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We examined the oxidative damage and antioxidant defense changes with immobilization-induced emotional stress in the rat brain. Though superoxide dismutase activity remained unchanged, brain peroxidation was significantly accelerated by the immobilization stress. Membrane fluidity study with spin labeling in brain cortical membrane showed that immobilization stress induced an increase in microviscosity of membrane layer near the surface and in the ordering of membrane proteins but a decrease in microviscosity at the core of the membrane bilayer. The Na, K-ATPase activity decreased whereas the levels of some monoamines and their metabolites increased along with their metabolic rate. The administration of reduced glutathione showed a protective effect on the immobilization stress-induced stomach bleeding, oxidative damage and abnormal changes in the brain antioxidant defenses. Based on these results and on previous reports, we hypothesize that immobilization stress may induce the formation of reactive oxygen species which weakens the brain antioxidant defenses and induces oxidative damage. The antioxidant administration of reduced glutathione provides further evidence to support the above hypothesis, and also may provide clues in the search for a rational therapy to emotional stress. A possible correlation of emotional stress to aging is also discussed.  相似文献   

心理应激与DNA损害   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理应激不仅能使人的行为特征发生变化,而且也能使人的生理状况发生改变,因此,被认为是某些身心疾病的诱因。在此过程中,DNA损害是心理应激造成的最终结果之一。有关DNA损害,虽然以往的研究者以人或动物为对象进行了一系列急性应激和慢性应激的实验研究,但是,心理应激是如何造成DNA损害的过程还不清楚,具体的生理心理机制还未阐明。该文利用健康心理学提出的理论模型对此进行了分析,阐述了心理应激与DNA损害之间联系的可能的机制,强调了氧化应激在这一过程中的重要作用。同时,为临床制订预防疾病的干预措施提供了思路  相似文献   

蔡亮  张仲明  李红 《心理科学》2013,36(4):837-841
以46名大学生为被试,利用“九洞仪”创设实验室压力情境,考察不同心理一致感个体压力情境下的情绪反应及恢复特点。结果表明:(1)压力情境下,高、低心理一致感个体的情绪反应存在显著性差异。高心理一致感个体出现较多的积极情绪,低心理一致感个体则以消极情绪体验为主。(2)低心理一致感压力情境诱发出的消极情绪显著多于积极情绪,消极情绪的诱发量较大。(3)压力任务后,高心理一致感个体在情绪恢复量上显著多于低心理一致感个体,心理健康的自我康复力较大。(4)压力任务前后,低心理一致感个体的消极情绪诱发量显著高于恢复量,在消极情绪变化上表现出“诱发多,恢复少”的特点。  相似文献   

活性氧是细胞内多种氧化还原反应的正常代谢产物,当活性氧的生成速率大于清除时,过多的活性氧会直接损伤细胞,还可通过信号转导系统引发一系列病理生理过程.各种氧化物前体可刺激血管细胞产生活性氧,加速动脉粥样硬化的形成和发展.他汀类、普罗布考等药物是目前最有希望的治疗冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病的抗氧化药物.  相似文献   

Limited research has been conducted on dispositional mindfulness, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and academic burnout in Chinese adolescents following a tornado. The present study investigated the ways in which dispositional mindfulness is related to PTSD symptoms and academic burnout in Chinese adolescents following a tornado by considering the role of regulatory emotional self-efficacy. A total of 431 Chinese adolescents (mean age: 14.75 years) who had experienced a severe tornado 9 months prior to this study were recruited for this study. The results indicated that our model fit the data well [χ2/df = 2.774, CFI = 0.952, TLI = 0.934, RMSEA (90% CI) = 0.064 (0.051–0.077)], and revealed that regulatory emotional self-efficacy partially mediates the relationships between dispositional mindfulness and PTSD symptoms and academic burnout, respectively. The clinical implications and limitations of our research, and recommendations for future research, are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

This case study aims to provide evidence for the effectiveness of adapting a particular manualized cognitive behavioral therapy intervention to treat co-occurring posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). This study presents the treatment of a woman who experienced co-occurring mTBI and PTSD following a motor vehicle accident, a dual diagnosis that was established through a flexible assessment approach involving interviews as well as standardized psychological, neuropsychological, and neurobehavioral testing. Treatment planning led to a-priori adaptation of Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) to treat both her PTSD symptoms and the sequelae associated with her mTBI. The therapist maintained fidelity to the manualized structure and content of CPT protocol, adapting portions of the treatment to add specific emphasis on issues of identity confusion and role loss in service of addressing these common functional impairments that can accompany mTBI. Discussion focuses on application of CPT for future treatment of comorbid PTSD and TBI amidst complicating factors, including role losses and medical and safety issues. This case study is especially relevant due to the prevalence of co-occurring PTSD and TBI across a variety of populations.  相似文献   

为探讨急性情绪应激对大鼠旷场行为的影响,以及脑神经颗粒素(Neuroganin,NG)变化与应激性行为效应之间的相互关系。以急性不确定性空瓶刺激,建立情绪应激动物模型。将40只雄性SD大鼠随机分为情绪应激组1(ES1,接受情绪应激和旷场测试)、情绪应激组2(ES2,只接受情绪应激)、正常对照组1(C1,无情绪应激,但接受旷场测试)和正常对照组(C2,无情绪应激,也无旷场测试)(n=10)。以旷场行为和高架十字迷宫任务来评定大鼠应激后的行为变化,Western印迹杂交法(Western blotting)测定海马和前脑皮层中的NG含量和磷酸化水平。结果表明:(1) 应激后ES1组的水平活动增加,与C1组比较,差异有显著性, p<0.01;(2)ES1组海马和前脑皮层的NG磷酸化水平高于C1和C2组,差异有显著性, 均为p<0.05; ES2组的前脑皮层NG的磷酸化水平高于C1组,差异有显著性,为p<0.05;(3) 海马的NG磷酸化水平与水平活动之间的相关达显著水平。提示急性情绪应激能导致动物明显的行为改变如焦虑,这种行为改变可能与脑内NG磷酸化水平的变化有关。水平活动可能是反映急性情绪应激的较敏感行为指标,海马NG磷酸化水平可能是预测急性情绪应激所致焦虑或抑郁行为的较敏感生物学指标  相似文献   

Dating violence has been linked to past experiences of childhood emotional abuse; however, little research has explored how stress reactivity functions within interpersonal relationships to amplify or attenuate these associations. The present study investigated the moderating effects of cortisol stress reactivity on associations between retrospective self-reported childhood emotional abuse and later self-reported interpersonal violence in young adult dating relationships. The current sample consisted of 57 young adult heterosexual dating partners (46 females, 11 males) between the ages of 18 and 24. Salivary cortisol samples were collected before and after a stress task to measure stress reactivity. Moderation analyses were conducted through the PROCESS macro in SPSS version 22. The relation between childhood emotional abuse and dating violence varied depending on cortisol reactivity, such that the association between childhood emotional abuse and young adult dating violence was stronger for those who demonstrated low levels of cortisol reactivity. The association between childhood emotional abuse and dating violence was not significant for those who demonstrated high cortisol reactivity. Findings underscore the importance of studying physiological mechanisms that may confer risk in the relationship between child emotional abuse and later interpersonal consequences.  相似文献   

Employees' innovative work behavior (IWB) is one of the key factors in improving organizational competitiveness. Previous studies show that challenge and hindrance stress can impact employees' IWB, but our understanding of the exact mechanism underlying the impact is still limited. The present study employed four scales (Challenge and Hindrance Stress Scale, Thriving at Work Scale, Chinese Emotional Exhaustion Scale, and Employee Innovative Behavior Scale) to collect questionnaire data from 789 employees in diverse organizations via an online platform. A two-path mediation model was constructed. The results show that: (a) challenge stress positively predicted thriving at work and IWB; (b) thriving at work played a partial mediation effect between challenge stress and IWB; (c) hindrance stress negatively predicted thriving at work and positively predicted emotional exhaustion; and (4) hindrance stress did not directly impact IWB while thriving at work and emotional exhaustion were main mediators in the relationship between hindrance stress and IWB. These findings suggest that employees should sensibly cope with different work stresses, while managers should plan work tasks scientifically and give employees adequate opportunities to learn and rest in order to keep them in a positive state to solve problems and work creatively.  相似文献   

Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI) demonstrate high prevalence and comorbidity among post-9/11 veterans. Veterans with this comorbidity often present with multiple co-occurring healthcare needs and increased clinical complexity. The current case report describes the clinical presentation of a veteran with mild TBI and PTSD, both before, during, and after treatment within a multidisciplinary 2-week intensive outpatient program involving prolonged exposure, evidence-based PTSD treatment, and Cognitive Symptom Management and Rehabilitation Therapy, evidence-based treatment for postconcussive symptoms. Mr. A was a 25-year-old White, transgender male who presented with a complex mental health history. At intake, presenting complaints included anxiety, panic attacks, nightmares, and depression secondary to military sexual trauma, as well as reported cognitive difficulties secondary to a concussion. He met current criteria for PTSD as well as panic disorder with agoraphobia. Head injury history consisted of a motor vehicle collision with less than 30 seconds loss of consciousness, brief posttraumatic amnesia, and alterations of consciousness. Mr. A demonstrated habituation during individual exposure sessions as assessed via skin conductance during imaginal exposures and decreased subjective ratings during in vivo exposures, as well as a decrease in trauma-potentiated startle response to trauma cues. Posttreatment data indicates significant reduction in neurobehavioral, posttraumatic stress, and depression symptoms and significant improvement in subjective cognitive functioning. The current findings support the feasibility and efficacy of short-term integrated treatment for complex clinical presentations and the need for larger scale research investigating combined PTSD and TBI intervention.  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was to examine the explanatory power of personality traits, emotional abilities, trait emotional intelligence, self-efficacy, and self-esteem in predicting perceived stress in adolescents. The data were collected from 406 high school students, aged 18-22 years (Mage = 18.47, SD = 0.64). Perceived stress was assessed with the 10-item Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10). Personality traits were measured with the Eysenck Personality Short Scale (EPQ-R-S), emotional abilities were assessed with two performance tests, the Emotional Intelligence Scale – Faces (SIE-T), and the Emotion Understanding Test (TRE), and trait emotional intelligence was measured with a selfreport questionnaire (the Schutte Emotional Intelligence Scale, SEIS). The Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES) and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) were also used. Results indicate that the strongest determinant of perceived stress in adolescents was high neuroticism. Perceived stress was also determined by low self-efficacy and self-esteem, as well as high extraversion and psychoticism. Women reported higher perceived stress than men. There also were differences in the determinants of perceived stress between graduate and nongraduate students. The obtained results suggest that the development of high self-esteem and high self-efficacy may contribute to perceptions of lower stress in adolescents and may be especially valuable for neurotic individuals and for women, who are more exposed to stress.  相似文献   

Research suggests there are qualitative differences in emotionality across gender, with men being more emotionally constrictive than women. Constrictive emotionality has consistently been linked to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and because men are generally more emotionally constrictive, one could infer they are at increased risk for PTSD. However, research demonstrates that twice as many women are diagnosed with PTSD than men. In an undergraduate sample, men reported significantly greater emotional constriction, but significantly less posttraumatic stress severity in comparison to women. The gender differences in emotional constriction disappeared in a subsample of students who endorsed experiencing an upsetting event. Emotional constriction mediated the relationship between trauma and posttraumatic stress severity, although it was a stronger mediator for women than men.  相似文献   

The interaction and relationships between neuropsychological tests (which are principally oriented to intellectual and cognitive abilities) and tests of personality and emotional status are complex, but nevertheless important in the clinical assessment of brain-damaged persons. Are indications of emotional disturbances to be expected as a direct consequence of brain damage? If so, how can the indications of emotional disturbances be differentiated from results obtained with psychiatrically disturbed (non-brain-damaged) subjects? Some authors have presumed that emotional disturbances, such as depression, acute anxiety, etc., in their own right cause impaired performances on neuropsychological tests, whereas other authors have proposed that brain damage predisposes the individual to demonstrate evidence of emotional disturbances. If emotional disturbances cause impairment on neuropsychological tests, why is it that so many emotionally disturbed persons without brain damage tend to perform normally on neuropsychological tests? This review of relevant publications considers (1) different general approaches to these questions and their implications for neuropsychology, (2) evidence of differential sensitivity to brain damage of neuropsychological and emotional instruments, (3) the sensitivity and specificity of self-assessments and complaints of head-injured subjects, (4) MMPI findings among head-injured subjects and in interaction with neuropsychological measurements, and (5) principles and guidelines that may be of value in clinical application of findings reported in the literature.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that underlie the emotional numbing symptoms associated with PTSD are not well understood. Studies of Vietnam combat veterans have demonstrated that hyperarousal symptoms predict emotional numbing symptoms more strongly than do other symptoms of PTSD. This study sought to extend these findings through the self-report of 170 female sexual assault survivors. The study also examined whether the relationship between hyperarousal and emotional numbing symptoms was the result of the relationship of each of these to another variable, the tendency to engage in experiential avoidance. Results were consistent with and extended previous findings. Hyperarousal symptoms were also found to predict emotional numbing symptoms above and beyond experiential avoidance, as well as all other symptoms of PTSD.  相似文献   

We examined enrichment and stress in 214 families who had children with severe emotional disorders. Caregivers' ratings of enrichment and stress were obtained through a newly developed instrument, the Effects of the Situation Questionnaire, which used parallel items covering 17 life areas. While ratings of stress were generally higher than enrichment, caregivers reported some enrichment in areas encompassing self concept and family relationships, Bivariate and multivariate analyses using various child, family, and service-system variables revealed that stress was notably associated with severity of the child's disorder, low empowerment, and a lack of coordination among service providers. Enrichment was unrelated to severity but associated with high empowerment and spiritual support. Our findings suggest that families' experiences of caregiving can have both positive and negative aspects and that a comprehensive approach to serving and studying families should take both into account.  相似文献   

为探讨中小学教师的工作压力对职业倦怠的影响机制,采用中小学教师职业压力问卷、教师情绪劳动量表、工作满意度量表、教师职业倦怠量表对中小学教师进行调查,共回收有效问卷362份。结果发现,工作压力可以直接影响职业倦怠,也可以通过情绪劳动和工作满意度的链式中介作用影响职业倦怠。本研究揭示了中小学教师工作压力与职业倦怠的关系及其内在机制,研究结果扩展了资源保存理论和工作需求-资源模型,为中小学教师保持良好的工作状态提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

Post-9/11 service members may return from military service with a complicated set of symptoms and conditions, such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, substance misuse, and traumatic brain injury (TBI), that interfere with reintegration and impair functioning. Although evidence-based treatments that facilitate recovery exist, their successful delivery at a sufficient dose is limited. Barriers to accessing treatment combined with challenges compiling a comprehensive treatment team further delay delivery of effective evidence-based care for PTSD, TBI, and co-occurring mental health conditions. This paper describes the development of a comprehensive, multidisciplinary, 2-week intensive day program for post-9/11 veterans with complex mental health concerns. The treatment program combines skill building groups, family education, and integrative health approaches with evidence-based individual PTSD or TBI care. Initial results from the first 132 participants were notable for a 97% completion rate, as well as statistically significant and clinically meaningful reductions in PTSD, neurobehavioral, and depression symptom severity for the 107 veterans who completed the PTSD track and the 21 who completed the TBI track. These data suggest the intensive program approach is an effective, well-tolerated model of treatment for post-9/11 veterans with PTSD and/or TBI. Future controlled studies should examine the effectiveness of this intensive model compared to standard evidence-based therapy delivery, as well as longitudinal outcomes.  相似文献   

Severe Traumatic brain injury (sTBI) often instigates widespread long-lasting disability and is accompanied by extensive rehabilitation. Unsurprisingly, sTBI also holds malignant consequences for patients’ close relatives. The burden caused by the injury and its severity explains some of the ramifications for the relatives. Additionally, some findings demonstrate that patients with sTBI and their relatives develop posttraumatic stress (PTS) symptoms. However, although the link between PTS symptoms and physical and mental health is well-documented in literature, the effect of PTS symptoms on relatives of patients with sTBI has barely been examined. This study examines the influence of PTS symptoms of patients with sTBI and their relatives on the physical and mental health and functioning of the relatives. Patients who sustained a severe sTBI (Abbreviated Injury Scale of the head region > 3) and close relatives were included in a multi-center, prospective cohort study (TRAST-MI). One-hundred patients and their relatives were assessed at 2, 6, and 12 months post injury. Outcome variables included health-related quality of life (SF-12) as well as emotional, cognitive, interpersonal, and total functioning (PCRS). Relatives’ physical health was predicted by relatives’ PTS symptoms (Slope=−1.76; = .043), and mental health was predicted by both patients’ (Slope=−2.77; = .034) and relatives’ (Slope=−6.59; < .001) PTS symptoms. Functioning level was only predicted by patients’ PTS symptoms (Slope=−.25; p<.001). The findings emphasize that TBI should be considered a comprehensive traumatic experience reaching further than mere physical damage to the brain and its direct consequences, affecting the injured individual and close relatives.  相似文献   

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