well as experience in various activities, were also examined. One hundred thirty undergraduate students (66 females and 64 males) completed the Childhood Activities Questionnaire, the Santa Barbara Sense of Direction Test, the Visualization of Views (VV) Test, the Perspective Taking/Spatial Orientation Test, and the LPT. Results showed higher scores for men than for women on LPT items requiring 2-D to 3-D conversion (LPT23), but not on those requiring the reverse operation. In addition, only the LPT23 produced significant indirect effects of gender on VV Test performance. Performance on the tests was also correlated with environmental cognition and previous experience with spatial activities. The results suggest that dimensional transformation might be a factor significantly contributing to spatial performance. Psychometric aspects of the LPT are also discussed.  相似文献   

In their initial study of the development of children's spatial concepts, Piaget and Inhelder (1956) designed the “water-level” and “plumb-line” tasks to assess children's Euclidean abilities to perceive and represent horizontals and verticals. Surprisingly, subsequent research has shown that many adults perform badly on these tasks designed for children. Here we studied whether adults (N=160) would also have difficulty on a shadow projection task developed to assess theoretically related projective spatial concepts. The data showed that some adults had difficulty on the shadow task, whether tested by a drawing or by a selection task, and whether scored with respect to qualitative shape or metric accuracy. Performance was significantly worse on complex than simple forms, and when sex differences emerged, they favored males. As hypothesized, the best predictor of shadow performance was performance on the Euclidean tasks. Scores on the Embedded Figures Test and participant sex accounted for small (but significant) additional variance on shadow performance. Implications for theories of spatial development and for modeling individual differences in spatial cognition are discussed.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the involvement of verbal and visuo-spatial working memory during the processing of spatial texts via a dual-task paradigm. Subjects were presented with three texts describing locations from a route perspective, and had either to imagine themselves moving along a route in surroundings or to rehearse verbal information. Concurrently they had to perform a spatial tapping task, an articulatory task, or no secondary task. Performance on a verification test used to assess the product of comprehension showed that the concurrent tapping task impaired performance in the imagery instructions group but not in the repetition instructions group, and caused the beneficial effect of imagery instructions to vanish. This result was not observed with the articulatory task, where interference effects were similar in both instructions groups. Performance on the concurrent tasks confirmed the pattern obtained with the verification test. In addition, results seem partly dependent on the capacity of spatial working memory as measured by the Corsi Blocks Test. We argue that these results clarify the processes of the construction of a spatial mental model, and confirm that the visuo-spatial working memory is involved in mental imagery.  相似文献   

Two psychophysical measures of tactile sensitivity--grating-orientation (GO) and smooth-grooved (SG) discrimination--were used to determine tactile spatial acuity with and without an intermediate surface (latex glove) interposed between the contactor and the skin. Measures were made at three locations that varied in sensitivity and in density of innervation of the primary afferent fibers: the index fingerpad (fingertip), palmar surface of the proximal phalanx (fingerbase), and the thenar eminence (palm). Neurophysiological studies have suggested that the density of innervation of SAI fibers is a limiting factor in spatial acuity. In the present study, without a glove, the GO thresholds varied as a function of location. With the glove, increases in the GO thresholds were relatively uniform and modest. Without a glove, however, the SG thresholds were well below the GO thresholds, and changing the site of stimulation had little effect on the threshold. With a glove, the SG thresholds increased by 100% to more than 300% as in comparison with those in the no-glove condition. The largest increases occurred at the less sensitive locations. The results of the GO task are consistent with the view that GO is a valid measure of spatial acuity. The results of the SG task, however, are inconsistent with previous results and suggest that both spatial and intensive factors are involved in this task.  相似文献   

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