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Exposure duration and sequential redundancy are major determinants of report accuracy for textual displays. Increased emission of left-to-right saccades to both word strings and letter strings are associated with sequential redundancy. Such saccades are more frequent when words rather than pseudowords are viewed. The pattern of scanning is not simply left to right, and certain patterns of eye movements are associated positively with accuracy of report. These are a function of the sequential constraints of the display and are stronger for word strings than for letter strings. Presence of a word elicits more left-to-right saccades than does a pseudoword, even at exposures too short for a second fixation to be useful. In that case, there is no difference between redundant and nonredundant pseudowords. There is no redundancy effect at short exposures of pseudosentences. 相似文献
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review - How is attention allocated during reading? The present eye-movement experiment used a paradigm developed by Liu and Reichle (Psychological Science, 29,... 相似文献
Albrecht Werner Inhoff Alexander Pollatsek Michael I. Posner Keith Rayner 《The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A: Human Experimental Psychology》1989,41(1):63-89
Eye movements were monitored during the reading of spatially transformed text in order to examine covert attentional processes in reading. In some conditions, the sequence of letters within a word was congruent with (i.e. in the same direction as) the sequence of words in the sentence; in other conditions the direction of letters within words and the direction of words in the sentence were incongruent. In addition, the window of visible text was varied so that in some conditions only the fixated word (and all preceding words) were visible, whereas in other conditions the fixated word and the succeeding word were both visible. Readers were able to extract more parafoveal information from text when the words themselves were normal than when the letters within the words were transformed. However, with practice, readers were able to use some parafoveal information even when the words were transformed. The most important finding was that the congruity of the word and letter order had no reliable effect on the ability to extract parafoveal information and influenced reading performance only when the words themselves were normal. We conclude that covert attention in reading is not a letter-by-letter scan that sweeps across the page, but either an asymmetric spotlight held constant on each fixation or a shifting of an attentional spotlight extending across multiletter units (possibly words) with the direction of shifts of attention closely coupled to the direction of eye movements. 相似文献
In two experiments, we explored how readers encode information that is linguistically focused. Subjects read sentences in which a word or phrase was focused by a syntactic manipulation (Experiment 1) or by a preceding context (Experiment 2) while their eye movements were monitored. Readers had longer reading times while reading a region of the sentence that was focused than when the same region was not focused. The results suggest that readers encode focused information more carefully, either upon first encountering it or during a second-pass reading of it. We conclude that the enhanced memory representations for focused information found in previous studies may be due in part to differences in reading patterns for focused information. 相似文献
Three experiments explored whether patterns of eye movements during reading might help explain syntactic prominence effects
that are typically observed using reaction time tasks. Participants read sentences in which target words were in syntactically
prominent or syntactically less prominent positions. Across all three experiments, using three types of syntactic prominence
manipulations, there were fewer fixations and shorter reading times for words in more prominent positions, indicating that
enhanced accessibility of syntactically prominent words is not caused by increased processing time. Rather, syntactic prominence
appears to facilitate early encoding/lexical access and sentence integration processes while also, as shown previously, increasing
activation of concepts in a comprehender’s sentence or discourse representation. We propose that enhanced encoding and sentence
integration processes can be attributed to an increase in attentional resources for more prominent concepts, and that this
increase derives from readers’ immediate sensitivity to informational prominence contours that are signaled by syntax. 相似文献
《British journal of psychology (London, England : 1953)》2006,97(2):191-216
Recent research found that naming and lexical decision times for words with an early orthographic uniqueness point (OUP) were faster than for words with a late OUP ( Kwantes & Mewhort, 1999a ; Lindell, Nicholls, & Castles, 2003 ). A word's OUP corresponds to the letter position in the word where that word is differentiated from other words. These results have been presented as evidence for sequential letter processing in visual word recognition ( Kwantes & Mewhort, 1999a ). In two experiments, we attempted to extend these results to a more natural reading situation by recording participants’ eye movements. Readers read sentences with early or late OUP words embedded in them. In both experiments, we manipulated the amount of parafoveal information available during reading. Readers did not show any consistent benefit for reading words with an early OUP regardless of the amount of preview available. Our results are at odds with the naming and lexical decision data and prove problematic for models that predict OUP effects. 相似文献
Drieghe D Pollatsek A Staub A Rayner K 《Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory, and cognition》2008,34(6):1552-1560
The distribution of landing positions and durations of first fixations in a region containing a noun preceded by either an article (e.g., the soldiers) or a high-frequency 3-letter word (e.g., all soldiers) were compared. Although there were fewer first fixations on the blank space between the high-frequency 3-letter word and the noun than on the surrounding letters (and the fixations on the blank space were shorter), this pattern did not occur when the noun was preceded by an article. R. Radach (1996) inferred from a similar experiment that did not manipulate the type of short word that 2 words could be processed as a perceptual unit during reading when the first word is a short word. As this different pattern of fixations is restricted to article-noun pairs, it indicates that word grouping does not occur purely on the basis of word length during reading; moreover, as the authors demonstrate, one can explain the observed patterns in both conditions more parsimoniously without adopting a word-grouping mechanism in eye movement control during reading. 相似文献
Kevin B. Paterson Simon P. Liversedge Colin J. Davis 《Psychonomic bulletin & review》2009,16(1):43-50
We report an eye movement experiment investigating whether prior processing of a word’s orthographic neighbor in a sentence
influences subsequent word processing during reading. There was greater difficulty in early word processing when a target
word’s neighbor rather than a control word appeared earlier in a sentence; this effect was uninfluenced by the relative lexical
frequency of the word and its neighbor. We discuss this inhibitory neighbor priming effect in terms of competitive network
models of word recognition and the process of lexical identification in the E-Z Reader model of oculomotor control (e.g.,
Reichle, Pollatsek, Fisher, & Rayner, 1998). 相似文献
Eye fixations were recorded to assess whether, how, and when readers draw inferences about predictable events. Predicting
context sentences, or non-predicting control sentences, were presented, followed by continuation sentences in which a target
word referred to a predictable event (inferential word) or an unlikely event (non-predictable word). There were no effects
on initial target word processing measures, such as launch and landing sites, fixation probability, first-fixation duration,
or first-pass reading time. However, relative to the control condition, the predicting context (1) speeded up reanalysis of
the inferential word, as revealed by a reduction in second-pass reading time and regressions, and (2) interfered with processing
of the non-predictable word, as shown by an increase in regressions. These results indicate that predictive inferences are
active at late text integration processes, rather than at early lexical-access processes. The pattern of findings suggests
that these inferences involve initial activation of rather general concepts following the inducing context, and that they
are completed or refined with delay, after the inferential target word is read.
Received: 4 January 2000 / Accepted: 23 October 2000 相似文献
Keith Rayner Gretchen Kambe Susan A. Duffy 《The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A: Human Experimental Psychology》2000,53(4):1061-1080
The effect of clause wrap-up on eye movements in reading was examined. Readers read passages in which a target category noun referred to either a high typical or a low typical antecedent. In addition, the category noun was either clause final or non-clause final. There were four primary results: (1) Readers looked longer at a category noun when its antecedent was a low typical member of the category than when it was a high typical member; (2)readers looked longer at the category noun and at the post-category region when they were clause final than when they were not clause final; (3) readers regressed from a category noun or post-category region more frequently when it was clause final than when it was not clause final; and (4) readers made longer initial saccades when their eyes left the category noun or post-category region when this word was in clause final position than when it was not clause final. The last result suggests that sometimes higher order processes that are related to making a decision about when to move the eyes impinge on lower level decisions that are typically associated with deciding where to move the eyes. 相似文献
Subjects read passages of text on a video monitor as their eye movements were recorded. In Experiment 1, the passages were presented either in a format (ClearType) designed to display smoother, clearer characters on LCD monitors by eliminating pixilation or in standard format (non‐ClearType). The passages were also presented in three different fonts (Times New Roman, Harrington and Script MT bold) which differed in how easy the letters were to encode. While there were no comprehension differences due to ClearType or font, ClearType led to faster reading, fewer fixations, and shorter fixation durations than non‐ClearType. There were also font differences, with Times New Roman leading to faster reading than the other two fonts. In Experiment 2, we replicated the results that ClearType lead to faster reading than non‐ClearType when subjects read single sentences with high or low frequency target words. Across both experiments, word frequency interacted with presentation format. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Although computational models of eye-movement control during reading have been used to explain how saccadic programming, visual
constraints, attention allocation, and lexical processing jointly affect eye movements during reading, these models have largely
ignored the issue of how higher level, postlexical language processing affects eye movements. The present article shows how
one of these models, E-Z Reader (Pollatsek, Reichle, & Rayner, 2006c), can be augmented to redress this limitation. Simulations
show that with a few simple assumptions, the model can account for the fact that effects of higher level language processing
are not observed on eye movements when such processing is occurring without difficulty, but can capture the patterns of eye
movements that are observed when such processing is slowed or disrupted. 相似文献
Ashby J Treiman R Kessler B Rayner K 《Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory, and cognition》2006,32(2):416-424
Two eye movement experiments examined whether skilled readers include vowels in the early phonological representations used in word recognition during silent reading. Target words were presented in sentences preceded by parafoveal previews in which the vowel phoneme was concordant or discordant with the vowel phoneme in the target word. In Experiment 1, the orthographic vowel differed from the target in both the concordant and discordant preview conditions. In Experiment 2, the vowel letters in the preview were identical to those in the target word. The phonological vowel was ambiguous, however, and the final consonants of the previews biased the vowel phoneme either toward or away from the target's vowel phoneme. In both experiments, shorter reading times were observed for targets preceded by concordant previews than by discordant previews. Implications for models of word recognition are discussed. 相似文献
Recent research has indicated that phonological neighbors speed processing in a variety of isolated word recognition tasks. Nevertheless, as these tasks do not represent how we normally read, it is not clear if phonological neighborhood has an effect on the reading of sentences for meaning. In the research reported here, we evaluated whether phonological neighborhood density influences reading of target words embedded in sentences. The eye movement data clearly revealed that phonological neighborhood facilitated reading. This was evidenced by shorter fixations for words with large neighborhoods relative to words with small neighborhoods. These results are important in indicating that phonology is a crucial component of reading and that it affects early lexical processing. 相似文献
Recent studies of eye movements in reading 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
TINKER MA 《Psychological bulletin》1958,55(4):215-231
Paterson KB Filik R Liversedge SP 《Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006)》2008,61(3):459-473
We investigated the processing of sentences containing a quantifier scope ambiguity, such as Kelly showed a photo to each critic, which is ambiguous between the indefinite phrase (a photo) having one or many referents. Ambiguity resolution requires the computation of relative quantifier scope, with either a photo or each critic taking wide scope, thereby determining the number of referents. Using eye tracking, we established that multiple factors, including the grammatical function and surface linear order of quantified phrases, along with their lexical characteristics, interact during the processing of relative quantifier scope, with conflict between factors incurring a processing cost. We discuss the results in terms of theoretical accounts attributing sentence-processing difficulty to either reanalysis (e.g., Fodor, 1982) or competition between rival analyses (e.g., Kurtzman & MacDonald, 1993). 相似文献
《Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006)》2013,66(3):459-473
We investigated the processing of sentences containing a quantifier scope ambiguity, such as Kelly showed a photo to each critic, which is ambiguous between the indefinite phrase (a photo) having one or many referents. Ambiguity resolution requires the computation of relative quantifier scope, with either a photo or each critic taking wide scope, thereby determining the number of referents. Using eye tracking, we established that multiple factors, including the grammatical function and surface linear order of quantified phrases, along with their lexical characteristics, interact during the processing of relative quantifier scope, with conflict between factors incurring a processing cost. We discuss the results in terms of theoretical accounts attributing sentence-processing difficulty to either reanalysis (e.g., Fodor, 1982) or competition between rival analyses (e.g., Kurtzman & MacDonald, 1993). 相似文献
A Beckman Type RM Dynograph was used to record the eye movements of 26 professional college men, once without spectacle corrections and then with plano lenses on a trial frame, during reading equivalent print at a distance of 33 cm. Amplitudes of the return-sweep velocity on these two trials were used to calculate an equivalent form reliability coefficient. A Pearson r of 0.88 indicates that their reliability is moderately high, meaning that both the desirable as well as the undesirable reading habits are probably deeply rooted by college, and imply that any reading remediation or improvement training should be performed at some much earlier stages to be efficiently effective. 相似文献
Recently, Scott, O'Donnell and Sereno reported that words of high valence and arousal are processed with greater ease than neutral words during sentence reading. However, this study unsystematically intermixed emotion (label a state of mind, e.g., terrified or happy) and emotion-laden words (refer to a concept that is associated with an emotional state, e.g., debt or marriage). We compared the eye-movement record while participants read sentences that contained a neutral target word (e.g., chair) or an emotion word (no emotion-laden words were included). Readers were able to process both positive (e.g., happy) and negative emotion words (e.g., distressed) faster than neutral words. This was true across a wide range of early (e.g., first fixation durations) and late (e.g., total times on the post-target region) measures. Additional analyses revealed that State Trait Anxiety Inventory scores interacted with the emotion effect and that the emotion effect was not due to arousal alone. 相似文献
Frisson S Rayner K Pickering MJ 《Journal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory, and cognition》2005,31(5):862-877
In 2 eye-movement experiments, the authors tested whether transitional probability (the statistical likelihood that a word precedes or follows another word) affects reading times and whether this occurs independently from contextual predictability effects. Experiment 1 showed early effects of predictability, replicating S. A. McDonald and R. C. Shillcock's (2003a) finding that words with a high transitional probability (defeat following accept) are read faster than words with a low transitional probability (losses following accept). However, further analyses suggested that the transitional probability effect was likely due to differences in predictability rather than transitional probability. Experiment 2, using a better controlled set of items, again showed an effect of predictability, but no effect of transitional probability. The authors conclude that effects of transitional probability are part of regular predictability effects. Their data also show that predictability effects are detectable very early in the eye-movement record and between contexts that are weakly constraining. 相似文献