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"慎独"是我国儒家学说当中有关道德实践的一个崇高境界,指在独处时仍能谨慎不苟.临床医生经常独自面临两难的选择,只有秉持"慎独"的理念,加强道德修养,方能明辨是非,做出正确的临床决策.  相似文献   

"以人为本"思想的提出有其自身的理论根源."以人为本"不同于"以民为本",因为"民"是"人"的大多数,但"民"并不等同于"人",不能以以民为本代替以人为本,以人为本比以民为本更宽泛.与以人为本相反的原则是以物为本.以人为本最初本来是为了反对以物为本的管理原则提出来的.因此,以人为本的提法有其确切的含义,不能用别的提法笼统地加以取代.提出并肯定以人为本,同提出并肯定人道主义、人性、人权、人权的普遍性、人学等概念一样是理论上的重大突破.  相似文献   

“你看病去了!”一位同事问我。“你怎么知道?”“这不是预防非典嘛!去买了瓶过氧乙酸,在医院门诊看到了你。”可见人的一言一行都会被人察觉,要想人不知,除非己莫为。也由此看到慎“独”为人的重要性。倘若你以为在一个没有熟人的陌生地方,就可以为所欲为不注意自己的形象,那就错了。一个人不论身处什么样的场合,其言其行总要符合自己应有的身份。若有失检点总会被人发现,特别是我们作为基督徒的,那将会有辱做天主女儿的身份。进一步说,即便你做的密而不露不为人知,又怎能隐瞒洞察万物的上主呢?  相似文献   

论慎独与大学生道德人格成长   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"慎独"作为原始儒家圣贤所倡导的修身方法和推崇的道德境界,是进行道德修养、完善道德人格的根本途径,对当今培养大学生道德人格有着重要的现实价值。要完善大学生的道德人格必须加强"慎独"之德的培养,而培养"慎独"之德的重要途径就是道德主体要心怀诚意和心存敬畏。  相似文献   

李涛  马斗成 《孔子研究》2019,(5):126-133
朱子视诚意为"自修之首",以"心中实有天理"释"诚",以"心之所发"释"意",强调人之道德行为要真实无妄地发自人心本有的善性,不能夹杂任何恶欲的成分。人在心体未发时戒谨欲念、涵养天理本体、以静制动相对较为容易,而在介于心体已发未发、欲念萌动的人心之"几"阶段,此时人所不知而己所独知,具有很大的隐蔽性,是人心最容易堕入欲望泥潭的危险时段,亦是道德修养中最难且最需要戒谨的时段。朱子在诚意视角下,以"审其几"为慎独功夫之要,防人欲于未然,存天理之本然,对传统空间意义上的"慎独处、独居之所为"外向型修养工夫进行了由外向内的纠偏,对我们正确认识儒学的慎独工夫具有重要意义。  相似文献   

周兴 《天风》1998,(4):23-23
我们有时在人家的中堂看到两个大字“慎独”,主人大约是以此来自警自励、“慎独”,照字面理解,就是“独处时要谨慎”的意思。 “慎独”最早出自于先秦《礼记·大学》。  相似文献   

行政规定的制度建设是法治政府构建中必不可少的内容,由于现行立法规定及对法律渊源的含义和形式理解不一,导致对行政规定是否属于法律渊源界定不清.法及法律渊源的概念和表现形式呈现出发展变化的特性,法不应只局限于由国家立法机构制定的国家法.现代行政的发展,使得传统的立法方式随之发生变化,行政规定在一定意义上创造法律规则、补充完善法律体系.行政规定的可诉性,应当得到进一步明确.实证研究表明,行政规定主要有创制性、执行性、指导与规划性、内部管理性等性质分类,具有行政法渊源的属性.  相似文献   

沈德潜作为清代格调诗学的集大成者,其诗歌和诗学对当时和后世产生了巨大影响.然而,沈氏诗学理论与实践却存在较大偏差.其论诗之法与自身创作实践的落差,选诗理念与诗歌选本之间的异步,颇值得注意.对于这些偏差的探讨,是全面理解沈氏诗学及其地位,进而分析其与清代诗学流派离合关系的基础.  相似文献   

宋明儒家强调"体用一源""显微无间""即本体即工夫",讨论的核心问题主要都是道德问题,强调在道德修养中体悟道德本体,无论是朱熹的主"敬"、陆九渊的主"静",还是王守仁的"知行合一",皆是如此。刘宗周的"慎独"说融合了"理""气""心""性"本体论,赋予"意"和"知"道德本体意蕴,特标为粹然至善的"独体",强化了本体的道德意义;以"慎独"统领圣学工夫,通过"敬""主静""慎""诚"工夫的持守来呈现"独"本体至善,使道德本体与工夫融通合一。其理论以"慎独"为立学宗旨,统合传统道德本体与工夫,是对传统"慎独"学说的总结与超越。  相似文献   

论抗战时期蒋介石民族主义思想的渊源和特点   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张丰清 《学海》2004,(1):83-86
抗战时期 ,蒋介石的民族主义思想主要渊源于中国传统文化及中国近代 ,特别是孙中山的民族主义思想 ,集专制性、保守性、爱国性等多种特点于一身。这些特点决定了它与中国共产党人的民族观能在抗击民族敌人的共同目标下结合起来。然而 ,这两种观点之间却存在着较大的分歧 ,从而又决定了二者的结合只能是短暂的 ,它们的最终分裂却是不可避免的。  相似文献   

Suffering is presented as an experience affected by the meanings, stories, and conversations held by sufferers and caregivers. Seen this way, therapy offers many opportunities to join sufferers and caregivers in a search for meanings, stories, and ways of talking that best serve them. By bringing a poetic sensitivity to how therapists listen and intervene it is possible to engage these clients in reflecting upon, trying on, and engaging in new, relief-promoting forms of meaning. Further, this way of intervening can heuristically prompt sufferers and caregivers to engage in poetic meaning-making when they feel stuck on the sameness of meanings they associate with suffering.  相似文献   

The necessity of origin suggests that a person’s identity is determined by the particular pair of gametes from which the person originated. An implication is that speculative scenarios concerning how we might otherwise have been had our gametic origins been different are dismissed as being metaphysically impossible. Given, however, that many of these speculations are intelligible and commonplace in the discourses of competent speakers, it is overhasty to dismiss them as mistakes. This paper offers a way of understanding these speculations that does not commit them to incoherence but aims to make the best sense of what they are expressing. Using the philosophical framework of two-dimensional semantics, it proposes that the speculative scenarios are best analysed as epistemic possibilities, rather than as metaphysical possibilities. It then explores some implications of this analysis for the ethical challenges associated with the non-identity problem.  相似文献   

We investigate the emergence of iconicity, specifically a bouba‐kiki effect in miniature artificial languages under different functional constraints: when the languages are reproduced and when they are used communicatively. We ran transmission chains of (a) participant dyads who played an interactive communicative game and (b) individual participants who played a matched learning game. An analysis of the languages over six generations in an iterated learning experiment revealed that in the Communication condition, but not in the Reproduction condition, words for spiky shapes tend to be rated by naive judges as more spiky than the words for round shapes. This suggests that iconicity may not only be the outcome of innovations introduced by individuals, but, crucially, the result of interlocutor negotiation of new communicative conventions. We interpret our results as an illustration of cultural evolution by random mutation and selection (as opposed to by guided variation).  相似文献   

《The Journal of psychology》2012,146(1-2):119-134

This study tested parental loneliness, family of origin environment, and a history of being bullied as predictors of loneliness in young adults. The role of social skills in young adults’ loneliness was also examined. Participants were 111 young-adult–parent dyads who completed measures of loneliness and the family communication environment. In addition, young adults completed measures of social skills and history of being bullied. Predictions were tested with structural equation modeling, path analysis, and multiple regression analysis. Results showed that parental loneliness and a history of being bullied were each significant predictors of young adult loneliness. A family environment that supported open communication was negatively associated with young adults’ loneliness. Parental loneliness and a history of being bullied each had direct effects on young adults’ loneliness as well as indirect effects through reduced social skills.  相似文献   

霍耐特承认理论思想渊源探析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
法兰克福学派第三代最主要代表人物,霍耐特(AxelHonneth,1949—)凭借承认理论登上了国际学术舞台,自2001年他出任法兰克福大学社会研究所第七任所长后,其人其学更是引起了国际学界的广泛关注。实际上,早在20世纪80年代中期,他就已经在学界崭露头角,《权力批判:批判的社会理论反思各阶段》(1985)奠定了其学术基础;20世纪90年代一系列著作,如《破碎的社会世界:社会哲学文集》(1990)、《一体化的瓦解:社会学时代诊断的碎片》(1994),尤其是《为承认而斗争:社会冲突的道德语法》(1992)确立了其学术地位;《正义的他者:实践哲学文集》(2000)、《不…  相似文献   

The development of a “theory of mind” may not only be important for understanding the minds of others but also for using one's own mind. To investigate this supposition, 40 children between the ages of three and four were given false-belief and creativity tasks. The numbers of appropriate and of original responses in the creativity test were found to correlate positively with performance on false-belief tasks. This association was robust, as it continued to be strong and significant even when age and verbal intelligence were partialled out. The results support the hypothesis that the metarepresentational skills involved in theory of mind also affect the way children can access and scan their own mental repertoire beyond the areas of currently activated content (i.e. divergent thinking). With the advent of theory of mind a basic cognitive shift takes place in human development, and possibly took place in cognitive evolution.  相似文献   

本文考察了具有典型意义的内丹隐语一“壶”的来由,并由此展现了内丹隐语的文化背景。  相似文献   

The terms du (獨) and shendu (慎獨) frequently appear in transmitted texts, notably, among others, the Xunzi and Liji. Drawing reference from the poetry of “Shijiu” (鳲鳩) (Ode 152) and “Yanyan” (燕燕) (Ode 28) in the Book of Odes (詩經), the recovered texts of “Wuxing Commentary” (五行 說) and “Confucian Poetics” (孔子詩論) have provided new material for re-shaping our current understanding of the concepts of du and shendu. This study will briefly survey the semantic ranges of these terms within the exegetical tradition and explore their meaning with regard to the poetry from which they are contextualized. In the final analysis du can be understood as the ontic quality of the heart-mind within the broad sense of cheng (誠 sincerity), or devout love, whereas shendu can be regarded as a process of moral cultivation. To some extent the re-interpretation of these terms finds commonality with, rather than subverts, the semantic ranges established by traditional glosses. The recovered texts have enhanced our understanding of these terms, in particular the concepts of heart-mind and emotion in early China.  相似文献   

马克思主义有着丰富的关于和谐社会的思想。从马克思主义经典作家关于共产主义的描绘中,可以了解他们对社会主义和谐社会本质特征的描述。即人的自由全面发展。要实现这一阶段,最根本的条件是生产力的高度发展。马克思主义和谐社会观中的内容主要包括人与自然、人与社会、人与自身的和谐发展。深刻理解和把握好马克思主义关于社会主义和谐社会的理论论述,将对我们建设社会主义和谐社会有极大的促进作用。  相似文献   

诗所言之志可以从多重层面来理解。其中,采诗、献诗与编诗之志使《诗》完成了从个人领域到伦理政治领域的转向。《诗》浸润在先秦礼乐文明的时代背景之中,是礼的精神在言说。不通礼,无以言《诗》。《诗》与礼既有同一,又有差异。《诗》与礼都源于人情,目的在于导养人的道德情感,使其止乎礼义。但两者具有不同的表现形式和作用方式。《诗》的独特性在于"兴",由有限的言辞与意象通达无限的道,兴起好善恶恶之心。礼的独特性在于"立",通过一系列节文度数使人心念纯正、行为周旋中礼。  相似文献   

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